/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/cache/pinsup.c * PURPOSE: Logging and configuration routines * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Art Yerkes */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #include "newcc.h" #include "section/newmm.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* The following is a test mode that only works with modified filesystems. * it maps the cache sections read only until they're pinned writable, and then * turns them readonly again when they're unpinned. * This helped me determine that a certain bug was not a memory overwrite. */ //#define PIN_WRITE_ONLY /* Pinsup implements the core of NewCC. A couple of things about this code: I wrote this code over the course of about 2 years, often referring to Rajeev Nagar's Filesystem Internals, book, the msdn pages on the Cc interface, and a few NT filesystems that are open sourced. I went to fairly great lengths to achieve a couple of goals. 1) To make a strictly layered facility that relies entirely on Mm to provide maps. There were many ways in which data segments in the legacy Mm were unable to provide what I needed; page maps were only 4 gig, and all offsets were in ULONG, so no mapping at an offset greater than 4 gig was possible. Worse than that, due to a convoluted set of dependencies, it would have been impossible to support any two mappings farther apart than 4 gig, even if the above was corrected. Along with that, the cache system's ownership of some pages was integral to the operation of legacy Mm. All of the above problems, along with an ambiguity about when the size of a file for mapping purposes is acquired, and its inability to allow a file to be resized when any mappings were active led me to rewrite data sections (and all other kinds of sections in the original version), and use that layer to implement the Cc API without regard to any internal, undocumented parts. 2) To write the simplest possible code that implements the Cc interface as documented. Again this is without regard to any information that might be gained through reverse engineering the real Cc. All conclusions about workings of Cc here are mine, any failures are mine, any differences to the documented interface were introduced by me due to misreading, misunderstanding or mis remembering while implementing the code. I also implemented some obvious, but not actually specified behaviors of Cc, for example that each cache stripe is represented by a distinct BCB that the user can make decisions about as an opaque pointer. 3) To make real filesystems work properly. So about how it works: CcCacheSections is the collection of cache sections that are currently mapped. The cache ranges which are allocated and contain pages is larger, due to the addition of sections containing rmaps and page references, but this array determines the actual mapped pages on behalf of all mapped files for Cc's use. All BCB pointers yielded to a driver are a pointer to one of these cache stripe structures. The data structure is specified as opaque and so it contains information convenient to NEWCC's implementation here. Free entries are summarized in CcpBitmapBuffer, for which bits are set when the entry may be safely evicted and redirected for use by another client. Note that the reference count for an evictable cache section will generally be 1, since we'll keep a reference to wait for any subsequent mapping of the same stripe. We use CcCacheClockHand as a hint to start checking free bits at a point that walks around the cache stripe list, so that we might evict a different stripe every time even if all are awaiting reuse. This is a way to avoid thrashing. CcpBitmapBuffer is the RTL_BITMAP that allows us to quickly decide what buffer to allocate from the mapped buffer set. CcDeleteEvent is an event used to wait for a cache stripe reference count to go to 1, thus making the stripe eligible for eviction. It's used by CcpMapData to wait for a free map when we can't fail. All in all, use of Mm by Cc makes this code into a simple manager that wields sections on behalf of filesystems. As such, its code is fairly high level and no architecture specific changes should be necessary. */ /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ #define TAG_MAP_SEC TAG('C', 'c', 'S', 'x') #define TAG_MAP_READ TAG('M', 'c', 'p', 'y') #define TAG_MAP_BCB TAG('B', 'c', 'b', ' ') NOCC_BCB CcCacheSections[CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS]; CHAR CcpBitmapBuffer[sizeof(RTL_BITMAP) + ROUND_UP((CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS), 32) / 8]; PRTL_BITMAP CcCacheBitmap = (PRTL_BITMAP)&CcpBitmapBuffer; FAST_MUTEX CcMutex; KEVENT CcDeleteEvent; KEVENT CcFinalizeEvent; ULONG CcCacheClockHand; LONG CcOutstandingDeletes; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ PETHREAD LastThread; VOID _CcpLock(const char *file, int line) { //DPRINT("<<<---<<< CC In Mutex(%s:%d %x)!\n", file, line, PsGetCurrentThread()); ExAcquireFastMutex(&CcMutex); } VOID _CcpUnlock(const char *file, int line) { ExReleaseFastMutex(&CcMutex); //DPRINT(">>>--->>> CC Exit Mutex!\n", file, line); } PDEVICE_OBJECT NTAPI MmGetDeviceObjectForFile(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject); /* Allocate an almost ordinary section object for use by the cache system. The special internal SEC_CACHE flag is used to indicate that the section should not count when determining whether the file can be resized. */ NTSTATUS CcpAllocateSection(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, ULONG Length, ULONG Protect, PROS_SECTION_OBJECT *Result) { NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER MaxSize; MaxSize.QuadPart = Length; DPRINT("Making Section for File %x\n", FileObject); DPRINT("File name %wZ\n", &FileObject->FileName); Status = MmCreateSection((PVOID*)Result, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, NULL, &MaxSize, Protect, SEC_RESERVE | SEC_CACHE, NULL, FileObject); return Status; } typedef struct _WORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT { WORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem; PVOID ToUnmap; LARGE_INTEGER FileOffset; LARGE_INTEGER MapSize; PROS_SECTION_OBJECT ToDeref; PACQUIRE_FOR_LAZY_WRITE AcquireForLazyWrite; PRELEASE_FROM_LAZY_WRITE ReleaseFromLazyWrite; PVOID LazyContext; BOOLEAN Dirty; } WORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT, *PWORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT; /* Unmap a cache stripe. Note that cache stripes aren't unmapped when their last reference disappears. We enter this code only if cache for the file is uninitialized in the last file object, or a cache stripe is evicted. */ VOID CcpUnmapCache(PVOID Context) { PWORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT WorkItem = (PWORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT)Context; DPRINT("Unmapping (finally) %x\n", WorkItem->ToUnmap); MmUnmapCacheViewInSystemSpace(WorkItem->ToUnmap); ObDereferenceObject(WorkItem->ToDeref); ExFreePool(WorkItem); DPRINT("Done\n"); } /* Somewhat deceptively named function which removes the last reference to a cache stripe and completely removes it using CcUnmapCache. This may be done either inline (if the Immediate BOOLEAN is set), or using a work item at a later time. Whether this is called to unmap immeidately is mainly determined by whether the caller is calling from a place in filesystem code where a deadlock may occur if immediate flushing is required. It's always safe to reuse the Bcb at CcCacheSections[Start] after calling this. */ /* Must have acquired the mutex */ VOID CcpDereferenceCache(ULONG Start, BOOLEAN Immediate) { PVOID ToUnmap; PNOCC_BCB Bcb; BOOLEAN Dirty; LARGE_INTEGER MappedSize; LARGE_INTEGER BaseOffset; PWORK_QUEUE_WITH_CONTEXT WorkItem; DPRINT("CcpDereferenceCache(#%x)\n", Start); Bcb = &CcCacheSections[Start]; Dirty = Bcb->Dirty; ToUnmap = Bcb->BaseAddress; BaseOffset = Bcb->FileOffset; MappedSize = Bcb->Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength; DPRINT("Dereference #%x (count %d)\n", Start, Bcb->RefCount); ASSERT(Bcb->SectionObject); ASSERT(Bcb->RefCount == 1); DPRINT("Firing work item for %x\n", Bcb->BaseAddress); if (Dirty) { CcpUnlock(); Bcb->RefCount++; MiFlushMappedSection(ToUnmap, &BaseOffset, &MappedSize, Dirty); Bcb->RefCount--; CcpLock(); } if (Immediate) { PROS_SECTION_OBJECT ToDeref = Bcb->SectionObject; Bcb->Map = NULL; Bcb->SectionObject = NULL; Bcb->BaseAddress = NULL; Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart = 0; Bcb->Length = 0; Bcb->RefCount = 0; Bcb->Dirty = FALSE; RemoveEntryList(&Bcb->ThisFileList); CcpUnlock(); MmUnmapCacheViewInSystemSpace(ToUnmap); ObDereferenceObject(ToDeref); CcpLock(); } else { WorkItem = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(*WorkItem)); if (!WorkItem) KeBugCheck(0); WorkItem->ToUnmap = Bcb->BaseAddress; WorkItem->FileOffset = Bcb->FileOffset; WorkItem->Dirty = Bcb->Dirty; WorkItem->MapSize = MappedSize; WorkItem->ToDeref = Bcb->SectionObject; WorkItem->AcquireForLazyWrite = Bcb->Map->Callbacks.AcquireForLazyWrite; WorkItem->ReleaseFromLazyWrite = Bcb->Map->Callbacks.ReleaseFromLazyWrite; WorkItem->LazyContext = Bcb->Map->LazyContext; ExInitializeWorkItem(((PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)WorkItem), (PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE)CcpUnmapCache, WorkItem); Bcb->Map = NULL; Bcb->SectionObject = NULL; Bcb->BaseAddress = NULL; Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart = 0; Bcb->Length = 0; Bcb->RefCount = 0; Bcb->Dirty = FALSE; RemoveEntryList(&Bcb->ThisFileList); CcpUnlock(); ExQueueWorkItem((PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)WorkItem, DelayedWorkQueue); CcpLock(); } DPRINT("Done\n"); } /* CcpAllocateCacheSections is called by CcpMapData to obtain a cache stripe, possibly evicting an old stripe by calling CcpDereferenceCache in order to obtain an empty Bcb. This function was named plural due to a question I had at the beginning of this endeavor about whether a map may span a 256k stripe boundary. It can't so this function can only return the index of one Bcb. Returns INVALID_CACHE on failure. */ /* Needs mutex */ ULONG CcpAllocateCacheSections(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PROS_SECTION_OBJECT SectionObject) { ULONG i = INVALID_CACHE; PNOCC_CACHE_MAP Map; PNOCC_BCB Bcb; DPRINT("AllocateCacheSections: FileObject %x\n", FileObject); if (!FileObject->SectionObjectPointer) return INVALID_CACHE; Map = (PNOCC_CACHE_MAP)FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; if (!Map) return INVALID_CACHE; DPRINT("Allocating Cache Section\n"); i = RtlFindClearBitsAndSet(CcCacheBitmap, 1, CcCacheClockHand); CcCacheClockHand = (i + 1) % CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS; if (i != INVALID_CACHE) { DPRINT("Setting up Bcb #%x\n", i); Bcb = &CcCacheSections[i]; ASSERT(Bcb->RefCount < 2); if (Bcb->RefCount > 0) { CcpDereferenceCache(i, FALSE); } ASSERT(!Bcb->RefCount); Bcb->RefCount = 1; DPRINT("Bcb #%x RefCount %d\n", Bcb - CcCacheSections, Bcb->RefCount); if (!RtlTestBit(CcCacheBitmap, i)) { DPRINT1("Somebody stoeled BCB #%x\n", i); } ASSERT(RtlTestBit(CcCacheBitmap, i)); DPRINT("Allocated #%x\n", i); ASSERT(CcCacheSections[i].RefCount); } else { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate cache segment\n"); } return i; } /* Must have acquired the mutex */ VOID CcpReferenceCache(ULONG Start) { PNOCC_BCB Bcb; Bcb = &CcCacheSections[Start]; ASSERT(Bcb->SectionObject); Bcb->RefCount++; RtlSetBit(CcCacheBitmap, Start); } VOID CcpMarkForExclusive(ULONG Start) { PNOCC_BCB Bcb; Bcb = &CcCacheSections[Start]; Bcb->ExclusiveWaiter++; } /* Cache stripes have an idea of exclusive access, which would be hard to support properly in the previous code. In our case, it's fairly easy, since we have an event that indicates that the previous exclusive waiter has returned in each Bcb. */ /* Must not have the mutex */ VOID CcpReferenceCacheExclusive(ULONG Start) { PNOCC_BCB Bcb = &CcCacheSections[Start]; KeWaitForSingleObject(&Bcb->ExclusiveWait, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); CcpLock(); ASSERT(Bcb->ExclusiveWaiter); ASSERT(Bcb->SectionObject); Bcb->Exclusive = TRUE; Bcb->ExclusiveWaiter--; RtlSetBit(CcCacheBitmap, Start); CcpUnlock(); } /* Find a map that encompasses the target range. This function does not check whether the desired range is partly outside the stripe. This could be implemented with a generic table, but we generally aren't carring around a lot of segments at once for a particular file. When this returns a map for a given file address, then that address is by definition already mapped and can be operated on. Returns a valid index or INVALID_CACHE. */ /* Must have the mutex */ ULONG CcpFindMatchingMap(PLIST_ENTRY Head, PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, ULONG Length) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; //DPRINT("Find Matching Map: (%x) %x:%x\n", FileOffset->LowPart, Length); for (Entry = Head->Flink; Entry != Head; Entry = Entry->Flink) { //DPRINT("Link @%x\n", Entry); PNOCC_BCB Bcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, NOCC_BCB, ThisFileList); //DPRINT("Selected BCB %x #%x\n", Bcb, Bcb - CcCacheSections); //DPRINT("This File: %x:%x\n", Bcb->FileOffset.LowPart, Bcb->Length); if (FileOffset->QuadPart >= Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart && FileOffset->QuadPart < Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart + CACHE_STRIPE) { //DPRINT("Found match at #%x\n", Bcb - CcCacheSections); return Bcb - CcCacheSections; } } //DPRINT("This region isn't mapped\n"); return INVALID_CACHE; } /* Internal function that's used by all pinning functions. It causes a mapped region to exist and prefaults the pages in it if possible, possibly evicting another stripe in order to get our stripe. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI CcpMapData(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PVOID *BcbResult, OUT PVOID *Buffer) { BOOLEAN Success = FALSE, FaultIn = FALSE; /* Note: windows 2000 drivers treat this as a bool */ //BOOLEAN Wait = (Flags & MAP_WAIT) || (Flags == TRUE); LARGE_INTEGER Target, EndInterval; ULONG BcbHead, SectionSize, ViewSize; PNOCC_BCB Bcb = NULL; PROS_SECTION_OBJECT SectionObject = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; PNOCC_CACHE_MAP Map = (PNOCC_CACHE_MAP)FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; ViewSize = CACHE_STRIPE; if (!Map) { DPRINT1("File object was not mapped\n"); return FALSE; } DPRINT("CcMapData(F->%x,%08x%08x:%d)\n", FileObject, FileOffset->HighPart, FileOffset->LowPart, Length); ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL); Target.HighPart = FileOffset->HighPart; Target.LowPart = CACHE_ROUND_DOWN(FileOffset->LowPart); CcpLock(); /* Find out if any range is a superset of what we want */ /* Find an accomodating section */ BcbHead = CcpFindMatchingMap(&Map->AssociatedBcb, FileOffset, Length); if (BcbHead != INVALID_CACHE) { Bcb = &CcCacheSections[BcbHead]; Success = TRUE; *BcbResult = Bcb; *Buffer = ((PCHAR)Bcb->BaseAddress) + (int)(FileOffset->QuadPart - Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart); DPRINT("Bcb #%x Buffer maps (%08x%08x) At %x Length %x (Getting %x:%x) %wZ\n", Bcb - CcCacheSections, Bcb->FileOffset.HighPart, Bcb->FileOffset.LowPart, Bcb->BaseAddress, Bcb->Length, *Buffer, Length, &FileObject->FileName); DPRINT("w1n\n"); goto cleanup; } DPRINT("File size %08x%08x\n", Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength.HighPart, Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength.LowPart); /* Not all files have length, in fact filesystems often use stream file objects for various internal purposes and are loose about the file length, since the filesystem promises itself to write the right number of bytes to the internal stream. In these cases, we just allow the file to have the full stripe worth of space. */ if (Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength.QuadPart) { SectionSize = min(CACHE_STRIPE, Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength.QuadPart - Target.QuadPart); } else { SectionSize = CACHE_STRIPE; } DPRINT("Allocating a cache stripe at %x:%d\n", Target.LowPart, SectionSize); //ASSERT(SectionSize <= CACHE_STRIPE); CcpUnlock(); /* CcpAllocateSection doesn't need the lock, so we'll give other action a chance in here. */ Status = CcpAllocateSection(FileObject, SectionSize, #ifdef PIN_WRITE_ONLY PAGE_READONLY, #else PAGE_READWRITE, #endif &SectionObject); CcpLock(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *BcbResult = NULL; *Buffer = NULL; DPRINT1("End %08x\n", Status); goto cleanup; } retry: /* Returns a reference */ DPRINT("Allocating cache sections: %wZ\n", &FileObject->FileName); BcbHead = CcpAllocateCacheSections(FileObject, SectionObject); /* XXX todo: we should handle the immediate fail case here, but don't */ if (BcbHead == INVALID_CACHE) { ULONG i; DbgPrint("Cache Map:"); for (i = 0; i < CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS; i++) { if (!(i % 64)) DbgPrint("\n"); DbgPrint("%c", CcCacheSections[i].RefCount + (RtlTestBit(CcCacheBitmap, i) ? '@' : '`')); } DbgPrint("\n"); KeWaitForSingleObject(&CcDeleteEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); goto retry; } DPRINT("BcbHead #%x (final)\n", BcbHead); if (BcbHead == INVALID_CACHE) { *BcbResult = NULL; *Buffer = NULL; DPRINT1("End\n"); goto cleanup; } DPRINT("Selected BCB #%x\n", BcbHead); ViewSize = CACHE_STRIPE; Bcb = &CcCacheSections[BcbHead]; /* MmMapCacheViewInSystemSpaceAtOffset is one of three methods of Mm that are specific to NewCC. In this case, it's implementation exactly mirrors MmMapViewInSystemSpace, but allows an offset to be specified. */ Status = MmMapCacheViewInSystemSpaceAtOffset(SectionObject->Segment, &Bcb->BaseAddress, &Target, &ViewSize); /* Summary: Failure. Dereference our section and tell the user we failed */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *BcbResult = NULL; *Buffer = NULL; ObDereferenceObject(SectionObject); RemoveEntryList(&Bcb->ThisFileList); RtlZeroMemory(Bcb, sizeof(*Bcb)); RtlClearBit(CcCacheBitmap, BcbHead); DPRINT1("Failed to map\n"); goto cleanup; } /* Summary: Success. Put together a valid Bcb and link it with the others * in the NOCC_CACHE_MAP. */ Success = TRUE; //DPRINT("w1n\n"); Bcb->Length = MIN(Map->FileSizes.ValidDataLength.QuadPart - Target.QuadPart, CACHE_STRIPE); Bcb->SectionObject = SectionObject; Bcb->Map = Map; Bcb->FileOffset = Target; InsertTailList(&Map->AssociatedBcb, &Bcb->ThisFileList); *BcbResult = &CcCacheSections[BcbHead]; *Buffer = ((PCHAR)Bcb->BaseAddress) + (int)(FileOffset->QuadPart - Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart); FaultIn = TRUE; DPRINT("Bcb #%x Buffer maps (%08x%08x) At %x Length %x (Getting %x:%x) %wZ\n", Bcb - CcCacheSections, Bcb->FileOffset.HighPart, Bcb->FileOffset.LowPart, Bcb->BaseAddress, Bcb->Length, *Buffer, Length, &FileObject->FileName); EndInterval.QuadPart = Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart + Bcb->Length - 1; ASSERT((EndInterval.QuadPart & ~(CACHE_STRIPE - 1)) == (Bcb->FileOffset.QuadPart & ~(CACHE_STRIPE - 1))); //DPRINT("TERM!\n"); cleanup: CcpUnlock(); if (Success) { if (FaultIn) { /* Fault in the pages. This forces reads to happen now. */ ULONG i; PCHAR FaultIn = Bcb->BaseAddress; DPRINT("Faulting in pages at this point: file %wZ %08x%08x:%x\n", &FileObject->FileName, Bcb->FileOffset.HighPart, Bcb->FileOffset.LowPart, Bcb->Length); for (i = 0; i < Bcb->Length; i += PAGE_SIZE) { FaultIn[i] ^= 0; } } ASSERT(Bcb >= CcCacheSections && Bcb < (CcCacheSections + CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS)); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } return Success; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CcMapData(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PVOID *BcbResult, OUT PVOID *Buffer) { BOOLEAN Result; Result = CcpMapData(FileObject, FileOffset, Length, Flags, BcbResult, Buffer); if (Result) { PNOCC_BCB Bcb = (PNOCC_BCB)*BcbResult; ASSERT(Bcb >= CcCacheSections && Bcb < CcCacheSections + CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS); ASSERT(Bcb->BaseAddress); CcpLock(); CcpReferenceCache(Bcb - CcCacheSections); CcpUnlock(); } return Result; } /* Used by functions that repin data, CcpPinMappedData does not alter the map, but finds the appropriate stripe and update the accounting. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI CcpPinMappedData(IN PNOCC_CACHE_MAP Map, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, IN OUT PVOID *Bcb) { BOOLEAN Exclusive = Flags & PIN_EXCLUSIVE; ULONG BcbHead; PNOCC_BCB TheBcb; CcpLock(); ASSERT(Map->AssociatedBcb.Flink == &Map->AssociatedBcb || (CONTAINING_RECORD(Map->AssociatedBcb.Flink, NOCC_BCB, ThisFileList) >= CcCacheSections && CONTAINING_RECORD(Map->AssociatedBcb.Flink, NOCC_BCB, ThisFileList) < CcCacheSections + CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS)); BcbHead = CcpFindMatchingMap(&Map->AssociatedBcb, FileOffset, Length); if (BcbHead == INVALID_CACHE) { CcpUnlock(); return FALSE; } TheBcb = &CcCacheSections[BcbHead]; if (Exclusive) { DPRINT("Requesting #%x Exclusive\n", BcbHead); CcpMarkForExclusive(BcbHead); } else { DPRINT("Reference #%x\n", BcbHead); CcpReferenceCache(BcbHead); } if (Exclusive) CcpReferenceCacheExclusive(BcbHead); CcpUnlock(); *Bcb = TheBcb; return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CcPinMappedData(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, IN OUT PVOID *Bcb) { PVOID Buffer; PNOCC_CACHE_MAP Map = (PNOCC_CACHE_MAP)FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; if (!Map) { DPRINT1("Not cached\n"); return FALSE; } if (CcpMapData(FileObject, FileOffset, Length, Flags, Bcb, &Buffer)) { return CcpPinMappedData(Map, FileOffset, Length, Flags, Bcb); } else { DPRINT1("could not map\n"); return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN NTAPI CcPinRead(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PVOID *Bcb, OUT PVOID *Buffer) { PNOCC_BCB RealBcb; BOOLEAN Result; Result = CcPinMappedData(FileObject, FileOffset, Length, Flags, Bcb); if (Result) { CcpLock(); RealBcb = *Bcb; *Buffer = ((PCHAR)RealBcb->BaseAddress) + (int)(FileOffset->QuadPart - RealBcb->FileOffset.QuadPart); CcpUnlock(); } return Result; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CcPreparePinWrite(IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN Zero, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PVOID *Bcb, OUT PVOID *Buffer) { BOOLEAN Result; PNOCC_BCB RealBcb; #ifdef PIN_WRITE_ONLY PVOID BaseAddress; SIZE_T NumberOfBytes; ULONG OldProtect; #endif DPRINT("CcPreparePinWrite(%x:%x)\n", Buffer, Length); Result = CcPinRead(FileObject, FileOffset, Length, Flags, Bcb, Buffer); if (Result) { CcpLock(); RealBcb = *Bcb; #ifdef PIN_WRITE_ONLY BaseAddress = RealBcb->BaseAddress; NumberOfBytes = RealBcb->Length; MiProtectVirtualMemory(NULL, &BaseAddress, &NumberOfBytes, PAGE_READWRITE, &OldProtect); #endif CcpUnlock(); RealBcb->Dirty = TRUE; if (Zero) { DPRINT("Zero fill #%x %08x%08x:%x Buffer %x %wZ\n", RealBcb - CcCacheSections, FileOffset->u.HighPart, FileOffset->u.LowPart, Length, *Buffer, &FileObject->FileName); DPRINT1("RtlZeroMemory(%x,%x)\n", *Buffer, Length); RtlZeroMemory(*Buffer, Length); } } return Result; } /* CcpUnpinData is the internal function that generally handles unpinning data. It may be a little confusing, because of the way reference counts are handled. A reference count of 2 or greater means that the stripe is still fully pinned and can't be removed. If the owner had taken an exclusive reference, then give one up. Note that it's an error to take more than one exclusive reference or to take a non-exclusive reference after an exclusive reference, so detecting or handling that case is not considered. ReleaseBit is unset if we want to detect when a cache stripe would become evictable without actually giving up our reference. We might want to do that if we were going to flush before formally releasing the cache stripe, although that facility is not used meaningfully at this time. A reference count of exactly 1 means that the stripe could potentially be reused, but could also be evicted for another mapping. In general, most stripes should be in that state most of the time. A reference count of zero means that the Bcb is completely unused. That's the start state and the state of a Bcb formerly owned by a file that is uninitialized. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI CcpUnpinData(IN PNOCC_BCB RealBcb, BOOLEAN ReleaseBit) { if (RealBcb->RefCount <= 2) { RealBcb->Exclusive = FALSE; if (RealBcb->ExclusiveWaiter) { DPRINT("Triggering exclusive waiter\n"); KeSetEvent(&RealBcb->ExclusiveWait, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); return TRUE; } } if (RealBcb->RefCount == 2 && !ReleaseBit) return FALSE; if (RealBcb->RefCount > 1) { DPRINT("Removing one reference #%x\n", RealBcb - CcCacheSections); RealBcb->RefCount--; KeSetEvent(&CcDeleteEvent, IO_DISK_INCREMENT, FALSE); } if (RealBcb->RefCount == 1) { DPRINT("Clearing allocation bit #%x\n", RealBcb - CcCacheSections); RtlClearBit(CcCacheBitmap, RealBcb - CcCacheSections); #ifdef PIN_WRITE_ONLY PVOID BaseAddress = RealBcb->BaseAddress; SIZE_T NumberOfBytes = RealBcb->Length; ULONG OldProtect; MiProtectVirtualMemory(NULL, &BaseAddress, &NumberOfBytes, PAGE_READONLY, &OldProtect); #endif } return TRUE; } VOID NTAPI CcUnpinData(IN PVOID Bcb) { PNOCC_BCB RealBcb = (PNOCC_BCB)Bcb; ULONG Selected = RealBcb - CcCacheSections; BOOLEAN Released; ASSERT(RealBcb >= CcCacheSections && RealBcb - CcCacheSections < CACHE_NUM_SECTIONS); DPRINT("CcUnpinData Bcb #%x (RefCount %d)\n", Selected, RealBcb->RefCount); CcpLock(); Released = CcpUnpinData(RealBcb, FALSE); CcpUnlock(); if (!Released) { CcpLock(); CcpUnpinData(RealBcb, TRUE); CcpUnlock(); } } VOID NTAPI CcSetBcbOwnerPointer(IN PVOID Bcb, IN PVOID OwnerPointer) { PNOCC_BCB RealBcb = (PNOCC_BCB)Bcb; CcpLock(); CcpReferenceCache(RealBcb - CcCacheSections); RealBcb->OwnerPointer = OwnerPointer; CcpUnlock(); } VOID NTAPI CcUnpinDataForThread(IN PVOID Bcb, IN ERESOURCE_THREAD ResourceThreadId) { CcUnpinData(Bcb); } /* EOF */