/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Window procedure of the main window and all children apart from * hPalWin, hToolSettings and hSelection * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015 Benedikt Freisen * Copyright 2017-2023 Katayama Hirofumi MZ * Copyright 2018 Stanislav Motylkov */ #include "precomp.h" #include typedef HWND (WINAPI *FN_HtmlHelpW)(HWND, LPCWSTR, UINT, DWORD_PTR); static HINSTANCE s_hHHCTRL_OCX = NULL; // HtmlHelpW needs "hhctrl.ocx" static FN_HtmlHelpW s_pHtmlHelpW = NULL; HWND g_hStatusBar = NULL; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ // A wrapper function for HtmlHelpW static HWND DoHtmlHelpW(HWND hwndCaller, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData) { WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!s_hHHCTRL_OCX && (uCommand != HH_CLOSE_ALL)) { // The function loads the system library, not local GetSystemDirectoryW(szPath, _countof(szPath)); StringCchCatW(szPath, _countof(szPath), L"\\hhctrl.ocx"); s_hHHCTRL_OCX = LoadLibraryW(szPath); if (s_hHHCTRL_OCX) s_pHtmlHelpW = (FN_HtmlHelpW)GetProcAddress(s_hHHCTRL_OCX, "HtmlHelpW"); } if (!s_pHtmlHelpW) return NULL; return s_pHtmlHelpW(hwndCaller, pszFile, uCommand, dwData); } void CMainWindow::alignChildrenToMainWindow() { RECT clientRect, rc; GetClientRect(&clientRect); RECT rcSpace = clientRect; const UINT uFlags = (SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOCOPYBITS); if (::IsWindowVisible(g_hStatusBar)) { ::GetWindowRect(g_hStatusBar, &rc); rcSpace.bottom -= rc.bottom - rc.top; } HDWP hDWP = ::BeginDeferWindowPos(3); if (::IsWindowVisible(toolBoxContainer)) { if (registrySettings.Bar2ID == BAR2ID_RIGHT) { hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(hDWP, toolBoxContainer, NULL, rcSpace.right - CX_TOOLBAR, rcSpace.top, CX_TOOLBAR, rcSpace.bottom - rcSpace.top, uFlags); rcSpace.right -= CX_TOOLBAR; } else { hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(hDWP, toolBoxContainer, NULL, rcSpace.left, rcSpace.top, CX_TOOLBAR, rcSpace.bottom - rcSpace.top, uFlags); rcSpace.left += CX_TOOLBAR; } } if (::IsWindowVisible(paletteWindow)) { if (registrySettings.Bar1ID == BAR1ID_BOTTOM) { hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(hDWP, paletteWindow, NULL, rcSpace.left, rcSpace.bottom - CY_PALETTE, rcSpace.right - rcSpace.left, CY_PALETTE, uFlags); rcSpace.bottom -= CY_PALETTE; } else { hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(hDWP, paletteWindow, NULL, rcSpace.left, rcSpace.top, rcSpace.right - rcSpace.left, CY_PALETTE, uFlags); rcSpace.top += CY_PALETTE; } } if (canvasWindow.IsWindow()) { hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(hDWP, canvasWindow, NULL, rcSpace.left, rcSpace.top, rcSpace.right - rcSpace.left, rcSpace.bottom - rcSpace.top, uFlags); } ::EndDeferWindowPos(hDWP); } void CMainWindow::saveImage(BOOL overwrite) { canvasWindow.finishDrawing(); // Is the extension not supported? PWCHAR pchDotExt = PathFindExtensionW(g_szFileName); if (pchDotExt && *pchDotExt && !CImageDx::IsExtensionSupported(pchDotExt)) { // Remove the extension PathRemoveExtensionW(g_szFileName); // No overwrite overwrite = FALSE; } if (g_isAFile && overwrite) { imageModel.SaveImage(g_szFileName); } else if (GetSaveFileName(g_szFileName, _countof(g_szFileName))) { imageModel.SaveImage(g_szFileName); } } void CMainWindow::InsertSelectionFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap, HWND window) { int width = GetDIBWidth(bitmap); int height = GetDIBHeight(bitmap); int curWidth = imageModel.GetWidth(); int curHeight = imageModel.GetHeight(); if (width > curWidth || height > curHeight) { BOOL shouldEnlarge = TRUE; if (g_askBeforeEnlarging) { WCHAR programname[20]; WCHAR shouldEnlargePromptText[100]; ::LoadStringW(g_hinstExe, IDS_PROGRAMNAME, programname, _countof(programname)); ::LoadStringW(g_hinstExe, IDS_ENLARGEPROMPTTEXT, shouldEnlargePromptText, _countof(shouldEnlargePromptText)); switch (MessageBox(shouldEnlargePromptText, programname, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { case IDYES: break; case IDNO: shouldEnlarge = FALSE; break; case IDCANCEL: return; } } if (shouldEnlarge) { if (width > curWidth) curWidth = width; if (height > curHeight) curHeight = height; imageModel.Crop(curWidth, curHeight, 0, 0); } } toolsModel.SetActiveTool(TOOL_RECTSEL); selectionModel.InsertFromHBITMAP(bitmap, 0, 0); selectionModel.m_bShow = TRUE; imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnMouseWheel(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { INT zDelta = (SHORT)HIWORD(wParam); if (::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) // Ctrl+Wheel { if (zDelta < 0) { if (toolsModel.GetZoom() > MIN_ZOOM) canvasWindow.zoomTo(toolsModel.GetZoom() / 2); } else if (zDelta > 0) { if (toolsModel.GetZoom() < MAX_ZOOM) canvasWindow.zoomTo(toolsModel.GetZoom() * 2); } } else // Wheel only { UINT nCount = 3; if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) { #ifndef SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLCHARS #define SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLCHARS 0x006C // Needed for pre-NT6 PSDK #endif SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLCHARS, 0, &nCount, 0); for (UINT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { if (zDelta < 0) ::PostMessageW(canvasWindow, WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), 0); else if (zDelta > 0) ::PostMessageW(canvasWindow, WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEUP, 0), 0); } } else { SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &nCount, 0); for (UINT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { if (zDelta < 0) ::PostMessageW(canvasWindow, WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), 0); else if (zDelta > 0) ::PostMessageW(canvasWindow, WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEUP, 0), 0); } } } return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnDropFiles(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { WCHAR droppedfile[MAX_PATH]; HDROP hDrop = (HDROP)wParam; DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0, droppedfile, _countof(droppedfile)); DragFinish(hDrop); ConfirmSave() && DoLoadImageFile(m_hWnd, droppedfile, TRUE); return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnCreate(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { // Loading and setting the window menu from resource m_hMenu = ::LoadMenuW(g_hinstExe, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(ID_MENU)); SetMenu(m_hMenu); // Create the status bar DWORD style = SBARS_SIZEGRIP | WS_CHILD | (registrySettings.ShowStatusBar ? WS_VISIBLE : 0); g_hStatusBar = ::CreateWindowExW(0, STATUSCLASSNAME, NULL, style, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_hWnd, NULL, g_hinstExe, NULL); ::SendMessageW(g_hStatusBar, SB_SETMINHEIGHT, 21, 0); // Create the tool box toolBoxContainer.DoCreate(m_hWnd); // Create the palette window RECT rcEmpty = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // Rely on WM_SIZE style = WS_CHILD | (registrySettings.ShowPalette ? WS_VISIBLE : 0); paletteWindow.Create(m_hWnd, rcEmpty, NULL, style, WS_EX_STATICEDGE); // Create the canvas style = WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_VISIBLE; canvasWindow.Create(m_hWnd, rcEmpty, NULL, style, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); // Create and show the miniature if necessary if (registrySettings.ShowThumbnail) { miniature.DoCreate(m_hWnd); miniature.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); } // Set icon SendMessage(WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)::LoadIconW(g_hinstExe, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_APPICON))); SendMessage(WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)::LoadIconW(g_hinstExe, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_APPICON))); return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnDestroy(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { registrySettings.WindowPlacement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(&(registrySettings.WindowPlacement)); DoHtmlHelpW(NULL, NULL, HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0); if (s_hHHCTRL_OCX) { FreeLibrary(s_hHHCTRL_OCX); s_hHHCTRL_OCX = NULL; s_pHtmlHelpW = NULL; } SetMenu(NULL); if (m_hMenu) { ::DestroyMenu(m_hMenu); m_hMenu = NULL; } PostQuitMessage(0); /* send a WM_QUIT to the message queue */ return 0; } BOOL CMainWindow::ConfirmSave() { canvasWindow.finishDrawing(); if (imageModel.IsImageSaved()) return TRUE; CStringW strProgramName; strProgramName.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAMNAME); CStringW strSavePromptText; strSavePromptText.Format(IDS_SAVEPROMPTTEXT, PathFindFileName(g_szFileName)); switch (MessageBox(strSavePromptText, strProgramName, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { case IDYES: saveImage(TRUE); return imageModel.IsImageSaved(); case IDNO: return TRUE; case IDCANCEL: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnClose(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { if (ConfirmSave()) { DestroyWindow(); } return 0; } void CMainWindow::ProcessFileMenu(HMENU hPopupMenu) { LPCWSTR dotext = PathFindExtensionW(g_szFileName); BOOL isBMP = FALSE; if (_wcsicmp(dotext, L".bmp") == 0 || _wcsicmp(dotext, L".dib") == 0 || _wcsicmp(dotext, L".rle") == 0) { isBMP = TRUE; } UINT uWallpaperEnabled = ENABLED_IF(g_isAFile && isBMP && g_fileSize > 0); ::EnableMenuItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERPLANE, uWallpaperEnabled); ::EnableMenuItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERCENTERED, uWallpaperEnabled); ::EnableMenuItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERSTRETCHED, uWallpaperEnabled); for (INT iItem = 0; iItem < MAX_RECENT_FILES; ++iItem) RemoveMenu(hPopupMenu, IDM_FILE1 + iItem, MF_BYCOMMAND); if (registrySettings.strFiles[0].IsEmpty()) return; RemoveMenu(hPopupMenu, IDM_FILEMOSTRECENTLYUSEDFILE, MF_BYCOMMAND); INT cMenuItems = GetMenuItemCount(hPopupMenu); for (INT iItem = 0; iItem < MAX_RECENT_FILES; ++iItem) { CStringW& strFile = registrySettings.strFiles[iItem]; if (strFile.IsEmpty()) break; // Condense the lengthy pathname by using '...' #define MAX_RECENT_PATHNAME_DISPLAY 30 CPath pathFile(strFile); pathFile.CompactPathEx(MAX_RECENT_PATHNAME_DISPLAY); assert(wcslen((LPCWSTR)pathFile) <= MAX_RECENT_PATHNAME_DISPLAY); // Add an accelerator (by '&') to the item number for quick access WCHAR szText[4 + MAX_RECENT_PATHNAME_DISPLAY + 1]; StringCchPrintfW(szText, _countof(szText), L"&%u %s", iItem + 1, (LPCWSTR)pathFile); INT iMenuItem = (cMenuItems - 2) + iItem; InsertMenu(hPopupMenu, iMenuItem, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, IDM_FILE1 + iItem, szText); } } BOOL CMainWindow::CanUndo() const { if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT && ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow)) return (BOOL)textEditWindow.SendMessage(EM_CANUNDO); if (selectionModel.m_bShow && toolsModel.IsSelection()) return TRUE; if (ToolBase::s_pointSP != 0) return TRUE; return imageModel.CanUndo(); } BOOL CMainWindow::CanRedo() const { if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT && ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow)) return FALSE; // There is no "WM_REDO" in EDIT control if (ToolBase::s_pointSP != 0) return TRUE; return imageModel.CanRedo(); } BOOL CMainWindow::CanPaste() const { if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT && ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow)) return ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT); return (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_ENHMETAFILE) || ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB) || ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP)); } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnInitMenuPopup(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { HMENU menu = (HMENU)wParam; BOOL trueSelection = (selectionModel.m_bShow && toolsModel.IsSelection()); BOOL textShown = (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT && ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow)); DWORD dwStart = 0, dwEnd = 0; if (textShown) textEditWindow.SendMessage(EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&dwStart, (LPARAM)&dwEnd); BOOL hasTextSel = (dwStart < dwEnd); // // File menu // if (::GetSubMenu(GetMenu(), 0) == menu) { ProcessFileMenu(menu); } // // Edit menu // EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITUNDO, ENABLED_IF(CanUndo())); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITREDO, ENABLED_IF(CanRedo())); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITCUT, ENABLED_IF(textShown ? hasTextSel : trueSelection)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITCOPY, ENABLED_IF(textShown ? hasTextSel : trueSelection)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITDELETESELECTION, ENABLED_IF(textShown ? hasTextSel : trueSelection)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITINVERTSELECTION, ENABLED_IF(trueSelection)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITCOPYTO, ENABLED_IF(trueSelection)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_EDITPASTE, ENABLED_IF(CanPaste())); // // View menu // CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWTOOLBOX, CHECKED_IF(::IsWindowVisible(toolBoxContainer))); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWCOLORPALETTE, CHECKED_IF(::IsWindowVisible(paletteWindow))); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWSTATUSBAR, CHECKED_IF(::IsWindowVisible(g_hStatusBar))); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_FORMATICONBAR, CHECKED_IF(::IsWindowVisible(fontsDialog))); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_FORMATICONBAR, ENABLED_IF(toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM125, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 125)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM25, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 250)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM50, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 500)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM100, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 1000)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM200, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 2000)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM400, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 4000)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWZOOM800, CHECKED_IF(toolsModel.GetZoom() == 8000)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWSHOWGRID, CHECKED_IF(g_showGrid)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_VIEWSHOWMINIATURE, CHECKED_IF(registrySettings.ShowThumbnail)); // // Image menu // EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_IMAGECROP, ENABLED_IF(selectionModel.m_bShow)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_IMAGEDELETEIMAGE, ENABLED_IF(!selectionModel.m_bShow)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_IMAGEDRAWOPAQUE, CHECKED_IF(!toolsModel.IsBackgroundTransparent())); // // Palette menu // CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_COLORSMODERNPALETTE, CHECKED_IF(paletteModel.SelectedPalette() == PAL_MODERN)); CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_COLORSOLDPALETTE, CHECKED_IF(paletteModel.SelectedPalette() == PAL_OLDTYPE)); return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSize(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { int test[] = { LOWORD(lParam) - 260, LOWORD(lParam) - 140, LOWORD(lParam) - 20 }; if (::IsWindow(g_hStatusBar)) { ::SendMessageW(g_hStatusBar, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); ::SendMessageW(g_hStatusBar, SB_SETPARTS, 3, (LPARAM)&test); } alignChildrenToMainWindow(); return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnGetMinMaxInfo(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { MINMAXINFO *mm = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; mm->ptMinTrackSize = { 330, 360 }; return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnKeyDown(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { HWND hwndCapture; switch (wParam) { case VK_ESCAPE: hwndCapture = GetCapture(); if (hwndCapture) { if (canvasWindow.m_hWnd == hwndCapture || fullscreenWindow.m_hWnd == hwndCapture) { ::SendMessageW(hwndCapture, nMsg, wParam, lParam); } } else if (selectionModel.m_bShow) { selectionModel.HideSelection(); } else { canvasWindow.cancelDrawing(); } break; case VK_LEFT: canvasWindow.MoveSelection(-1, 0); break; case VK_RIGHT: canvasWindow.MoveSelection(+1, 0); break; case VK_UP: canvasWindow.MoveSelection(0, -1); break; case VK_DOWN: canvasWindow.MoveSelection(0, +1); break; default: break; } return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSysColorChange(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { /* Redirect message to common controls */ HWND hToolbar = FindWindowEx(toolBoxContainer.m_hWnd, NULL, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL); ::SendMessageW(hToolbar, WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, 0, 0); return 0; } LRESULT CMainWindow::OnCommand(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { // Disable commands while dragging mouse if (canvasWindow.m_drawing && ::GetCapture()) { ATLTRACE("locking!\n"); return 0; } BOOL textShown = (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT && ::IsWindowVisible(textEditWindow)); switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_HELPINFO: { WCHAR infotitle[100], infotext[200]; ::LoadStringW(g_hinstExe, IDS_INFOTITLE, infotitle, _countof(infotitle)); ::LoadStringW(g_hinstExe, IDS_INFOTEXT, infotext, _countof(infotext)); ::ShellAboutW(m_hWnd, infotitle, infotext, LoadIconW(g_hinstExe, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_APPICON))); break; } case IDM_HELPHELPTOPICS: DoHtmlHelpW(m_hWnd, L"%SystemRoot%\\Help\\mspaint.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); break; case IDM_FILEEXIT: SendMessage(WM_CLOSE, wParam, lParam); break; case IDM_FILENEW: if (ConfirmSave()) { InitializeImage(NULL, NULL, FALSE); } break; case IDM_FILEOPEN: { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_LONG_PATH] = L""; if (ConfirmSave() && GetOpenFileName(szFileName, _countof(szFileName))) { DoLoadImageFile(m_hWnd, szFileName, TRUE); } break; } case IDM_FILESAVE: saveImage(TRUE); break; case IDM_FILESAVEAS: saveImage(FALSE); break; case IDM_FILEPAGESETUP: // DUMMY: Shows the dialog only, no functionality PAGESETUPDLG psd; ZeroMemory(&psd, sizeof(psd)); psd.lStructSize = sizeof(psd); psd.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; PageSetupDlg(&psd); break; case IDM_FILEPRINT: // TODO: Test whether it actually works PRINTDLG pd; ZeroMemory(&pd, sizeof(pd)); pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd); pd.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; pd.hDevMode = NULL; // freed by user pd.hDevNames = NULL; // freed by user pd.Flags = PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE | PD_RETURNDC; pd.nCopies = 1; pd.nFromPage = 0xffff; pd.nToPage = 0xffff; pd.nMinPage = 1; pd.nMaxPage = 0xffff; if (PrintDlg(&pd) == TRUE) { ::BitBlt(pd.hDC, 0, 0, imageModel.GetWidth(), imageModel.GetHeight(), imageModel.GetDC(), 0, 0, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(pd.hDC); } if (pd.hDevMode) GlobalFree(pd.hDevMode); if (pd.hDevNames) GlobalFree(pd.hDevNames); break; case IDM_FILESEND: canvasWindow.finishDrawing(); if (!OpenMailer(m_hWnd, g_szFileName)) { ShowError(IDS_CANTSENDMAIL); } break; case IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERPLANE: RegistrySettings::SetWallpaper(g_szFileName, RegistrySettings::TILED); break; case IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERCENTERED: RegistrySettings::SetWallpaper(g_szFileName, RegistrySettings::CENTERED); break; case IDM_FILEASWALLPAPERSTRETCHED: RegistrySettings::SetWallpaper(g_szFileName, RegistrySettings::STRETCHED); break; case IDM_FILE1: case IDM_FILE2: case IDM_FILE3: case IDM_FILE4: { INT iFile = LOWORD(wParam) - IDM_FILE1; if (ConfirmSave()) DoLoadImageFile(m_hWnd, registrySettings.strFiles[iFile], TRUE); break; } case IDM_EDITUNDO: if (textShown) { textEditWindow.PostMessage(WM_UNDO, 0, 0); break; } if (selectionModel.m_bShow) { if (toolsModel.IsSelection()) { canvasWindow.cancelDrawing(); if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_FREESEL || toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_RECTSEL) { imageModel.Undo(); if (selectionModel.m_nSelectionBrush == 2) // Selection Brush is drawn { imageModel.Undo(); selectionModel.m_nSelectionBrush = 0; } } break; } } if (ToolBase::s_pointSP != 0) // drawing something? { canvasWindow.cancelDrawing(); break; } imageModel.Undo(); break; case IDM_EDITREDO: if (textShown) { // There is no "WM_REDO" in EDIT control break; } if (ToolBase::s_pointSP != 0) // drawing something? { canvasWindow.finishDrawing(); break; } imageModel.Redo(); break; case IDM_EDITCOPY: if (textShown) { textEditWindow.SendMessage(WM_COPY); break; } if (!selectionModel.m_bShow || !OpenClipboard()) break; EmptyClipboard(); selectionModel.TakeOff(); { HBITMAP hbmCopy = selectionModel.GetSelectionContents(); HGLOBAL hGlobal = BitmapToClipboardDIB(hbmCopy); if (hGlobal) ::SetClipboardData(CF_DIB, hGlobal); else ShowOutOfMemory(); ::DeleteObject(hbmCopy); } CloseClipboard(); break; case IDM_EDITCUT: if (textShown) { textEditWindow.SendMessage(WM_CUT); break; } /* Copy */ SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITCOPY, 0); /* Delete selection */ SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDM_EDITDELETESELECTION, 0); break; case IDM_EDITPASTE: if (textShown) { textEditWindow.SendMessage(WM_PASTE); break; } if (!OpenClipboard()) break; // In many cases, CF_ENHMETAFILE provides a better image than CF_DIB if (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_ENHMETAFILE)) { HENHMETAFILE hEMF = (HENHMETAFILE)::GetClipboardData(CF_ENHMETAFILE); if (hEMF) { HBITMAP hbm = BitmapFromHEMF(hEMF); ::DeleteEnhMetaFile(hEMF); if (hbm) { InsertSelectionFromHBITMAP(hbm, m_hWnd); CloseClipboard(); break; } } } // In many cases, CF_DIB provides a better image than CF_BITMAP if (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB)) { HBITMAP hbm = BitmapFromClipboardDIB(::GetClipboardData(CF_DIB)); if (hbm) { InsertSelectionFromHBITMAP(hbm, m_hWnd); CloseClipboard(); break; } } // The last resort if (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP)) { HBITMAP hbm = (HBITMAP)::GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP); if (hbm) { InsertSelectionFromHBITMAP(hbm, m_hWnd); CloseClipboard(); break; } } // Failed to paste { CStringW strText, strTitle; strText.LoadString(IDS_CANTPASTE); strTitle.LoadString(IDS_PROGRAMNAME); MessageBox(strText, strTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } CloseClipboard(); break; case IDM_EDITDELETESELECTION: { if (textShown) { textEditWindow.SendMessage(WM_CLEAR); break; } switch (toolsModel.GetActiveTool()) { case TOOL_FREESEL: case TOOL_RECTSEL: selectionModel.DeleteSelection(); break; case TOOL_TEXT: canvasWindow.cancelDrawing(); break; default: break; } break; } case IDM_EDITSELECTALL: { if (textShown) { textEditWindow.SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); break; } HWND hToolbar = FindWindowEx(toolBoxContainer.m_hWnd, NULL, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL); ::SendMessageW(hToolbar, TB_CHECKBUTTON, ID_RECTSEL, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); toolsModel.selectAll(); canvasWindow.Invalidate(TRUE); break; } case IDM_EDITCOPYTO: { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_LONG_PATH]; ::LoadStringW(g_hinstExe, IDS_DEFAULTFILENAME, szFileName, _countof(szFileName)); if (GetSaveFileName(szFileName, _countof(szFileName))) { HBITMAP hbmSelection = selectionModel.GetSelectionContents(); if (!hbmSelection) { ShowOutOfMemory(); break; } SaveDIBToFile(hbmSelection, szFileName, FALSE); DeleteObject(hbmSelection); } break; } case IDM_EDITPASTEFROM: { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_LONG_PATH] = L""; if (GetOpenFileName(szFileName, _countof(szFileName))) { HBITMAP hbmNew = DoLoadImageFile(m_hWnd, szFileName, FALSE); if (hbmNew) InsertSelectionFromHBITMAP(hbmNew, m_hWnd); } break; } case IDM_COLORSEDITPALETTE: { COLORREF rgbColor = paletteModel.GetFgColor(); if (ChooseColor(&rgbColor)) paletteModel.SetFgColor(rgbColor); break; } case IDM_COLORSMODERNPALETTE: paletteModel.SelectPalette(PAL_MODERN); break; case IDM_COLORSOLDPALETTE: paletteModel.SelectPalette(PAL_OLDTYPE); break; case IDM_IMAGEINVERTCOLORS: { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.InvertSelection(); else imageModel.InvertColors(); break; } case IDM_IMAGEDELETEIMAGE: imageModel.PushImageForUndo(); Rect(imageModel.GetDC(), 0, 0, imageModel.GetWidth(), imageModel.GetHeight(), paletteModel.GetBgColor(), paletteModel.GetBgColor(), 0, TRUE); imageModel.NotifyImageChanged(); break; case IDM_IMAGEROTATEMIRROR: { CWaitCursor waitCursor; canvasWindow.updateScrollPos(); switch (mirrorRotateDialog.DoModal(mainWindow.m_hWnd)) { case 1: /* flip horizontally */ { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.FlipHorizontally(); else imageModel.FlipHorizontally(); break; } case 2: /* flip vertically */ { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.FlipVertically(); else imageModel.FlipVertically(); break; } case 3: /* rotate 90 degrees */ { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(1); else imageModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(1); break; } case 4: /* rotate 180 degrees */ { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(2); else imageModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(2); break; } case 5: /* rotate 270 degrees */ { if (selectionModel.m_bShow) selectionModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(3); else imageModel.RotateNTimes90Degrees(3); break; } } } break; case IDM_IMAGEATTRIBUTES: { if (attributesDialog.DoModal(mainWindow.m_hWnd)) { CWaitCursor waitCursor; if (attributesDialog.m_bBlackAndWhite && !imageModel.IsBlackAndWhite()) { CStringW strText(MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_LOSECOLOR)); CStringW strTitle(MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_PROGRAMNAME)); INT id = MessageBox(strText, strTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (id != IDYES) break; imageModel.PushBlackAndWhite(); } if (imageModel.GetWidth() != attributesDialog.newWidth || imageModel.GetHeight() != attributesDialog.newHeight) { imageModel.Crop(attributesDialog.newWidth, attributesDialog.newHeight); } } break; } case IDM_IMAGESTRETCHSKEW: { if (stretchSkewDialog.DoModal(mainWindow.m_hWnd)) { CWaitCursor waitCursor; if (selectionModel.m_bShow) { selectionModel.StretchSkew(stretchSkewDialog.percentage.x, stretchSkewDialog.percentage.y, stretchSkewDialog.angle.x, stretchSkewDialog.angle.y); } else { imageModel.StretchSkew(stretchSkewDialog.percentage.x, stretchSkewDialog.percentage.y, stretchSkewDialog.angle.x, stretchSkewDialog.angle.y); } } break; } case IDM_IMAGEDRAWOPAQUE: toolsModel.SetBackgroundTransparent(!toolsModel.IsBackgroundTransparent()); break; case IDM_IMAGECROP: { HBITMAP hbmCopy = selectionModel.GetSelectionContents(); imageModel.PushImageForUndo(hbmCopy); selectionModel.HideSelection(); break; } case IDM_VIEWTOOLBOX: registrySettings.ShowToolBox = !toolBoxContainer.IsWindowVisible(); toolBoxContainer.ShowWindow(registrySettings.ShowToolBox ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); alignChildrenToMainWindow(); break; case IDM_VIEWCOLORPALETTE: registrySettings.ShowPalette = !paletteWindow.IsWindowVisible(); paletteWindow.ShowWindow(registrySettings.ShowPalette ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); alignChildrenToMainWindow(); break; case IDM_VIEWSTATUSBAR: registrySettings.ShowStatusBar = !::IsWindowVisible(g_hStatusBar); ::ShowWindow(g_hStatusBar, (registrySettings.ShowStatusBar ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE)); alignChildrenToMainWindow(); break; case IDM_FORMATICONBAR: if (toolsModel.GetActiveTool() == TOOL_TEXT) { if (!fontsDialog.IsWindow()) { fontsDialog.Create(mainWindow); } registrySettings.ShowTextTool = !::IsWindowVisible(fontsDialog); fontsDialog.ShowWindow(registrySettings.ShowTextTool ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); fontsDialog.SendMessage(DM_REPOSITION, 0, 0); } break; case IDM_VIEWSHOWGRID: g_showGrid = !g_showGrid; canvasWindow.Invalidate(FALSE); break; case IDM_VIEWSHOWMINIATURE: registrySettings.ShowThumbnail = !::IsWindowVisible(miniature); miniature.DoCreate(m_hWnd); miniature.ShowWindow(registrySettings.ShowThumbnail ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM125: canvasWindow.zoomTo(125); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM25: canvasWindow.zoomTo(250); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM50: canvasWindow.zoomTo(500); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM100: canvasWindow.zoomTo(1000); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM200: canvasWindow.zoomTo(2000); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM400: canvasWindow.zoomTo(4000); break; case IDM_VIEWZOOM800: canvasWindow.zoomTo(8000); break; case IDM_VIEWFULLSCREEN: // Create and show the fullscreen window fullscreenWindow.DoCreate(); fullscreenWindow.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); break; case IDM_CTRL_PLUS: toolsModel.SpecialTweak(FALSE); break; case IDM_CTRL_MINUS: toolsModel.SpecialTweak(TRUE); break; } return 0; } VOID CMainWindow::TrackPopupMenu(POINT ptScreen, INT iSubMenu) { HMENU hMenu = ::LoadMenuW(g_hinstExe, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(ID_POPUPMENU)); HMENU hSubMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hMenu, iSubMenu); ::SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); INT_PTR id = ::TrackPopupMenu(hSubMenu, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); PostMessage(WM_NULL); if (id != 0) PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, id); ::DestroyMenu(hMenu); }