/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Boot Loader * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: boot/armllb/hw/time.c * PURPOSE: LLB Time Routines * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ #include "precomp.h" #define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y) ((y)/4 - (y)/100 + (y)/400) UCHAR LlbDaysInMonth[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; TIMEINFO LlbTime; BOOLEAN NTAPI LlbIsLeapYear(IN ULONG Year) { /* Every 4, 100, or 400 years */ return (!(Year % 4) && (Year % 100)) || !(Year % 400); } ULONG NTAPI LlbDayOfMonth(IN ULONG Month, IN ULONG Year) { /* Check how many days a month has, accounting for leap yearS */ return LlbDaysInMonth[Month] + (LlbIsLeapYear(Year) && Month == 1); } VOID NTAPI LlbConvertRtcTime(IN ULONG RtcTime, OUT TIMEINFO* TimeInfo) { ULONG Month, Year, Days, DaysLeft; /* Count the days, keep the minutes */ Days = RtcTime / 86400; RtcTime -= Days * 86400; /* Get the year, based on days since 1970 */ Year = 1970 + Days / 365; /* Account for leap years which changed the number of days/year */ Days -= (Year - 1970) * 365 + LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(Year - 1) - LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(1970 - 1); if (Days < 0) { /* We hit a leap year, so fixup the math */ Year--; Days += 365 + LlbIsLeapYear(Year); } /* Count months */ for (Month = 0; Month < 11; Month++) { /* How many days in this month? */ DaysLeft = Days - LlbDayOfMonth(Month, Year); if (DaysLeft < 0) break; /* How many days left total? */ Days = DaysLeft; } /* Write the structure */ TimeInfo->Year = Year; TimeInfo->Day = Days + 1; TimeInfo->Month = Month + 1; TimeInfo->Hour = RtcTime / 3600; RtcTime -= TimeInfo->Hour * 3600; TimeInfo->Minute = RtcTime / 60; TimeInfo->Second = RtcTime - TimeInfo->Minute * 60; } TIMEINFO* NTAPI LlbGetTime(VOID) { ULONG RtcTime; /* Read RTC time */ RtcTime = LlbHwRtcRead(); /* Convert it */ LlbConvertRtcTime(RtcTime, &LlbTime); return &LlbTime; } /* EOF */