/* Chown-advanced command -- for the Midnight Commander Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Radek Doulik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include /* Needed for the extern declarations of integer parameters */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include #include /* For malloc() */ #include /* For errno on SunOS systems */ #include "mad.h" #include "tty.h" #include "util.h" /* Needed for the externs */ #include "win.h" #include "color.h" #include "dlg.h" #include "widget.h" #include "dialog.h" /* For do_refresh() */ #include "wtools.h" /* For init_box_colors() */ #include "key.h" /* XCTRL and ALT macros */ #include "dir.h" #include "panel.h" /* Needed for the externs */ #include "file.h" #include "chmod.h" #include "main.h" #include "../vfs/vfs.h" #define BX 5 #define BY 6 #define TX 50 #define TY 2 #define BUTTONS 9 #define B_SETALL B_USER #define B_SKIP B_USER + 1 #define B_OWN B_USER + 3 #define B_GRP B_USER + 4 #define B_OTH B_USER + 5 #define B_OUSER B_USER + 6 #define B_OGROUP B_USER + 7 struct { int ret_cmd, flags, y, x; char *text; } chown_advanced_but [BUTTONS] = { { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 4, 55, N_("&Cancel") }, { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON,4, 45, N_("&Set") }, { B_SKIP, NORMAL_BUTTON, 4, 36, N_("S&kip") }, { B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 4, 24, N_("Set &all")}, { B_ENTER, NARROW_BUTTON, 0, 47, " "}, { B_ENTER, NARROW_BUTTON, 0, 29, " "}, { B_ENTER, NARROW_BUTTON, 0, 19, " "}, { B_ENTER, NARROW_BUTTON, 0, 11, " "}, { B_ENTER, NARROW_BUTTON, 0, 3, " "}, }; WButton *b_att[3]; /* permission */ WButton *b_user, *b_group; /* owner */ static int files_on_begin; /* Number of files at startup */ static int flag_pos; static int x_toggle; static char ch_flags[11]; static char *ch_perm = "rwx"; static umode_t ch_cmode; struct stat *sf_stat; static int need_update; static int end_chown; static int current_file; static int single_set; static char *fname; static void get_ownership () { /* set buttons - ownership */ char *name_t; name_t = name_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat->st_uid), 15); memset (b_user->text, ' ', 15); strncpy (b_user->text, name_t, strlen (name_t)); name_t = name_trunc (get_group (sf_stat->st_gid), 15); memset (b_group->text, ' ', 15); strncpy (b_group->text, name_t, strlen (name_t)); } static int inc_flag_pos (int f_pos) { if (flag_pos == 10) { flag_pos = 0; return 0; } flag_pos++; if (!(flag_pos % 3) || f_pos > 2) return 0; return 1; } static int dec_flag_pos (int f_pos) { if (!flag_pos) { flag_pos = 10; return 0; } flag_pos--; if (!((flag_pos + 1) % 3) || f_pos > 2) return 0; return 1; } static void set_perm_by_flags (char *s, int f_p) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (ch_flags[f_p + i] == '+') s[i] = ch_perm[i]; else if (ch_flags[f_p + i] == '-') s[i] = '-'; else s[i] = (ch_cmode & (1 << (8 - f_p - i))) ? ch_perm[i] : '-'; } static void set_perm (char *s, int p) { s[0] = (p & 4) ? 'r' : '-'; s[1] = (p & 2) ? 'w' : '-'; s[2] = (p & 1) ? 'x' : '-'; } static umode_t get_perm (char *s, int base) { umode_t m; m = 0; m |= (s [0] == '-') ? 0 : ((s[0] == '+') ? (1 << (base + 2)) : (1 << (base + 2)) & ch_cmode); m |= (s [1] == '-') ? 0 : ((s[1] == '+') ? (1 << (base + 1)) : (1 << (base + 1)) & ch_cmode); m |= (s [2] == '-') ? 0 : ((s[2] == '+') ? (1 << base) : (1 << base) & ch_cmode); return m; } static umode_t get_mode () { umode_t m; m = ch_cmode ^ (ch_cmode & 0777); m |= get_perm (ch_flags, 6); m |= get_perm (ch_flags + 3, 3); m |= get_perm (ch_flags + 6, 0); return m; } static void print_flags (void) { int i; attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY+1, 9+i); addch (ch_flags [i]); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 1, 17 + i); addch (ch_flags [i+3]); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 1, 25 + i); addch (ch_flags [i+6]); } set_perm_by_flags (b_att[0]->text, 0); set_perm_by_flags (b_att[1]->text, 3); set_perm_by_flags (b_att[2]->text, 6); for (i = 0; i < 15; i++){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY+1, 35+i); addch (ch_flags[9]); } for (i = 0; i < 15; i++){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 1, 53 + i); addch (ch_flags[10]); } } static void update_mode (Dlg_head * h) { print_flags (); attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); dlg_move (h, BY + 2, 9); printw ("%12o", get_mode ()); send_message (h, h->current->widget, WIDGET_FOCUS, 0); } static int l_call (void *data) { return 1; } static int chl_callback (Dlg_head * h, int Par, int Msg) { switch (Msg) { case DLG_DRAW: attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); dlg_erase (h); draw_box (h, 0, 0, 13, 17); break; case DLG_KEY: switch (Par) { case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: h->ret_value = Par; dlg_stop (h); } } return 0; } static void do_enter_key (Dlg_head *h, int f_pos) { Dlg_head *chl_dlg; WListbox *chl_list; struct passwd *chl_pass; struct group *chl_grp; WLEntry *fe; int lxx, lyy, chl_end, b_pos; do { lxx = (COLS - 74) / 2 + ((f_pos == 3) ? 35 : 53); lyy = (LINES - 13) / 2; chl_end = 0; chl_dlg = create_dlg (lyy, lxx, 13, 17, dialog_colors, chl_callback, "[Chown-advanced]", "achown_enter", DLG_NONE); /* get new listboxes */ chl_list = listbox_new (1, 1, 15, 11, 0, l_call, NULL); listbox_add_item (chl_list, 0, 0, "", NULL); if (f_pos == 3) { /* get and put user names in the listbox */ setpwent (); while ((chl_pass = getpwent ())) listbox_add_item (chl_list, 0, 0, chl_pass->pw_name, NULL); endpwent (); fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list, get_owner (sf_stat->st_uid)); } else { /* get and put group names in the listbox */ setgrent (); while ((chl_grp = getgrent ())) { listbox_add_item (chl_list, 0, 0, chl_grp->gr_name, NULL); } endgrent (); fe = listbox_search_text (chl_list, get_group (sf_stat->st_gid)); } if (fe) listbox_select_entry (chl_list, fe); b_pos = chl_list->pos; add_widget (chl_dlg, chl_list); run_dlg (chl_dlg); if (b_pos != chl_list->pos){ int ok = 0; if (f_pos == 3){ chl_pass = getpwnam (chl_list->current->text); if (chl_pass){ ok = 1; sf_stat->st_uid = chl_pass->pw_uid; } } else { chl_grp = getgrnam (chl_list->current->text); if (chl_grp){ sf_stat->st_gid = chl_grp->gr_gid; ok = 1; } } if (ok){ ch_flags [f_pos + 6] = '+'; get_ownership (); } dlg_focus (h); if (ok) print_flags (); } if (chl_dlg->ret_value == KEY_LEFT){ if (f_pos == 4) chl_end = 1; dlg_one_up (ch_dlg); f_pos--; } else if (chl_dlg->ret_value == KEY_RIGHT) { if (f_pos == 3) chl_end = 1; dlg_one_down (ch_dlg); f_pos++; } /* Here we used to redraw the window */ destroy_dlg (chl_dlg); } while (chl_end); } static void chown_refresh (void) { attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); dlg_erase (ch_dlg); draw_box (ch_dlg, 1, 2, 11, 70); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 8); addstr (_("owner")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 16); addstr (_("group")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 24); addstr (_("other")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 35); addstr (_("owner")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 53); addstr (_("group")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, 3, 4); addstr (_("On")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 1, 4); addstr (_("Flag")); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 2, 4); addstr (_("Mode")); if (!single_set){ dlg_move (ch_dlg, 3, 54); printw (_("%6d of %d"), files_on_begin - (cpanel->marked) + 1, files_on_begin); } print_flags (); attrset (COLOR_HOT_NORMAL); dlg_move (ch_dlg, 1, 24); addstr (_(" Chown advanced command ")); } static void chown_info_update () { /* display file info */ attrset (COLOR_NORMAL); /* name && mode */ dlg_move (ch_dlg, 3, 8); printw ("%s", name_trunc (fname, 45)); dlg_move (ch_dlg, BY + 2, 9); printw ("%12o", get_mode ()); /* permissions */ set_perm (b_att[0]->text, sf_stat->st_mode >> 6); set_perm (b_att[1]->text, sf_stat->st_mode >> 3); set_perm (b_att[2]->text, sf_stat->st_mode); } static void b_setpos (int f_pos) { b_att[0]->hotpos=-1; b_att[1]->hotpos=-1; b_att[2]->hotpos=-1; b_att[f_pos]->hotpos = (flag_pos % 3); } static int advanced_chown_callback (Dlg_head * h, int Par, int Msg) { int i = 0, f_pos = BUTTONS - h->current->dlg_id - single_set - 1; switch (Msg) { case DLG_DRAW: chown_refresh (); chown_info_update (); return 1; case DLG_POST_KEY: if (f_pos < 3) b_setpos (f_pos); break; case DLG_FOCUS: if (f_pos < 3) { if ((flag_pos / 3) != f_pos) flag_pos = f_pos * 3; b_setpos (f_pos); } else if (f_pos < 5) flag_pos = f_pos + 6; break; case DLG_KEY: switch (Par) { case XCTRL('b'): case KEY_LEFT: if (f_pos < 5) return (dec_flag_pos (f_pos)); break; case XCTRL('f'): case KEY_RIGHT: if (f_pos < 5) return (inc_flag_pos (f_pos)); break; case ' ': if (f_pos < 3) return 1; break; case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: if (f_pos <= 2 || f_pos >= 5) break; do_enter_key (h, f_pos); return 1; case ALT ('x'): i++; case ALT ('w'): i++; case ALT ('r'): Par = i + 3; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) ch_flags[i * 3 + Par - 3] = (x_toggle & (1 << Par)) ? '-' : '+'; x_toggle ^= (1 << Par); update_mode (h); dlg_broadcast_msg (h, WIDGET_DRAW, 0); send_message (h, h->current->widget, WIDGET_FOCUS, 0); break; case XCTRL ('x'): i++; case XCTRL ('w'): i++; case XCTRL ('r'): Par = i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) ch_flags[i * 3 + Par] = (x_toggle & (1 << Par)) ? '-' : '+'; x_toggle ^= (1 << Par); update_mode (h); dlg_broadcast_msg (h, WIDGET_DRAW, 0); send_message (h, h->current->widget, WIDGET_FOCUS, 0); break; case 'x': i++; case 'w': i++; case 'r': if (f_pos > 2) break; flag_pos = f_pos * 3 + i; /* (strchr(ch_perm,Par)-ch_perm); */ if (((WButton *) h->current->widget)->text[(flag_pos % 3)] == '-') ch_flags[flag_pos] = '+'; else ch_flags[flag_pos] = '-'; update_mode (h); break; case '4': i++; case '2': i++; case '1': if (f_pos > 2) break; flag_pos = i + f_pos * 3; ch_flags[flag_pos] = '='; update_mode (h); break; case '-': if (f_pos > 2) break; case '*': if (Par == '*') Par = '='; case '=': case '+': if (f_pos > 4) break; ch_flags[flag_pos] = Par; update_mode (h); advanced_chown_callback (h, KEY_RIGHT, DLG_KEY); if (flag_pos>8 || !(flag_pos%3)) dlg_one_down (h); break; } return 0; } return 0; } static void init_chown_advanced (void) { int i; sf_stat = (struct stat *) malloc (sizeof (struct stat)); do_refresh (); end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0; single_set = (cpanel->marked < 2) ? 2 : 0; memset (ch_flags, '=', 11); flag_pos = 0; x_toggle = 070; ch_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 13, 74, dialog_colors, advanced_chown_callback, "[Chown-advanced]", "achown", DLG_CENTER); #define XTRACT(i) BY+chown_advanced_but[i].y, BX+chown_advanced_but[i].x, \ chown_advanced_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_advanced_but[i].flags, chown_advanced_but[i].text, \ 0, 0, NULL for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - 5; i++) if (!single_set || i < 2) add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (XTRACT (i))); b_att[0] = button_new (XTRACT (8)); b_att[1] = button_new (XTRACT (7)); b_att[2] = button_new (XTRACT (6)); b_user = button_new (XTRACT (5)); b_group = button_new (XTRACT (4)); add_widget (ch_dlg, b_group); add_widget (ch_dlg, b_user); add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[2]); add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[1]); add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[0]); } void chown_advanced_done (void) { free (sf_stat); if (need_update) update_panels (UP_OPTIMIZE, UP_KEEPSEL); repaint_screen (); } #if 0 static inline void do_chown (uid_t u, gid_t g) { chown (cpanel->dir.list[current_file].fname, u, g); file_mark (cpanel, current_file, 0); } #endif static char *next_file (void) { while (!cpanel->dir.list[current_file].f.marked) current_file++; return cpanel->dir.list[current_file].fname; } static void apply_advanced_chowns (struct stat *sf) { char *fname; gid_t a_gid = sf->st_gid; uid_t a_uid = sf->st_uid; fname = cpanel->dir.list[current_file].fname; need_update = end_chown = 1; if (mc_chmod (fname, get_mode ()) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chmod \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); /* call mc_chown only, if mc_chmod didn't fail */ else if (mc_chown (fname, (ch_flags[9] == '+') ? sf->st_uid : -1, (ch_flags[10] == '+') ? sf->st_gid : -1) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chown \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); do_file_mark (cpanel, current_file, 0); do { fname = next_file (); if (!stat_file (fname, sf)) break; ch_cmode = sf->st_mode; if (mc_chmod (fname, get_mode ()) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chmod \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); /* call mc_chown only, if mc_chmod didn't fail */ else if (mc_chown (fname, (ch_flags[9] == '+') ? a_uid : -1, (ch_flags[10] == '+') ? a_gid : -1) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chown \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); do_file_mark (cpanel, current_file, 0); } while (cpanel->marked); } void chown_advanced_cmd (void) { files_on_begin = cpanel->marked; if (!vfs_current_is_local ()) { if (vfs_current_is_extfs ()) { message (1, _(" Oops... "), _(" I can't run the Advanced Chown command on an extfs ")); return; } else if (vfs_current_is_tarfs ()) { message (1, _(" Oops... "), _(" I can't run the Advanced Chown command on a tarfs ")); return; } } do { /* do while any files remaining */ init_chown_advanced (); if (cpanel->marked) fname = next_file (); /* next marked file */ else fname = selection (cpanel)->fname; /* single file */ if (!stat_file (fname, sf_stat)){ /* get status of file */ destroy_dlg (ch_dlg); break; } ch_cmode = sf_stat->st_mode; chown_refresh (); get_ownership (); /* game can begin */ run_dlg (ch_dlg); switch (ch_dlg->ret_value) { case B_CANCEL: end_chown = 1; break; case B_ENTER: need_update = 1; if (mc_chmod (fname, get_mode ()) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chmod \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); /* call mc_chown only, if mc_chmod didn't fail */ else if (mc_chown (fname, (ch_flags[9] == '+') ? sf_stat->st_uid : -1, (ch_flags[10] == '+') ? sf_stat->st_gid : -1) == -1) message (1, MSG_ERROR, _(" Couldn't chown \"%s\" \n %s "), fname, unix_error_string (errno)); break; case B_SETALL: apply_advanced_chowns (sf_stat); break; case B_SKIP: break; } if (cpanel->marked && ch_dlg->ret_value != B_CANCEL) { do_file_mark (cpanel, current_file, 0); need_update = 1; } destroy_dlg (ch_dlg); } while (cpanel->marked && !end_chown); chown_advanced_done (); }