/* * PROJECT: ReactOS DiskPart * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: base/system/diskpart/diskpart.c * PURPOSE: Manages all the partitions of the OS in * an interactive way * PROGRAMMERS: Lee Schroeder */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "diskpart.h" /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ VOID PrintResourceString(INT resID, ...) { WCHAR szMsg[3072]; va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr, resID); LoadStringW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), resID, szMsg, 3072); vwprintf(szMsg, arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); } VOID ShowHeader(VOID) { WCHAR szComputerName[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; DWORD comp_size = MAX_STRING_SIZE; /* Get the name of the computer for us and change the value of comp_name */ GetComputerNameW(szComputerName, &comp_size); /* TODO: Remove this section of code when program becomes stable enough for production use. */ wprintf(L"\n*WARNING*: This program is incomplete and may not work properly.\n"); /* Print the header information */ PrintResourceString(IDS_APP_HEADER); PrintResourceString(IDS_APP_LICENSE); PrintResourceString(IDS_APP_CURR_COMPUTER, szComputerName); } /* * RunScript(const char *filename): * opens the file, reads the contents, convert the text into readable * code for the computer, and then execute commands in order. */ BOOL RunScript(LPCWSTR filename) { FILE *script; WCHAR tmp_string[MAX_STRING_SIZE]; /* Open the file for processing */ script = _wfopen(filename, L"r"); if (script == NULL) { /* if there was problems opening the file */ PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_MSG_NO_SCRIPT, filename); return FALSE; /* if there is no script, exit the program */ } /* Read and process the script */ while (fgetws(tmp_string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, script) != NULL) { if (InterpretScript(tmp_string) == FALSE) return FALSE; } /* Close the file */ fclose(script); return TRUE; } /* * wmain(): * Main entry point of the application. */ int wmain(int argc, const WCHAR *argv[]) { LPCWSTR script = NULL; LPCWSTR tmpBuffer = NULL; int index, timeout; /* Sets the timeout value to 0 just in case the user doesn't specify a value. */ timeout = 0; /* If there are no command arguments, then go straight to the interpreter */ if (argc < 2) { ShowHeader(); InterpretMain(); } /* If there are command arguments, then process them */ else { for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { /* checks for flags */ if ((argv[index][0] == '/')|| (argv[index][0] == '-')) { tmpBuffer = argv[index] + 1; } else { /* If there is no flag, then return an error */ PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_MSG_BAD_ARG, argv[index]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Checks for the /? flag first since the program exits as soon as the usage list is shown. */ if (_wcsicmp(tmpBuffer, L"?") == 0) { PrintResourceString(IDS_APP_USAGE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Checks for the script flag */ else if (_wcsicmp(tmpBuffer, L"s") == 0) { if ((index + 1) < argc) { index++; script = argv[index]; } } /* Checks for the timeout flag */ else if (_wcsicmp(tmpBuffer, L"t") == 0) { if ((index + 1) < argc) { index++; timeout = _wtoi(argv[index]); /* If the number is a negative number, then change it so that the time is executed properly. */ if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; } } else { /* Assume that the flag doesn't exist. */ PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_MSG_BAD_ARG, tmpBuffer); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Shows the program information */ ShowHeader(); /* Now we process the filename if it exists */ if (script != NULL) { /* if the timeout is greater than 0, then assume that the user specified a specific time. */ if (timeout > 0) Sleep(timeout * 1000); if (RunScript(script) == FALSE) return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { /* Exit failure since the user wanted to run a script */ PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_MSG_NO_SCRIPT, script); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Let the user know the program is exiting */ PrintResourceString(IDS_APP_LEAVING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }