/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ob/obsdcach.c * PURPOSE: Security Descriptor Caching * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ #define SD_CACHE_ENTRIES 0x100 OB_SD_CACHE_LIST ObsSecurityDescriptorCache[SD_CACHE_ENTRIES]; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ FORCEINLINE VOID ObpSdAcquireLock(IN POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry) { /* Acquire the lock */ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); ExAcquirePushLockExclusive(&CacheEntry->PushLock); } FORCEINLINE VOID ObpSdReleaseLock(IN POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry) { /* Release the lock */ ExReleasePushLockExclusive(&CacheEntry->PushLock); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); } FORCEINLINE VOID ObpSdAcquireLockShared(IN POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry) { /* Acquire the lock */ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); ExAcquirePushLockShared(&CacheEntry->PushLock); } FORCEINLINE VOID ObpSdReleaseLockShared(IN POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry) { /* Release the lock */ ExReleasePushLock(&CacheEntry->PushLock); KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); } NTSTATUS NTAPI INIT_FUNCTION ObpInitSdCache(VOID) { ULONG i; /* Loop each cache entry */ for (i = 0; i < SD_CACHE_ENTRIES; i++) { /* Initialize the lock and the list */ InitializeListHead(&ObsSecurityDescriptorCache[i].Head); ExInitializePushLock(&ObsSecurityDescriptorCache[i].PushLock); } /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG NTAPI ObpHash(IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length) { PULONG p, pp; PUCHAR pb, ppb; ULONG Hash = 0; /* Setup aligned and byte buffers */ p = Buffer; pb = (PUCHAR)p; ppb = (PUCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)Buffer + Length); pp = (PULONG)ALIGN_DOWN(pb + Length, ULONG); /* Loop aligned data */ while (p < pp) { /* XOR-rotate */ Hash ^= *p++; Hash = _rotl(Hash, 3); } /* Loop non-aligned data */ pb = (PUCHAR)p; while (pb < ppb) { /* XOR-rotate */ Hash ^= *pb++; Hash = _rotl(Hash, 3); } /* Return the hash */ return Hash; } ULONG NTAPI ObpHashSecurityDescriptor(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ULONG Length) { /* Just hash the entire SD */ return ObpHash(SecurityDescriptor, Length); } PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER NTAPI ObpCreateCacheEntry(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG FullHash, IN ULONG RefCount) { ULONG CacheSize; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader; ASSERT(Length == RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor)); /* Calculate the memory we'll need to allocate and allocate it */ CacheSize = Length + (sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER) - sizeof(QUAD)); SdHeader = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, CacheSize, 'cSbO'); if (!SdHeader) return NULL; /* Setup the header */ SdHeader->RefCount = RefCount; SdHeader->FullHash = FullHash; /* Copy the descriptor */ RtlCopyMemory(&SdHeader->SecurityDescriptor, SecurityDescriptor, Length); /* Return it */ return SdHeader; } BOOLEAN NTAPI ObpCompareSecurityDescriptors(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Sd1, IN ULONG Length1, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR Sd2) { ULONG Length2; ASSERT(Length1 == RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(Sd1)); /* Get the length of the second SD */ Length2 = RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(Sd2); /* Compare lengths */ if (Length1 != Length2) return FALSE; /* Compare contents */ return RtlEqualMemory(Sd1, Sd2, Length1); } PVOID NTAPI ObpDestroySecurityDescriptorHeader(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader) { ASSERT(SdHeader->RefCount == 0); /* Just unlink the SD and return it back to the caller */ RemoveEntryList(&SdHeader->Link); return SdHeader; } PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR NTAPI ObpReferenceSecurityDescriptor(IN POBJECT_HEADER ObjectHeader) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader; PEX_FAST_REF FastRef; EX_FAST_REF OldValue; ULONG_PTR Count; /* Acquire a reference to the security descriptor */ FastRef = (PEX_FAST_REF)&ObjectHeader->SecurityDescriptor; OldValue = ExAcquireFastReference(FastRef); /* Get the descriptor and reference count */ SecurityDescriptor = ExGetObjectFastReference(OldValue); Count = ExGetCountFastReference(OldValue); /* Check if there's no descriptor or if there's still cached references */ if ((Count >= 1) || !(SecurityDescriptor)) { /* Check if this is the last reference */ if (Count == 1) { /* Add the extra references that we'll take */ SdHeader = ObpGetHeaderForSd(SecurityDescriptor); InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, MAX_FAST_REFS); /* Now insert them */ if (!ExInsertFastReference(FastRef, SecurityDescriptor)) { /* Undo the references since we failed */ InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, -MAX_FAST_REFS); } } /* Return the SD */ return SecurityDescriptor; } /* Lock the object */ ObpAcquireObjectLockShared(ObjectHeader); /* Get the object header */ SecurityDescriptor = ExGetObjectFastReference(*FastRef); SdHeader = ObpGetHeaderForSd(SecurityDescriptor); /* Do the reference */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount); /* Release the lock and return */ ObpReleaseObjectLock(ObjectHeader); return SecurityDescriptor; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /*++ * @name ObReferenceSecurityDescriptor * @implemented NT5.2 * * The ObReferenceSecurityDescriptor routine * * @param SecurityDescriptor * * * @param Count * * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS or appropriate error value. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ObReferenceSecurityDescriptor(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ULONG Count) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader; /* Get the header */ SdHeader = ObpGetHeaderForSd(SecurityDescriptor); /* Do the references */ InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, Count); } /*++ * @name ObDereferenceSecurityDescriptor * @implemented NT5.2 * * The ObDereferenceSecurityDescriptor routine * * @param SecurityDescriptor * * * @param Count * * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS or appropriate error value. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ObDereferenceSecurityDescriptor(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN ULONG Count) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader; LONG OldValue, NewValue; ULONG Index; POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry; /* Get the header */ SdHeader = ObpGetHeaderForSd(SecurityDescriptor); /* Get the current reference count */ OldValue = SdHeader->RefCount; /* Check if the caller is destroying this SD -- we need the lock for that */ while (OldValue != Count) { /* He isn't, we can just try to derefeference atomically */ NewValue = InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, OldValue - Count, OldValue); if (NewValue == OldValue) return; /* Try again */ OldValue = NewValue; } /* At this point, we need the lock, so choose an entry */ Index = SdHeader->FullHash % SD_CACHE_ENTRIES; CacheEntry = &ObsSecurityDescriptorCache[Index]; /* Acquire the lock for it */ ObpSdAcquireLock(CacheEntry); ASSERT(SdHeader->RefCount != 0); /* Now do the dereference */ if (InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, -(LONG)Count) == Count) { /* We're down to zero -- destroy the header */ SdHeader = ObpDestroySecurityDescriptorHeader(SdHeader); /* Release the lock */ ObpSdReleaseLock(CacheEntry); /* Free the header */ ExFreePool(SdHeader); } else { /* Just release the lock */ ObpSdReleaseLock(CacheEntry); } } /*++ * @name ObLogSecurityDescriptor * @implemented NT5.2 * * The ObLogSecurityDescriptor routine * * @param InputSecurityDescriptor * * * @param OutputSecurityDescriptor * * * @param RefBias * * * @return STATUS_SUCCESS or appropriate error value. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI ObLogSecurityDescriptor(IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR InputSecurityDescriptor, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OutputSecurityDescriptor, IN ULONG RefBias) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER SdHeader = NULL, NewHeader = NULL; ULONG Length, Hash, Index; POB_SD_CACHE_LIST CacheEntry; BOOLEAN Result; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; /* Get the length */ Length = RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(InputSecurityDescriptor); /* Get the hash */ Hash = ObpHashSecurityDescriptor(InputSecurityDescriptor, Length); /* Now select the appropriate cache entry */ Index = Hash % SD_CACHE_ENTRIES; CacheEntry = &ObsSecurityDescriptorCache[Index]; /* Lock it shared */ ObpSdAcquireLockShared(CacheEntry); /* Start our search */ while (TRUE) { /* Reset result found */ Result = FALSE; /* Loop the hash list */ NextEntry = CacheEntry->Head.Flink; while (NextEntry != &CacheEntry->Head) { /* Get the header */ SdHeader = ObpGetHeaderForEntry(NextEntry); /* Our hashes are ordered, so quickly check if we should stop now */ if (SdHeader->FullHash > Hash) break; /* We survived the quick hash check, now check for equalness */ if (SdHeader->FullHash == Hash) { /* Hashes match, now compare descriptors */ Result = ObpCompareSecurityDescriptors(InputSecurityDescriptor, Length, &SdHeader->SecurityDescriptor); if (Result) break; } /* Go to the next entry */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } /* Check if we found anything */ if (Result) { /* Increment its reference count */ InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&SdHeader->RefCount, RefBias); /* Release the lock */ ObpSdReleaseLockShared(CacheEntry); /* Return the descriptor */ *OutputSecurityDescriptor = &SdHeader->SecurityDescriptor; /* Free anything that we may have had to create */ if (NewHeader) ExFreePool(NewHeader); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Check if we got here, and didn't create a descriptor yet */ if (!NewHeader) { /* Release the lock */ ObpSdReleaseLockShared(CacheEntry); /* This should be our first time in the loop, create it */ NewHeader = ObpCreateCacheEntry(InputSecurityDescriptor, Length, Hash, RefBias); if (!NewHeader) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Now acquire the exclusive lock and we should hit the right path */ ObpSdAcquireLock(CacheEntry); } else { /* We have inserted the SD, we're fine now */ break; } } /* Okay, now let's do the insert, we should have the exclusive lock */ InsertTailList(NextEntry, &NewHeader->Link); /* Release the lock */ ObpSdReleaseLock(CacheEntry); /* Return the SD*/ *OutputSecurityDescriptor = &NewHeader->SecurityDescriptor; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */