/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/consrv/frontends/gui/conwnd.h * PURPOSE: GUI Console Window Class * PROGRAMMERS: Gé van Geldorp * Johannes Anderwald * Jeffrey Morlan * Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ #pragma once /* GUI Console Window Class name */ #define GUI_CONWND_CLASS L"ConsoleWindowClass" #ifndef WM_APP #define WM_APP 0x8000 #endif #define PM_RESIZE_TERMINAL (WM_APP + 3) #define PM_CONSOLE_BEEP (WM_APP + 4) #define PM_CONSOLE_SET_TITLE (WM_APP + 5) /* Flags for GetKeyState */ #define KEY_TOGGLED 0x0001 #define KEY_PRESSED 0x8000 /* typedef struct _CONSOLE_FONT { HFONT Font; ULONG Flag; } CONSOLE_FONT, *PCONSOLE_FONT; */ #define FONT_NORMAL 0x00 #define FONT_BOLD 0x01 #define FONT_UNDERLINE 0x02 #define FONT_MAXNO 0x04 typedef struct _GUI_CONSOLE_DATA { CRITICAL_SECTION Lock; BOOL WindowSizeLock; HANDLE hGuiInitEvent; HANDLE hGuiTermEvent; // HANDLE InputThreadHandle; ULONG_PTR InputThreadId; HWINSTA WinSta; HDESK Desktop; BOOLEAN IsWindowVisible; POINT OldCursor; LONG_PTR WndStyle; LONG_PTR WndStyleEx; BOOL IsWndMax; WINDOWPLACEMENT WndPl; HWND hWindow; /* Handle to the console's window */ HDC hMemDC; /* Memory DC holding the console framebuffer */ HBITMAP hBitmap; /* Console framebuffer */ HPALETTE hSysPalette; /* Handle to the original system palette */ HICON hIcon; /* Handle to the console's icon (big) */ HICON hIconSm; /* Handle to the console's icon (small) */ /*** The following may be put per-screen-buffer !! ***/ HCURSOR hCursor; /* Handle to the mouse cursor */ INT MouseCursorRefCount; /* The reference counter associated with the mouse cursor. >= 0 and the cursor is shown; < 0 and the cursor is hidden. */ BOOL IgnoreNextMouseSignal; /* Used when we need to not process a mouse signal */ BOOL HackCORE8394IgnoreNextMove; /* HACK FOR CORE-8394. See conwnd.c!OnMouse for more details. */ HMENU hSysMenu; /* Handle to the console window system menu */ BOOL IsCloseButtonEnabled; /* TRUE if the Close button and the corresponding system menu item are enabled (default), FALSE otherwise */ UINT CmdIdLow ; /* Lowest menu id of the user-reserved menu id range */ UINT CmdIdHigh; /* Highest menu id of the user-reserved menu id range */ // COLORREF Colors[16]; // PVOID ScreenBuffer; /* Hardware screen buffer */ HFONT Font[FONT_MAXNO]; UINT CharWidth; /* The character width and height should be the same for */ UINT CharHeight; /* both normal and bold/underlined fonts... */ /*****************************************************/ PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console; /* Pointer to the owned console */ PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer; /* Pointer to the active screen buffer (then maybe the previous Console member is redundant?? Or not...) */ CONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO Selection; /* Contains information about the selection */ COORD dwSelectionCursor; /* Selection cursor position, most of the time different from Selection.dwSelectionAnchor */ BOOL LineSelection; /* TRUE if line-oriented selection (a la *nix terminals), FALSE if block-oriented selection (default on Windows) */ GUI_CONSOLE_INFO GuiInfo; /* GUI terminal settings */ } GUI_CONSOLE_DATA, *PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA;