/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/cc/cacheman.c * PURPOSE: Cache manager * * PROGRAMMERS: David Welch (welch@cwcom.net) * Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include BOOLEAN CcPfEnablePrefetcher; PFSN_PREFETCHER_GLOBALS CcPfGlobals; MM_SYSTEMSIZE CcCapturedSystemSize; static ULONG BugCheckFileId = 0x4 << 16; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION CcPfInitializePrefetcher(VOID) { /* Notify debugger */ DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_PREFETCHER_ID, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL, "CCPF: InitializePrefetecher()\n"); /* Setup the Prefetcher Data */ InitializeListHead(&CcPfGlobals.ActiveTraces); InitializeListHead(&CcPfGlobals.CompletedTraces); ExInitializeFastMutex(&CcPfGlobals.CompletedTracesLock); /* FIXME: Setup the rest of the prefetecher */ } BOOLEAN NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION CcInitializeCacheManager(VOID) { ULONG Thread; CcInitView(); /* Initialize lazy-writer lists */ InitializeListHead(&CcIdleWorkerThreadList); InitializeListHead(&CcExpressWorkQueue); InitializeListHead(&CcRegularWorkQueue); InitializeListHead(&CcPostTickWorkQueue); /* Define lazy writer threshold and the amount of workers, * depending on the system type */ CcCapturedSystemSize = MmQuerySystemSize(); switch (CcCapturedSystemSize) { case MmSmallSystem: CcNumberWorkerThreads = ExCriticalWorkerThreads - 1; CcDirtyPageThreshold = MmNumberOfPhysicalPages / 8; break; case MmMediumSystem: CcNumberWorkerThreads = ExCriticalWorkerThreads - 1; CcDirtyPageThreshold = MmNumberOfPhysicalPages / 4; break; case MmLargeSystem: CcNumberWorkerThreads = ExCriticalWorkerThreads - 2; CcDirtyPageThreshold = MmNumberOfPhysicalPages / 8 + MmNumberOfPhysicalPages / 4; break; default: CcNumberWorkerThreads = 1; CcDirtyPageThreshold = MmNumberOfPhysicalPages / 8; break; } /* Allocate a work item for all our threads */ for (Thread = 0; Thread < CcNumberWorkerThreads; ++Thread) { PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM Item; Item = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(WORK_QUEUE_ITEM), 'qWcC'); if (Item == NULL) { CcBugCheck(0, 0, 0); } /* By default, it's obviously idle */ ExInitializeWorkItem(Item, CcWorkerThread, Item); InsertTailList(&CcIdleWorkerThreadList, &Item->List); } /* Initialize our lazy writer */ RtlZeroMemory(&LazyWriter, sizeof(LazyWriter)); InitializeListHead(&LazyWriter.WorkQueue); /* Delay activation of the lazy writer */ KeInitializeDpc(&LazyWriter.ScanDpc, CcScanDpc, NULL); KeInitializeTimer(&LazyWriter.ScanTimer); /* Lookaside list for our work items */ ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList(&CcTwilightLookasideList, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeof(WORK_QUEUE_ENTRY), 'KWcC', 0); return TRUE; } VOID NTAPI CcShutdownSystem(VOID) { /* NOTHING TO DO */ } /* * @unimplemented */ LARGE_INTEGER NTAPI CcGetFlushedValidData ( IN PSECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS SectionObjectPointer, IN BOOLEAN BcbListHeld ) { LARGE_INTEGER i; UNIMPLEMENTED; i.QuadPart = 0; return i; } /* * @unimplemented */ PVOID NTAPI CcRemapBcb ( IN PVOID Bcb ) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } /* * @unimplemented */ VOID NTAPI CcScheduleReadAhead ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length ) { KIRQL OldIrql; LARGE_INTEGER NewOffset; PROS_SHARED_CACHE_MAP SharedCacheMap; PPRIVATE_CACHE_MAP PrivateCacheMap; SharedCacheMap = FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; PrivateCacheMap = FileObject->PrivateCacheMap; /* If file isn't cached, or if read ahead is disabled, this is no op */ if (SharedCacheMap == NULL || PrivateCacheMap == NULL || BooleanFlagOn(SharedCacheMap->Flags, READAHEAD_DISABLED)) { return; } /* Round read length with read ahead mask */ Length = ROUND_UP(Length, PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadMask + 1); /* Compute the offset we'll reach */ NewOffset.QuadPart = FileOffset->QuadPart + Length; /* Lock read ahead spin lock */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, &OldIrql); /* Easy case: the file is sequentially read */ if (BooleanFlagOn(FileObject->Flags, FO_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY)) { /* If we went backward, this is no go! */ if (NewOffset.QuadPart < PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadOffset[1].QuadPart) { KeReleaseSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, OldIrql); return; } /* FIXME: hackish, but will do the job for now */ PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadOffset[1].QuadPart = NewOffset.QuadPart; PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadLength[1] = Length; } /* Other cases: try to find some logic in that mess... */ else { /* Let's check if we always read the same way (like going down in the file) * and pretend it's enough for now */ if (PrivateCacheMap->FileOffset2.QuadPart >= PrivateCacheMap->FileOffset1.QuadPart && FileOffset->QuadPart >= PrivateCacheMap->FileOffset2.QuadPart) { /* FIXME: hackish, but will do the job for now */ PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadOffset[1].QuadPart = NewOffset.QuadPart; PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadLength[1] = Length; } else { /* FIXME: handle the other cases */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, OldIrql); UNIMPLEMENTED_ONCE; return; } } /* If read ahead isn't active yet */ if (!PrivateCacheMap->Flags.ReadAheadActive) { PWORK_QUEUE_ENTRY WorkItem; /* It's active now! * Be careful with the mask, you don't want to mess with node code */ InterlockedOr((volatile long *)&PrivateCacheMap->UlongFlags, PRIVATE_CACHE_MAP_READ_AHEAD_ACTIVE); KeReleaseSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, OldIrql); /* Get a work item */ WorkItem = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&CcTwilightLookasideList); if (WorkItem != NULL) { /* Reference our FO so that it doesn't go in between */ ObReferenceObject(FileObject); /* We want to do read ahead! */ WorkItem->Function = ReadAhead; WorkItem->Parameters.Read.FileObject = FileObject; /* Queue in the read ahead dedicated queue */ CcPostWorkQueue(WorkItem, &CcExpressWorkQueue); return; } /* Fail path: lock again, and revert read ahead active */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, &OldIrql); InterlockedAnd((volatile long *)&PrivateCacheMap->UlongFlags, ~PRIVATE_CACHE_MAP_READ_AHEAD_ACTIVE); } /* Done (fail) */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&PrivateCacheMap->ReadAheadSpinLock, OldIrql); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI CcSetAdditionalCacheAttributes ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN BOOLEAN DisableReadAhead, IN BOOLEAN DisableWriteBehind ) { KIRQL OldIrql; PROS_SHARED_CACHE_MAP SharedCacheMap; CCTRACE(CC_API_DEBUG, "FileObject=%p DisableReadAhead=%d DisableWriteBehind=%d\n", FileObject, DisableReadAhead, DisableWriteBehind); SharedCacheMap = FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; OldIrql = KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock); if (DisableReadAhead) { SetFlag(SharedCacheMap->Flags, READAHEAD_DISABLED); } else { ClearFlag(SharedCacheMap->Flags, READAHEAD_DISABLED); } if (DisableWriteBehind) { /* FIXME: also set flag 0x200 */ SetFlag(SharedCacheMap->Flags, WRITEBEHIND_DISABLED); } else { ClearFlag(SharedCacheMap->Flags, WRITEBEHIND_DISABLED); } KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock(LockQueueMasterLock, OldIrql); } /* * @unimplemented */ VOID NTAPI CcSetBcbOwnerPointer ( IN PVOID Bcb, IN PVOID Owner ) { PINTERNAL_BCB iBcb = Bcb; CCTRACE(CC_API_DEBUG, "Bcb=%p Owner=%p\n", Bcb, Owner); if (!ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite(&iBcb->Lock) && !ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite(&iBcb->Lock)) { DPRINT1("Current thread doesn't own resource!\n"); return; } ExSetResourceOwnerPointer(&iBcb->Lock, Owner); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI CcSetDirtyPageThreshold ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN ULONG DirtyPageThreshold ) { PFSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER Fcb; PROS_SHARED_CACHE_MAP SharedCacheMap; CCTRACE(CC_API_DEBUG, "FileObject=%p DirtyPageThreshold=%lu\n", FileObject, DirtyPageThreshold); SharedCacheMap = FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->SharedCacheMap; if (SharedCacheMap != NULL) { SharedCacheMap->DirtyPageThreshold = DirtyPageThreshold; } Fcb = FileObject->FsContext; if (!BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->Flags, FSRTL_FLAG_LIMIT_MODIFIED_PAGES)) { SetFlag(Fcb->Flags, FSRTL_FLAG_LIMIT_MODIFIED_PAGES); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI CcSetReadAheadGranularity ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN ULONG Granularity ) { PPRIVATE_CACHE_MAP PrivateMap; CCTRACE(CC_API_DEBUG, "FileObject=%p Granularity=%lu\n", FileObject, Granularity); PrivateMap = FileObject->PrivateCacheMap; PrivateMap->ReadAheadMask = Granularity - 1; }