/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HAL * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: hal/halx86/generic/cmos.c * PURPOSE: CMOS Access Routines (Real Time Clock and LastKnownGood) * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Eric Kohl */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ KSPIN_LOCK HalpSystemHardwareLock; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ UCHAR FORCEINLINE HalpReadCmos(IN UCHAR Reg) { /* Select the register */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(CMOS_CONTROL_PORT, Reg); /* Query the value */ return READ_PORT_UCHAR(CMOS_DATA_PORT); } VOID FORCEINLINE HalpWriteCmos(IN UCHAR Reg, IN UCHAR Value) { /* Select the register */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(CMOS_CONTROL_PORT, Reg); /* Write the value */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR(CMOS_DATA_PORT, Value); } ULONG NTAPI HalpGetCmosData(IN ULONG BusNumber, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length) { PUCHAR Ptr = (PUCHAR)Buffer; ULONG Address = SlotNumber; ULONG Len = Length; /* FIXME: Acquire CMOS Lock */ /* Do nothing if we don't have a length */ if (!Length) return 0; /* Check if this is simple CMOS */ if (!BusNumber) { /* Loop the buffer up to 0xFF */ while ((Len > 0) && (Address < 0x100)) { /* Read the data */ *Ptr = HalpReadCmos((UCHAR)Address); /* Update position and length */ Ptr++; Address++; Len--; } } else if (BusNumber == 1) { /* Loop the buffer up to 0xFFFF */ while ((Len > 0) && (Address < 0x10000)) { /* Write the data */ *Ptr = HalpReadCmos((UCHAR)Address); /* Update position and length */ Ptr++; Address++; Len--; } } /* FIXME: Release the CMOS Lock */ /* Return length read */ return Length - Len; } ULONG NTAPI HalpSetCmosData(IN ULONG BusNumber, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length) { PUCHAR Ptr = (PUCHAR)Buffer; ULONG Address = SlotNumber; ULONG Len = Length; /* FIXME: Acquire CMOS Lock */ /* Do nothing if we don't have a length */ if (!Length) return 0; /* Check if this is simple CMOS */ if (!BusNumber) { /* Loop the buffer up to 0xFF */ while ((Len > 0) && (Address < 0x100)) { /* Write the data */ HalpWriteCmos((UCHAR)Address, *Ptr); /* Update position and length */ Ptr++; Address++; Len--; } } else if (BusNumber == 1) { /* Loop the buffer up to 0xFFFF */ while ((Len > 0) && (Address < 0x10000)) { /* Write the data */ HalpWriteCmos((UCHAR)Address, *Ptr); /* Update position and length */ Ptr++; Address++; Len--; } } /* FIXME: Release the CMOS Lock */ /* Return length read */ return Length - Len; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ ARC_STATUS NTAPI HalGetEnvironmentVariable(IN PCH Name, IN USHORT ValueLength, IN PCH Value) { UCHAR Val; /* Only variable supported on x86 */ if (_stricmp(Name, "LastKnownGood")) return ENOENT; /* FIXME: Acquire CMOS Lock */ /* Query the current value */ Val = HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B) & 0x01; /* FIXME: Release CMOS lock */ /* Check the flag */ if (Val) { /* Return false */ strncpy(Value, "FALSE", ValueLength); } else { /* Return true */ strncpy(Value, "TRUE", ValueLength); } /* Return success */ return ESUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ ARC_STATUS NTAPI HalSetEnvironmentVariable(IN PCH Name, IN PCH Value) { UCHAR Val; /* Only variable supported on x86 */ if (_stricmp(Name, "LastKnownGood")) return ENOMEM; /* Check if this is true or false */ if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) { /* It's true, acquire CMOS lock (FIXME) */ /* Read the current value and add the flag */ Val = HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B) | 1; } else if (!_stricmp(Value, "FALSE")) { /* It's false, acquire CMOS lock (FIXME) */ /* Read the current value and mask out the flag */ Val = HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B) & ~1; } else { /* Fail */ return ENOMEM; } /* Write new value */ HalpWriteCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B, Val); /* Release the lock and return success */ return ESUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI HalQueryRealTimeClock(OUT PTIME_FIELDS Time) { /* FIXME: Acquire CMOS Lock */ /* Loop while update is in progress */ while ((HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_A)) & RTC_REG_A_UIP); /* Set the time data */ Time->Second = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(0)); Time->Minute = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(2)); Time->Hour = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(4)); Time->Weekday = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(6)); Time->Day = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(7)); Time->Month = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(8)); Time->Year = BCD_INT(HalpReadCmos(9)); Time->Milliseconds = 0; /* FIXME: Check century byte */ /* Compensate for the century field */ Time->Year += (Time->Year > 80) ? 1900: 2000; /* FIXME: Release CMOS Lock */ /* Always return TRUE */ return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI HalSetRealTimeClock(IN PTIME_FIELDS Time) { /* FIXME: Acquire CMOS Lock */ /* Loop while update is in progress */ while ((HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_A)) & RTC_REG_A_UIP); /* Write time fields to CMOS RTC */ HalpWriteCmos(0, INT_BCD(Time->Second)); HalpWriteCmos(2, INT_BCD(Time->Minute)); HalpWriteCmos(4, INT_BCD(Time->Hour)); HalpWriteCmos(6, INT_BCD(Time->Weekday)); HalpWriteCmos(7, INT_BCD(Time->Day)); HalpWriteCmos(8, INT_BCD(Time->Month)); HalpWriteCmos(9, INT_BCD(Time->Year % 100)); /* FIXME: Set the century byte */ /* FIXME: Release the CMOS Lock */ /* Always return TRUE */ return TRUE; } /* EOF */