/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/consrv/guisettings.c * PURPOSE: GUI terminal emulator settings management * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca - Maito */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "consrv.h" #include "conio.h" #include "settings.h" #include "guiconsole.h" #include "guisettings.h" #define NDEBUG #include VOID GuiConsoleMoveWindow(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData); /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ BOOL GuiConsoleReadUserSettings(IN OUT PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO TermInfo, IN LPCWSTR ConsoleTitle, IN DWORD ProcessId) { /***************************************************** * Adapted from ConSrvReadUserSettings in settings.c * *****************************************************/ BOOL RetVal = FALSE; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwNumSubKeys = 0; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwType; WCHAR szValueName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwValueName; WCHAR szValue[LF_FACESIZE] = L"\0"; DWORD Value; DWORD dwValue; if (!ConSrvOpenUserSettings(ProcessId, ConsoleTitle, &hKey, KEY_READ, FALSE)) { DPRINT("ConSrvOpenUserSettings failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwNumSubKeys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPRINT("GuiConsoleReadUserSettings: RegQueryInfoKey failed\n"); RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; } DPRINT("GuiConsoleReadUserSettings entered dwNumSubKeys %d\n", dwNumSubKeys); for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwNumSubKeys; dwIndex++) { dwValue = sizeof(Value); dwValueName = MAX_PATH; // sizeof(szValueName)/sizeof(szValueName[0]) if (RegEnumValueW(hKey, dwIndex, szValueName, &dwValueName, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&Value, &dwValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_SZ) { /* * Retry in case of string value */ dwValue = sizeof(szValue); dwValueName = MAX_PATH; // sizeof(szValueName)/sizeof(szValueName[0]) if (RegEnumValueW(hKey, dwIndex, szValueName, &dwValueName, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szValue, &dwValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } else { break; } } if (!wcscmp(szValueName, L"FaceName")) { wcsncpy(TermInfo->FaceName, szValue, LF_FACESIZE); RetVal = TRUE; } else if (!wcscmp(szValueName, L"FontFamily")) { TermInfo->FontFamily = Value; RetVal = TRUE; } else if (!wcscmp(szValueName, L"FontSize")) { TermInfo->FontSize = Value; RetVal = TRUE; } else if (!wcscmp(szValueName, L"FontWeight")) { TermInfo->FontWeight = Value; RetVal = TRUE; } else if (!wcscmp(szValueName, L"WindowPosition")) { TermInfo->AutoPosition = FALSE; TermInfo->WindowOrigin.x = LOWORD(Value); TermInfo->WindowOrigin.y = HIWORD(Value); RetVal = TRUE; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); return RetVal; } BOOL GuiConsoleWriteUserSettings(IN OUT PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO TermInfo, IN LPCWSTR ConsoleTitle, IN DWORD ProcessId) { /****************************************************** * Adapted from ConSrvWriteUserSettings in settings.c * ******************************************************/ BOOL GlobalSettings = (ConsoleTitle[0] == L'\0'); HKEY hKey; DWORD Storage = 0; #define SetConsoleSetting(SettingName, SettingType, SettingSize, Setting, DefaultValue) \ do { \ if (GlobalSettings || (!GlobalSettings && (*(Setting) != (DefaultValue)))) \ { \ RegSetValueExW(hKey, (SettingName), 0, (SettingType), (PBYTE)(Setting), (SettingSize)); \ } \ else \ { \ RegDeleteValue(hKey, (SettingName)); \ } \ } while (0) if (!ConSrvOpenUserSettings(ProcessId, ConsoleTitle, &hKey, KEY_WRITE, TRUE)) { return FALSE; } SetConsoleSetting(L"FaceName", REG_SZ, (wcslen(TermInfo->FaceName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), TermInfo->FaceName, L'\0'); SetConsoleSetting(L"FontFamily", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &TermInfo->FontFamily, FF_DONTCARE); SetConsoleSetting(L"FontSize", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &TermInfo->FontSize, 0); SetConsoleSetting(L"FontWeight", REG_DWORD, sizeof(DWORD), &TermInfo->FontWeight, FW_DONTCARE); if (TermInfo->AutoPosition == FALSE) { Storage = MAKELONG(TermInfo->WindowOrigin.x, TermInfo->WindowOrigin.y); RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"WindowPosition", 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&Storage, sizeof(DWORD)); } else { RegDeleteValue(hKey, L"WindowPosition"); } RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; } VOID GuiConsoleGetDefaultSettings(IN OUT PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO TermInfo, IN DWORD ProcessId) { /******************************************************* * Adapted from ConSrvGetDefaultSettings in settings.c * *******************************************************/ if (TermInfo == NULL) return; /* * 1. Load the default values */ // wcsncpy(TermInfo->FaceName, L"DejaVu Sans Mono", LF_FACESIZE); // TermInfo->FontSize = MAKELONG(12, 8); // 0x0008000C; // font is 8x12 // TermInfo->FontSize = MAKELONG(16, 16); // font is 16x16 // TermInfo->FontWeight = FW_NORMAL; wcsncpy(TermInfo->FaceName, L"Fixedsys", LF_FACESIZE); // HACK: !! // TermInfo->FaceName[0] = L'\0'; TermInfo->FontFamily = FF_DONTCARE; TermInfo->FontSize = 0; TermInfo->FontWeight = FW_DONTCARE; TermInfo->UseRasterFonts = TRUE; TermInfo->ShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; TermInfo->AutoPosition = TRUE; TermInfo->WindowOrigin = (POINT){0, 0}; /* * 2. Overwrite them with the ones stored in HKCU\Console. * If the HKCU\Console key doesn't exist, create it * and store the default values inside. */ if (!GuiConsoleReadUserSettings(TermInfo, L"", ProcessId)) { GuiConsoleWriteUserSettings(TermInfo, L"", ProcessId); } } VOID GuiConsoleShowConsoleProperties(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData, BOOL Defaults) { NTSTATUS Status; PCONSOLE Console = GuiData->Console; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData; HANDLE hSection = NULL, hClientSection = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER SectionSize; ULONG ViewSize = 0; SIZE_T Length = 0; PCONSOLE_PROPS pSharedInfo = NULL; PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO GuiInfo = NULL; DPRINT("GuiConsoleShowConsoleProperties entered\n"); /* * Create a memory section to share with the applet, and map it. */ /* Holds data for console.dll + console info + terminal-specific info */ SectionSize.QuadPart = sizeof(CONSOLE_PROPS) + sizeof(GUI_CONSOLE_INFO); Status = NtCreateSection(&hSection, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &SectionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Impossible to create a shared section ; Status = %lu\n", Status); return; } Status = NtMapViewOfSection(hSection, NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID*)&pSharedInfo, 0, 0, NULL, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, 0, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Impossible to map the shared section ; Status = %lu\n", Status); NtClose(hSection); return; } /* * Setup the shared console properties structure. */ /* Header */ pSharedInfo->hConsoleWindow = GuiData->hWindow; pSharedInfo->ShowDefaultParams = Defaults; /* Console information */ pSharedInfo->ci.HistoryBufferSize = Console->HistoryBufferSize; pSharedInfo->ci.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = Console->NumberOfHistoryBuffers; pSharedInfo->ci.HistoryNoDup = Console->HistoryNoDup; pSharedInfo->ci.FullScreen = Console->FullScreen; pSharedInfo->ci.QuickEdit = Console->QuickEdit; pSharedInfo->ci.InsertMode = Console->InsertMode; pSharedInfo->ci.InputBufferSize = 0; pSharedInfo->ci.ScreenBufferSize = Console->ActiveBuffer->ScreenBufferSize; pSharedInfo->ci.ConsoleSize = Console->ConsoleSize; pSharedInfo->ci.CursorBlinkOn; pSharedInfo->ci.ForceCursorOff; pSharedInfo->ci.CursorSize = Console->ActiveBuffer->CursorInfo.dwSize; pSharedInfo->ci.ScreenAttrib = Console->ActiveBuffer->ScreenDefaultAttrib; pSharedInfo->ci.PopupAttrib = Console->ActiveBuffer->PopupDefaultAttrib; pSharedInfo->ci.CodePage; /* GUI Information */ pSharedInfo->TerminalInfo.Size = sizeof(GUI_CONSOLE_INFO); GuiInfo = pSharedInfo->TerminalInfo.TermInfo = (PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO)(pSharedInfo + 1); wcsncpy(GuiInfo->FaceName, GuiData->GuiInfo.FaceName, LF_FACESIZE); GuiInfo->FontSize = (DWORD)GuiData->GuiInfo.FontSize; GuiInfo->FontWeight = GuiData->GuiInfo.FontWeight; GuiInfo->UseRasterFonts = GuiData->GuiInfo.UseRasterFonts; /// GuiInfo->WindowPosition = GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowPosition; GuiInfo->AutoPosition = GuiData->GuiInfo.AutoPosition; GuiInfo->WindowOrigin = GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin; /* Offsetize */ pSharedInfo->TerminalInfo.TermInfo = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)GuiInfo - (ULONG_PTR)pSharedInfo); /* Palette */ memcpy(pSharedInfo->ci.Colors, Console->Colors, sizeof(Console->Colors)); /* Title of the console, original one corresponding to the one set by the console leader */ Length = min(sizeof(pSharedInfo->ci.ConsoleTitle) / sizeof(pSharedInfo->ci.ConsoleTitle[0]) - 1, Console->OriginalTitle.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); wcsncpy(pSharedInfo->ci.ConsoleTitle, Console->OriginalTitle.Buffer, Length); pSharedInfo->ci.ConsoleTitle[Length] = L'\0'; /* Unmap the view */ NtUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), pSharedInfo); /* Get the console leader process, our client */ ProcessData = CONTAINING_RECORD(Console->ProcessList.Blink, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); /* Duplicate the section handle for the client */ Status = NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(), hSection, ProcessData->Process->ProcessHandle, &hClientSection, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error: Impossible to duplicate section handle for client ; Status = %lu\n", Status); NtClose(hSection); return; } /* Start the properties dialog */ if (ProcessData->PropDispatcher) { HANDLE Thread; Thread = CreateRemoteThread(ProcessData->Process->ProcessHandle, NULL, 0, ProcessData->PropDispatcher, (PVOID)hClientSection, 0, NULL); if (NULL == Thread) { DPRINT1("Failed thread creation (Error: 0x%x)\n", GetLastError()); return; } DPRINT1("We succeeded at creating ProcessData->PropDispatcher remote thread, ProcessId = %x, Process = 0x%p\n", ProcessData->Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess, ProcessData->Process); /// WaitForSingleObject(Thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(Thread); } /* We have finished, close the section handle */ NtClose(hSection); return; } NTSTATUS GuiApplyUserSettings(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData, HANDLE hClientSection, BOOL SaveSettings) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCONSOLE Console = GuiData->Console; PCONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData; HANDLE hSection = NULL; ULONG ViewSize = 0; PCONSOLE_PROPS pConInfo = NULL; PCONSOLE_INFO ConInfo = NULL; PTERMINAL_INFO TermInfo = NULL; PGUI_CONSOLE_INFO GuiInfo = NULL; /// LOCK /// EnterCriticalSection(&Console->Lock); /* Get the console leader process, our client */ ProcessData = CONTAINING_RECORD(Console->ProcessList.Blink, CONSOLE_PROCESS_DATA, ConsoleLink); /* Duplicate the section handle for ourselves */ Status = NtDuplicateObject(ProcessData->Process->ProcessHandle, hClientSection, NtCurrentProcess(), &hSection, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error when mapping client handle, Status = %lu\n", Status); return Status; } /* Get a view of the shared section */ Status = NtMapViewOfSection(hSection, NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID*)&pConInfo, 0, 0, NULL, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, 0, PAGE_READONLY); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Error when mapping view of file, Status = %lu\n", Status); NtClose(hSection); return Status; } /* Check that the section is well-sized */ if ( (ViewSize < sizeof(CONSOLE_PROPS)) || (pConInfo->TerminalInfo.Size != sizeof(GUI_CONSOLE_INFO)) || (ViewSize < sizeof(CONSOLE_PROPS) + pConInfo->TerminalInfo.Size) ) { DPRINT1("Error: section bad-sized: sizeof(Section) < sizeof(CONSOLE_PROPS) + sizeof(Terminal_specific_info)\n"); Status = STATUS_INVALID_VIEW_SIZE; goto Quit; } // TODO: Check that GuiData->hWindow == pConInfo->hConsoleWindow /* Set the console informations */ ConInfo = &pConInfo->ci; ConSrvApplyUserSettings(Console, ConInfo); /* Set the terminal informations - De-offsetization of the pointer */ TermInfo = &pConInfo->TerminalInfo; GuiInfo = TermInfo->TermInfo = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pConInfo + (ULONG_PTR)TermInfo->TermInfo); // memcpy(&GuiData->GuiInfo, GuiInfo, sizeof(GUI_CONSOLE_INFO)); /* Move the window to the user's values */ GuiData->GuiInfo.AutoPosition = GuiInfo->AutoPosition; GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin = GuiInfo->WindowOrigin; GuiConsoleMoveWindow(GuiData); InvalidateRect(GuiData->hWindow, NULL, TRUE); /* * Save settings if needed */ // FIXME: Do it in the console properties applet ?? if (SaveSettings) { DWORD ProcessId = HandleToUlong(ProcessData->Process->ClientId.UniqueProcess); ConSrvWriteUserSettings(ConInfo, ProcessId); GuiConsoleWriteUserSettings(GuiInfo, ConInfo->ConsoleTitle, ProcessId); } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /// LOCK /// LeaveCriticalSection(&Console->Lock); Quit: /* Finally, close the section and return */ NtUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), pConInfo); NtClose(hSection); return Status; } /* EOF */