LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE, "SYSTEMINFO [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/FO format] [/NH]\n\n\ Description:\n\ This command line tool enables an administrator to query for basic\n\ system configuration information.\n\n\ Parameter List:\n\ /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n\ /U [domain\\]user Specifies the user context under which\n\ the command should execute.\n\n\ /P [password] Specifies the password for the given\n\ user context. Prompts for input if omitted.\n\n\ /FO format Specifies the format in which the output\n\ is to be displayed.\n\ Valid values: ""TABLE"", ""LIST"", ""CSV"".\n\n\ /NH Specifies that the ""Column Header"" should\n\ not be displayed in the output.\n\ Valid only for ""TABLE"" and ""CSV"" formats.\n\n\ /? Displays this help/usage.\n\n\ Examples:\n\ SYSTEMINFO\n\ SYSTEMINFO /?\n\ SYSTEMINFO /S system\n\ SYSTEMINFO /S system /U user\n\ SYSTEMINFO /S system /U domain\\user /P password /FO TABLE\n\ SYSTEMINFO /S system /FO LIST\n\ SYSTEMINFO /S system /FO CSV /NH\n" IDS_HOST_NAME, "Host Name: %s\n" IDS_OS_NAME, "OS Name: %s\n" IDS_OS_VERSION, "OS Version: %u.%u.%u %s Build %u\n" IDS_OS_BUILD_TYPE, "OS Build Type: %s\n" IDS_REG_OWNER, "Registered Owner: %s\n" IDS_REG_ORG, "Registered Organization: %s\n" IDS_PRODUCT_ID, "Product ID: %s\n" IDS_INST_DATE, "Install Date: %s\n" IDS_UP_TIME, "System Up Time: %u Days, %u Hours, %u Minutes, %u Seconds\n" IDS_SYS_MANUFACTURER, "System Manufacturer: %s\n" IDS_SYS_MODEL, "System Model: %s\n" IDS_SYS_TYPE, "System type: %s\n" IDS_PROCESSORS, "Processor(s): %u Processor(s) Installed.\n" IDS_BIOS_DATE, "BIOS Date: %s\n" IDS_BIOS_VERSION, "BIOS Version: %s\n" IDS_ROS_DIR, "ReactOS Directory: %s\n" IDS_SYS_DIR, "System Directory: %s\n" IDS_BOOT_DEV, "Boot Device: %s\n" IDS_SYS_LOCALE, "System Locale: %s\n" IDS_INPUT_LOCALE, "Input Locale: %s\n" IDS_TIME_ZONE, "Time zone: %s\n" IDS_TOTAL_PHYS_MEM, "Total Physical Memory: %s MB\n" IDS_AVAIL_PHISICAL_MEM, "Available Physical Memory: %s MB\n" IDS_VIRT_MEM_MAX, "Virtual Memory: Max Size: %s MB\n" IDS_VIRT_MEM_AVAIL, "Virtual Memory: Available: %s MB\n" IDS_VIRT_MEM_INUSE, "Virtual Memory: In Use: %s MB\n" IDS_PAGEFILE_LOC, "Page File Location(s): %s\n" IDS_DOMAIN, "Domain: %s\n" IDS_NETWORK_CARDS, "Network Card(s) %u Installed.\n" END