:: :: Diverse tests for the CMD echoer and parser. :: @echo off setlocal enableextensions :: :: Simple tests for the CMD echoer. :: echo --------- Testing CMD echoer --------- @echo on if 1==1 echo j1|(echo j2) else echo j3 (echo a 1>&2|echo a 1>&2) 2>&1 echo 1 @echo 2 @@echo 3 @@@echo 4 :echo x1 ::echo x2 @:echo y1 @::echo y2 @:::echo y3 @@:echo z1 @@::echo z2 foobar echo foobar parameter echo parameter toto>NUL toto> NUL toto >NUL toto > NUL toto>NUL 2>&1 toto> NUL 2>&1 toto >NUL 2>&1 toto > NUL 2>&1 a&b a& b a &b a & b a||b a|| b a ||b a || b a&&b a&& b a &&b a && b :: a|b :: a| b :: a |b :: a | b if 1==1 (echo lol) else (echo boom) if 1==1 ( echo lol ) else ( echo boom ) for /l %%l in (1,1,5) do (echo %%l) for /l %%l in (1,1,5) do ( echo %%l ) for /l %%l in (1,1,5) do (@@@echo %%l) if 1==1 @echo hi if 1==1 (@echo heh) if 1==0 (@echo lol) else @echo better if 1==0 (@echo lol) else (@echo better2) (a) (a b) :: An empty parenthesized block is considered to be an error. :: () @echo off :: :: Finished! :: echo --------- Finished -------------- goto :EOF