/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/consrv/frontends/terminal.c * PURPOSE: ConSrv terminal. * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #include "concfg/font.h" // #include "frontends/gui/guiterm.h" #ifdef TUITERM_COMPILE #include "frontends/tui/tuiterm.h" #endif #define NDEBUG #include /********** HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK ************/ /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ /* * From MSDN: * "The lpMultiByteStr and lpWideCharStr pointers must not be the same. * If they are the same, the function fails, and GetLastError returns * ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER." */ #define ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, dChar, sWChar) \ do { \ ASSERT((ULONG_PTR)(dChar) != (ULONG_PTR)(sWChar)); \ WideCharToMultiByte((Console)->InputCodePage, 0, (sWChar), 1, (dChar), 1, NULL, NULL); \ } while (0) #define ConsoleInputAnsiCharToUnicodeChar(Console, dWChar, sChar) \ do { \ ASSERT((ULONG_PTR)(dWChar) != (ULONG_PTR)(sChar)); \ MultiByteToWideChar((Console)->InputCodePage, 0, (sChar), 1, (dWChar), 1); \ } while (0) /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ #if 0 static VOID ConioInputEventToAnsi(PCONSOLE Console, PINPUT_RECORD InputEvent) { if (InputEvent->EventType == KEY_EVENT) { WCHAR UnicodeChar = InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = 0; ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, &InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar, &UnicodeChar); } } static VOID ConioInputEventToUnicode(PCONSOLE Console, PINPUT_RECORD InputEvent) { if (InputEvent->EventType == KEY_EVENT) { CHAR AsciiChar = InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar = 0; ConsoleInputAnsiCharToUnicodeChar(Console, &InputEvent->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar, &AsciiChar); } } #endif /********** HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK ************/ /* CONSRV TERMINAL FRONTENDS INTERFACE ****************************************/ /***************/ #ifdef TUITERM_COMPILE NTSTATUS NTAPI TuiLoadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); NTSTATUS NTAPI TuiUnloadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd); #endif NTSTATUS NTAPI GuiLoadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); NTSTATUS NTAPI GuiUnloadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd); /***************/ typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *FRONTEND_LOAD)(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *FRONTEND_UNLOAD)(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd); /* * If we are not in GUI-mode, start the text-mode terminal emulator. * If we fail, try to start the GUI-mode terminal emulator. * * Try to open the GUI-mode terminal emulator. Two cases are possible: * - We are in GUI-mode, therefore GuiMode == TRUE, the previous test-case * failed and we start GUI-mode terminal emulator. * - We are in text-mode, therefore GuiMode == FALSE, the previous test-case * succeeded BUT we failed at starting text-mode terminal emulator. * Then GuiMode was switched to TRUE in order to try to open the GUI-mode * terminal emulator (Win32k will automatically switch to graphical mode, * therefore no additional code is needed). */ /* * NOTE: Each entry of the table should be retrieved when loading a front-end * (examples of the CSR servers which register some data for CSRSS). */ static struct { CHAR FrontEndName[80]; FRONTEND_LOAD FrontEndLoad; FRONTEND_UNLOAD FrontEndUnload; } FrontEndLoadingMethods[] = { #ifdef TUITERM_COMPILE {"TUI", TuiLoadFrontEnd, TuiUnloadFrontEnd}, #endif {"GUI", GuiLoadFrontEnd, GuiUnloadFrontEnd}, // {"Not found", 0, NULL} }; static NTSTATUS ConSrvLoadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG i; /* * Choose an adequate terminal front-end to load, and load it */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(FrontEndLoadingMethods); ++i) { DPRINT("CONSRV: Trying to load %s frontend...\n", FrontEndLoadingMethods[i].FrontEndName); Status = FrontEndLoadingMethods[i].FrontEndLoad(FrontEnd, ConsoleInfo, ConsoleInitInfo, ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Save the unload callback */ FrontEnd->UnloadFrontEnd = FrontEndLoadingMethods[i].FrontEndUnload; DPRINT("CONSRV: %s frontend loaded successfully\n", FrontEndLoadingMethods[i].FrontEndName); break; } else { DPRINT1("CONSRV: Loading %s frontend failed, Status = 0x%08lx , continuing...\n", FrontEndLoadingMethods[i].FrontEndName, Status); } } return Status; } static NTSTATUS ConSrvUnloadFrontEnd(IN PFRONTEND FrontEnd) { if (FrontEnd == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; // return FrontEnd->Vtbl->UnloadFrontEnd(FrontEnd); return FrontEnd->UnloadFrontEnd(FrontEnd); } // See after... static TERMINAL_VTBL ConSrvTermVtbl; NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvInitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL Terminal, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle) { NTSTATUS Status; PFRONTEND FrontEnd; /* Load a suitable frontend for the ConSrv terminal */ FrontEnd = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*FrontEnd)); if (!FrontEnd) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; Status = ConSrvLoadFrontEnd(FrontEnd, ConsoleInfo, ConsoleInitInfo, ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CONSRV: Failed to initialize a frontend, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); ConsoleFreeHeap(FrontEnd); return Status; } DPRINT("CONSRV: Frontend initialized\n"); /* Initialize the ConSrv terminal */ Terminal->Vtbl = &ConSrvTermVtbl; // Terminal->Console will be initialized by ConDrvAttachTerminal Terminal->Context = FrontEnd; /* We store the frontend pointer in the terminal private context */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvDeinitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL Terminal) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFRONTEND FrontEnd = Terminal->Context; /* Reset the ConSrv terminal */ Terminal->Context = NULL; Terminal->Vtbl = NULL; /* Unload the frontend */ if (FrontEnd != NULL) { Status = ConSrvUnloadFrontEnd(FrontEnd); ConsoleFreeHeap(FrontEnd); } return Status; } /* CONSRV TERMINAL INTERFACE **************************************************/ static NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvTermInitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, IN PCONSOLE Console) { NTSTATUS Status; PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; /* Initialize the console pointer for our frontend */ FrontEnd->Console = Console; /** HACK HACK!! Copy FrontEnd into the console!! **/ DPRINT("Using FrontEndIFace HACK(1), should be removed after proper implementation!\n"); Console->FrontEndIFace = *FrontEnd; Status = FrontEnd->Vtbl->InitFrontEnd(FrontEnd, FrontEnd->Console); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) DPRINT1("InitFrontEnd failed, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); /** HACK HACK!! Be sure FrontEndIFace is correctly updated in the console!! **/ DPRINT("Using FrontEndIFace HACK(2), should be removed after proper implementation!\n"); Console->FrontEndIFace = *FrontEnd; return Status; } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermDeinitTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL This) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->DeinitFrontEnd(FrontEnd); } /************ Line discipline ***************/ static NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvTermReadStream(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, IN BOOLEAN Unicode, /**PWCHAR Buffer,**/ OUT PVOID Buffer, IN OUT PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL ReadControl, IN PVOID Parameter OPTIONAL, IN ULONG NumCharsToRead, OUT PULONG NumCharsRead OPTIONAL) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console = FrontEnd->Console; PCONSOLE_INPUT_BUFFER InputBuffer = &Console->InputBuffer; PUNICODE_STRING ExeName = Parameter; // STATUS_PENDING : Wait if more to read ; STATUS_SUCCESS : Don't wait. NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_PENDING; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; ConsoleInput *Input; ULONG i = 0; /* Validity checks */ // ASSERT(Console == InputBuffer->Header.Console); ASSERT((Buffer != NULL) || (Buffer == NULL && NumCharsToRead == 0)); /* We haven't read anything (yet) */ if (InputBuffer->Mode & ENABLE_LINE_INPUT) { /* COOKED mode, call the line discipline */ if (Console->LineBuffer == NULL) { /* Start a new line */ Console->LineMaxSize = max(256, NumCharsToRead); /* * Fixup ReadControl->nInitialChars in case the number of initial * characters is bigger than the number of characters to be read. * It will always be, lesser than or equal to Console->LineMaxSize. */ ReadControl->nInitialChars = min(ReadControl->nInitialChars, NumCharsToRead); Console->LineBuffer = ConsoleAllocHeap(0, Console->LineMaxSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Console->LineBuffer == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; Console->LinePos = Console->LineSize = ReadControl->nInitialChars; Console->LineComplete = Console->LineUpPressed = FALSE; Console->LineInsertToggle = Console->InsertMode; Console->LineWakeupMask = ReadControl->dwCtrlWakeupMask; /* * Pre-fill the buffer with the nInitialChars from the user buffer. * Since pre-filling is only allowed in Unicode, we don't need to * worry about ANSI <-> Unicode conversion. */ memcpy(Console->LineBuffer, Buffer, Console->LineSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Console->LineSize >= Console->LineMaxSize) { Console->LineComplete = TRUE; Console->LinePos = 0; } } /* If we don't have a complete line yet, process the pending input */ while (!Console->LineComplete && !IsListEmpty(&InputBuffer->InputEvents)) { /* Remove an input event from the queue */ _InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&InputBuffer->NumberOfEvents); CurrentEntry = RemoveHeadList(&InputBuffer->InputEvents); if (IsListEmpty(&InputBuffer->InputEvents)) { NtClearEvent(InputBuffer->ActiveEvent); } Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); /* Only pay attention to key down */ if (Input->InputEvent.EventType == KEY_EVENT && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) { LineInputKeyDown(Console, ExeName, &Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent); ReadControl->dwControlKeyState = Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState; } ConsoleFreeHeap(Input); } /* Check if we have a complete line to read from */ if (Console->LineComplete) { /* * Console->LinePos keeps the next position of the character to read * in the line buffer across the different calls of the function, * so that the line buffer can be read by chunks after all the input * has been buffered. */ while (i < NumCharsToRead && Console->LinePos < Console->LineSize) { WCHAR Char = Console->LineBuffer[Console->LinePos++]; if (Unicode) { ((PWCHAR)Buffer)[i] = Char; } else { ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, &((PCHAR)Buffer)[i], &Char); } ++i; } if (Console->LinePos >= Console->LineSize) { /* The entire line has been read */ ConsoleFreeHeap(Console->LineBuffer); Console->LineBuffer = NULL; Console->LinePos = Console->LineMaxSize = Console->LineSize = 0; // Console->LineComplete = Console->LineUpPressed = FALSE; Console->LineComplete = FALSE; } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { /* RAW mode */ /* Character input */ while (i < NumCharsToRead && !IsListEmpty(&InputBuffer->InputEvents)) { /* Remove an input event from the queue */ _InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&InputBuffer->NumberOfEvents); CurrentEntry = RemoveHeadList(&InputBuffer->InputEvents); if (IsListEmpty(&InputBuffer->InputEvents)) { NtClearEvent(InputBuffer->ActiveEvent); } Input = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, ConsoleInput, ListEntry); /* Only pay attention to valid characters, on key down */ if (Input->InputEvent.EventType == KEY_EVENT && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar != L'\0') { WCHAR Char = Input->InputEvent.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; if (Unicode) { ((PWCHAR)Buffer)[i] = Char; } else { ConsoleInputUnicodeCharToAnsiChar(Console, &((PCHAR)Buffer)[i], &Char); } ++i; /* Did read something */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } ConsoleFreeHeap(Input); } } // FIXME: Only set if Status == STATUS_SUCCESS ??? if (NumCharsRead) *NumCharsRead = i; return Status; } /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ #define TAB_WIDTH 8 // See condrv/text.c /*static*/ VOID ClearLineBuffer(PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff); static VOID ConioNextLine(PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff, PSMALL_RECT UpdateRect, PUINT ScrolledLines) { /* If we hit bottom, slide the viewable screen */ if (++Buff->CursorPosition.Y == Buff->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { Buff->CursorPosition.Y--; if (++Buff->VirtualY == Buff->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { Buff->VirtualY = 0; } (*ScrolledLines)++; ClearLineBuffer(Buff); if (UpdateRect->Top != 0) { UpdateRect->Top--; } } UpdateRect->Left = 0; UpdateRect->Right = Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1; UpdateRect->Bottom = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; } static NTSTATUS ConioWriteConsole(PFRONTEND FrontEnd, PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff, PWCHAR Buffer, DWORD Length, BOOL Attrib) { PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console = FrontEnd->Console; UINT i; PCHAR_INFO Ptr; SMALL_RECT UpdateRect; SHORT CursorStartX, CursorStartY; UINT ScrolledLines; BOOLEAN bFullwidth; BOOLEAN bCJK = Console->IsCJK; /* If nothing to write, bail out now */ if (Length == 0) return STATUS_SUCCESS; CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; CursorStartY = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; UpdateRect.Left = Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X; UpdateRect.Top = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; UpdateRect.Right = -1; UpdateRect.Bottom = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; ScrolledLines = 0; for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { /* * If we are in processed mode, interpret special characters and * display them correctly. Otherwise, just put them into the buffer. */ if (Buff->Mode & ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT) { /* --- CR --- */ if (Buffer[i] == L'\r') { Buff->CursorPosition.X = 0; CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; UpdateRect.Left = min(UpdateRect.Left , Buff->CursorPosition.X); UpdateRect.Right = max(UpdateRect.Right, Buff->CursorPosition.X); continue; } /* --- LF --- */ else if (Buffer[i] == L'\n') { Buff->CursorPosition.X = 0; // TODO: Make this behaviour optional! CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; ConioNextLine(Buff, &UpdateRect, &ScrolledLines); continue; } /* --- BS --- */ else if (Buffer[i] == L'\b') { /* Only handle BS if we are not on the first position of the first line */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X == 0 && Buff->CursorPosition.Y == 0) continue; if (Buff->CursorPosition.X == 0) { /* Slide virtual position up */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1; Buff->CursorPosition.Y--; // TODO? : Update CursorStartY = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; UpdateRect.Top = min(UpdateRect.Top, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } else { Buff->CursorPosition.X--; } Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE) { /* * The cursor just moved on the leading byte of the same * current character. We should go one position before to * go to the actual previous character to erase. */ /* Only handle BS if we are not on the first position of the first line */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X == 0 && Buff->CursorPosition.Y == 0) continue; if (Buff->CursorPosition.X == 0) { /* Slide virtual position up */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1; Buff->CursorPosition.Y--; // TODO? : Update CursorStartY = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; UpdateRect.Top = min(UpdateRect.Top, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } else { Buff->CursorPosition.X--; } Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE) { /* The cursor is on the trailing byte of a full-width character */ /* Delete its trailing byte... */ Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; if (Buff->CursorPosition.X > 0) Buff->CursorPosition.X--; /* ... and now its leading byte */ Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; UpdateRect.Left = min(UpdateRect.Left , Buff->CursorPosition.X); UpdateRect.Right = max(UpdateRect.Right, Buff->CursorPosition.X); continue; } /* --- TAB --- */ else if (Buffer[i] == L'\t') { UINT EndX; Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE) { /* * The cursor is on the trailing byte of a full-width character. * Go back one position to be on its leading byte. */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X > 0) Buff->CursorPosition.X--; Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } UpdateRect.Left = min(UpdateRect.Left, Buff->CursorPosition.X); EndX = (Buff->CursorPosition.X + TAB_WIDTH) & ~(TAB_WIDTH - 1); EndX = min(EndX, (UINT)Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X); while ((UINT)Buff->CursorPosition.X < EndX) { Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; ++Ptr; Buff->CursorPosition.X++; } if (Buff->CursorPosition.X < Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X) { /* If the following cell is the trailing byte of a full-width character, reset it */ if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE) { Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; } } UpdateRect.Right = max(UpdateRect.Right, Buff->CursorPosition.X); if (Buff->CursorPosition.X >= Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X) { if (Buff->Mode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) { /* Wrapping mode: Go to next line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = 0; CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; ConioNextLine(Buff, &UpdateRect, &ScrolledLines); } else { /* The cursor wraps back to its starting position on the same line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = CursorStartX; } } continue; } /* --- BEL ---*/ else if (Buffer[i] == L'\a') { FrontEnd->Vtbl->RingBell(FrontEnd); continue; } } UpdateRect.Left = min(UpdateRect.Left , Buff->CursorPosition.X); UpdateRect.Right = max(UpdateRect.Right, Buff->CursorPosition.X); /* For Chinese, Japanese and Korean */ bFullwidth = (bCJK && IS_FULL_WIDTH(Buffer[i])); /* Check whether we can insert the full-width character */ if (bFullwidth) { /* It spans two cells and should all fit on the current line */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X >= Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1) { if (Buff->Mode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) { /* Wrapping mode: Go to next line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = 0; CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; ConioNextLine(Buff, &UpdateRect, &ScrolledLines); } else { /* The cursor wraps back to its starting position on the same line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = CursorStartX; } } /* * Now be sure we can fit the full-width character. * If the screenbuffer is one cell wide we cannot display * the full-width character, so just skip it. */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X >= Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1) { DPRINT1("Cannot display full-width character! CursorPosition.X = %d, ScreenBufferSize.X = %d\n", Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X); continue; } } Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); /* * Check whether we are overwriting part of a full-width character, * in which case we need to invalidate it. */ if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE) { /* * The cursor is on the trailing byte of a full-width character. * Go back one position to kill the previous leading byte. */ if (Buff->CursorPosition.X > 0) { Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X - 1, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; } Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } /* Insert the character */ if (bFullwidth) { ASSERT(Buff->CursorPosition.X < Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1); /* Set the leading byte */ Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = Buffer[i]; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; Ptr->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE; /* Set the trailing byte */ Buff->CursorPosition.X++; Ptr = ConioCoordToPointer(Buff, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); // Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = Buffer[i]; // L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; Ptr->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE; } else { Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = Buffer[i]; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; } ++Ptr; Buff->CursorPosition.X++; if (Buff->CursorPosition.X < Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X) { /* If the following cell is the trailing byte of a full-width character, reset it */ if (Ptr->Attributes & COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE) { Ptr->Char.UnicodeChar = L' '; if (Attrib) Ptr->Attributes = Buff->ScreenDefaultAttrib; Ptr->Attributes &= ~COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS; } } if (Buff->CursorPosition.X >= Buff->ScreenBufferSize.X) { if (Buff->Mode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) { /* Wrapping mode: Go to next line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = 0; CursorStartX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; ConioNextLine(Buff, &UpdateRect, &ScrolledLines); } else { /* The cursor wraps back to its starting position on the same line */ Buff->CursorPosition.X = CursorStartX; } } } if (!ConioIsRectEmpty(&UpdateRect) && (PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER)Buff == Console->ActiveBuffer) { // TermWriteStream(Console, &UpdateRect, CursorStartX, CursorStartY, // ScrolledLines, Buffer, Length); FrontEnd->Vtbl->WriteStream(FrontEnd, &UpdateRect, CursorStartX, CursorStartY, ScrolledLines, Buffer, Length); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS NTAPI ConSrvTermWriteStream(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff, PWCHAR Buffer, DWORD Length, BOOL Attrib) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; return ConioWriteConsole(FrontEnd, Buff, Buffer, Length, Attrib); } /************ Line discipline ***************/ VOID ConioDrawConsole(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { SMALL_RECT Region; PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer = Console->ActiveBuffer; if (!ActiveBuffer) return; ConioInitRect(&Region, 0, 0, ActiveBuffer->ViewSize.Y - 1, ActiveBuffer->ViewSize.X - 1); TermDrawRegion(Console, &Region); // Console->FrontEndIFace.Vtbl->DrawRegion(&Console->FrontEndIFace, &Region); } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermDrawRegion(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, SMALL_RECT* Region) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->DrawRegion(FrontEnd, Region); } static BOOL NTAPI ConSrvTermSetCursorInfo(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ScreenBuffer) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; return FrontEnd->Vtbl->SetCursorInfo(FrontEnd, ScreenBuffer); } static BOOL NTAPI ConSrvTermSetScreenInfo(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ScreenBuffer, SHORT OldCursorX, SHORT OldCursorY) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; return FrontEnd->Vtbl->SetScreenInfo(FrontEnd, ScreenBuffer, OldCursorX, OldCursorY); } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermResizeTerminal(IN OUT PTERMINAL This) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->ResizeTerminal(FrontEnd); } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermSetActiveScreenBuffer(IN OUT PTERMINAL This) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->SetActiveScreenBuffer(FrontEnd); } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermReleaseScreenBuffer(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, IN PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ScreenBuffer) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->ReleaseScreenBuffer(FrontEnd, ScreenBuffer); } static VOID NTAPI ConSrvTermGetLargestConsoleWindowSize(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, PCOORD pSize) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; FrontEnd->Vtbl->GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(FrontEnd, pSize); } static BOOL NTAPI ConSrvTermSetPalette(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, HPALETTE PaletteHandle, UINT PaletteUsage) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; return FrontEnd->Vtbl->SetPalette(FrontEnd, PaletteHandle, PaletteUsage); } static INT NTAPI ConSrvTermShowMouseCursor(IN OUT PTERMINAL This, BOOL Show) { PFRONTEND FrontEnd = This->Context; return FrontEnd->Vtbl->ShowMouseCursor(FrontEnd, Show); } static TERMINAL_VTBL ConSrvTermVtbl = { ConSrvTermInitTerminal, ConSrvTermDeinitTerminal, ConSrvTermReadStream, ConSrvTermWriteStream, ConSrvTermDrawRegion, ConSrvTermSetCursorInfo, ConSrvTermSetScreenInfo, ConSrvTermResizeTerminal, ConSrvTermSetActiveScreenBuffer, ConSrvTermReleaseScreenBuffer, ConSrvTermGetLargestConsoleWindowSize, ConSrvTermSetPalette, ConSrvTermShowMouseCursor, }; #if 0 VOID ResetFrontEnd(IN PCONSOLE Console) { if (!Console) return; /* Reinitialize the frontend interface */ RtlZeroMemory(&Console->FrontEndIFace, sizeof(Console->FrontEndIFace)); Console->FrontEndIFace.Vtbl = &ConSrvTermVtbl; } #endif /* EOF */