/* NFSv4.1 client for Windows * Copyright © 2012 The Regents of the University of Michigan * * Olga Kornievskaia * Casey Bodley * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability * or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA */ #include #include #include #include #include "nfs41_driver.h" #include "nfs41_np.h" #include "options.h" #ifdef DBG #define DbgP(_x_) NFS41DbgPrint _x_ #else #define DbgP(_x_) #endif #define TRACE_TAG L"[NFS41_NP]" #define WNNC_DRIVER( major, minor ) ( major * 0x00010000 + minor ) ULONG _cdecl NFS41DbgPrint( __in LPTSTR Format, ... ) { ULONG rc = 0; TCHAR szbuffer[256]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, Format ); { //StringCchVPrintfW( szbuffer, 127, Format, marker ); StringCchVPrintfW( szbuffer, 256, Format, marker ); szbuffer[255] = (TCHAR)0; OutputDebugString( TRACE_TAG ); OutputDebugString( szbuffer ); } return rc; } int filter(unsigned int code) { DbgP((L"####Got exception %u\n", code)); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } DWORD OpenSharedMemory( PHANDLE phMutex, PHANDLE phMemory, PVOID *pMemory) /*++ Routine Description: This routine opens the shared memory for exclusive manipulation Arguments: phMutex - the mutex handle phMemory - the memory handle pMemory - a ptr. to the shared memory which is set if successful Return Value: WN_SUCCESS -- if successful --*/ { DWORD dwStatus; *phMutex = 0; *phMemory = 0; *pMemory = NULL; *phMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, TEXT(NFS41NP_MUTEX_NAME)); if (*phMutex == NULL) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); DbgP((TEXT("OpenSharedMemory: OpenMutex failed\n"))); goto OpenSharedMemoryAbort1; } WaitForSingleObject(*phMutex, INFINITE); *phMemory = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, TEXT(NFS41_USER_SHARED_MEMORY_NAME)); if (*phMemory == NULL) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); DbgP((TEXT("OpenSharedMemory: OpenFileMapping failed\n"))); goto OpenSharedMemoryAbort2; } *pMemory = MapViewOfFile(*phMemory, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (*pMemory == NULL) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); DbgP((TEXT("OpenSharedMemory: MapViewOfFile failed\n"))); goto OpenSharedMemoryAbort3; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; OpenSharedMemoryAbort3: CloseHandle(*phMemory); OpenSharedMemoryAbort2: ReleaseMutex(*phMutex); CloseHandle(*phMutex); *phMutex = NULL; OpenSharedMemoryAbort1: DbgP((TEXT("OpenSharedMemory: return dwStatus: %d\n"), dwStatus)); return dwStatus; } VOID CloseSharedMemory( PHANDLE hMutex, PHANDLE hMemory, PVOID *pMemory) /*++ Routine Description: This routine relinquishes control of the shared memory after exclusive manipulation Arguments: hMutex - the mutex handle hMemory - the memory handle pMemory - a ptr. to the shared memory which is set if successful Return Value: --*/ { if (*pMemory) { UnmapViewOfFile(*pMemory); *pMemory = NULL; } if (*hMemory) { CloseHandle(*hMemory); *hMemory = 0; } if (*hMutex) { if (ReleaseMutex(*hMutex) == FALSE) { DbgP((TEXT("CloseSharedMemory: ReleaseMutex error: %d\n"), GetLastError())); } CloseHandle(*hMutex); *hMutex = 0; } } static DWORD StoreConnectionInfo( IN LPCWSTR LocalName, IN LPCWSTR ConnectionName, IN USHORT ConnectionNameLength, IN LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource) { DWORD status; HANDLE hMutex, hMemory; PNFS41NP_SHARED_MEMORY pSharedMemory; PNFS41NP_NETRESOURCE pNfs41NetResource; INT Index; BOOLEAN FreeEntryFound = FALSE; #ifdef __REACTOS__ status = OpenSharedMemory(&hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID *)&pSharedMemory); #else status = OpenSharedMemory(&hMutex, &hMemory, &(PVOID)pSharedMemory); #endif if (status) goto out; DbgP((TEXT("StoreConnectionInfo: NextIndex %d, NumResources %d\n"), pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex, pSharedMemory->NumberOfResourcesInUse)); for (Index = 0; Index < pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex; Index++) { if (!pSharedMemory->NetResources[Index].InUse) { FreeEntryFound = TRUE; DbgP((TEXT("Reusing existing index %d\n"), Index)); break; } } if (!FreeEntryFound) { if (pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex >= NFS41NP_MAX_DEVICES) { status = WN_NO_MORE_DEVICES; goto out_close; } Index = pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex++; DbgP((TEXT("Using new index %d\n"), Index)); } pSharedMemory->NumberOfResourcesInUse += 1; pNfs41NetResource = &pSharedMemory->NetResources[Index]; pNfs41NetResource->InUse = TRUE; pNfs41NetResource->dwScope = lpNetResource->dwScope; pNfs41NetResource->dwType = lpNetResource->dwType; pNfs41NetResource->dwDisplayType = lpNetResource->dwDisplayType; pNfs41NetResource->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; pNfs41NetResource->LocalNameLength = (USHORT)(wcslen(LocalName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pNfs41NetResource->RemoteNameLength = (USHORT)(wcslen(lpNetResource->lpRemoteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pNfs41NetResource->ConnectionNameLength = ConnectionNameLength; StringCchCopy(pNfs41NetResource->LocalName, pNfs41NetResource->LocalNameLength, LocalName); StringCchCopy(pNfs41NetResource->RemoteName, pNfs41NetResource->RemoteNameLength, lpNetResource->lpRemoteName); StringCchCopy(pNfs41NetResource->ConnectionName, pNfs41NetResource->ConnectionNameLength, ConnectionName); // TODO: copy mount options -cbodley out_close: #ifdef __REACTOS__ CloseSharedMemory(&hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID *)&pSharedMemory); #else CloseSharedMemory(&hMutex, &hMemory, &(PVOID)pSharedMemory); #endif out: return status; } ULONG SendTo_NFS41Driver( IN ULONG IoctlCode, IN PVOID InputDataBuf, IN ULONG InputDataLen, IN PVOID OutputDataBuf, IN PULONG pOutputDataLen) { HANDLE DeviceHandle; // The mini rdr device handle BOOL rc = FALSE; ULONG Status; Status = WN_SUCCESS; DbgP((L"[aglo] calling CreateFile\n")); DeviceHandle = CreateFile( NFS41_USER_DEVICE_NAME, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, (HANDLE) NULL ); DbgP((L"[aglo] after CreateFile Device Handle\n")); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != DeviceHandle ) { _SEH2_TRY { DbgP((L"[aglo] calling DeviceIoControl\n")); rc = DeviceIoControl( DeviceHandle, IoctlCode, InputDataBuf, InputDataLen, OutputDataBuf, *pOutputDataLen, pOutputDataLen, NULL ); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()) { DbgP((L"#### In except\n")); } _SEH2_END; DbgP((L"[aglo] returned from DeviceIoControl %08lx\n", rc)); if ( !rc ) { DbgP((L"[aglo] SendTo_NFS41Driver: returning error from DeviceIoctl\n")); Status = GetLastError( ); } else { DbgP((L"[aglo] SendTo_NFS41Driver: The DeviceIoctl call succeded\n")); } CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); } else { Status = GetLastError( ); DbgP((L"[aglo] SendTo_NFS41Driver: error %08lx opening device \n", Status)); } DbgP((L"[aglo] returned from SendTo_NFS41Driver %08lx\n", Status)); return Status; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetCaps( DWORD nIndex ) { DWORD rc = 0; #ifndef __REACTOS__ DbgP(( L"[aglo] GetNetCaps %d\n", nIndex )); #endif switch ( nIndex ) { case WNNC_SPEC_VERSION: rc = WNNC_SPEC_VERSION51; break; case WNNC_NET_TYPE: rc = WNNC_NET_RDR2SAMPLE; break; case WNNC_DRIVER_VERSION: rc = WNNC_DRIVER(1, 0); break; case WNNC_CONNECTION: rc = WNNC_CON_GETCONNECTIONS | WNNC_CON_CANCELCONNECTION | WNNC_CON_ADDCONNECTION | WNNC_CON_ADDCONNECTION3; break; case WNNC_ENUMERATION: rc = WNNC_ENUM_LOCAL; break; case WNNC_START: rc = 1; break; case WNNC_USER: case WNNC_DIALOG: case WNNC_ADMIN: default: rc = 0; break; } return rc; } DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify( __in PLUID lpLogonId, __in PCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, __in PVOID lpAuthentInfo, __in PCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, __in PVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, __in PWSTR lpStationName, __in PVOID StationHandle, __out PWSTR *lpLogonScript) { *lpLogonScript = NULL; DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPLogonNotify: returning WN_SUCCESS\n" )); return WN_SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY NPPasswordChangeNotify ( __in LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, __in LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, __in LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, __in LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, __in LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, DWORD dwChangeInfo ) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPPasswordChangeNotify: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" )); SetLastError( WN_NOT_SUPPORTED ); return WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #ifdef __REACTOS__ DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection3( __in HWND hwndOwner, __in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, __in_opt LPWSTR lpPassword, __in_opt LPWSTR lpUserName, __in DWORD dwFlags); #endif DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection( __in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, __in_opt LPWSTR lpPassword, __in_opt LPWSTR lpUserName ) { return NPAddConnection3( NULL, lpNetResource, lpPassword, lpUserName, 0 ); } DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection3( __in HWND hwndOwner, __in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, __in_opt LPWSTR lpPassword, __in_opt LPWSTR lpUserName, __in DWORD dwFlags) { DWORD Status; WCHAR wszScratch[128]; WCHAR LocalName[3]; DWORD CopyBytes = 0; CONNECTION_INFO Connection; LPWSTR ConnectionName; WCHAR ServerName[MAX_PATH]; PWCHAR p; DWORD i; DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPAddConnection3('%s', '%s')\n", lpNetResource->lpLocalName, lpNetResource->lpRemoteName )); DbgP(( L"[aglo] username = '%s', passwd = '%s'\n", lpUserName, lpPassword)); Status = InitializeConnectionInfo(&Connection, (PMOUNT_OPTION_BUFFER)lpNetResource->lpComment, &ConnectionName); if (Status) { DbgP(( L"InitializeConnectionInfo failed with %d\n", Status )); goto out; } // \device\miniredirector\;:\Server\Share // local name, must start with "X:" if (lstrlen(lpNetResource->lpLocalName) < 2 || lpNetResource->lpLocalName[1] != L':') { Status = WN_BAD_LOCALNAME; goto out; } LocalName[0] = (WCHAR) toupper(lpNetResource->lpLocalName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; StringCchCopyW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, NFS41_DEVICE_NAME ); StringCchCatW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, L"\\;" ); StringCchCatW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, LocalName ); // remote name, must start with "\\" if (lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[0] == L'\0' || lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[0] != L'\\' || lpNetResource->lpRemoteName[1] != L'\\') { Status = WN_BAD_NETNAME; goto out; } /* note: remotename comes as \\server but we need to add \server thus +1 pointer */ p = lpNetResource->lpRemoteName + 1; ServerName[0] = L'\\'; i = 1; for(;;) { /* convert servername ending unix slash to windows slash */ if (p[i] == L'/') p[i] = L'\\'; /* deal with servername ending with any slash */ if (p[i] == L'\0') p[i] = L'\\'; ServerName[i] = p[i]; if (p[i] == L'\\') break; i++; } ServerName[i] = L'\0'; StringCchCatW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, ServerName); /* insert the "nfs4" in between the server name and the path, * just to make sure all calls to our driver come thru this */ StringCchCatW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, L"\\nfs4" ); #ifdef CONVERT_2_UNIX_SLASHES /* convert all windows slashes to unix slashes */ { PWCHAR q = p; DWORD j = 0; for(;;) { if(q[j] == L'\0') break; if (q[j] == L'\\') q[j] = L'/'; j++; } } #else /* convert all unix slashes to windows slashes */ { PWCHAR q = p; DWORD j = 0; for(;;) { if(q[j] == L'\0') break; if (q[j] == L'/') q[j] = L'\\'; j++; } } #endif StringCchCatW( ConnectionName, MAX_PATH, &p[i]); DbgP(( L"[aglo] Full Connect Name: %s\n", ConnectionName )); DbgP(( L"[aglo] Full Connect Name Length: %d %d\n", (wcslen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); if ( QueryDosDevice( LocalName, wszScratch, 128 ) || GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { Status = WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED; goto out; } MarshalConnectionInfo(&Connection); Status = SendTo_NFS41Driver( IOCTL_NFS41_ADDCONN, Connection.Buffer, Connection.BufferSize, NULL, &CopyBytes ); if (Status) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] SendTo_NFS41Driver failed with %d\n", Status)); goto out; } DbgP(( L"[aglo] calling DefineDosDevice\n")); if ( !DefineDosDevice( DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM, lpNetResource->lpLocalName, ConnectionName ) ) { Status = GetLastError(); DbgP(( L"[aglo] DefineDosDevice failed with %d\n", Status)); goto out_delconn; } // The connection was established and the local device mapping // added. Include this in the list of mapped devices. Status = StoreConnectionInfo(LocalName, ConnectionName, Connection.Buffer->NameLength, lpNetResource); if (Status) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] StoreConnectionInfo failed with %d\n", Status)); goto out_undefine; } out: FreeConnectionInfo(&Connection); DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPAddConnection3: status %08X\n", Status)); return Status; out_undefine: DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE, LocalName, ConnectionName); out_delconn: SendTo_NFS41Driver(IOCTL_NFS41_DELCONN, ConnectionName, Connection.Buffer->NameLength, NULL, &CopyBytes); goto out; } DWORD APIENTRY NPCancelConnection( __in LPWSTR lpName, __in BOOL fForce ) { DWORD Status = 0; HANDLE hMutex, hMemory; PNFS41NP_SHARED_MEMORY pSharedMemory; DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection\n"))); DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: ConnectionName: %S\n"), lpName)); Status = OpenSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID)&pSharedMemory); if (Status == WN_SUCCESS) { INT Index; PNFS41NP_NETRESOURCE pNetResource; Status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: NextIndex %d, NumResources %d\n"), pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex, pSharedMemory->NumberOfResourcesInUse)); for (Index = 0; Index < pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex; Index++) { pNetResource = &pSharedMemory->NetResources[Index]; if (pNetResource->InUse) { if ( ( (wcslen(lpName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) == pNetResource->LocalNameLength) && ( !wcscmp(lpName, pNetResource->LocalName) )) { ULONG CopyBytes; DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: Connection Found:\n"))); CopyBytes = 0; Status = SendTo_NFS41Driver( IOCTL_NFS41_DELCONN, pNetResource->ConnectionName, pNetResource->ConnectionNameLength, NULL, &CopyBytes ); if (Status != WN_SUCCESS) { DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: SendToMiniRdr returned Status %lx\n"),Status)); break; } if (DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE, lpName, pNetResource->ConnectionName) == FALSE) { DbgP((TEXT("RemoveDosDevice: DefineDosDevice error: %d\n"), GetLastError())); Status = GetLastError(); } else { pNetResource->InUse = FALSE; pSharedMemory->NumberOfResourcesInUse--; if (Index+1 == pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex) pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex--; } break; } DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: Name %S EntryName %S\n"), lpName,pNetResource->LocalName)); DbgP((TEXT("NPCancelConnection: Name Length %d Entry Name Length %d\n"), pNetResource->LocalNameLength,pNetResource->LocalName)); } } CloseSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID)&pSharedMemory); } return Status; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetConnection( __in LPWSTR lpLocalName, __out_bcount(*lpBufferSize) LPWSTR lpRemoteName, __inout LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) { DWORD Status = 0; HANDLE hMutex, hMemory; PNFS41NP_SHARED_MEMORY pSharedMemory; Status = OpenSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID)&pSharedMemory); if (Status == WN_SUCCESS) { INT Index; PNFS41NP_NETRESOURCE pNetResource; Status = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; for (Index = 0; Index < pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex; Index++) { pNetResource = &pSharedMemory->NetResources[Index]; if (pNetResource->InUse) { if ( ( (wcslen(lpLocalName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) == pNetResource->LocalNameLength) && ( !wcscmp(lpLocalName, pNetResource->LocalName) )) { if (*lpBufferSize < pNetResource->RemoteNameLength) { *lpBufferSize = pNetResource->RemoteNameLength; Status = WN_MORE_DATA; } else { *lpBufferSize = pNetResource->RemoteNameLength; CopyMemory( lpRemoteName, pNetResource->RemoteName, pNetResource->RemoteNameLength); Status = WN_SUCCESS; } break; } } } CloseSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID)&pSharedMemory); } return Status; } DWORD APIENTRY NPOpenEnum( DWORD dwScope, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwUsage, LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPHANDLE lphEnum ) { DWORD Status; DbgP((L"[aglo] NPOpenEnum\n")); *lphEnum = NULL; switch ( dwScope ) { case RESOURCE_CONNECTED: { *lphEnum = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap( ), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( ULONG ) ); if (*lphEnum ) { Status = WN_SUCCESS; } else { Status = WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } break; } break; case RESOURCE_CONTEXT: default: Status = WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } DbgP((L"[aglo] NPOpenEnum returning Status %lx\n",Status)); return(Status); } DWORD APIENTRY NPEnumResource( HANDLE hEnum, LPDWORD lpcCount, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize) { DWORD Status = WN_SUCCESS; ULONG EntriesCopied; LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource; ULONG SpaceNeeded = 0; ULONG SpaceAvailable; PWCHAR StringZone; HANDLE hMutex, hMemory; PNFS41NP_SHARED_MEMORY pSharedMemory; PNFS41NP_NETRESOURCE pNfsNetResource; INT Index = *(PULONG)hEnum; DbgP((L"[aglo] NPEnumResource\n")); DbgP((L"[aglo] NPEnumResource Count Requested %d\n", *lpcCount)); pNetResource = (LPNETRESOURCE) lpBuffer; SpaceAvailable = *lpBufferSize; EntriesCopied = 0; StringZone = (PWCHAR) ((PBYTE)lpBuffer + *lpBufferSize); Status = OpenSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID)&pSharedMemory); if ( Status == WN_SUCCESS) { Status = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; for (Index = *(PULONG)hEnum; EntriesCopied < *lpcCount && Index < pSharedMemory->NextAvailableIndex; Index++) { pNfsNetResource = &pSharedMemory->NetResources[Index]; if (pNfsNetResource->InUse) { SpaceNeeded = sizeof( NETRESOURCE ); SpaceNeeded += pNfsNetResource->LocalNameLength; SpaceNeeded += pNfsNetResource->RemoteNameLength; SpaceNeeded += 5 * sizeof(WCHAR); // comment SpaceNeeded += sizeof(NFS41_PROVIDER_NAME_U); // provider name if ( SpaceNeeded > SpaceAvailable ) { Status = WN_MORE_DATA; DbgP((L"[aglo] NPEnumResource More Data Needed - %d\n", SpaceNeeded)); *lpBufferSize = SpaceNeeded; break; } else { SpaceAvailable -= SpaceNeeded; pNetResource->dwScope = pNfsNetResource->dwScope; pNetResource->dwType = pNfsNetResource->dwType; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = pNfsNetResource->dwDisplayType; pNetResource->dwUsage = pNfsNetResource->dwUsage; // setup string area at opposite end of buffer SpaceNeeded -= sizeof( NETRESOURCE ); StringZone = (PWCHAR)( (PBYTE) StringZone - SpaceNeeded ); // copy local name StringCchCopy( StringZone, pNfsNetResource->LocalNameLength, pNfsNetResource->LocalName ); pNetResource->lpLocalName = StringZone; StringZone += pNfsNetResource->LocalNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR); // copy remote name StringCchCopy( StringZone, pNfsNetResource->RemoteNameLength, pNfsNetResource->RemoteName ); pNetResource->lpRemoteName = StringZone; StringZone += pNfsNetResource->RemoteNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR); // copy comment pNetResource->lpComment = StringZone; *StringZone++ = L'A'; *StringZone++ = L'_'; *StringZone++ = L'O'; *StringZone++ = L'K'; *StringZone++ = L'\0'; // copy provider name pNetResource->lpProvider = StringZone; StringCbCopyW( StringZone, sizeof(NFS41_PROVIDER_NAME_U), NFS41_PROVIDER_NAME_U ); StringZone += sizeof(NFS41_PROVIDER_NAME_U)/sizeof(WCHAR); EntriesCopied++; // set new bottom of string zone StringZone = (PWCHAR)( (PBYTE) StringZone - SpaceNeeded ); Status = WN_SUCCESS; } pNetResource++; } } CloseSharedMemory( &hMutex, &hMemory, (PVOID*)&pSharedMemory); } *lpcCount = EntriesCopied; *(PULONG) hEnum = Index; DbgP((L"[aglo] NPEnumResource entries returned: %d\n", EntriesCopied)); return Status; } DWORD APIENTRY NPCloseEnum( HANDLE hEnum ) { DbgP((L"[aglo] NPCloseEnum\n")); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap( ), 0, (PVOID) hEnum ); return WN_SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceParent( LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPGetResourceParent: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" )); return WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceInformation( __in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource, __out_bcount(*lpBufferSize) LPVOID lpBuffer, __inout LPDWORD lpBufferSize, __deref_out LPWSTR *lplpSystem ) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPGetResourceInformation: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" )); return WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetUniversalName( LPCWSTR lpLocalPath, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpBufferSize ) { DbgP(( L"[aglo] NPGetUniversalName: WN_NOT_SUPPORTED\n" )); return WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; }