/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Universal Serial Bus Bulk Driver Library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: lib/drivers/libusb/memory_manager.cpp * PURPOSE: USB Common Driver Library. * PROGRAMMERS: * Michael Martin (michael.martin@reactos.org) * Johannes Anderwald (johannes.anderwald@reactos.org) */ #include "libusb.h" class CDMAMemoryManager : public IDMAMemoryManager { public: STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( REFIID InterfaceId, PVOID* Interface); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_Ref); return m_Ref; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { InterlockedDecrement(&m_Ref); if (!m_Ref) { delete this; return 0; } return m_Ref; } // IDMAMemoryManager interface functions virtual NTSTATUS Initialize(IN PUSBHARDWAREDEVICE Device, IN PKSPIN_LOCK Lock, IN ULONG DmaBufferSize, IN PVOID VirtualBase, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, IN ULONG DefaultBlockSize); virtual NTSTATUS Allocate(IN ULONG Size, OUT PVOID *OutVirtualBase, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS OutPhysicalAddress); virtual NTSTATUS Release(IN PVOID VirtualBase, IN ULONG Size); // constructor / destructor CDMAMemoryManager(IUnknown *OuterUnknown){} virtual ~CDMAMemoryManager(){} protected: LONG m_Ref; PUSBHARDWAREDEVICE m_Device; PKSPIN_LOCK m_Lock; LONG m_DmaBufferSize; PVOID m_VirtualBase; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS m_PhysicalAddress; ULONG m_BlockSize; PULONG m_BitmapBuffer; RTL_BITMAP m_Bitmap; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS STDMETHODCALLTYPE CDMAMemoryManager::QueryInterface( IN REFIID refiid, OUT PVOID* Output) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } NTSTATUS CDMAMemoryManager::Initialize( IN PUSBHARDWAREDEVICE Device, IN PKSPIN_LOCK Lock, IN ULONG DmaBufferSize, IN PVOID VirtualBase, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress, IN ULONG DefaultBlockSize) { ULONG BitmapLength; // // sanity checks // PC_ASSERT(DmaBufferSize >= PAGE_SIZE); PC_ASSERT(DmaBufferSize % PAGE_SIZE == 0); PC_ASSERT(DefaultBlockSize == 32 || DefaultBlockSize == 64 || DefaultBlockSize == 128); // // calculate bitmap length // BitmapLength = (DmaBufferSize / DefaultBlockSize) / 8; // // allocate bitmap buffer // m_BitmapBuffer = (PULONG)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, BitmapLength, TAG_USBLIB); if (!m_BitmapBuffer) { // // no memory // return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // // initialize bitmap // RtlInitializeBitMap(&m_Bitmap, m_BitmapBuffer, BitmapLength * 8); // // clear all bits // RtlClearAllBits(&m_Bitmap); // // initialize rest of memory allocator // m_PhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress; m_VirtualBase = VirtualBase; m_DmaBufferSize = DmaBufferSize; m_BitmapBuffer = m_BitmapBuffer; m_Lock = Lock; m_BlockSize = DefaultBlockSize; /* done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CDMAMemoryManager::Allocate( IN ULONG Size, OUT PVOID *OutVirtualAddress, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS OutPhysicalAddress) { ULONG Length, BlockCount, FreeIndex, StartPage, EndPage; KIRQL OldLevel; ULONG BlocksPerPage; // // sanity checks // ASSERT(Size <= PAGE_SIZE); //ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); // // align request // Length = (Size + m_BlockSize -1) & ~(m_BlockSize -1); // // sanity check // ASSERT(Length); // // convert to block count // BlockCount = Length / m_BlockSize; // // acquire lock // KeAcquireSpinLock(m_Lock, &OldLevel); // // helper variable // BlocksPerPage = PAGE_SIZE / m_BlockSize; // // start search // FreeIndex = 0; do { // // search for an free index // FreeIndex = RtlFindClearBits(&m_Bitmap, BlockCount, FreeIndex); // // check if there was a block found // if (FreeIndex == MAXULONG) { // // no free block found // break; } // // check that the allocation does not spawn over page boundaries // StartPage = (FreeIndex * m_BlockSize); StartPage = (StartPage != 0 ? StartPage / PAGE_SIZE : 0); EndPage = ((FreeIndex + BlockCount) * m_BlockSize) / PAGE_SIZE; // // does the request start and end on the same page // if (StartPage == EndPage) { // // reserve block // RtlSetBits(&m_Bitmap, FreeIndex, BlockCount); // // reserve block // break; } else if ((BlockCount == BlocksPerPage) && (FreeIndex % BlocksPerPage == 0)) { // // the request equals PAGE_SIZE and is aligned at page boundary // reserve block // RtlSetBits(&m_Bitmap, FreeIndex, BlockCount); // // reserve block // break; } else { // // request spawned over page boundary // restart search on next page // FreeIndex = (EndPage * PAGE_SIZE) / m_BlockSize; } } while(TRUE); // // release lock // KeReleaseSpinLock(m_Lock, OldLevel); // // did allocation succeed // if (FreeIndex == MAXULONG) { // // failed to allocate block, requestor must retry // return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } // // return result // *OutVirtualAddress = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)m_VirtualBase + FreeIndex * m_BlockSize); OutPhysicalAddress->QuadPart = m_PhysicalAddress.QuadPart + FreeIndex * m_BlockSize; // // clear block // RtlZeroMemory(*OutVirtualAddress, Length); // // done // return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CDMAMemoryManager::Release( IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN ULONG Size) { KIRQL OldLevel; ULONG BlockOffset = 0, BlockLength, BlockCount; // // sanity checks // PC_ASSERT(VirtualAddress); PC_ASSERT((ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress >= (ULONG_PTR)m_VirtualBase); PC_ASSERT((ULONG_PTR)m_VirtualBase + m_DmaBufferSize > (ULONG_PTR)m_VirtualBase); // // calculate block length // BlockLength = ((ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress - (ULONG_PTR)m_VirtualBase); // // check if its the first block // if (BlockLength) { // // divide by base block size // BlockOffset = BlockLength / m_BlockSize; } // // align length to block size // Size = (Size + m_BlockSize - 1) & ~(m_BlockSize - 1); // // convert to blocks // BlockCount = Size / m_BlockSize; ASSERT(BlockCount); // // acquire lock // KeAcquireSpinLock(m_Lock, &OldLevel); // // sanity check // ASSERT(RtlAreBitsSet(&m_Bitmap, BlockOffset, BlockCount)); // // release buffer // RtlClearBits(&m_Bitmap, BlockOffset, BlockCount); // // release lock // KeReleaseSpinLock(m_Lock, OldLevel); // // done // return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI CreateDMAMemoryManager( PDMAMEMORYMANAGER *OutMemoryManager) { CDMAMemoryManager* This; // // allocate controller // This = new(NonPagedPool, TAG_USBLIB) CDMAMemoryManager(0); if (!This) { // // failed to allocate // return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // // add reference count // This->AddRef(); // // return result // *OutMemoryManager = (PDMAMEMORYMANAGER)This; // // done // return STATUS_SUCCESS; }