/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k Subsystem * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: win32ss/gdi/ntgdi/line.c * PURPOSE: Line functions * PROGRAMMERS: ... */ #include #define NDEBUG #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(GdiLine); // Some code from the WINE project source (www.winehq.com) VOID FASTCALL AddPenLinesBounds(PDC dc, int count, POINT *points) { DWORD join, endcap; RECTL bounds, rect; LONG lWidth; PBRUSH pbrLine; /* Get BRUSH from current pen. */ pbrLine = dc->dclevel.pbrLine; ASSERT(pbrLine); lWidth = 0; // Setup bounds bounds.left = bounds.top = INT_MAX; bounds.right = bounds.bottom = INT_MIN; if (((pbrLine->ulPenStyle & PS_TYPE_MASK) & PS_GEOMETRIC) || pbrLine->lWidth > 1) { /* Windows uses some heuristics to estimate the distance from the point that will be painted */ lWidth = pbrLine->lWidth + 2; endcap = (PS_ENDCAP_MASK & pbrLine->ulPenStyle); join = (PS_JOIN_MASK & pbrLine->ulPenStyle); if (join == PS_JOIN_MITER) { lWidth *= 5; if (endcap == PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE) lWidth = (lWidth * 3 + 1) / 2; } else { if (endcap == PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE) lWidth -= lWidth / 4; else lWidth = (lWidth + 1) / 2; } } while (count-- > 0) { rect.left = points->x - lWidth; rect.top = points->y - lWidth; rect.right = points->x + lWidth + 1; rect.bottom = points->y + lWidth + 1; RECTL_bUnionRect(&bounds, &bounds, &rect); points++; } DPRINT("APLB dc %p l %d t %d\n",dc,rect.left,rect.top); DPRINT(" r %d b %d\n",rect.right,rect.bottom); { RECTL rcRgn = dc->erclClip; // Use the clip box for now. if (RECTL_bIntersectRect( &rcRgn, &rcRgn, &bounds )) IntUpdateBoundsRect(dc, &rcRgn); else IntUpdateBoundsRect(dc, &bounds); } } // Should use Fx in Point // BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiMoveToEx(DC *dc, int X, int Y, LPPOINT Point) { PDC_ATTR pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if ( Point ) { if ( pdcattr->ulDirty_ & DIRTY_PTLCURRENT ) // Double hit! { Point->x = pdcattr->ptfxCurrent.x; // ret prev before change. Point->y = pdcattr->ptfxCurrent.y; IntDPtoLP ( dc, Point, 1); // Reconvert back. } else { Point->x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; Point->y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; } } pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x = X; pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y = Y; pdcattr->ptfxCurrent = pdcattr->ptlCurrent; CoordLPtoDP(dc, &pdcattr->ptfxCurrent); // Update fx pdcattr->ulDirty_ &= ~(DIRTY_PTLCURRENT|DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT|DIRTY_STYLESTATE); return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL GreMoveTo( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, LPPOINT pptOut) { BOOL Ret; PDC dc; if (!(dc = DC_LockDc(hdc))) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } Ret = IntGdiMoveToEx(dc, x, y, pptOut); DC_UnlockDc(dc); return Ret; } // Should use Fx in pt // VOID FASTCALL IntGetCurrentPositionEx(PDC dc, LPPOINT pt) { PDC_ATTR pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if ( pt ) { if (pdcattr->ulDirty_ & DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT) { pdcattr->ptfxCurrent = pdcattr->ptlCurrent; CoordLPtoDP(dc, &pdcattr->ptfxCurrent); // Update fx pdcattr->ulDirty_ &= ~(DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT|DIRTY_STYLESTATE); } pt->x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; pt->y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; } } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiLineTo(DC *dc, int XEnd, int YEnd) { SURFACE *psurf; BOOL Ret = TRUE; PBRUSH pbrLine; RECTL Bounds; POINT Points[2]; PDC_ATTR pdcattr; PPATH pPath; ASSERT_DC_PREPARED(dc); pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if (PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel)) { Ret = PATH_LineTo(dc, XEnd, YEnd); } else { psurf = dc->dclevel.pSurface; if (NULL == psurf) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } Points[0].x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; Points[0].y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; Points[1].x = XEnd; Points[1].y = YEnd; IntLPtoDP(dc, Points, 2); /* The DCOrg is in device coordinates */ Points[0].x += dc->ptlDCOrig.x; Points[0].y += dc->ptlDCOrig.y; Points[1].x += dc->ptlDCOrig.x; Points[1].y += dc->ptlDCOrig.y; Bounds.left = min(Points[0].x, Points[1].x); Bounds.top = min(Points[0].y, Points[1].y); Bounds.right = max(Points[0].x, Points[1].x); Bounds.bottom = max(Points[0].y, Points[1].y); /* Get BRUSH from current pen. */ pbrLine = dc->dclevel.pbrLine; ASSERT(pbrLine); if (dc->fs & (DC_ACCUM_APP|DC_ACCUM_WMGR)) { DPRINT("Bounds dc %p l %d t %d\n",dc,Bounds.left,Bounds.top); DPRINT(" r %d b %d\n",Bounds.right,Bounds.bottom); AddPenLinesBounds(dc, 2, Points); } if (!(pbrLine->flAttrs & BR_IS_NULL)) { if (IntIsEffectiveWidePen(pbrLine)) { /* Clear the path */ PATH_Delete(dc->dclevel.hPath); dc->dclevel.hPath = NULL; /* Begin a path */ pPath = PATH_CreatePath(2); dc->dclevel.flPath |= DCPATH_ACTIVE; dc->dclevel.hPath = pPath->BaseObject.hHmgr; IntGetCurrentPositionEx(dc, &pPath->pos); IntLPtoDP(dc, &pPath->pos, 1); PATH_MoveTo(dc, pPath); PATH_LineTo(dc, XEnd, YEnd); /* Close the path */ pPath->state = PATH_Closed; dc->dclevel.flPath &= ~DCPATH_ACTIVE; /* Actually stroke a path */ Ret = PATH_StrokePath(dc, pPath); /* Clear the path */ PATH_UnlockPath(pPath); PATH_Delete(dc->dclevel.hPath); dc->dclevel.hPath = NULL; } else { Ret = IntEngLineTo(&psurf->SurfObj, (CLIPOBJ *)&dc->co, &dc->eboLine.BrushObject, Points[0].x, Points[0].y, Points[1].x, Points[1].y, &Bounds, ROP2_TO_MIX(pdcattr->jROP2)); } } } if (Ret) { pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x = XEnd; pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y = YEnd; pdcattr->ptfxCurrent = pdcattr->ptlCurrent; CoordLPtoDP(dc, &pdcattr->ptfxCurrent); // Update fx pdcattr->ulDirty_ &= ~(DIRTY_PTLCURRENT|DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT|DIRTY_STYLESTATE); } return Ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiPolyBezier(DC *dc, LPPOINT pt, DWORD Count) { BOOL ret = FALSE; // Default to FAILURE if ( PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel) ) { return PATH_PolyBezier ( dc, pt, Count ); } /* We'll convert it into line segments and draw them using Polyline */ { POINT *Pts; INT nOut; Pts = GDI_Bezier ( pt, Count, &nOut ); if ( Pts ) { ret = IntGdiPolyline(dc, Pts, nOut); ExFreePoolWithTag(Pts, TAG_BEZIER); } } return ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiPolyBezierTo(DC *dc, LPPOINT pt, DWORD Count) { BOOL ret = FALSE; // Default to failure PDC_ATTR pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if ( PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel) ) ret = PATH_PolyBezierTo ( dc, pt, Count ); else /* We'll do it using PolyBezier */ { POINT *npt; npt = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(POINT) * (Count + 1), TAG_BEZIER); if ( npt ) { npt[0].x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; npt[0].y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; memcpy(npt + 1, pt, sizeof(POINT) * Count); ret = IntGdiPolyBezier(dc, npt, Count+1); ExFreePoolWithTag(npt, TAG_BEZIER); } } if ( ret ) { pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x = pt[Count-1].x; pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y = pt[Count-1].y; pdcattr->ptfxCurrent = pdcattr->ptlCurrent; CoordLPtoDP(dc, &pdcattr->ptfxCurrent); // Update fx pdcattr->ulDirty_ &= ~(DIRTY_PTLCURRENT|DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT|DIRTY_STYLESTATE); } return ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiPolyline(DC *dc, LPPOINT pt, int Count) { SURFACE *psurf; BRUSH *pbrLine; LPPOINT Points; BOOL Ret = TRUE; LONG i; PDC_ATTR pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; PPATH pPath; if (!dc->dclevel.pSurface) { return TRUE; } DC_vPrepareDCsForBlit(dc, NULL, NULL, NULL); psurf = dc->dclevel.pSurface; /* Get BRUSHOBJ from current pen. */ pbrLine = dc->dclevel.pbrLine; ASSERT(pbrLine); if (!(pbrLine->flAttrs & BR_IS_NULL)) { Points = EngAllocMem(0, Count * sizeof(POINT), GDITAG_TEMP); if (Points != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(Points, pt, Count * sizeof(POINT)); IntLPtoDP(dc, Points, Count); /* Offset the array of points by the DC origin */ for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { Points[i].x += dc->ptlDCOrig.x; Points[i].y += dc->ptlDCOrig.y; } if (dc->fs & (DC_ACCUM_APP|DC_ACCUM_WMGR)) { AddPenLinesBounds(dc, Count, Points); } if (IntIsEffectiveWidePen(pbrLine)) { /* Clear the path */ PATH_Delete(dc->dclevel.hPath); dc->dclevel.hPath = NULL; /* Begin a path */ pPath = PATH_CreatePath(Count); dc->dclevel.flPath |= DCPATH_ACTIVE; dc->dclevel.hPath = pPath->BaseObject.hHmgr; pPath->pos = pt[0]; IntLPtoDP(dc, &pPath->pos, 1); PATH_MoveTo(dc, pPath); for (i = 1; i < Count; ++i) { PATH_LineTo(dc, pt[i].x, pt[i].y); } /* Close the path */ pPath->state = PATH_Closed; dc->dclevel.flPath &= ~DCPATH_ACTIVE; /* Actually stroke a path */ Ret = PATH_StrokePath(dc, pPath); /* Clear the path */ PATH_UnlockPath(pPath); PATH_Delete(dc->dclevel.hPath); dc->dclevel.hPath = NULL; } else { Ret = IntEngPolyline(&psurf->SurfObj, (CLIPOBJ *)&dc->co, &dc->eboLine.BrushObject, Points, Count, ROP2_TO_MIX(pdcattr->jROP2)); } EngFreeMem(Points); } else { Ret = FALSE; } } DC_vFinishBlit(dc, NULL); return Ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiPolylineTo(DC *dc, LPPOINT pt, DWORD Count) { BOOL ret = FALSE; // Default to failure PDC_ATTR pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if (PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel)) { ret = PATH_PolylineTo(dc, pt, Count); } else /* Do it using Polyline */ { POINT *pts = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(POINT) * (Count + 1), TAG_SHAPE); if ( pts ) { pts[0].x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; pts[0].y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; memcpy( pts + 1, pt, sizeof(POINT) * Count); ret = IntGdiPolyline(dc, pts, Count + 1); ExFreePoolWithTag(pts, TAG_SHAPE); } } if ( ret ) { pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x = pt[Count-1].x; pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y = pt[Count-1].y; pdcattr->ptfxCurrent = pdcattr->ptlCurrent; CoordLPtoDP(dc, &pdcattr->ptfxCurrent); // Update fx pdcattr->ulDirty_ &= ~(DIRTY_PTLCURRENT|DIRTY_PTFXCURRENT|DIRTY_STYLESTATE); } return ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IntGdiPolyPolyline(DC *dc, LPPOINT pt, PULONG PolyPoints, DWORD Count) { ULONG i; LPPOINT pts; PULONG pc; BOOL ret = FALSE; // Default to failure pts = pt; pc = PolyPoints; if (PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel)) { return PATH_PolyPolyline( dc, pt, PolyPoints, Count ); } for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { ret = IntGdiPolyline ( dc, pts, *pc ); if (ret == FALSE) { return ret; } pts+=*pc++; } return ret; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiLineTo(HDC hDC, int XEnd, int YEnd) { DC *dc; BOOL Ret; RECT rcLockRect ; dc = DC_LockDc(hDC); if (!dc) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } rcLockRect.left = dc->pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; rcLockRect.top = dc->pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; rcLockRect.right = XEnd; rcLockRect.bottom = YEnd; IntLPtoDP(dc, (PPOINT)&rcLockRect, 2); /* The DCOrg is in device coordinates */ rcLockRect.left += dc->ptlDCOrig.x; rcLockRect.top += dc->ptlDCOrig.y; rcLockRect.right += dc->ptlDCOrig.x; rcLockRect.bottom += dc->ptlDCOrig.y; DC_vPrepareDCsForBlit(dc, &rcLockRect, NULL, NULL); Ret = IntGdiLineTo(dc, XEnd, YEnd); DC_vFinishBlit(dc, NULL); DC_UnlockDc(dc); return Ret; } // FIXME: This function is completely broken static BOOL GdiPolyDraw( IN HDC hdc, IN LPPOINT lppt, IN LPBYTE lpbTypes, IN ULONG cCount) { PDC dc; PDC_ATTR pdcattr; POINT bzr[4]; volatile PPOINT line_pts, line_pts_old, bzr_pts; INT num_pts, num_bzr_pts, space, space_old, size; ULONG i; BOOL result = FALSE; dc = DC_LockDc(hdc); if (!dc) return FALSE; pdcattr = dc->pdcattr; if (pdcattr->ulDirty_ & (DIRTY_FILL | DC_BRUSH_DIRTY)) DC_vUpdateFillBrush(dc); if (pdcattr->ulDirty_ & (DIRTY_LINE | DC_PEN_DIRTY)) DC_vUpdateLineBrush(dc); if (!cCount) { DC_UnlockDc(dc); return TRUE; } line_pts = NULL; line_pts_old = NULL; bzr_pts = NULL; { if (PATH_IsPathOpen(dc->dclevel)) { result = PATH_PolyDraw(dc, (const POINT *)lppt, (const BYTE *)lpbTypes, cCount); goto Cleanup; } /* Check for valid point types */ for (i = 0; i < cCount; i++) { switch (lpbTypes[i]) { case PT_MOVETO: case PT_LINETO | PT_CLOSEFIGURE: case PT_LINETO: break; case PT_BEZIERTO: if((i + 2 < cCount) && (lpbTypes[i + 1] == PT_BEZIERTO) && ((lpbTypes[i + 2] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE) == PT_BEZIERTO)) { i += 2; break; } default: goto Cleanup; } } space = cCount + 300; line_pts = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, space * sizeof(POINT), TAG_SHAPE); if (line_pts == NULL) { result = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } num_pts = 1; line_pts[0].x = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.x; line_pts[0].y = pdcattr->ptlCurrent.y; for ( i = 0; i < cCount; i++ ) { switch (lpbTypes[i]) { case PT_MOVETO: if (num_pts >= 2) IntGdiPolyline( dc, line_pts, num_pts ); num_pts = 0; line_pts[num_pts++] = lppt[i]; break; case PT_LINETO: case (PT_LINETO | PT_CLOSEFIGURE): line_pts[num_pts++] = lppt[i]; break; case PT_BEZIERTO: bzr[0].x = line_pts[num_pts - 1].x; bzr[0].y = line_pts[num_pts - 1].y; RtlCopyMemory( &bzr[1], &lppt[i], 3 * sizeof(POINT) ); if ((bzr_pts = GDI_Bezier( bzr, 4, &num_bzr_pts ))) { size = num_pts + (cCount - i) + num_bzr_pts; if (space < size) { space_old = space; space = size * 2; line_pts_old = line_pts; line_pts = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, space * sizeof(POINT), TAG_SHAPE); if (!line_pts) goto Cleanup; RtlCopyMemory(line_pts, line_pts_old, space_old * sizeof(POINT)); ExFreePoolWithTag(line_pts_old, TAG_SHAPE); line_pts_old = NULL; } RtlCopyMemory( &line_pts[num_pts], &bzr_pts[1], (num_bzr_pts - 1) * sizeof(POINT) ); num_pts += num_bzr_pts - 1; ExFreePoolWithTag(bzr_pts, TAG_BEZIER); bzr_pts = NULL; } i += 2; break; } if (lpbTypes[i] & PT_CLOSEFIGURE) line_pts[num_pts++] = line_pts[0]; } if (num_pts >= 2) IntGdiPolyline( dc, line_pts, num_pts ); IntGdiMoveToEx( dc, line_pts[num_pts - 1].x, line_pts[num_pts - 1].y, NULL ); result = TRUE; } Cleanup: if (line_pts != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(line_pts, TAG_SHAPE); } if ((line_pts_old != NULL) && (line_pts_old != line_pts)) { ExFreePoolWithTag(line_pts_old, TAG_SHAPE); } if (bzr_pts != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(bzr_pts, TAG_BEZIER); } DC_UnlockDc(dc); return result; } __kernel_entry W32KAPI BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiPolyDraw( _In_ HDC hdc, _In_reads_(cpt) LPPOINT ppt, _In_reads_(cpt) LPBYTE pjAttr, _In_ ULONG cpt) { PBYTE pjBuffer; PPOINT pptSafe; PBYTE pjSafe; SIZE_T cjSizePt; BOOL bResult; if (cpt == 0) { ERR("cpt is 0\n"); return FALSE; } /* Validate that cpt isn't too large */ if (cpt > ((MAXULONG - cpt) / sizeof(*ppt))) { ERR("cpt is too large\n", cpt); return FALSE; } /* Calculate size for a buffer */ cjSizePt = cpt * sizeof(*ppt); ASSERT(cjSizePt + cpt > cjSizePt); /* Allocate a buffer for all data */ pjBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, cjSizePt + cpt, TAG_SHAPE); if (pjBuffer == NULL) { ERR("Failed to allocate buffer\n"); return FALSE; } pptSafe = (PPOINT)pjBuffer; pjSafe = pjBuffer + cjSizePt; _SEH2_TRY { ProbeArrayForRead(ppt, sizeof(*ppt), cpt, sizeof(ULONG)); ProbeArrayForRead(pjAttr, sizeof(*pjAttr), cpt, sizeof(BYTE)); /* Copy the arrays */ RtlCopyMemory(pptSafe, ppt, cjSizePt); RtlCopyMemory(pjSafe, pjAttr, cpt); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); bResult = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } _SEH2_END; /* Call the internal function */ bResult = GdiPolyDraw(hdc, pptSafe, pjSafe, cpt); Cleanup: /* Free the buffer */ ExFreePoolWithTag(pjBuffer, TAG_SHAPE); return bResult; } /* * @implemented */ _Success_(return != FALSE) BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiMoveTo( IN HDC hdc, IN INT x, IN INT y, OUT OPTIONAL LPPOINT pptOut) { PDC pdc; BOOL Ret; POINT Point; pdc = DC_LockDc(hdc); if (!pdc) return FALSE; Ret = IntGdiMoveToEx(pdc, x, y, &Point); if (Ret && pptOut) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite(pptOut, sizeof(POINT), 1); RtlCopyMemory(pptOut, &Point, sizeof(POINT)); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Ret = FALSE; // CHECKME: is this correct? } _SEH2_END; } DC_UnlockDc(pdc); return Ret; } /* EOF */