/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: subsystems/mvdm/ntvdm/vddsup.c * PURPOSE: Virtual Device Drivers (VDD) Support * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "ntvdm.h" #define NDEBUG #include #include "emulator.h" #include "vddsup.h" #include "cpu/bop.h" #include typedef VOID (WINAPI *VDD_PROC)(VOID); typedef struct _VDD_MODULE { HMODULE hDll; VDD_PROC DispatchRoutine; } VDD_MODULE, *PVDD_MODULE; // WARNING: A structure with the same name exists in nt_vdd.h, // however it is not declared because its inclusion was prevented // with #define NO_NTVDD_COMPAT, see ntvdm.h typedef struct _VDD_USER_HANDLERS { LIST_ENTRY Entry; HANDLE hVdd; PFNVDD_UCREATE Ucr_Handler; PFNVDD_UTERMINATE Uterm_Handler; PFNVDD_UBLOCK Ublock_Handler; PFNVDD_URESUME Uresume_Handler; } VDD_USER_HANDLERS, *PVDD_USER_HANDLERS; /* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/ // TODO: Maybe use a linked list. // But the number of elements must be <= MAXUSHORT (MAXWORD) #define MAX_VDD_MODULES 0xFF + 1 static VDD_MODULE VDDList[MAX_VDD_MODULES] = {{NULL}}; // Valid handles of VDD DLLs start at 1 and finish at MAX_VDD_MODULES #define ENTRY_TO_HANDLE(Entry) ((Entry) + 1) #define HANDLE_TO_ENTRY(Handle) ((Handle) - 1) #define IS_VALID_HANDLE(Handle) ((Handle) > 0 && (Handle) <= MAX_VDD_MODULES) static LIST_ENTRY VddUserHooksList = {&VddUserHooksList, &VddUserHooksList}; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static USHORT GetNextFreeVDDEntry(VOID) { USHORT Entry; for (Entry = 0; Entry < ARRAYSIZE(VDDList); ++Entry) { if (VDDList[Entry].hDll == NULL) break; } return Entry; } static VOID WINAPI ThirdPartyVDDBop(LPWORD Stack) { /* Get the Function Number and skip it */ BYTE FuncNum = *(PBYTE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getCS(), getIP()); setIP(getIP() + 1); switch (FuncNum) { /* RegisterModule */ case 0: { BOOL Success = TRUE; WORD RetVal = 0; WORD Entry = 0; LPCSTR DllName = NULL, InitRoutineName = NULL, DispatchRoutineName = NULL; HMODULE hDll = NULL; VDD_PROC InitRoutine = NULL, DispatchRoutine = NULL; DPRINT("RegisterModule() called\n"); /* Clear the Carry Flag (no error happened so far) */ setCF(0); /* Retrieve the next free entry in the table (used later on) */ Entry = GetNextFreeVDDEntry(); if (Entry >= MAX_VDD_MODULES) { DPRINT1("Failed to create a new VDD module entry\n"); Success = FALSE; RetVal = 4; goto Quit; } /* Retrieve the VDD name in DS:SI */ DllName = (LPCSTR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getDS(), getSI()); /* Retrieve the initialization routine API name in ES:DI (optional --> ES=DI=0) */ if (TO_LINEAR(getES(), getDI()) != 0) InitRoutineName = (LPCSTR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getES(), getDI()); /* Retrieve the dispatch routine API name in DS:BX */ DispatchRoutineName = (LPCSTR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getDS(), getBX()); DPRINT1("DllName = '%s' - InitRoutineName = '%s' - DispatchRoutineName = '%s'\n", (DllName ? DllName : "n/a"), (InitRoutineName ? InitRoutineName : "n/a"), (DispatchRoutineName ? DispatchRoutineName : "n/a")); /* Load the VDD DLL */ hDll = LoadLibraryA(DllName); if (hDll == NULL) { DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); Success = FALSE; if (LastError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) { DPRINT1("Not enough memory to load DLL '%s'\n", DllName); RetVal = 4; goto Quit; } else { DPRINT1("Failed to load DLL '%s'; last error = %d\n", DllName, LastError); RetVal = 1; goto Quit; } } /* Load the initialization routine if needed */ if (InitRoutineName) { InitRoutine = (VDD_PROC)GetProcAddress(hDll, InitRoutineName); if (InitRoutine == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to load the initialization routine '%s'\n", InitRoutineName); Success = FALSE; RetVal = 3; goto Quit; } } /* Load the dispatch routine */ DispatchRoutine = (VDD_PROC)GetProcAddress(hDll, DispatchRoutineName); if (DispatchRoutine == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to load the dispatch routine '%s'\n", DispatchRoutineName); Success = FALSE; RetVal = 2; goto Quit; } /* If we reached this point, that means everything is OK */ /* Register the VDD DLL */ VDDList[Entry].hDll = hDll; VDDList[Entry].DispatchRoutine = DispatchRoutine; /* Call the initialization routine if needed */ if (InitRoutine) InitRoutine(); /* We succeeded. RetVal will contain a valid VDD DLL handle */ Success = TRUE; RetVal = ENTRY_TO_HANDLE(Entry); // Convert the entry to a valid handle Quit: if (!Success) { /* Unload the VDD DLL */ if (hDll) FreeLibrary(hDll); /* Set the Carry Flag to indicate that an error happened */ setCF(1); } // else // { // /* Clear the Carry Flag (success) */ // setCF(0); // } setAX(RetVal); break; } /* UnRegisterModule */ case 1: { WORD Handle = getAX(); WORD Entry = HANDLE_TO_ENTRY(Handle); // Convert the handle to a valid entry DPRINT("UnRegisterModule() called\n"); /* Sanity checks */ if (!IS_VALID_HANDLE(Handle) || VDDList[Entry].hDll == NULL) { DPRINT1("Invalid VDD DLL Handle: %d\n", Entry); /* Stop the VDM */ EmulatorTerminate(); return; } /* Unregister the VDD DLL */ FreeLibrary(VDDList[Entry].hDll); VDDList[Entry].hDll = NULL; VDDList[Entry].DispatchRoutine = NULL; break; } /* DispatchCall */ case 2: { WORD Handle = getAX(); WORD Entry = HANDLE_TO_ENTRY(Handle); // Convert the handle to a valid entry DPRINT("DispatchCall() called\n"); /* Sanity checks */ if (!IS_VALID_HANDLE(Handle) || VDDList[Entry].hDll == NULL || VDDList[Entry].DispatchRoutine == NULL) { DPRINT1("Invalid VDD DLL Handle: %d\n", Entry); /* Stop the VDM */ EmulatorTerminate(); return; } /* Call the dispatch routine */ VDDList[Entry].DispatchRoutine(); break; } default: { DPRINT1("Unknown 3rd-party VDD BOP Function: 0x%02X\n", FuncNum); setCF(1); break; } } } static BOOL LoadInstallableVDD(VOID) { // FIXME: These strings should be localized. #define ERROR_MEMORYVDD L"Insufficient memory to load installable Virtual Device Drivers." #define ERROR_REGVDD L"Virtual Device Driver format in the registry is invalid." #define ERROR_LOADVDD L"An installable Virtual Device Driver failed Dll initialization." BOOL Success = TRUE; LONG Error = 0; DWORD Type = 0; DWORD BufSize = 0; HKEY hVDDKey; LPCWSTR VDDKeyName = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\VirtualDeviceDrivers"; LPWSTR VDDValueName = L"VDD"; LPWSTR VDDList = NULL; HANDLE hVDD; /* Try to open the VDD registry key */ Error = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VDDKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hVDDKey); if (Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { /* If the key just doesn't exist, don't do anything else */ return TRUE; } else if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* The key exists but there was an access error: display an error and quit */ DisplayMessage(ERROR_REGVDD); return FALSE; } /* * Retrieve the size of the VDD registry value * and check that it's of REG_MULTI_SZ type. */ Error = RegQueryValueExW(hVDDKey, VDDValueName, NULL, &Type, NULL, &BufSize); if (Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { /* If the value just doesn't exist, don't do anything else */ Success = TRUE; goto Quit; } else if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS || Type != REG_MULTI_SZ) { /* * The value exists but there was an access error or * is of the wrong type: display an error and quit. */ DisplayMessage(ERROR_REGVDD); Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* Allocate the buffer */ BufSize = (BufSize < 2*sizeof(WCHAR) ? 2*sizeof(WCHAR) : BufSize); VDDList = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, BufSize); if (VDDList == NULL) { DisplayMessage(ERROR_MEMORYVDD); Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* Retrieve the list of VDDs to load */ if (RegQueryValueExW(hVDDKey, VDDValueName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)VDDList, &BufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DisplayMessage(ERROR_REGVDD); Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* Load the VDDs */ VDDValueName = VDDList; while (*VDDList) { DPRINT1("Loading VDD '%S'... ", VDDList); hVDD = LoadLibraryW(VDDList); if (hVDD == NULL) { DbgPrint("Failed\n"); DisplayMessage(ERROR_LOADVDD); } else { DbgPrint("Succeeded\n"); } /* Go to next string */ VDDList += wcslen(VDDList) + 1; } VDDList = VDDValueName; Quit: if (VDDList) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, VDDList); RegCloseKey(hVDDKey); return Success; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /* * NOTE: This function can be called multiple times by the same VDD, if * it wants to install different hooks for a same action. The most recent * registered hooks are called first. */ BOOL WINAPI VDDInstallUserHook(IN HANDLE hVdd, IN PFNVDD_UCREATE Ucr_Handler, IN PFNVDD_UTERMINATE Uterm_Handler, IN PFNVDD_UBLOCK Ublock_Handler, IN PFNVDD_URESUME Uresume_Handler) { PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Check validity of the VDD handle */ if (hVdd == NULL || hVdd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } // NOTE: If we want that a VDD can install hooks only once, it's here // that we need to check whether a hook entry is already registered. /* Create and initialize a new hook entry... */ UserHook = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*UserHook)); if (UserHook == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } UserHook->hVdd = hVdd; UserHook->Ucr_Handler = Ucr_Handler; UserHook->Uterm_Handler = Uterm_Handler; UserHook->Ublock_Handler = Ublock_Handler; UserHook->Uresume_Handler = Uresume_Handler; /* ... and add it at the top of the list of hooks */ InsertHeadList(&VddUserHooksList, &UserHook->Entry); return TRUE; } /* * NOTE: This function uninstalls the latest installed hooks for a given VDD. * It can be called multiple times by the same VDD to uninstall many hooks * installed by multiple invocations of VDDInstallUserHook. */ BOOL WINAPI VDDDeInstallUserHook(IN HANDLE hVdd) { PLIST_ENTRY Pointer; PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Check validity of the VDD handle */ if (hVdd == NULL || hVdd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } /* Uninstall the latest installed hooks */ for (Pointer = VddUserHooksList.Flink; Pointer != &VddUserHooksList; Pointer = Pointer->Flink) { UserHook = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, VDD_USER_HANDLERS, Entry); if (UserHook->hVdd == hVdd) { RemoveEntryList(&UserHook->Entry); RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, UserHook); return TRUE; } } SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } /* * Internal functions for calling the VDD user hooks. * Their names come directly from the Windows 2kX DDK. */ VOID VDDCreateUserHook(USHORT DosPDB) { PLIST_ENTRY Pointer; PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Call the hooks starting from the most recent ones */ for (Pointer = VddUserHooksList.Flink; Pointer != &VddUserHooksList; Pointer = Pointer->Flink) { UserHook = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, VDD_USER_HANDLERS, Entry); if (UserHook->Ucr_Handler) UserHook->Ucr_Handler(DosPDB); } } VOID VDDTerminateUserHook(USHORT DosPDB) { PLIST_ENTRY Pointer; PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Call the hooks starting from the most recent ones */ for (Pointer = VddUserHooksList.Flink; Pointer != &VddUserHooksList; Pointer = Pointer->Flink) { UserHook = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, VDD_USER_HANDLERS, Entry); if (UserHook->Uterm_Handler) UserHook->Uterm_Handler(DosPDB); } } VOID VDDBlockUserHook(VOID) { PLIST_ENTRY Pointer; PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Call the hooks starting from the most recent ones */ for (Pointer = VddUserHooksList.Flink; Pointer != &VddUserHooksList; Pointer = Pointer->Flink) { UserHook = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, VDD_USER_HANDLERS, Entry); if (UserHook->Ublock_Handler) UserHook->Ublock_Handler(); } } VOID VDDResumeUserHook(VOID) { PLIST_ENTRY Pointer; PVDD_USER_HANDLERS UserHook; /* Call the hooks starting from the most recent ones */ for (Pointer = VddUserHooksList.Flink; Pointer != &VddUserHooksList; Pointer = Pointer->Flink) { UserHook = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, VDD_USER_HANDLERS, Entry); if (UserHook->Uresume_Handler) UserHook->Uresume_Handler(); } } VOID VDDSupInitialize(VOID) { /* Register the 3rd-party VDD BOP Handler */ RegisterBop(BOP_3RDPARTY, ThirdPartyVDDBop); /* Load the installable VDDs from the registry */ LoadInstallableVDD(); } /* EOF */