/* * Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005 Martin Fuchs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Explorer clone // // filechild.cpp // // Martin Fuchs, 23.07.2003 // #include #include "ntobjfs.h" #include "regfs.h" #include "fatfs.h" FileChildWndInfo::FileChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR path, ENTRY_TYPE etype) : super(hmdiclient), _etype(etype) { #ifndef _NO_WIN_FS if (etype == ET_UNKNOWN) #ifdef __WINE__ if (*path == '/') _etype = ET_UNIX; else #endif _etype = ET_WINDOWS; #endif _path = path; _pos.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); _pos.flags = 0; _pos.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; _pos.rcNormalPosition.left = CW_USEDEFAULT; _pos.rcNormalPosition.top = CW_USEDEFAULT; _pos.rcNormalPosition.right = CW_USEDEFAULT; _pos.rcNormalPosition.bottom = CW_USEDEFAULT; _open_mode = OWM_EXPLORE|OWM_DETAILS; } ShellChildWndInfo::ShellChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR path, const ShellPath& root_shell_path) : FileChildWndInfo(hmdiclient, path, ET_SHELL), _shell_path(path&&*path? path: root_shell_path), _root_shell_path(root_shell_path) { } NtObjChildWndInfo::NtObjChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR path) : FileChildWndInfo(hmdiclient, path, ET_NTOBJS) { } RegistryChildWndInfo::RegistryChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR path) : FileChildWndInfo(hmdiclient, path, ET_REGISTRY) { } FATChildWndInfo::FATChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR path) : FileChildWndInfo(hmdiclient, path, ET_FAT) { } WebChildWndInfo::WebChildWndInfo(HWND hmdiclient, LPCTSTR url) : FileChildWndInfo(hmdiclient, url, ET_WEB) { } INT_PTR CALLBACK ExecuteDialog::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { static struct ExecuteDialog* dlg; switch(nmsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: dlg = (struct ExecuteDialog*) lparam; return 1; case WM_COMMAND: { int id = (int)wparam; if (id == IDOK) { GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, 201), dlg->cmd, COUNTOF(dlg->cmd)); dlg->cmdshow = Button_GetState(GetDlgItem(hwnd,214))&BST_CHECKED? SW_SHOWMINIMIZED: SW_SHOWNORMAL; EndDialog(hwnd, id); } else if (id == IDCANCEL) EndDialog(hwnd, id); return 1;} } return 0; } // FileChildWindow FileChildWindow::FileChildWindow(HWND hwnd, const FileChildWndInfo& info) : super(hwnd, info) { CONTEXT("FileChildWindow::FileChildWindow()"); TCHAR drv[_MAX_DRIVE+1]; Entry* entry = NULL; _left = NULL; _right = NULL; switch(info._etype) { #ifdef __WINE__ case ET_UNIX: _root._drive_type = GetDriveType(info._path); _root._sort_order = SORT_NAME; _tsplitpath(info._path, drv, NULL, NULL, NULL); lstrcat(drv, TEXT("/")); lstrcpy(_root._volname, TEXT("root fs")); _root._fs_flags = 0; lstrcpy(_root._fs, TEXT("unixfs")); lstrcpy(_root._path, TEXT("/")); _root._entry = new UnixDirectory(_root._path); entry = _root.read_tree(info._path+_tcslen(_root._path)); break; #endif case ET_NTOBJS: _root._drive_type = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; _root._sort_order = SORT_NAME; _tsplitpath_s(info._path, drv, COUNTOF(drv), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); lstrcat(drv, TEXT("\\")); lstrcpy(_root._volname, TEXT("NT Object Namespace")); lstrcpy(_root._fs, TEXT("NTOBJ")); lstrcpy(_root._path, drv); _root._entry = new NtObjDirectory(_root._path); entry = _root.read_tree(info._path+_tcslen(_root._path)); break; case ET_REGISTRY: _root._drive_type = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; _root._sort_order = SORT_NONE; _tsplitpath_s(info._path, drv, COUNTOF(drv), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); lstrcat(drv, TEXT("\\")); lstrcpy(_root._volname, TEXT("Registry")); lstrcpy(_root._fs, TEXT("Registry")); lstrcpy(_root._path, drv); _root._entry = new RegistryRoot(); entry = _root.read_tree(info._path+_tcslen(_root._path)); break; #ifdef _DEBUG case ET_FAT: { _root._drive_type = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; _root._sort_order = SORT_NONE; _tsplitpath_s(info._path, drv, COUNTOF(drv), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); lstrcat(drv, TEXT("\\")); lstrcpy(_root._volname, TEXT("FAT XXX")); //@@ lstrcpy(_root._fs, TEXT("FAT")); lstrcpy(_root._path, drv); FATDrive* drive = new FATDrive(TEXT("c:/reactos-emu/c.img")); //TEXT("\\\\.\\F:")); //@@ if (drive->_hDrive != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _root._entry = drive; entry = _root.read_tree(info._path+_tcslen(_root._path)); } break;} #endif #ifndef _NO_WIN_FS default: // ET_WINDOWS _root._drive_type = GetDriveType(info._path); _root._sort_order = SORT_NAME; _tsplitpath_s(info._path, drv, COUNTOF(drv), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); lstrcat(drv, TEXT("\\")); GetVolumeInformation(drv, _root._volname, _MAX_FNAME, 0, 0, &_root._fs_flags, _root._fs, COUNTOF(_root._fs)); lstrcpy(_root._path, drv); _root._entry = new WinDirectory(_root._path); entry = _root.read_tree(info._path+_tcslen(_root._path)); break; #else default: #endif case ET_SHELL: { //@@ separate FileChildWindow into ShellChildWindow, WinChildWindow, UnixChildWindow ? _root._drive_type = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; _root._sort_order = SORT_NAME; lstrcpy(drv, TEXT("\\")); lstrcpy(_root._volname, TEXT("Desktop")); _root._fs_flags = 0; lstrcpy(_root._fs, TEXT("Shell")); _root._entry = new ShellDirectory(GetDesktopFolder(), DesktopFolderPath(), hwnd); const ShellChildWndInfo& shell_info = static_cast(info); entry = _root.read_tree(&*shell_info._shell_path); break;} } if (_root._entry) { if (info._etype != ET_SHELL) wsprintf(_root._entry->_data.cFileName, TEXT("%s - %s"), drv, _root._fs); /*@@else lstrcpy(_root._entry->_data.cFileName, TEXT("GetDesktopFolder"));*/ _root._entry->_data.dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; ///@todo use OWM_ROOTED flag if (info._open_mode & OWM_EXPLORE) ///@todo Is not-explore-mode for FileChildWindow completely implemented? _left_hwnd = *(_left=new Pane(_hwnd, IDW_TREE_LEFT, IDW_HEADER_LEFT, _root._entry, true, COL_CONTENT)); _right_hwnd = *(_right=new Pane(_hwnd, IDW_TREE_RIGHT, IDW_HEADER_RIGHT, NULL, false, COL_TYPE|COL_SIZE|COL_DATE|COL_TIME|COL_ATTRIBUTES|COL_INDEX|COL_LINKS|COL_CONTENT)); } _header_wdths_ok = false; if (!_left_hwnd && !_right_hwnd) return; if (entry) set_curdir(entry); else if (_root._entry) set_curdir(_root._entry); if (_left_hwnd) { int idx = ListBox_FindItemData(_left_hwnd, ListBox_GetCurSel(_left_hwnd), _left->_cur); ListBox_SetCurSel(_left_hwnd, idx); //SetFocus(_left_hwnd); } // store path into history if (info._path && *info._path) _url_history.push(info._path); } void FileChildWindow::set_curdir(Entry* entry) { CONTEXT("FileChildWindow::set_curdir()"); _path[0] = TEXT('\0'); _left->_cur = entry; _right->_root = entry&&entry->_down? entry->_down: entry; _right->_cur = entry; if (entry) { WaitCursor wait; if (!entry->_scanned) scan_entry(entry); else { HiddenWindow hide(_right_hwnd); ListBox_ResetContent(_right_hwnd); _right->insert_entries(entry->_down); _right->calc_widths(false); ///@todo make configurable (This call takes really _very_ long compared to all other processing!) _right->set_header(); } entry->get_path(_path, COUNTOF(_path)); } if (_hwnd) // only change window title if the window already exists SetWindowText(_hwnd, _path); if (_path[0]) { if (SetCurrentDirectory(_path)) set_url(_path); //set_url(FmtString(TEXT("file://%s"), _path)); else _path[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } // expand a directory entry bool FileChildWindow::expand_entry(Entry* dir) { int idx; Entry* p; if (!dir || dir->_expanded || !dir->_down) return false; p = dir->_down; if (p->_data.cFileName[0]=='.' && p->_data.cFileName[1]=='\0' && p->_next) { p = p->_next; if (p->_data.cFileName[0]=='.' && p->_data.cFileName[1]=='.' && p->_data.cFileName[2]=='\0' && p->_next) p = p->_next; } // no subdirectories ? if (!(p->_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && // not a directory? !p->_down) // not a file with NTFS sub-streams? return FALSE; idx = ListBox_FindItemData(_left_hwnd, 0, dir); dir->_expanded = true; // insert entries in left pane HiddenWindow hide(_left_hwnd); _left->insert_entries(p, idx); if (!_header_wdths_ok) { if (_left->calc_widths(false)) { _left->set_header(); _header_wdths_ok = true; } } return true; } void FileChildWindow::collapse_entry(Pane* pane, Entry* dir) { int idx = ListBox_FindItemData(*pane, 0, dir); SendMessage(*pane, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); //ShowWindow(*pane, SW_HIDE); // hide sub entries for(;;) { LRESULT res = ListBox_GetItemData(*pane, idx+1); Entry* sub = (Entry*) res; if (res==LB_ERR || !sub || sub->_level<=dir->_level) break; ListBox_DeleteString(*pane, idx+1); } dir->_expanded = false; SendMessage(*pane, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); //ShowWindow(*pane, SW_SHOW); } FileChildWindow* FileChildWindow::create(const FileChildWndInfo& info) { CONTEXT("FileChildWindow::create()"); MDICREATESTRUCT mcs; mcs.szClass = CLASSNAME_WINEFILETREE; mcs.szTitle = (LPTSTR)info._path; mcs.hOwner = g_Globals._hInstance; mcs.x = info._pos.rcNormalPosition.left; mcs.y = info._pos.rcNormalPosition.top; mcs.cx = info._pos.rcNormalPosition.right - info._pos.rcNormalPosition.left; mcs.cy = info._pos.rcNormalPosition.bottom - info._pos.rcNormalPosition.top; mcs.style = 0; mcs.lParam = 0; FileChildWindow* child = static_cast( create_mdi_child(info, mcs, WINDOW_CREATOR_INFO(FileChildWindow,FileChildWndInfo))); if (!child->_left_hwnd && !child->_right_hwnd) { SendMessage(info._hmdiclient, WM_MDIDESTROY, (WPARAM)child->_hwnd, 0); MessageBox(info._hmdiclient, TEXT("Error opening child window"), TEXT("ROS Explorer"), MB_OK); } return child; } void FileChildWindow::resize_children(int cx, int cy) { HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(4); RECT rt; rt.left = 0; rt.top = 0; rt.right = cx; rt.bottom = cy; cx = _split_pos + SPLIT_WIDTH/2; if (_left && _right) { WINDOWPOS wp; HD_LAYOUT hdl; hdl.prc = &rt; hdl.pwpos = ℘ Header_Layout(_left->_hwndHeader, &hdl); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, _left->_hwndHeader, wp.hwndInsertAfter, wp.x-1, wp.y, _split_pos-SPLIT_WIDTH/2+1, wp.cy, wp.flags); hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, _right->_hwndHeader, wp.hwndInsertAfter, rt.left+cx+1, wp.y, wp.cx-cx+2, wp.cy, wp.flags); } if (_left_hwnd) hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, _left_hwnd, 0, rt.left, rt.top, _split_pos-SPLIT_WIDTH/2-rt.left, rt.bottom-rt.top, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); if (_right_hwnd) hdwp = DeferWindowPos(hdwp, _right_hwnd, 0, rt.left+cx+1, rt.top, rt.right-cx, rt.bottom-rt.top, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp); } LRESULT FileChildWindow::WndProc(UINT nmsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch(nmsg) { case WM_DRAWITEM: { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT dis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lparam; Entry* entry = (Entry*) dis->itemData; if (dis->CtlID == IDW_TREE_LEFT) { _left->draw_item(dis, entry); return TRUE; } else if (dis->CtlID == IDW_TREE_RIGHT) { _right->draw_item(dis, entry); return TRUE; } goto def;} case WM_SIZE: if (wparam != SIZE_MINIMIZED) resize_children(LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam)); return DefMDIChildProc(_hwnd, nmsg, wparam, lparam); case PM_GET_FILEWND_PTR: return (LRESULT)this; case WM_SETFOCUS: { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; if (_left && _left->_cur) { _left->_cur->get_path(path, COUNTOF(path)); SetCurrentDirectory(path); } SetFocus(_focus_pane? _right_hwnd: _left_hwnd); goto def;} case PM_DISPATCH_COMMAND: { Pane* pane = GetFocus()==_left_hwnd? _left: _right; switch(LOWORD(wparam)) { case ID_WINDOW_NEW: {CONTEXT("FileChildWindow PM_DISPATCH_COMMAND ID_WINDOW_NEW"); if (_root._entry->_etype == ET_SHELL) FileChildWindow::create(ShellChildWndInfo(GetParent(_hwnd)/*_hmdiclient*/, _path, DesktopFolderPath())); else FileChildWindow::create(FileChildWndInfo(GetParent(_hwnd)/*_hmdiclient*/, _path)); break;} case ID_REFRESH: {CONTEXT("ID_REFRESH"); refresh(); break;} case ID_ACTIVATE: {CONTEXT("ID_ACTIVATE"); activate_entry(pane); break;} default: if (pane->command(LOWORD(wparam))) return TRUE; else return super::WndProc(nmsg, wparam, lparam); } return TRUE;} case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { // first select the current item in the listbox HWND hpanel = (HWND) wparam; POINT pt; pt.x = LOWORD(lparam); pt.y = HIWORD(lparam); POINT pt_screen = pt; ScreenToClient(hpanel, &pt); SendMessage(hpanel, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y)); SendMessage(hpanel, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y)); // now create the popup menu using shell namespace and IContextMenu Pane* pane = GetFocus()==_left_hwnd? _left: _right; int idx = ListBox_GetCurSel(*pane); if (idx != -1) { Entry* entry = (Entry*) ListBox_GetItemData(*pane, idx); HRESULT hr = entry->do_context_menu(_hwnd, pt_screen, _cm_ifs); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) refresh(); else CHECKERROR(hr); } break;} default: def: return super::WndProc(nmsg, wparam, lparam); } return 0; } void FileChildWindow::refresh() { WaitCursor wait; bool expanded = _left->_cur->_expanded; scan_entry(_left->_cur); if (expanded) expand_entry(_left->_cur); } int FileChildWindow::Command(int id, int code) { Pane* pane = GetFocus()==_left_hwnd? _left: _right; switch(code) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: { int idx = ListBox_GetCurSel(*pane); Entry* entry = (Entry*) ListBox_GetItemData(*pane, idx); if (pane == _left) set_curdir(entry); else pane->_cur = entry; break;} case LBN_DBLCLK: activate_entry(pane); break; } return 0; } void FileChildWindow::activate_entry(Pane* pane) ///@todo enable using RETURN key accelerator { Entry* entry = pane->_cur; if (!entry) return; WaitCursor wait; if ((entry->_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || // a directory? entry->_down) // a file with NTFS sub-streams? { int scanned_old = entry->_scanned; if (!scanned_old) scan_entry(entry); if (entry->_data.cFileName[0]==TEXT('.') && entry->_data.cFileName[1]==TEXT('\0')) return; if (entry->_data.cFileName[0]==TEXT('.') && entry->_data.cFileName[1]==TEXT('.') && entry->_data.cFileName[2]==TEXT('\0')) { entry = _left->_cur->_up; collapse_entry(_left, entry); goto focus_entry; } else if (entry->_expanded) collapse_entry(pane, _left->_cur); else { expand_entry(_left->_cur); if (!pane->_treePane) focus_entry: { int idx = ListBox_FindItemData(_left_hwnd, ListBox_GetCurSel(_left_hwnd), entry); ListBox_SetCurSel(_left_hwnd, idx); set_curdir(entry); } } if (!scanned_old) { pane->calc_widths(false); pane->set_header(); } } else { entry->launch_entry(_hwnd); } } void FileChildWindow::scan_entry(Entry* entry) { CONTEXT("FileChildWindow::scan_entry()"); int idx = ListBox_GetCurSel(_left_hwnd); // delete sub entries in left pane for(;;) { LRESULT res = ListBox_GetItemData(_left_hwnd, idx+1); Entry* sub = (Entry*) res; if (res==LB_ERR || !sub || sub->_level<=entry->_level) break; ListBox_DeleteString(_left_hwnd, idx+1); } // empty right pane ListBox_ResetContent(_right_hwnd); // release memory entry->free_subentries(); entry->_expanded = false; // read contents from disk entry->read_directory_base(_root._sort_order); ///@todo use modifyable sort order instead of fixed file system default // insert found entries in right pane HiddenWindow hide(_right_hwnd); _right->insert_entries(entry->_down); _right->calc_widths(false); _right->set_header(); _header_wdths_ok = false; } int FileChildWindow::Notify(int id, NMHDR* pnmh) { return (pnmh->idFrom==IDW_HEADER_LEFT? _left: _right)->Notify(id, pnmh); } String FileChildWindow::jump_to_int(LPCTSTR url) { String dir, fname; if (SplitFileSysURL(url, dir, fname)) { Entry* entry = NULL; // call read_tree() to iterate through the hierarchy and open all folders to reach dir if (_root._entry) switch(_root._entry->_etype) { case ET_SHELL: { //@@ separate into FileChildWindow in ShellChildWindow, WinChildWindow, UnixChildWindow ? ShellPath shell_path(dir); entry = _root.read_tree(&*shell_path); break;} #ifdef __WINE__ case ET_UNIX: { LPCTSTR path = dir; if (!_tcsicmp(path, _root._path, _tcslen(_root._path))) path += _tcslen(_root._path); entry = _root.read_tree(path); break;} #endif default: { // ET_NTOBJS, ET_REGISTRY, ET_FAT, ET_WINDOWS LPCTSTR path = dir; if (!_tcsnicmp(path, _root._path, _tcslen(_root._path))) path += _tcslen(_root._path); entry = _root.read_tree(path); break;} } if (entry) { // refresh left pane entries HiddenWindow hide(_left_hwnd); ListBox_ResetContent(_left_hwnd); _left->insert_entries(_root._entry); if (!_header_wdths_ok) { if (_left->calc_widths(false)) { _left->set_header(); _header_wdths_ok = true; } } set_curdir(entry); if (_left_hwnd) { int idx = ListBox_FindItemData(_left_hwnd, -1, entry); if (idx != -1) { // The item should always be found. ListBox_SetCurSel(_left_hwnd, idx); SetFocus(_left_hwnd); } } ///@todo use fname return dir; //FmtString(TEXT("file://%s"), (LPCTSTR)dir); } } return String(); }