/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS UEFI Boot Library * FILE: boot/environ/lib/mm/heapalloc.c * PURPOSE: Boot Library Memory Manager Heap Allocator * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "bl.h" /* DATA VARIABLES ************************************************************/ #define BL_HEAP_POINTER_FLAG_BITS 3 typedef struct _BL_HEAP_POINTER { union { struct { ULONG_PTR BufferFree : 1; ULONG_PTR BufferOnHeap : 1; ULONG_PTR NotUsed : 1; ULONG_PTR BufferPointer : ((8 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) - BL_HEAP_POINTER_FLAG_BITS); }; PVOID P; }; } BL_HEAP_POINTER, *PBL_HEAP_POINTER; typedef struct _BL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY { BL_HEAP_POINTER BufferNext; BL_HEAP_POINTER BufferPrevious; BL_HEAP_POINTER FreeNext; BL_HEAP_POINTER FreePrevious; } BL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY, *PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY; typedef struct _BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY { BL_HEAP_POINTER BufferNext; BL_HEAP_POINTER BufferPrevious; UCHAR Buffer[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, *PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY; typedef struct _BL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG_PTR HeapEnd; ULONG_PTR HeapLimit; ULONG_PTR HeapBase; PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY HeapStart; } BL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES, *PBL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES; ULONG HapInitializationStatus; LIST_ENTRY MmHeapBoundaries; ULONG HapMinimumHeapSize; ULONG HapAllocationAttributes; PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY* MmFreeList; /* INLINES *******************************************************************/ FORCEINLINE PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY MmHapDecodeLink ( _In_ BL_HEAP_POINTER Link ) { /* Decode the buffer pointer by ignoring the flags */ return (PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)(Link.BufferPointer << BL_HEAP_POINTER_FLAG_BITS); } FORCEINLINE ULONG MmHapBufferSize ( _In_ PVOID FreeEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Entry = FreeEntry; /* The space between the next buffer header and this one is the size */ return (ULONG_PTR)MmHapDecodeLink(Entry->BufferNext) - (ULONG_PTR)Entry; } FORCEINLINE ULONG MmHapUserBufferSize ( _In_ PVOID FreeEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Entry = FreeEntry; /* Get the size of the buffer as the user sees it */ return MmHapBufferSize(Entry) - FIELD_OFFSET(BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, Buffer); } /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS MmHapHeapAllocatorExtend ( _In_ ULONG ExtendSize ) { ULONG HeapSize, AlignedSize, HeapLimit; PBL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES Heap, NewHeap; NTSTATUS Status; PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY HeapBase = NULL; /* Compute a new heap, and add 2 more pages for the free list */ HeapSize = ExtendSize + (2 * PAGE_SIZE); if (HeapSize < ExtendSize) { return STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW; } /* Make sure the new heap is at least the minimum configured size */ if (HapMinimumHeapSize > HeapSize) { HeapSize = HapMinimumHeapSize; } /* Align it on a page boundary */ AlignedSize = ALIGN_UP_BY(HeapSize, PAGE_SIZE); if (!AlignedSize) { return STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW; } /* Check if we already have a heap */ if (!IsListEmpty(&MmHeapBoundaries)) { /* Find the first heap*/ Heap = CONTAINING_RECORD(MmHeapBoundaries.Flink, BL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES, ListEntry); /* Check if we have a page free above the heap */ HeapLimit = Heap->HeapLimit + PAGE_SIZE; if (HeapLimit <= Heap->HeapEnd) { EfiPrintf(L"Heap extension TODO\r\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } /* We do not -- allocate one */ Status = MmPapAllocatePagesInRange((PVOID*)&HeapBase, BlLoaderHeap, AlignedSize >> PAGE_SHIFT, HapAllocationAttributes, 0, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"HEAP ALLOCATION FAILED\r\n"); EfiStall(1000000); return Status; } /* Set the heap bottom, limit, and top */ NewHeap = (PBL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES)HeapBase->Buffer; NewHeap->HeapBase = (ULONG_PTR)HeapBase; NewHeap->HeapLimit = (ULONG_PTR)HeapBase + AlignedSize; NewHeap->HeapStart = (PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY)(NewHeap + 1); /* Set the buffer links */ HeapBase->BufferPrevious.P = NULL; HeapBase->BufferNext.P = NewHeap->HeapStart; /* Set the buffer at the top of the heap and mark it as being free */ NewHeap->HeapStart->BufferPrevious.P = HeapBase; NewHeap->HeapStart->BufferNext.P = NewHeap->HeapStart; NewHeap->HeapStart->BufferNext.BufferFree = 1; NewHeap->HeapStart->BufferNext.BufferOnHeap = 1; /* Is this the first heap ever? */ if (IsListEmpty(&MmHeapBoundaries)) { /* We will host the free list at the top of the heap */ MmFreeList = (PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY*)((ULONG_PTR)NewHeap->HeapLimit - 8 * sizeof(PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)); NewHeap->HeapLimit = (ULONG_PTR)MmFreeList; RtlZeroMemory(MmFreeList, 8 * sizeof(PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)); } /* Remove a page on top */ HeapLimit = NewHeap->HeapLimit; NewHeap->HeapEnd = NewHeap->HeapLimit; NewHeap->HeapLimit -= PAGE_SIZE; /* Add us into the heap list */ InsertTailList(&MmHeapBoundaries, &NewHeap->ListEntry); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG MmHapGetBucketId ( _In_ ULONG Size ) { ULONG BucketIndex = 0; /* Use the last bucket if this is a large allocation */ if (Size >= PAGE_SIZE) { return 7; } /* Otherwise, use a higher index for each new power of two */ while (Size >> BucketIndex) { BucketIndex++; } /* Allocations are at least 16 bytes (2^4 = 5th index) */ return BucketIndex - 5; } VOID MmHapReportHeapCorruption ( _In_ PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY BufferEntry ) { #if 0 BOOLEAN DebuggerEnabled; BlStatusPrint(L"Heap corruption in the links surrounding %p!\r\n", BufferEntry); DebuggerEnabled = BlBdDebuggerEnabled(); if (DebuggerEnabled) { BlStatusPrint(L"\n*** Fatal Error 0x%08x :\n (0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p)\n\r\n", 2, BufferEntry, NULL, NULL, NULL); __debugbreak(); } #else EfiPrintf(L"Heap corruption in the links surrounding %p!\r\n", BufferEntry); #endif } PVOID MmHapCheckFreeLinks ( _In_ PVOID BufferEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Prev, Next; PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Entry = BufferEntry; /* Get the previous and next free pointers */ Prev = MmHapDecodeLink(Entry->FreePrevious); Next = MmHapDecodeLink(Entry->FreeNext); /* Make sure that both the previous and next entries point to this one */ if (((Next) && (MmHapDecodeLink(Next->FreePrevious)) != Entry) || ((Prev) && (MmHapDecodeLink(Prev->FreeNext)) != Entry)) { /* They don't, so the free headers are corrupted */ MmHapReportHeapCorruption(Entry); return NULL; } /* They do, return the free entry as valid */ return Entry; } PVOID MmHapCheckBufferLinks ( _In_ PVOID BufferEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Prev, Next; PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Entry = BufferEntry; /* Get the previous and next buffer pointers */ Prev = MmHapDecodeLink(Entry->BufferPrevious); Next = MmHapDecodeLink(Entry->BufferNext); /* Make sure that both the previous and next entries point to this one */ if (((Next) && (MmHapDecodeLink(Next->BufferPrevious)) != Entry) || ((Prev) && (MmHapDecodeLink(Prev->BufferNext)) != Entry)) { /* They don't, so the heap headers are corrupted */ MmHapReportHeapCorruption(Entry); return NULL; } /* They, do the entry is valid */ return Entry; } PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY MmHapRemoveBufferFromFreeList ( _In_ PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY FreeEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Prev, Next; /* Firest, make sure the free entry is valid */ FreeEntry = MmHapCheckFreeLinks(FreeEntry); if (!FreeEntry) { return FreeEntry; } /* Get the previous and next entry */ Prev = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->FreePrevious); Next = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->FreeNext); /* Update the next entry to point to our previous entry */ if (Next) { Next->FreePrevious.P = Prev; } /* Are we at the head? */ if (Prev) { /* Nope, so update our previous entry to point to our next entry */ Prev->FreeNext.P = Next; } else { /* Yep, so update the appropriate bucket listhead */ MmFreeList[MmHapGetBucketId(MmHapBufferSize(FreeEntry))] = Prev; } /* Return the (now removed) entry */ return FreeEntry; } PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY MmHapCoalesceFreeBuffer ( _In_ PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY FreeEntry ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY Prev, Next; /* First make sure that this is a valid buffer entry */ if (!MmHapCheckBufferLinks(FreeEntry)) { return NULL; } /* Get the next entry and check if it's free */ Next = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferNext); if (!(Next->BufferNext.BufferOnHeap) && (Next->BufferNext.BufferFree)) { /* Remove the next buffer from the free list since we're coalescing */ Next = MmHapRemoveBufferFromFreeList(Next); if (!Next) { return NULL; } /* The forward link of the *new* free buffer should now point to us */ MmHapDecodeLink(Next->BufferNext)->BufferPrevious.P = FreeEntry; /* Our forward link should point to the *new* free buffer as well */ FreeEntry->BufferNext.P = MmHapDecodeLink(Next->BufferNext); /* Mark our buffer as free */ FreeEntry->BufferNext.BufferFree = 1; } /* Get the previous entry and check if it's free */ Prev = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferPrevious); if (!(Prev) || !(Prev->BufferNext.BufferFree)) { return FreeEntry; } /* It's free, so remove it */ Prev = MmHapRemoveBufferFromFreeList(Prev); if (!Prev) { return NULL; } /* The previous link of our next buffer should now point to our *previous* */ MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferNext)->BufferPrevious.P = Prev; /* Our previous link should point the next free buffer now */ Prev->BufferNext.P = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferNext); /* Set the new freed buffer as the previous buffer, and mark it free */ FreeEntry = Prev; FreeEntry->BufferNext.BufferFree = 1; return FreeEntry; } PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY MmHapAddToFreeList ( _In_ PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY Entry, _In_ ULONG Flags ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY FreeEntry, Head; ULONG BucketId; BL_LIBRARY_PARAMETERS LocalParameters; /* First, check if the entry is valid */ Entry = MmHapCheckBufferLinks(Entry); if (!Entry) { return NULL; } /* Check if we should zero the entry */ LocalParameters = BlpLibraryParameters; if ((LocalParameters.LibraryFlags & BL_LIBRARY_FLAG_ZERO_HEAP_ALLOCATIONS_ON_FREE) && !(Flags)) { /* Yep, zero it out */ RtlZeroMemory(Entry->Buffer, MmHapUserBufferSize(Entry)); } /* Now mark the entry as free */ Entry->BufferNext.BufferFree = 1; /* Now that this buffer is free, try to coalesce it */ FreeEntry = MmHapCoalesceFreeBuffer((PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)Entry); if (!FreeEntry) { return FreeEntry; } /* Compute the bucket ID for the free list */ BucketId = MmHapGetBucketId(MmHapBufferSize(Entry)); /* Get the current head for this bucket, if one exists */ Head = MmFreeList ? MmFreeList[BucketId] : NULL; /* Update the head's backlink to point to this newly freed entry */ if (Head) { Head->FreePrevious.P = FreeEntry; } /* Nobody behind us, the old head in front of us */ FreeEntry->FreePrevious.P = NULL; FreeEntry->FreeNext.P = Head; /* Put us at the head of list now, and return the entry */ MmFreeList[BucketId] = FreeEntry; return FreeEntry; } PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY MmHapFindBufferInFreeList ( _In_ ULONG Size ) { PBL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY FreeEntry = NULL; PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY NextEntry; ULONG BucketId; /* Get the appropriate bucket for our size */ BucketId = MmHapGetBucketId(Size); if (BucketId >= 8) { return NULL; } /* Keep going as long as we don't have a free entry */ while (!FreeEntry) { /* Fet the first free entry in this list */ FreeEntry = MmFreeList ? MmFreeList[BucketId] : NULL; /* Loop as long as there's entries in the list */ while (FreeEntry) { /* Can this free entry satisfy our needs? */ if (MmHapBufferSize(FreeEntry) >= Size) { /* All good */ break; } /* It cannot, keep going to the next one */ FreeEntry = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->FreeNext); } /* Try the next list -- have we exhausted all the lists? */ if (++BucketId >= 8) { /* Have we not found an entry yet? Fail if so... */ if (!FreeEntry) { return NULL; } } } /* We should have an entry if we're here. Remove it from the free list */ NT_ASSERT(FreeEntry != NULL); FreeEntry = MmHapRemoveBufferFromFreeList(FreeEntry); if (!FreeEntry) { return NULL; } /* Make sure it's not corrupted */ FreeEntry = MmHapCheckBufferLinks(FreeEntry); if (!FreeEntry) { return NULL; } /* Do we have space for at least another buffer? */ if ((MmHapBufferSize(FreeEntry) - Size) >= sizeof(BL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)) { /* Go to where the new next buffer will start */ NextEntry = (PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY)((ULONG_PTR)FreeEntry + Size); /* Make the new next buffer point to the next buffer */ NextEntry->BufferNext.P = MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferNext); /* Make the old next buffer point back to the new one */ MmHapDecodeLink(FreeEntry->BufferNext)->BufferPrevious.P = NextEntry; /* Point the new next buffer point back to us */ NextEntry->BufferPrevious.P = FreeEntry; /* Point us to the new next buffer */ FreeEntry->BufferNext.P = NextEntry; /* And insert the new next buffer into the free list */ MmHapAddToFreeList(NextEntry, 1); } /* Return the entry, which is now allocated */ return (PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY)FreeEntry; } NTSTATUS MmHaInitialize ( _In_ ULONG HeapSize, _In_ ULONG HeapAttributes ) { NTSTATUS Status; /* No free list to begin with */ MmFreeList = NULL; /* Configure the minimum heap size and allocation attributes */ HapMinimumHeapSize = ALIGN_UP_BY(HeapSize, PAGE_SIZE); HapAllocationAttributes = HeapAttributes & 0x20000; /* Initialize the heap boundary list */ InitializeListHead(&MmHeapBoundaries); /* Initialize a heap big enough to handle a one pointer long allocation */ Status = MmHapHeapAllocatorExtend(sizeof(PVOID)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* The heap is ready! */ HapInitializationStatus = 1; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Return initialization status */ return Status; } PVOID BlMmAllocateHeap ( _In_ ULONG Size ) { ULONG BufferSize; PBL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES Heap; PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY BusyEntry, FreeEntry, NextEntry; /* Ignore heap allocation if the heap allocator isn't ready yet */ if (HapInitializationStatus != 1) { return NULL; } /* Align the buffer size to the minimum size required */ BufferSize = ALIGN_UP(Size + FIELD_OFFSET(BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, Buffer), FIELD_OFFSET(BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, Buffer)); /* Watch out for overflow */ if (BufferSize <= Size) { return NULL; } /* Make sure it's at least big enough to hold a free entry later on */ if (BufferSize < sizeof(BL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY)) { BufferSize = sizeof(BL_FREE_HEAP_ENTRY); } /* Loop while we try to allocate memory */ while (1) { /* Find a free buffer for this allocation */ BusyEntry = MmHapFindBufferInFreeList(BufferSize); if (BusyEntry) { break; } /* We couldn't find a free buffer. Do we have any heaps? */ if (!IsListEmpty(&MmHeapBoundaries)) { /* Get the current heap */ Heap = CONTAINING_RECORD(MmHeapBoundaries.Flink, BL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES, ListEntry); /* Check if we have space in the heap page for this allocation? */ FreeEntry = Heap->HeapStart; NextEntry = (PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY)((ULONG_PTR)FreeEntry + BufferSize); if ((NextEntry >= FreeEntry) && ((ULONG_PTR)NextEntry <= Heap->HeapLimit - FIELD_OFFSET(BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, Buffer))) { /* Update the heap top pointer past this allocation */ Heap->HeapStart = NextEntry; /* Make this allocation point to the slot */ FreeEntry->BufferNext.P = Heap->HeapStart; /* And make the free heap entry point back to us */ Heap->HeapStart->BufferPrevious.P = FreeEntry; /* Mark the heap entry as being free and on the heap */ Heap->HeapStart->BufferNext.BufferFree = 1; Heap->HeapStart->BufferNext.BufferOnHeap = 1; /* The previously freed entry on the heap page is now ours */ BusyEntry = FreeEntry; break; } } /* We have no heaps or space on any heap -- extend the heap and retry */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(MmHapHeapAllocatorExtend(BufferSize))) { EfiPrintf(L"Heap extension failed!\r\n"); return NULL; } EfiPrintf(L"Heap extended -- trying again\r\n"); } /* Clear all the bits, marking this entry as allocated */ BusyEntry->BufferNext.P = MmHapDecodeLink(BusyEntry->BufferNext); /* Return the entry's data buffer */ //EfiPrintf(L"Returning buffer at 0x%p\r\n", &BusyEntry->Buffer); return &BusyEntry->Buffer; } NTSTATUS BlMmFreeHeap ( _In_ PVOID Buffer ) { PBL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY BusyEntry; PBL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES Heap; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; /* If the heap is not initialized, fail */ if (HapInitializationStatus != 1) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Get the heap header */ //EfiPrintf(L"Freeing entry at: %p\r\n", Buffer); if (Buffer) { /* Don't free heap until we discover the corruption */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } BusyEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Buffer, BL_BUSY_HEAP_ENTRY, Buffer); /* Loop all the heaps */ NextEntry = MmHeapBoundaries.Flink; while (NextEntry != &MmHeapBoundaries) { /* Get the current heap in the list */ Heap = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, BL_HEAP_BOUNDARIES, ListEntry); /* Is this entry part of this heap? */ if (((ULONG_PTR)Heap->HeapBase <= (ULONG_PTR)BusyEntry) && ((ULONG_PTR)BusyEntry < (ULONG_PTR)Heap->HeapStart)) { /* Ignore double-free */ if (BusyEntry->BufferNext.BufferFree) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* It is -- add it to the free list */ MmHapAddToFreeList(BusyEntry, 0); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* It isn't, move to the next heap */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } /* The entry is not on any valid heap */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }