/* * CTTY.C - ctty (Change TTY) command. * * This command redirects the first three standard handles * stdin, stdout, stderr to another terminal. * * * History: * * 14 Aug 1998 (John P Price) * - Created dummy command. * * 2000/01/14 ska * + Added to change the first three handles to the given device name * + Supports only redirection of stdin and stdout, e.g.: * C:\> CTTY COM1 >file * -or- * C:\> echo Hallo | CTTY COM1 | echo du * The CTTY command effects the commands on the _next_ line. * * 20 Oct 2016 (Hermes Belusca-Maito) * Port it to NT. */ #include "precomp.h" #if defined(INCLUDE_CMD_CTTY) && defined(FEATURE_REDIRECTION) static WORD CheckTerminalDeviceType(IN LPCTSTR pszName) { /* Console reserved "file" names */ static const LPCWSTR DosLPTDevice = L"LPT"; static const LPCWSTR DosCOMDevice = L"COM"; static const LPCWSTR DosPRNDevice = L"PRN"; static const LPCWSTR DosAUXDevice = L"AUX"; static const LPCWSTR DosCONDevice = L"CON"; static const LPCWSTR DosNULDevice = L"NUL"; LPCWSTR DeviceName; ULONG DeviceNameInfo; WORD DeviceType = 0; // 0: Unknown; 1: CON; 2: COM etc... #ifndef _UNICODE // UNICODE means that TCHAR == WCHAR == UTF-16 /* Convert from the current process/thread's codepage to UTF-16 */ DWORD len = strlen(pszName) + 1; WCHAR *buffer = cmd_alloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!buffer) { // SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } len = (DWORD)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_THREAD_ACP, // CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP 0, pszName, (INT)len, buffer, (INT)len); DeviceName = buffer; #else DeviceName = pszName; #endif /* * Check whether we deal with a DOS device, and if so, * strip the path till the file name. * Therefore, things like \\.\CON or C:\some_path\COM1 * are transformed into CON or COM1, for example. */ DeviceNameInfo = RtlIsDosDeviceName_U(DeviceName); if (DeviceNameInfo != 0) { DeviceName = (LPCWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)DeviceName + ((DeviceNameInfo >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); if (_wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosCONDevice, 3) == 0) { DeviceType = 1; } else if ( _wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosLPTDevice, 3) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosCOMDevice, 3) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosPRNDevice, 3) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosAUXDevice, 3) == 0 || _wcsnicmp(DeviceName, DosNULDevice, 3) == 0 ) { DeviceType = 2; } // else DeviceType = 0; } #ifndef _UNICODE cmd_free(buffer); #endif return DeviceType; } /* * See also redir.c!PerformRedirection(). * * The CTTY command allows only the usage of CON, COM, AUX, LPT, PRN and NUL * DOS devices as valid terminal devices. Everything else is forbidden. * * CTTY does not set ERRORLEVEL on error. */ INT cmd_ctty(LPTSTR param) { static SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecAttr = { sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, TRUE }; BOOL Success; WORD DeviceType; HANDLE hDevice, hStdHandles[3]; // hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr; /* The user asked for help */ if (_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2) == 0) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE, STRING_CTTY_HELP); return 0; } if (!*param) { error_req_param_missing(); return 1; } /* Check whether this is a valid terminal device name */ DeviceType = CheckTerminalDeviceType(param); if (DeviceType == 1) { /* * Special case for CON device. * * We do not open CON with GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE as is, * but instead we separately open CONIN$ and CONOUT$ with both * GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE access. * We do so because otherwise, opening in particular CON with GENERIC_WRITE * only would open CONOUT$ with an handle not passing the IsConsoleHandle() * test, meaning that we could not use the full console functionalities. */ BOOL bRetry = FALSE; RetryOpenConsole: /* * If we previously failed in opening handles to the console, * this means the existing console is almost destroyed. * Close the existing console and allocate and open a new one. */ if (bRetry) { FreeConsole(); if (!AllocConsole()) return 1; } /* Attempt to retrieve a handle for standard input */ hStdHandles[0] = CreateFile(_T("CONIN$"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hStdHandles[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); if (bRetry) return 1; bRetry = TRUE; goto RetryOpenConsole; } /* Attempt to retrieve a handle for standard output. * Note that GENERIC_READ is needed for IsConsoleHandle() to succeed afterwards. */ hStdHandles[1] = CreateFile(_T("CONOUT$"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hStdHandles[1] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[0]); if (bRetry) return 1; bRetry = TRUE; goto RetryOpenConsole; } /* Duplicate a handle for standard error */ Success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hStdHandles[1], GetCurrentProcess(), &hStdHandles[2], 0, // GENERIC_WRITE, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS /* 0 */); if (!Success) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[1]); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[0]); return 1; } } else if (DeviceType == 2) { /* * COM and the other devices can only be opened once. * Since we need different handles, we need to duplicate them. */ /* Attempt to retrieve a handle to the device for read/write access */ hDevice = CreateFile(param, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SecAttr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // 0, NULL); if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); return 1; } /* Duplicate a handle for standard input */ Success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hDevice, GetCurrentProcess(), &hStdHandles[0], GENERIC_READ, TRUE, 0); if (!Success) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); CloseHandle(hDevice); return 1; } /* Duplicate a handle for standard output */ Success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hDevice, GetCurrentProcess(), &hStdHandles[1], GENERIC_WRITE, TRUE, 0); if (!Success) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[0]); CloseHandle(hDevice); return 1; } /* Duplicate a handle for standard error */ Success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hDevice, GetCurrentProcess(), &hStdHandles[2], GENERIC_WRITE, TRUE, 0); if (!Success) { // TODO: Error // error_no_rw_device(param); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[1]); CloseHandle(hStdHandles[0]); CloseHandle(hDevice); return 1; } /* Now get rid of the main device handle */ CloseHandle(hDevice); } else { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE, param); return 1; } #if 0 /* Now change the file descriptors: 0 := rdonly 1,2 := wronly if CTTY is called within a pipe or its I/O is redirected, oldinfd or oldoutfd is not equal to -1. In such case the old*fd is modified in order to effect the file descriptor after the redirections are restored. Otherwise a pipe or redirection would left CTTY in a half-made status. */ // int failed; failed = dup2(f, 2); /* no redirection support */ if(oldinfd != -1) dos_close(oldinfd); oldinfd = f; if(oldoutfd != -1) dos_close(oldoutfd); if((oldoutfd = dup(f)) == -1) failed = 1; if(failed) error_ctty_dup(param); return failed; #endif /* Now set the standard handles */ hDevice = GetHandle(0); if (hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hDevice); SetHandle(0, hStdHandles[0]); hDevice = GetHandle(1); if (hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hDevice); SetHandle(1, hStdHandles[1]); hDevice = GetHandle(2); if (hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hDevice); SetHandle(2, hStdHandles[2]); return 0; } #endif /* INCLUDE_CMD_CTTY && FEATURE_REDIRECTION */ /* EOF */