------------ Testing FOR loop ------------ --- Multiple lines A B C --- Lines and spaces D E F --- Multiple lines and commas G H I --- Multiple lines and %I %I %I %I --- Multiple lines and %j %j %j %j ---------- Testing AND operator ---------- TRUE AND condition ---------- Testing OR operator ----------- FALSE OR condition ---------- Testing CMD exit codes and errorlevels ---------- --- CMD /C Direct EXIT call OK OK --- CMD /C Direct EXIT /B call OK OK --- CMD /C Non-existing command OK OK OK OK --- CMD /C RMDIR (no ERRORLEVEL set) OK OK OK OK --- CMD /C DIR (sets ERRORLEVEL) - With failure OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK --- CMD /C DIR (sets ERRORLEVEL) - With success OK OK OK OK OK OK --- CALL Batch Non-existing command OK OK --- CALL Batch RMDIR (no ERRORLEVEL set) OK OK --- CALL Batch RMDIR with || (sets ERRORLEVEL) OK OK OK OK --- CALL Batch DIR (sets ERRORLEVEL) - With failure OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK --- CALL Batch DIR (sets ERRORLEVEL) - With success OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK --------- Finished --------------