/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HAL * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: hal/halamd64/generic/tsc.c * PURPOSE: HAL Routines for TSC handling * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include "tsc.h" LARGE_INTEGER HalpCpuClockFrequency = {{INITIAL_STALL_COUNT * 1000000}}; UCHAR TscCalibrationPhase; ULONG64 TscCalibrationArray[NUM_SAMPLES]; UCHAR HalpRtcClockVector = 0xD1; #define RTC_MODE 6 /* Mode 6 is 1024 Hz */ #define SAMPLE_FREQENCY ((32768 << 1) >> RTC_MODE) /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ static ULONG64 DoLinearRegression( ULONG XMax, ULONG64 *ArrayY) { ULONG X, SumXX; ULONG64 SumXY; /* Calculate the sum of the squares of X */ SumXX = (XMax * (XMax + 1) * (2*XMax + 1)) / 6; /* Calculate the sum of the differences to the first value weighted by x */ for (SumXY = 0, X = 1; X <= XMax; X++) { SumXY += X * (ArrayY[X] - ArrayY[0]); } /* Account for sample frequency */ SumXY *= SAMPLE_FREQENCY; /* Return the quotient of the sums */ return (SumXY + (SumXX/2)) / SumXX; } VOID NTAPI HalpInitializeTsc() { ULONG_PTR Flags; KIDTENTRY OldIdtEntry, *IdtPointer; PKPCR Pcr = KeGetPcr(); UCHAR RegisterA, RegisterB; /* Check if the CPU supports RDTSC */ if (!(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->FeatureBits & KF_RDTSC)) { KeBugCheck(HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } /* Save flags and disable interrupts */ Flags = __readeflags(); _disable(); /* Enable the periodic interrupt in the CMOS */ RegisterB = HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B); HalpWriteCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B, RegisterB | RTC_REG_B_PI); /* Modify register A to RTC_MODE to get SAMPLE_FREQENCY */ RegisterA = HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_A); RegisterA = (RegisterA & 0xF0) | RTC_MODE; HalpWriteCmos(RTC_REGISTER_A, RegisterA); /* Save old IDT entry */ IdtPointer = KiGetIdtEntry(Pcr, HalpRtcClockVector); OldIdtEntry = *IdtPointer; /* Set the calibration ISR */ KeRegisterInterruptHandler(HalpRtcClockVector, TscCalibrationISR); /* Reset TSC value to 0 */ __writemsr(MSR_RDTSC, 0); /* Enable the timer interupt */ HalEnableSystemInterrupt(HalpRtcClockVector, CLOCK_LEVEL, Latched); /* Read register C, so that the next interrupt can happen */ HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_C);; /* Wait for completion */ _enable(); while (TscCalibrationPhase < NUM_SAMPLES) _ReadWriteBarrier(); _disable(); /* Disable the periodic interrupt in the CMOS */ HalpWriteCmos(RTC_REGISTER_B, RegisterB & ~RTC_REG_B_PI); /* Disable the timer interupt */ HalDisableSystemInterrupt(HalpRtcClockVector, CLOCK_LEVEL); /* Restore old IDT entry */ *IdtPointer = OldIdtEntry; /* Calculate an average, using simplified linear regression */ HalpCpuClockFrequency.QuadPart = DoLinearRegression(NUM_SAMPLES - 1, TscCalibrationArray); /* Restore flags */ __writeeflags(Flags); } VOID NTAPI HalpCalibrateStallExecution(VOID) { // Timer interrupt is now active HalpInitializeTsc(); KeGetPcr()->StallScaleFactor = (ULONG)(HalpCpuClockFrequency.QuadPart / 1000000); } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ LARGE_INTEGER NTAPI KeQueryPerformanceCounter( OUT PLARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFrequency OPTIONAL) { LARGE_INTEGER Result; /* Make sure it's calibrated */ ASSERT(HalpCpuClockFrequency.QuadPart != 0); /* Does the caller want the frequency? */ if (PerformanceFrequency) { /* Return tsc frequency */ *PerformanceFrequency = HalpCpuClockFrequency; } /* Return the current value */ Result.QuadPart = __rdtsc(); return Result; } VOID NTAPI KeStallExecutionProcessor(ULONG MicroSeconds) { ULONG64 StartTime, EndTime; /* Get the initial time */ StartTime = __rdtsc(); /* Calculate the ending time */ EndTime = StartTime + KeGetPcr()->StallScaleFactor * MicroSeconds; /* Loop until time is elapsed */ while (__rdtsc() < EndTime); } VOID NTAPI HalCalibratePerformanceCounter( IN volatile PLONG Count, IN ULONGLONG NewCount) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); }