/* * PROJECT: ReactOS PCI Bus Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/bus/pci/intrface/intrface.c * PURPOSE: Common Interface Support Routines * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ PPCI_INTERFACE PciInterfaces[] = { &ArbiterInterfaceBusNumber, &ArbiterInterfaceMemory, &ArbiterInterfaceIo, &BusHandlerInterface, &PciRoutingInterface, &PciCardbusPrivateInterface, &PciLegacyDeviceDetectionInterface, &PciPmeInterface, &PciDevicePresentInterface, // &PciNativeIdeInterface, &PciLocationInterface, &AgpTargetInterface, NULL }; PPCI_INTERFACE PciInterfacesLastResort[] = { &TranslatorInterfaceInterrupt, NULL }; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ NTSTATUS NTAPI PciQueryInterface(IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN CONST GUID* InterfaceType, IN ULONG Size, IN ULONG Version, IN PVOID InterfaceData, IN PINTERFACE Interface, IN BOOLEAN LastChance) { UNICODE_STRING GuidString; NTSTATUS Status; PPCI_INTERFACE *InterfaceList; PPCI_INTERFACE PciInterface; RtlStringFromGUID(InterfaceType, &GuidString); DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface TYPE = %wZ\n", &GuidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&GuidString); DPRINT1(" Size = %d, Version = %d, InterfaceData = %x, LastChance = %s\n", Size, Version, InterfaceData, LastChance ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); /* Loop all the available interfaces */ for (InterfaceList = LastChance ? PciInterfacesLastResort : PciInterfaces; *InterfaceList; InterfaceList++) { /* Get the current interface */ PciInterface = *InterfaceList; /* For debugging, construct the GUID string */ RtlStringFromGUID(PciInterface->InterfaceType, &GuidString); /* Check if this is an FDO or PDO */ if (DeviceExtension->ExtensionType == PciFdoExtensionType) { /* Check if the interface is for FDOs */ if (!(PciInterface->Flags & PCI_INTERFACE_FDO)) { /* This interface is not for FDOs, skip it */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface: guid = %wZ only for FDOs\n", &GuidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&GuidString); continue; } /* Check if the interface is for root FDO only */ if ((PciInterface->Flags & PCI_INTERFACE_ROOT) && (!PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(DeviceExtension))) { /* This FDO isn't the root, skip the interface */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface: guid = %wZ only for ROOT\n", &GuidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&GuidString); continue; } } else { /* This is a PDO, check if the interface is for PDOs too */ if (!(PciInterface->Flags & PCI_INTERFACE_PDO)) { /* It isn't, skip it */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface: guid = %wZ only for PDOs\n", &GuidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&GuidString); continue; } } /* Print the GUID for debugging, and then free the string */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface looking at guid = %wZ\n", &GuidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&GuidString); /* Check if the GUID, version, and size all match */ if ((IsEqualGUIDAligned(PciInterface->InterfaceType, InterfaceType)) && (Version >= PciInterface->MinVersion) && (Version <= PciInterface->MaxVersion) && (Size >= PciInterface->MinSize)) { /* Call the interface's constructor */ Status = PciInterface->Constructor(DeviceExtension, PciInterface, InterfaceData, Version, Size, Interface); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* This interface was not initialized correctly, skip it */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface - Contructor %08lx = %08lx\n", PciInterface->Constructor, Status); continue; } /* Reference the interface and return success, all is good */ Interface->InterfaceReference(Interface->Context); DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface returning SUCCESS\n"); return Status; } } /* An interface of this type, and for this device, could not be found */ DPRINT1("PCI - PciQueryInterface FAILED TO FIND INTERFACE\n"); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* EOF */