/* * PARSER.C - command parsing. */ #include "precomp.h" #define C_OP_LOWEST C_MULTI #define C_OP_HIGHEST C_PIPE static const TCHAR OpString[][3] = { _T("&"), _T("||"), _T("&&"), _T("|") }; static const TCHAR RedirString[][3] = { _T("<"), _T(">"), _T(">>") }; static const TCHAR *const IfOperatorString[] = { _T("cmdextversion"), _T("defined"), _T("errorlevel"), _T("exist"), #define IF_MAX_UNARY IF_EXIST _T("=="), _T("equ"), _T("gtr"), _T("geq"), _T("lss"), _T("leq"), _T("neq"), #define IF_MAX_COMPARISON IF_NEQ }; /* These three characters act like spaces to the parser in most contexts */ #define STANDARD_SEPS _T(",;=") static BOOL IsSeparator(TCHAR Char) { return _istspace(Char) || (Char && _tcschr(STANDARD_SEPS, Char)); } enum { TOK_END, TOK_NORMAL, TOK_OPERATOR, TOK_REDIRECTION, TOK_BEGIN_BLOCK, TOK_END_BLOCK }; static BOOL bParseError; static BOOL bLineContinuations; static TCHAR ParseLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; static TCHAR *ParsePos; static TCHAR CurChar; static TCHAR CurrentToken[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; static int CurrentTokenType; static int InsideBlock; static TCHAR ParseChar(void) { TCHAR Char; if (bParseError) return (CurChar = 0); restart: /* * Although CRs can be injected into a line via an environment * variable substitution, the parser ignores them - they won't * even separate tokens. */ do { Char = *ParsePos++; } while (Char == _T('\r')); if (!Char) { ParsePos--; if (bLineContinuations) { if (!ReadLine(ParseLine, TRUE)) { /* ^C pressed, or line was too long */ bParseError = TRUE; } else if (*(ParsePos = ParseLine)) { goto restart; } } } return (CurChar = Char); } static void ParseError(void) { error_syntax(CurrentTokenType != TOK_END ? CurrentToken : NULL); bParseError = TRUE; } /* * Yes, cmd has a Lexical Analyzer. Whenever the parser gives an "xxx was * unexpected at this time." message, it shows what the last token read was. */ static int ParseToken(TCHAR ExtraEnd, TCHAR *Separators) { TCHAR *Out = CurrentToken; TCHAR Char; int Type; BOOL bInQuote = FALSE; for (Char = CurChar; Char && Char != _T('\n'); Char = ParseChar()) { bInQuote ^= (Char == _T('"')); if (!bInQuote) { if (Separators != NULL) { if (_istspace(Char) || _tcschr(Separators, Char)) { /* Skip leading separators */ if (Out == CurrentToken) continue; break; } } /* Check for numbered redirection */ if ((Char >= _T('0') && Char <= _T('9') && (ParsePos == &ParseLine[1] || IsSeparator(ParsePos[-2])) && (*ParsePos == _T('<') || *ParsePos == _T('>')))) { break; } if (Char == ExtraEnd) break; if (InsideBlock && Char == _T(')')) break; if (_tcschr(_T("&|<>"), Char)) break; if (Char == _T('^')) { Char = ParseChar(); /* Eat up a \n, allowing line continuation */ if (Char == _T('\n')) Char = ParseChar(); /* Next character is a forced literal */ } } if (Out == &CurrentToken[CMDLINE_LENGTH - 1]) break; *Out++ = Char; } /* Check if we got at least one character before reaching a special one. * If so, return them and leave the special for the next call. */ if (Out != CurrentToken) { Type = TOK_NORMAL; } else if (Char == _T('(')) { Type = TOK_BEGIN_BLOCK; *Out++ = Char; ParseChar(); } else if (Char == _T(')')) { Type = TOK_END_BLOCK; *Out++ = Char; ParseChar(); } else if (Char == _T('&') || Char == _T('|')) { Type = TOK_OPERATOR; *Out++ = Char; Char = ParseChar(); /* check for && or || */ if (Char == Out[-1]) { *Out++ = Char; ParseChar(); } } else if ((Char >= _T('0') && Char <= _T('9')) || (Char == _T('<') || Char == _T('>'))) { Type = TOK_REDIRECTION; if (Char >= _T('0') && Char <= _T('9')) { *Out++ = Char; Char = ParseChar(); } *Out++ = Char; Char = ParseChar(); if (Char == Out[-1]) { /* Strangely, the tokenizer allows << as well as >>... (it * will cause an error when trying to parse it though) */ *Out++ = Char; Char = ParseChar(); } if (Char == _T('&')) { *Out++ = Char; while (IsSeparator(Char = ParseChar())) ; if (Char >= _T('0') && Char <= _T('9')) { *Out++ = Char; ParseChar(); } } } else { Type = TOK_END; } *Out = _T('\0'); return CurrentTokenType = Type; } static BOOL ParseRedirection(REDIRECTION **List) { TCHAR *Tok = CurrentToken; BYTE Number; REDIR_MODE RedirMode; REDIRECTION *Redir; if (*Tok >= _T('0') && *Tok <= _T('9')) Number = *Tok++ - _T('0'); else Number = *Tok == _T('<') ? 0 : 1; if (*Tok++ == _T('<')) { RedirMode = REDIR_READ; if (*Tok == _T('<')) goto fail; } else { RedirMode = REDIR_WRITE; if (*Tok == _T('>')) { RedirMode = REDIR_APPEND; Tok++; } } if (!*Tok) { /* The file name was not part of this token, so it'll be the next one */ if (ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS) != TOK_NORMAL) goto fail; Tok = CurrentToken; } /* If a redirection for this handle number already exists, delete it */ while ((Redir = *List)) { if (Redir->Number == Number) { *List = Redir->Next; cmd_free(Redir); continue; } List = &Redir->Next; } Redir = cmd_alloc(FIELD_OFFSET(REDIRECTION, Filename[_tcslen(Tok) + 1])); if (!Redir) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Redir!\n"); goto fail; } Redir->Next = NULL; Redir->OldHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Redir->Number = Number; Redir->Mode = RedirMode; _tcscpy(Redir->Filename, Tok); *List = Redir; return TRUE; fail: ParseError(); FreeRedirection(*List); *List = NULL; return FALSE; } static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseCommandOp(int OpType); /* Parse a parenthesized block */ static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseBlock(REDIRECTION *RedirList) { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, *Sub, **NextPtr; Cmd = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); FreeRedirection(RedirList); return NULL; } Cmd->Type = C_BLOCK; Cmd->Next = NULL; Cmd->Subcommands = NULL; Cmd->Redirections = RedirList; /* Read the block contents */ NextPtr = &Cmd->Subcommands; InsideBlock++; while (1) { Sub = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); if (Sub) { *NextPtr = Sub; NextPtr = &Sub->Next; } else if (bParseError) { InsideBlock--; FreeCommand(Cmd); return NULL; } if (CurrentTokenType == TOK_END_BLOCK) break; /* Skip past the \n */ ParseChar(); } InsideBlock--; /* Process any trailing redirections */ while (ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS) == TOK_REDIRECTION) { if (!ParseRedirection(&Cmd->Redirections)) { FreeCommand(Cmd); return NULL; } } return Cmd; } /* Parse an IF statement */ static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseIf(void) { int Type; PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; Cmd = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); return NULL; } memset(Cmd, 0, sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); Cmd->Type = C_IF; Type = CurrentTokenType; if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("/I")) == 0) { Cmd->If.Flags |= IFFLAG_IGNORECASE; Type = ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); } if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("not")) == 0) { Cmd->If.Flags |= IFFLAG_NEGATE; Type = ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); } if (Type != TOK_NORMAL) { FreeCommand(Cmd); ParseError(); return NULL; } /* Check for unary operators */ for (; Cmd->If.Operator <= IF_MAX_UNARY; Cmd->If.Operator++) { if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, IfOperatorString[Cmd->If.Operator]) == 0) { if (ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS) != TOK_NORMAL) { FreeCommand(Cmd); ParseError(); return NULL; } Cmd->If.RightArg = cmd_dup(CurrentToken); goto condition_done; } } /* It must be a two-argument (comparison) operator. It could be ==, so * the equals sign can't be treated as whitespace here. */ Cmd->If.LeftArg = cmd_dup(CurrentToken); ParseToken(0, _T(",;")); /* The right argument can come immediately after == */ if (_tcsnicmp(CurrentToken, _T("=="), 2) == 0 && CurrentToken[2]) { Cmd->If.RightArg = cmd_dup(&CurrentToken[2]); goto condition_done; } for (; Cmd->If.Operator <= IF_MAX_COMPARISON; Cmd->If.Operator++) { if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, IfOperatorString[Cmd->If.Operator]) == 0) { if (ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS) != TOK_NORMAL) break; Cmd->If.RightArg = cmd_dup(CurrentToken); goto condition_done; } } FreeCommand(Cmd); ParseError(); return NULL; condition_done: Cmd->Subcommands = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); if (Cmd->Subcommands == NULL) { FreeCommand(Cmd); return NULL; } if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("else")) == 0) { Cmd->Subcommands->Next = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); if (Cmd->Subcommands->Next == NULL) { FreeCommand(Cmd); return NULL; } } return Cmd; } /* * Parse a FOR command. * Syntax is: FOR [options] %var IN (list) DO command */ static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseFor(void) { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; TCHAR List[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; TCHAR *Pos = List; Cmd = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); return NULL; } memset(Cmd, 0, sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); Cmd->Type = C_FOR; while (1) { if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("/D")) == 0) Cmd->For.Switches |= FOR_DIRS; else if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("/F")) == 0) { Cmd->For.Switches |= FOR_F; if (!Cmd->For.Params) { ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); if (CurrentToken[0] == _T('/') || CurrentToken[0] == _T('%')) break; Cmd->For.Params = cmd_dup(CurrentToken); } } else if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("/L")) == 0) Cmd->For.Switches |= FOR_LOOP; else if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("/R")) == 0) { Cmd->For.Switches |= FOR_RECURSIVE; if (!Cmd->For.Params) { ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); if (CurrentToken[0] == _T('/') || CurrentToken[0] == _T('%')) break; StripQuotes(CurrentToken); Cmd->For.Params = cmd_dup(CurrentToken); } } else break; ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); } /* Make sure there aren't two different switches specified * at the same time, unless they're /D and /R */ if ((Cmd->For.Switches & (Cmd->For.Switches - 1)) != 0 && Cmd->For.Switches != (FOR_DIRS | FOR_RECURSIVE)) { goto error; } /* Variable name should be % and just one other character */ if (CurrentToken[0] != _T('%') || _tcslen(CurrentToken) != 2) goto error; Cmd->For.Variable = CurrentToken[1]; ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("in")) != 0) goto error; if (ParseToken(_T('('), STANDARD_SEPS) != TOK_BEGIN_BLOCK) goto error; while (1) { int Type; /* Pretend we're inside a block so the tokenizer will stop on ')' */ InsideBlock++; Type = ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); InsideBlock--; if (Type == TOK_END_BLOCK) break; if (Type == TOK_END) { /* Skip past the \n */ ParseChar(); continue; } if (Type != TOK_NORMAL) goto error; if (Pos != List) *Pos++ = _T(' '); if (Pos + _tcslen(CurrentToken) >= &List[CMDLINE_LENGTH]) goto error; Pos = _stpcpy(Pos, CurrentToken); } *Pos = _T('\0'); Cmd->For.List = cmd_dup(List); ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); if (_tcsicmp(CurrentToken, _T("do")) != 0) goto error; Cmd->Subcommands = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); if (Cmd->Subcommands == NULL) { FreeCommand(Cmd); return NULL; } return Cmd; error: FreeCommand(Cmd); ParseError(); return NULL; } /* Parse a REM command */ static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseRem(void) { /* "Ignore" the rest of the line. * (Line continuations will still be parsed, though.) */ while (ParseToken(0, NULL) != TOK_END) ; return NULL; } static DECLSPEC_NOINLINE PARSED_COMMAND *ParseCommandPart(REDIRECTION *RedirList) { TCHAR ParsedLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; PARSED_COMMAND *(*Func)(void); TCHAR *Pos = _stpcpy(ParsedLine, CurrentToken) + 1; DWORD_PTR TailOffset = Pos - ParsedLine; /* Check for special forms */ if ((Func = ParseFor, _tcsicmp(ParsedLine, _T("for")) == 0) || (Func = ParseIf, _tcsicmp(ParsedLine, _T("if")) == 0) || (Func = ParseRem, _tcsicmp(ParsedLine, _T("rem")) == 0)) { ParseToken(0, STANDARD_SEPS); /* Do special parsing only if it's not followed by /? */ if (_tcscmp(CurrentToken, _T("/?")) != 0) { if (RedirList) { ParseError(); FreeRedirection(RedirList); return NULL; } return Func(); } Pos = _stpcpy(Pos, _T(" /?")); } /* Now get the tail */ while (1) { int Type = ParseToken(0, NULL); if (Type == TOK_NORMAL) { if (Pos + _tcslen(CurrentToken) >= &ParsedLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH]) { ParseError(); FreeRedirection(RedirList); return NULL; } Pos = _stpcpy(Pos, CurrentToken); } else if (Type == TOK_REDIRECTION) { if (!ParseRedirection(&RedirList)) return NULL; } else { break; } } *Pos++ = _T('\0'); Cmd = cmd_alloc(FIELD_OFFSET(PARSED_COMMAND, Command.First[Pos - ParsedLine])); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); FreeRedirection(RedirList); return NULL; } Cmd->Type = C_COMMAND; Cmd->Next = NULL; Cmd->Subcommands = NULL; Cmd->Redirections = RedirList; memcpy(Cmd->Command.First, ParsedLine, (Pos - ParsedLine) * sizeof(TCHAR)); Cmd->Command.Rest = Cmd->Command.First + TailOffset; return Cmd; } static PARSED_COMMAND *ParsePrimary(void) { REDIRECTION *RedirList = NULL; int Type; while (IsSeparator(CurChar)) { if (CurChar == _T('\n')) return NULL; ParseChar(); } if (!CurChar) return NULL; if (CurChar == _T(':')) { /* "Ignore" the rest of the line. * (Line continuations will still be parsed, though.) */ while (ParseToken(0, NULL) != TOK_END) ; return NULL; } if (CurChar == _T('@')) { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; ParseChar(); Cmd = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); return NULL; } Cmd->Type = C_QUIET; Cmd->Next = NULL; /* @ acts like a unary operator with low precedence, * so call the top-level parser */ Cmd->Subcommands = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); Cmd->Redirections = NULL; return Cmd; } /* Process leading redirections and get the head of the command */ while ((Type = ParseToken(_T('('), STANDARD_SEPS)) == TOK_REDIRECTION) { if (!ParseRedirection(&RedirList)) return NULL; } if (Type == TOK_NORMAL) return ParseCommandPart(RedirList); else if (Type == TOK_BEGIN_BLOCK) return ParseBlock(RedirList); else if (Type == TOK_END_BLOCK && !RedirList) return NULL; ParseError(); FreeRedirection(RedirList); return NULL; } static PARSED_COMMAND *ParseCommandOp(int OpType) { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, *Left, *Right; if (OpType == C_OP_HIGHEST) Cmd = ParsePrimary(); else Cmd = ParseCommandOp(OpType + 1); if (Cmd && !_tcscmp(CurrentToken, OpString[OpType - C_OP_LOWEST])) { Left = Cmd; Right = ParseCommandOp(OpType); if (!Right) { if (!bParseError) { /* & is allowed to have an empty RHS */ if (OpType == C_MULTI) return Left; ParseError(); } FreeCommand(Left); return NULL; } Cmd = cmd_alloc(sizeof(PARSED_COMMAND)); if (!Cmd) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Cmd!\n"); ParseError(); FreeCommand(Left); FreeCommand(Right); return NULL; } Cmd->Type = OpType; Cmd->Next = NULL; Cmd->Redirections = NULL; Cmd->Subcommands = Left; Left->Next = Right; Right->Next = NULL; } return Cmd; } PARSED_COMMAND * ParseCommand(LPTSTR Line) { PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd; if (Line) { if (!SubstituteVars(Line, ParseLine, _T('%'))) return NULL; bLineContinuations = FALSE; } else { if (!ReadLine(ParseLine, FALSE)) return NULL; bLineContinuations = TRUE; } bParseError = FALSE; ParsePos = ParseLine; CurChar = _T(' '); Cmd = ParseCommandOp(C_OP_LOWEST); if (Cmd) { if (CurrentTokenType != TOK_END) ParseError(); if (bParseError) { FreeCommand(Cmd); Cmd = NULL; } bIgnoreEcho = FALSE; } else { bIgnoreEcho = TRUE; } return Cmd; } /* * Reconstruct a parse tree into text form; used for echoing * batch file commands and FOR instances. */ VOID EchoCommand(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { TCHAR Buf[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; PARSED_COMMAND *Sub; REDIRECTION *Redir; switch (Cmd->Type) { case C_COMMAND: if (SubstituteForVars(Cmd->Command.First, Buf)) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s"), Buf); if (SubstituteForVars(Cmd->Command.Rest, Buf)) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s"), Buf); break; case C_QUIET: return; case C_BLOCK: ConOutChar(_T('(')); Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; if (Sub && !Sub->Next) { /* Single-command block: display all on one line */ EchoCommand(Sub); } else if (Sub) { /* Multi-command block: display parenthesis on separate lines */ ConOutChar(_T('\n')); do { EchoCommand(Sub); ConOutChar(_T('\n')); Sub = Sub->Next; } while (Sub); } ConOutChar(_T(')')); break; case C_MULTI: case C_IFFAILURE: case C_IFSUCCESS: case C_PIPE: Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; EchoCommand(Sub); ConOutPrintf(_T(" %s "), OpString[Cmd->Type - C_OP_LOWEST]); EchoCommand(Sub->Next); break; case C_IF: ConOutPrintf(_T("if")); if (Cmd->If.Flags & IFFLAG_IGNORECASE) ConOutPrintf(_T(" /I")); if (Cmd->If.Flags & IFFLAG_NEGATE) ConOutPrintf(_T(" not")); if (Cmd->If.LeftArg && SubstituteForVars(Cmd->If.LeftArg, Buf)) ConOutPrintf(_T(" %s"), Buf); ConOutPrintf(_T(" %s"), IfOperatorString[Cmd->If.Operator]); if (SubstituteForVars(Cmd->If.RightArg, Buf)) ConOutPrintf(_T(" %s "), Buf); Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; EchoCommand(Sub); if (Sub->Next) { ConOutPrintf(_T(" else ")); EchoCommand(Sub->Next); } break; case C_FOR: ConOutPrintf(_T("for")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_DIRS) ConOutPrintf(_T(" /D")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_F) ConOutPrintf(_T(" /F")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_LOOP) ConOutPrintf(_T(" /L")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_RECURSIVE) ConOutPrintf(_T(" /R")); if (Cmd->For.Params) ConOutPrintf(_T(" %s"), Cmd->For.Params); ConOutPrintf(_T(" %%%c in (%s) do "), Cmd->For.Variable, Cmd->For.List); EchoCommand(Cmd->Subcommands); break; } for (Redir = Cmd->Redirections; Redir; Redir = Redir->Next) { if (SubstituteForVars(Redir->Filename, Buf)) { ConOutPrintf(_T(" %c%s%s"), _T('0') + Redir->Number, RedirString[Redir->Mode], Buf); } } } /* * "Unparse" a command into a text form suitable for passing to CMD /C. * Used for pipes. This is basically the same thing as EchoCommand, but * writing into a string instead of to standard output. */ TCHAR * Unparse(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, TCHAR *Out, TCHAR *OutEnd) { TCHAR Buf[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; PARSED_COMMAND *Sub; REDIRECTION *Redir; /* * Since this function has the annoying requirement that it must avoid * overflowing the supplied buffer, define some helper macros to make * this less painful. */ #define CHAR(Char) \ do { \ if (Out == OutEnd) return NULL; \ *Out++ = Char; \ } while (0) #define STRING(String) \ do { \ if (Out + _tcslen(String) > OutEnd) return NULL; \ Out = _stpcpy(Out, String); \ } while (0) #define PRINTF(Format, ...) \ do { \ UINT Len = _sntprintf(Out, OutEnd - Out, Format, __VA_ARGS__); \ if (Len > (UINT)(OutEnd - Out)) return NULL; \ Out += Len; \ } while (0) #define RECURSE(Subcommand) \ do { \ Out = Unparse(Subcommand, Out, OutEnd); \ if (!Out) return NULL; \ } while (0) switch (Cmd->Type) { case C_COMMAND: /* This is fragile since there could be special characters, but * Windows doesn't bother escaping them, so for compatibility * we probably shouldn't do it either */ if (!SubstituteForVars(Cmd->Command.First, Buf)) return NULL; STRING(Buf); if (!SubstituteForVars(Cmd->Command.Rest, Buf)) return NULL; STRING(Buf); break; case C_QUIET: CHAR(_T('@')); RECURSE(Cmd->Subcommands); break; case C_BLOCK: CHAR(_T('(')); for (Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; Sub; Sub = Sub->Next) { RECURSE(Sub); if (Sub->Next) CHAR(_T('&')); } CHAR(_T(')')); break; case C_MULTI: case C_IFFAILURE: case C_IFSUCCESS: case C_PIPE: Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; RECURSE(Sub); PRINTF(_T(" %s "), OpString[Cmd->Type - C_OP_LOWEST]); RECURSE(Sub->Next); break; case C_IF: STRING(_T("if")); if (Cmd->If.Flags & IFFLAG_IGNORECASE) STRING(_T(" /I")); if (Cmd->If.Flags & IFFLAG_NEGATE) STRING(_T(" not")); if (Cmd->If.LeftArg && SubstituteForVars(Cmd->If.LeftArg, Buf)) PRINTF(_T(" %s"), Buf); PRINTF(_T(" %s"), IfOperatorString[Cmd->If.Operator]); if (!SubstituteForVars(Cmd->If.RightArg, Buf)) return NULL; PRINTF(_T(" %s "), Buf); Sub = Cmd->Subcommands; RECURSE(Sub); if (Sub->Next) { STRING(_T(" else ")); RECURSE(Sub->Next); } break; case C_FOR: STRING(_T("for")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_DIRS) STRING(_T(" /D")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_F) STRING(_T(" /F")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_LOOP) STRING(_T(" /L")); if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_RECURSIVE) STRING(_T(" /R")); if (Cmd->For.Params) PRINTF(_T(" %s"), Cmd->For.Params); PRINTF(_T(" %%%c in (%s) do "), Cmd->For.Variable, Cmd->For.List); RECURSE(Cmd->Subcommands); break; } for (Redir = Cmd->Redirections; Redir; Redir = Redir->Next) { if (!SubstituteForVars(Redir->Filename, Buf)) return NULL; PRINTF(_T(" %c%s%s"), _T('0') + Redir->Number, RedirString[Redir->Mode], Buf); } return Out; } VOID FreeCommand(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { if (Cmd->Subcommands) FreeCommand(Cmd->Subcommands); if (Cmd->Next) FreeCommand(Cmd->Next); FreeRedirection(Cmd->Redirections); if (Cmd->Type == C_IF) { cmd_free(Cmd->If.LeftArg); cmd_free(Cmd->If.RightArg); } else if (Cmd->Type == C_FOR) { cmd_free(Cmd->For.Params); cmd_free(Cmd->For.List); } cmd_free(Cmd); }