/* * ntagp.h * * NT AGP bus driver interface * * This file is part of the w32api package. * * Contributors: * Created by Gregor Anich * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #ifndef __NTAGP_H #define __NTAGP_H #include "video.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_V1 1L #define AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 2L /* Indicates wether the GART supports mapping of physical memory for the CPU */ #define AGP_CAPABILITIES_MAP_PHYSICAL 0x00000001L typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_BUS_COMMIT_MEMORY)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN PVOID MapHandle, IN ULONG NumberOfPages, IN ULONG OffsetInPages, IN OUT PMDL Mdl OPTIONAL, OUT PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *MemoryBase); typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_BUS_FREE_MEMORY)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN PVOID MapHandle, IN ULONG NumberOfPages, IN ULONG OffsetInPages); typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_BUS_RELEASE_MEMORY)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN PVOID MapHandle); typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_BUS_RESERVE_MEMORY)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN ULONG NumberOfPages, IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE MemoryType, OUT PVOID *MapHandle, OUT PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *PhysicalAddress OPTIONAL); typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_BUS_SET_RATE)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN ULONG AgpRate); typedef NTSTATUS (DDKAPI *PAGP_GET_MAPPED_PAGES)( IN PVOID AgpContext, IN PVOID MapHandle, IN ULONG NumberOfPages, IN ULONG OffsetInPages, OUT PMDL Mdl); typedef struct _AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD { USHORT Size; USHORT Version; PVOID AgpContext; PINTERFACE_REFERENCE InterfaceReference; PINTERFACE_DEREFERENCE InterfaceDereference; ULONG Capabilities; PAGP_BUS_RESERVE_MEMORY ReserveMemory; PAGP_BUS_RELEASE_MEMORY ReleaseMemory; PAGP_BUS_COMMIT_MEMORY CommitMemory; PAGP_BUS_FREE_MEMORY FreeMemory; PAGP_GET_MAPPED_PAGES GetMappedPages; PAGP_BUS_SET_RATE SetRate; } AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD, *PAGP_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD; #define AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_V2_SIZE sizeof(AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD) #define AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_V1_SIZE \ (AGP_BUS_INTERFACE_V2_SIZE - sizeof(PAGP_BUS_SET_RATE)) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __NTAGP_H */