/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ps/notify.c * PURPOSE: Process Manager: Callbacks to Registered Clients (Drivers) * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Thomas Weidenmueller (w3seek@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ BOOLEAN PsImageNotifyEnabled = FALSE; ULONG PspThreadNotifyRoutineCount, PspProcessNotifyRoutineCount; ULONG PspLoadImageNotifyRoutineCount; EX_CALLBACK PspThreadNotifyRoutine[PSP_MAX_CREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY]; EX_CALLBACK PspProcessNotifyRoutine[PSP_MAX_CREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY]; EX_CALLBACK PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[PSP_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY]; PLEGO_NOTIFY_ROUTINE PspLegoNotifyRoutine; /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(IN PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine, IN BOOLEAN Remove) { ULONG i; PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack; PAGED_CODE(); /* Check if we're removing */ if (Remove) { /* Loop all the routines */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_CREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Reference the callback block */ CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock(&PspProcessNotifyRoutine[i]); if (!CallBack) continue; /* Check it this is a matching block */ if (ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine(CallBack) == (PVOID)NotifyRoutine) { /* Try removing it if it matches */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspProcessNotifyRoutine[i], NULL, CallBack)) { /* Decrement the number of routines */ InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&PspProcessNotifyRoutineCount); /* Dereference the block */ ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspProcessNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); /* Wait for active callbacks */ ExWaitForCallBacks(CallBack); /* Free the callback and exit */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Dereference the block */ ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspProcessNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); } } /* We didn't find any matching block */ return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; } else { /* Allocate a callback */ CallBack = ExAllocateCallBack((PVOID)NotifyRoutine, NULL); if (!CallBack) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Loop all callbacks */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_CREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Add this routine if it's an empty slot */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspProcessNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack, NULL)) { /* Found and inserted into an empty slot, return */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&PspProcessNotifyRoutineCount); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* We didn't find a free slot, free the callback and fail */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /* * @implemented */ ULONG NTAPI PsSetLegoNotifyRoutine(PVOID LegoNotifyRoutine) { /* Set the System-Wide Lego Routine */ PspLegoNotifyRoutine = LegoNotifyRoutine; /* Return the location to the Lego Data */ return FIELD_OFFSET(KTHREAD, LegoData); } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine(IN PLOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine) { ULONG i; PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack; PAGED_CODE(); /* Loop all callbacks */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Reference this slot */ CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock(&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[i]); if (CallBack) { /* Check for a match */ if (ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine(CallBack) == (PVOID)NotifyRoutine) { /* Try removing it if it matches */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[i], NULL, CallBack)) { /* We removed it, now dereference the block */ InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutineCount); ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); /* Wait for active callbacks */ ExWaitForCallBacks(CallBack); /* Free the callback and return */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* Dereference the callback */ ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); } } /* Nothing found to remove */ return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine(IN PLOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine) { ULONG i; PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack; PAGED_CODE(); /* Allocate a callback */ CallBack = ExAllocateCallBack((PVOID)NotifyRoutine, NULL); if (!CallBack) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Loop callbacks */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Add this entry if the slot is empty */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack, NULL)) { /* Return success */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&PspLoadImageNotifyRoutineCount); PsImageNotifyEnabled = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* No free space found, fail */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI PsRemoveCreateThreadNotifyRoutine(IN PCREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine) { ULONG i; PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack; PAGED_CODE(); /* Loop all callbacks */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_CREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Reference this slot */ CallBack = ExReferenceCallBackBlock(&PspThreadNotifyRoutine[i]); if (CallBack) { /* Check for a match */ if (ExGetCallBackBlockRoutine(CallBack) == (PVOID)NotifyRoutine) { /* Try removing it if it matches */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspThreadNotifyRoutine[i], NULL, CallBack)) { /* We removed it, now dereference the block */ InterlockedDecrement((PLONG)&PspThreadNotifyRoutineCount); ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspThreadNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); /* Wait for active callbacks */ ExWaitForCallBacks(CallBack); /* Free the callback and return */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* Dereference the callback */ ExDereferenceCallBackBlock(&PspThreadNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack); } } /* Nothing found to remove */ return STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine(IN PCREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine) { ULONG i; PEX_CALLBACK_ROUTINE_BLOCK CallBack; PAGED_CODE(); /* Allocate a callback */ CallBack = ExAllocateCallBack((PVOID)NotifyRoutine, NULL); if (!CallBack) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Loop callbacks */ for (i = 0; i < PSP_MAX_CREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY; i++) { /* Add this entry if the slot is empty */ if (ExCompareExchangeCallBack(&PspThreadNotifyRoutine[i], CallBack, NULL)) { /* Return success */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&PspThreadNotifyRoutineCount); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } /* No free space found, fail */ ExFreeCallBack(CallBack); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* EOF */