#pragma once #include "msgqueue.h" #include "window.h" typedef struct _DESKTOP { PDESKTOPINFO pDeskInfo; LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Pointer to the associated window station. */ struct _WINSTATION_OBJECT *rpwinstaParent; PWND spwndForeground; PWND spwndTray; PWND spwndMessage; PWND spwndTooltip; PSECTION_OBJECT hsectionDesktop; PWIN32HEAP pheapDesktop; ULONG_PTR ulHeapSize; LIST_ENTRY PtiList; /* use for tracking mouse moves. */ PWND spwndTrack; DWORD htEx; RECT rcMouseHover; DWORD dwMouseHoverTime; /* ReactOS */ /* Pointer to the active queue. */ PVOID ActiveMessageQueue; /* Handle of the desktop window. */ HANDLE DesktopWindow; /* Thread blocking input */ PVOID BlockInputThread; LIST_ENTRY ShellHookWindows; } DESKTOP, *PDESKTOP; extern PDESKTOP InputDesktop; extern HDESK InputDesktopHandle; extern PCLS DesktopWindowClass; extern HDC ScreenDeviceContext; extern BOOL g_PaintDesktopVersion; typedef struct _SHELL_HOOK_WINDOW { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; HWND hWnd; } SHELL_HOOK_WINDOW, *PSHELL_HOOK_WINDOW; INIT_FUNCTION NTSTATUS NTAPI InitDesktopImpl(VOID); NTSTATUS FASTCALL CleanupDesktopImpl(VOID); NTSTATUS APIENTRY IntDesktopObjectParse(IN PVOID ParseObject, IN PVOID ObjectType, IN OUT PACCESS_STATE AccessState, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, IN ULONG Attributes, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING CompleteName, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING RemainingName, IN OUT PVOID Context OPTIONAL, IN PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQos OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID *Object); VOID APIENTRY IntDesktopObjectDelete(PWIN32_DELETEMETHOD_PARAMETERS Parameters); LRESULT CALLBACK IntDesktopWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HDC FASTCALL IntGetScreenDC(VOID); HWND FASTCALL IntGetDesktopWindow (VOID); PWND FASTCALL UserGetDesktopWindow(VOID); HWND FASTCALL IntGetCurrentThreadDesktopWindow(VOID); PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE FASTCALL IntGetFocusMessageQueue(VOID); VOID FASTCALL IntSetFocusMessageQueue(PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE NewQueue); PDESKTOP FASTCALL IntGetActiveDesktop(VOID); NTSTATUS FASTCALL co_IntShowDesktop(PDESKTOP Desktop, ULONG Width, ULONG Height); NTSTATUS FASTCALL IntHideDesktop(PDESKTOP Desktop); HDESK FASTCALL IntGetDesktopObjectHandle(PDESKTOP DesktopObject); BOOL IntSetThreadDesktop(IN PDESKTOP DesktopObject, IN BOOL FreeOnFailure); NTSTATUS FASTCALL IntValidateDesktopHandle( HDESK Desktop, KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, PDESKTOP *Object); NTSTATUS FASTCALL IntParseDesktopPath(PEPROCESS Process, PUNICODE_STRING DesktopPath, HWINSTA *hWinSta, HDESK *hDesktop); BOOL FASTCALL IntDesktopUpdatePerUserSettings(BOOL bEnable); VOID APIENTRY UserRedrawDesktop(VOID); BOOL IntRegisterShellHookWindow(HWND hWnd); BOOL IntDeRegisterShellHookWindow(HWND hWnd); VOID co_IntShellHookNotify(WPARAM Message, LPARAM lParam); HDC FASTCALL UserGetDesktopDC(ULONG,BOOL,BOOL); #define IntIsActiveDesktop(Desktop) \ ((Desktop)->rpwinstaParent->ActiveDesktop == (Desktop)) #define GET_DESKTOP_NAME(d) \ OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO(OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER(d)) ? \ &(OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO(OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER(d))->Name) : \ NULL HWND FASTCALL IntGetMessageWindow(VOID); static __inline PVOID DesktopHeapAlloc(IN PDESKTOP Desktop, IN SIZE_T Bytes) { return RtlAllocateHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Bytes); } static __inline BOOL DesktopHeapFree(IN PDESKTOP Desktop, IN PVOID lpMem) { return RtlFreeHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, lpMem); } static __inline PVOID DesktopHeapReAlloc(IN PDESKTOP Desktop, IN PVOID lpMem, IN SIZE_T Bytes) { #if 0 /* NOTE: ntoskrnl doesn't export RtlReAllocateHeap... */ return RtlReAllocateHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, lpMem, Bytes); #else SIZE_T PrevSize; PVOID pNew; PrevSize = RtlSizeHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, lpMem); if (PrevSize == Bytes) return lpMem; pNew = RtlAllocateHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Bytes); if (pNew != NULL) { if (PrevSize < Bytes) Bytes = PrevSize; RtlCopyMemory(pNew, lpMem, Bytes); RtlFreeHeap(Desktop->pheapDesktop, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, lpMem); } return pNew; #endif } static __inline ULONG_PTR DesktopHeapGetUserDelta(VOID) { PW32HEAP_USER_MAPPING Mapping; PTHREADINFO pti; PPROCESSINFO W32Process; PWIN32HEAP pheapDesktop; ULONG_PTR Delta = 0; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (!pti->rpdesk) return 0; pheapDesktop = pti->rpdesk->pheapDesktop; W32Process = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); Mapping = W32Process->HeapMappings.Next; while (Mapping != NULL) { if (Mapping->KernelMapping == (PVOID)pheapDesktop) { Delta = (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->KernelMapping - (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->UserMapping; break; } Mapping = Mapping->Next; } return Delta; } static __inline PVOID DesktopHeapAddressToUser(PVOID lpMem) { PW32HEAP_USER_MAPPING Mapping; PPROCESSINFO W32Process; W32Process = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); Mapping = W32Process->HeapMappings.Next; while (Mapping != NULL) { if ((ULONG_PTR)lpMem >= (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->KernelMapping && (ULONG_PTR)lpMem < (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->KernelMapping + Mapping->Limit) { return (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)lpMem - (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->KernelMapping) + (ULONG_PTR)Mapping->UserMapping); } Mapping = Mapping->Next; } return NULL; } /* EOF */