/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Run-Time Library * PURPOSE: Implements RtlAssert used by the ASSERT * and ASSERTMSG debugging macros * FILE: lib/rtl/assert.c * PROGRAMERS: Stefan Ginsberg (stefan.ginsberg@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RtlAssert(IN PVOID FailedAssertion, IN PVOID FileName, IN ULONG LineNumber, IN PCHAR Message OPTIONAL) { #if 0 // Disabled until sysreg can handle debug prompts CHAR Action[2]; CONTEXT Context; /* Capture caller's context for the debugger */ RtlCaptureContext(&Context); /* Enter prompt loop */ for (;;) { /* Print the assertion */ DbgPrint("\n*** Assertion failed: %s%s\n" "*** Source File: %s, line %ld\n\n", Message != NULL ? Message : "", (PSTR)FailedAssertion, (PSTR)FileName, LineNumber); /* Prompt for action */ DbgPrompt("Break repeatedly, break Once, Ignore," " terminate Process or terminate Thread (boipt)? ", Action, sizeof(Action)); switch (Action[0]) { /* Break repeatedly */ case 'B': case 'b': /* Do a breakpoint, then prompt again */ DbgPrint("Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context\n", &Context); DbgBreakPoint(); break; /* Ignore */ case 'I': case 'i': /* Return to caller */ return; /* Break once */ case 'O': case 'o': /* Do a breakpoint and return */ DbgPrint("Execute '.cxr %p' to dump context\n", &Context); DbgBreakPoint(); return; /* Terminate process*/ case 'P': case 'p': /* Terminate us */ ZwTerminateProcess(ZwCurrentProcess(), STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); break; /* Terminate thread */ case 'T': case 't': /* Terminate us */ ZwTerminateThread(ZwCurrentThread(), STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); break; /* Unrecognized */ default: /* Prompt again */ break; } } /* Shouldn't get here */ DbgBreakPoint(); ZwTerminateProcess(ZwCurrentProcess(), STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); #else if (NULL != Message) { DbgPrint("Assertion \'%s\' failed at %s line %u: %s\n", (PCHAR)FailedAssertion, (PCHAR)FileName, LineNumber, Message); } else { DbgPrint("Assertion \'%s\' failed at %s line %u\n", (PCHAR)FailedAssertion, (PCHAR)FileName, LineNumber); } DbgBreakPoint(); #endif }