/* * REN.C - rename internal command. * * * History: * * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * added config.h include * * 18-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Added support for quoted long file names with spaces. * * 20-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Unicode and redirection safe! * * 17-Oct-2001 (Eric Kohl) * Implemented basic rename code. * * 30-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen ) * Remove all hardcoded strings in En.rc * * 25-Nov-2008 (Victor Martinez ) * Patch dedicated to Myrjala because her comprenhension and love :D * Fixing following Bugs: * -Wrong behavior with wildcards when Source and Destiny are Paths(FIXED). * -Wrong general behavior (MSDN:"Rename cant move files between subdirectories")(FIXED) * -Wrong behavior when renaming without path in destiny:(i.e) "ren C:\text\as.txt list.txt" it moves as.txt and then rename it(FIXED) * (MSDN: If there is a Path in Source and no Path in Destiny, then Destiny Path is Source Path,because never Ren has to be used to move.) * -Implemented checkings if SourcePath and DestinyPath are differents. * */ #include "precomp.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_RENAME enum { REN_ATTRIBUTES = 0x001, /* /A : not implemented */ REN_ERROR = 0x002, /* /E */ REN_NOTHING = 0x004, /* /N */ REN_PROMPT = 0x008, /* /P : not implemented */ REN_QUIET = 0x010, /* /Q */ REN_SUBDIR = 0x020, /* /S */ REN_TOTAL = 0x040, /* /T */ }; /* * file rename internal command. */ INT cmd_rename (LPTSTR param) { LPTSTR *arg = NULL; INT args = 0; INT nSlash = 0; INT nEvalArgs = 0; /* nunber of evaluated arguments */ DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwFiles = 0; /* number of renamedd files */ INT i; LPTSTR srcPattern = NULL; /* Source Argument*/ TCHAR srcPath[MAX_PATH]; /*Source Path Directories*/ LPTSTR srcFILE = NULL; /*Contains the files name(s)*/ TCHAR srcFinal[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR dstPattern = NULL; /*Destiny Argument*/ TCHAR dstPath[MAX_PATH]; /*Source Path Directories*/ LPTSTR dstFILE = NULL; /*Contains the files name(s)*/ TCHAR dstLast[MAX_PATH]; /*It saves the File name after unmasked with wildcarts*/ TCHAR dstFinal[MAX_PATH]; /*It saves the Final destiny Path*/ BOOL bDstWildcard = FALSE; BOOL bPath = FALSE; LPTSTR p,q,r; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA f; /*If the PARAM=/? then show the help*/ if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_REN_HELP1); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; /* Split the argument list.Args will be saved in arg vector*/ arg = split(param, &args, FALSE, FALSE); if (args < 2) { if (!(dwFlags & REN_ERROR)) error_req_param_missing(); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Read options */ for (i = 0; i < args; i++) { /* Lets check if we have a special option choosen and set the flag(s)*/ if (*arg[i] == _T('/')) { if (_tcslen(arg[i]) >= 2) { switch (_totupper(arg[i][1])) { case _T('E'): dwFlags |= REN_ERROR; break; case _T('N'): dwFlags |= REN_NOTHING; break; case _T('P'): dwFlags |= REN_PROMPT; break; case _T('Q'): dwFlags |= REN_QUIET; break; case _T('S'): dwFlags |= REN_SUBDIR; break; case _T('T'): dwFlags |= REN_TOTAL; break; } } nEvalArgs++;//Save the number of the options. } } /* keep quiet within batch files */ if (bc != NULL) dwFlags |= REN_QUIET; /* there are only options on the command line --> error!!! */ if (args < nEvalArgs + 2) { if (!(dwFlags & REN_ERROR)) error_req_param_missing(); freep(arg); return 1; } /* Get destination pattern and source pattern*/ for (i = 0; i < args; i++) { if (*arg[i] == _T('/'))//We have find an Option.Jump it. continue; dstPattern = arg[i]; //we save the Last argument as dstPattern srcPattern = arg[i-1]; } if (_tcschr(srcPattern, _T('\\'))) //Checking if the Source (srcPattern) is a Path to the file { bPath= TRUE; //Splitting srcPath and srcFile. srcFILE = _tcschr(srcPattern, _T('\\')); nSlash++; while(_tcschr(srcFILE, _T('\\'))) { srcFILE++; if (*srcFILE==_T('\\')) nSlash++ ; if (!_tcschr(srcFILE, _T('\\'))) break; } _tcsncpy(srcPath,srcPattern,_tcslen(srcPattern)-_tcslen(srcFILE)); if (_tcschr(dstPattern, _T('\\'))) //Checking if the Destiny (dstPattern)is also a Path.And splitting dstPattern in dstPath and srcPath. { dstFILE = _tcschr(dstPattern, _T('\\')); nSlash=0; while(_tcschr(dstFILE, _T('\\'))) { dstFILE++; if (*dstFILE==_T('\\')) nSlash++ ; if (!_tcschr(dstFILE, _T('\\'))) break; } _tcsncpy(dstPath,dstPattern,_tcslen(dstPattern)-_tcslen(dstFILE)); if ((_tcslen(dstPath)!=_tcslen(srcPath))||(_tcsncmp(srcPath,dstPath,_tcslen(srcPath))!=0)) //If it has a Path,then MUST be equal than srcPath { error_syntax(dstPath); freep(arg); return 1; } } else { //If Destiny hasnt a Path,then (MSDN says) srcPath is its Path. _tcscpy(dstPath,srcPath); dstFILE=dstPattern; } } if (!_tcschr(srcPattern, _T('\\'))) //If srcPattern isn't a Path but a name: { srcFILE=srcPattern; if (_tcschr(dstPattern, _T('\\'))) { error_syntax(dstPattern); freep(arg); return 1; } else { dstFILE=dstPattern; } } //Checking Wildcards. if (_tcschr(dstFILE, _T('*')) || _tcschr(dstFILE, _T('?'))) bDstWildcard = TRUE; TRACE("\n\nSourcePattern: %s SourcePath: %s SourceFile: %s", debugstr_aw(srcPattern),debugstr_aw(srcPath),debugstr_aw(srcFILE)); TRACE("\n\nDestinationPattern: %s Destination Path:%s Destination File: %s\n", debugstr_aw(dstPattern),debugstr_aw(dstPath),debugstr_aw(dstFILE)); hFile = FindFirstFile(srcPattern, &f); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!(dwFlags & REN_ERROR)) error_file_not_found(); } do { /* ignore "." and ".." */ if (!_tcscmp (f.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp (f.cFileName, _T(".."))) continue; /* do not rename hidden or system files */ if (f.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) continue; /* do not rename directories when the destination pattern contains * wildcards, unless option /S is used */ if ((f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && bDstWildcard && !(dwFlags & REN_SUBDIR)) { continue; } TRACE("Found source name: %s\n", debugstr_aw(f.cFileName)); /* So here we have splitted the dstFILE and we have find a f.cFileName(thanks to srcPattern) * Now we have to use the mask (dstFILE) (which can have Wildcards) with f.cFileName to find destination file name(dstLast) */ p = f.cFileName; q = dstFILE; r = dstLast; while(*q != 0) { if (*q == '*') { q++; while (*p != 0 && *p != *q) { *r = *p; p++; r++; } } else if (*q == '?') { q++; if (*p != 0) { *r = *p; p++; r++; } } else { *r = *q; if (*p != 0) p++; q++; r++; } } *r = 0; //Well we have splitted the Paths,so now we have to paste them again(if needed),thanks bPath. if (bPath == TRUE) { _tcscpy(srcFinal,srcPath); _tcscat(srcFinal,f.cFileName); _tcscpy(dstFinal,dstPath); _tcscat(dstFinal,dstLast); } else { _tcscpy(srcFinal,f.cFileName); _tcscpy(dstFinal,dstLast); } TRACE("DestinationPath: %s\n", debugstr_aw(dstFinal)); if (!(dwFlags & REN_QUIET) && !(dwFlags & REN_TOTAL)) ConOutPrintf(_T("%s -> %s\n"),srcFinal , dstFinal); /* Rename the file */ if (!(dwFlags & REN_NOTHING)) { if (MoveFile(srcFinal, dstFinal)) { dwFiles++; } else { if (!(dwFlags & REN_ERROR)) ConErrResPrintf(STRING_REN_ERROR1, GetLastError()); } } } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &f)); //Closing and Printing errors. FindClose(hFile); if (!(dwFlags & REN_QUIET)) { if (dwFiles == 1) ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REN_HELP2, dwFiles); else ConOutResPrintf(STRING_REN_HELP3, dwFiles); } freep(arg); return 0; } #endif /* EOF */