/* * WineCalc (winecalc.h) * * Copyright 2003 James Briggs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // numerics are defined here for easier porting typedef double calcfloat; #define FMT_DESC_FLOAT "%.32g" #define FMT_DESC_EXP "%.32e" #define CALC_ATOF(x) atof(x) #define CONST_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define CALC_BUF_SIZE 128 // statistics dialog dimensions #define CALC_STA_X 235 #define CALC_STA_Y 180 // sentinel for differentiating Return from Ctrl+M events #define NUMBER_OF_THE_BEAST 666 #define CALC_COLOR_BLUE 0 #define CALC_COLOR_RED 1 #define CALC_COLOR_GRAY 2 #define CALC_COLOR_MAGENTA 3 // gray hilite on rectangle owner-drawn controls RGB(CALC_GRAY, CALC_GRAY, CALC_GRAY) #define CALC_GRAY 132 // count of buttons needing special toggle states depending on number base #define TOGGLE_COUNT 23 // there are 3 window menus, standard, decimal measurement system and word size menus #define COUNT_MENUS 3 #define MENU_STD 0 #define MENU_SCIMS 1 #define MENU_SCIWS 2 // count of buttons #define CALC_BUTTONS_STANDARD 28 #define CALC_BUTTONS_SCIENTIFIC 73 // winecalc window outer dimensions #define CALC_STANDARD_WIDTH 260 #define CALC_STANDARD_HEIGHT 252 #define CALC_SCIENTIFIC_WIDTH 480 #define CALC_SCIENTIFIC_HEIGHT 310 // winecalc private ids for events #define ID_CALC_ZERO 0 #define ID_CALC_ONE 1 #define ID_CALC_TWO 2 #define ID_CALC_THREE 3 #define ID_CALC_FOUR 4 #define ID_CALC_FIVE 5 #define ID_CALC_SIX 6 #define ID_CALC_SEVEN 7 #define ID_CALC_EIGHT 8 #define ID_CALC_NINE 9 #define ID_CALC_BACKSPACE 20 #define ID_CALC_CLEAR_ENTRY 21 #define ID_CALC_CLEAR_ALL 22 #define ID_CALC_MEM_CLEAR 23 #define ID_CALC_DIVIDE 24 #define ID_CALC_SQRT 25 #define ID_CALC_MEM_RECALL 26 #define ID_CALC_MULTIPLY 27 #define ID_CALC_PERCENT 28 #define ID_CALC_MEM_STORE 29 #define ID_CALC_MINUS 30 #define ID_CALC_RECIPROCAL 31 #define ID_CALC_MEM_PLUS 32 #define ID_CALC_SIGN 33 #define ID_CALC_DECIMAL 34 #define ID_CALC_PLUS 35 #define ID_CALC_EQUALS 36 #define ID_CALC_STA 37 #define ID_CALC_FE 38 #define ID_CALC_LEFTPAREN 39 #define ID_CALC_RIGHTPAREN 40 #define ID_CALC_MOD 41 #define ID_CALC_AND 42 #define ID_CALC_OR 43 #define ID_CALC_XOR 44 #define ID_CALC_SUM 45 #define ID_CALC_SIN 46 #define ID_CALC_LOG10 47 #define ID_CALC_LSH 48 #define ID_CALC_NOT 49 #define ID_CALC_S 50 #define ID_CALC_COS 52 #define ID_CALC_FACTORIAL 53 #define ID_CALC_INT 54 #define ID_CALC_DAT 55 #define ID_CALC_TAN 56 #define ID_CALC_SQUARE 57 #define ID_CALC_A 58 #define ID_CALC_B 59 #define ID_CALC_C 60 #define ID_CALC_D 61 #define ID_CALC_E 62 #define ID_CALC_F 63 #define ID_CALC_AVE 64 #define ID_CALC_DMS 65 #define ID_CALC_EXP 66 #define ID_CALC_LN 67 #define ID_CALC_PI 68 #define ID_CALC_CUBE 69 #define ID_CALC_POWER 51 // Number System Radio Buttons #define CALC_NS_COUNT 4 #define ID_CALC_NS_HEX 2000 #define ID_CALC_NS_DEC 2001 #define ID_CALC_NS_OCT 2002 #define ID_CALC_NS_BIN 2003 #define NBASE_DECIMAL 0 #define NBASE_BINARY 1 #define NBASE_OCTAL 2 #define NBASE_HEX 3 #define CALC_NS_OFFSET_X 15 #define CALC_NS_OFFSET_Y 37 #define SZ_RADIO_NS_X 50 #define SZ_RADIO_NS_Y 15 #define CALC_NS_HEX_LEFT 0 #define CALC_NS_HEX_TOP 0 #define CALC_NS_DEC_LEFT 50 #define CALC_NS_DEC_TOP 0 #define CALC_NS_OCT_LEFT 98 #define CALC_NS_OCT_TOP 0 #define CALC_NS_BIN_LEFT 148 #define CALC_NS_BIN_TOP 0 // Measurement System Radio Buttons #define CALC_MS_COUNT 3 #define ID_CALC_MS_DEGREES 2010 #define ID_CALC_MS_RADIANS 2011 #define ID_CALC_MS_GRADS 2012 #define TRIGMODE_DEGREES 0 #define TRIGMODE_RADIANS 1 #define TRIGMODE_GRADS 2 #define CALC_MS_OFFSET_X 225 #define CALC_MS_OFFSET_Y 37 #define SZ_RADIO_MS_X 75 #define SZ_RADIO_MS_Y 15 #define CALC_MS_DEGREES_LEFT 0 #define CALC_MS_DEGREES_TOP 0 #define CALC_MS_RADIANS_LEFT 82 #define CALC_MS_RADIANS_TOP 0 #define CALC_MS_GRADS_LEFT 162 #define CALC_MS_GRADS_TOP 0 // Inv and Hyp Checkboxes #define CALC_CB_COUNT 2 #define ID_CALC_CB_INV 2020 #define ID_CALC_CB_HYP 2021 #define WORDSIZE_BYTE 1 #define WORDSIZE_WORD 2 #define WORDSIZE_DWORD 4 #define WORDSIZE_QWORD 8 #define CALC_CB_OFFSET_X 15 #define CALC_CB_OFFSET_Y 58 #define CALC_CB_INV_LEFT 0 #define CALC_CB_INV_TOP 10 #define SZ_RADIO_CB_X 50 #define SZ_RADIO_CB_Y 14 #define CALC_CB_HYP_LEFT 58 #define CALC_CB_HYP_TOP 10 // Word Size Radio Buttons #define CALC_WS_COUNT 4 #define ID_CALC_WS_QWORD 2030 #define ID_CALC_WS_DWORD 2031 #define ID_CALC_WS_WORD 2032 #define ID_CALC_WS_BYTE 2033 #define CALC_WS_OFFSET_X CALC_MS_OFFSET_X #define CALC_WS_OFFSET_Y CALC_MS_OFFSET_Y #define CALC_WS_QWORD_LEFT 0 #define CALC_WS_QWORD_TOP 0 #define CALC_WS_DWORD_LEFT 57 #define CALC_WS_DWORD_TOP 0 #define CALC_WS_WORD_LEFT 120 #define CALC_WS_WORD_TOP 0 #define CALC_WS_BYTE_LEFT 175 #define CALC_WS_BYTE_TOP 0 #define SZ_RADIO_WS_X 50 #define SZ_RADIO_WS_Y 15 // drawing offsets #define CALC_EDIT_HEIGHT 20 #define SZ_FILLER_X 32 #define SZ_FILLER_Y 30 #define SZ_BIGBTN_X 62 #define SZ_BIGBTN_Y 30 #define SZ_MEDBTN_X 36 #define SZ_MEDBTN_Y 30 #define MARGIN_LEFT 7 #define MARGIN_SMALL_X 3 #define MARGIN_SMALL_Y 3 #define MARGIN_BIG_X 274 #define MARGIN_STANDARD_BIG_X 11 #define MARGIN_BIG_Y 6 #define SZ_SPACER_X 11 // winecalc results display area #define WDISPLAY_STANDARD_LEFT MARGIN_LEFT + 4 #define WDISPLAY_STANDARD_TOP 5 #define WDISPLAY_STANDARD_RIGHT 244 #define WDISPLAY_STANDARD_BOTTOM 24 #define CALC_STANDARD_MARGIN_TOP 16 #define WDISPLAY_SCIENTIFIC_LEFT MARGIN_LEFT + 4 #define WDISPLAY_SCIENTIFIC_TOP 5 #define WDISPLAY_SCIENTIFIC_RIGHT 465 #define WDISPLAY_SCIENTIFIC_BOTTOM 24 #define CALC_SCIENTIFIC_MARGIN_TOP 44 typedef struct tagCalcBtn { int id; // private id HWND hBtn; // button child window handle char label[80]; // text on buttonface int color; // text color RECT r; // location int enable; // 1 = control enbabled, 0 = disabled } CALCBTN; typedef struct tagPos { int x; int y; } POS; typedef struct tagCalc { HINSTANCE hInst; // this HINSTANCE HWND hWnd; // main window's HWND POS pos; int numButtons; // standard = 28, scientific = more char buffer [CALC_BUF_SIZE]; // current keyboard buffer char display[CALC_BUF_SIZE]; // display buffer before output calcfloat value; // most recent computer value calcfloat memory; // most recent stored memory value from display buffer int paren; // current parentheses level int sciMode; // standard = 1, scientific = 0 int displayMode; // 0 = float, 1 = scientific exponential notation like 1.0e+10 char oper; // most recent operator pushed calcfloat operand; // most recent operand pushed int newenter; // track multiple = int next; // binary operation flag int err; // errror status for divide by zero, infinity, etc. int init; // starting buffer int digitGrouping; // no separators = 0, separators = 1 int trigMode; // degrees = 0, radians = 1, grads = 2 int numBase; // 10 = decimal, 2 = binary, 8 = octal, 16 = hex int wordSize; // 1 = byte, 2 = word, 4 = dword, 8 = qword int invMode; // INV mode 0 = off, 1 = on int hypMode; // HYP mode 0 = off, 1 = on int new; // first time 0 = false, 1 = true CALCBTN cb[80]; // enough buttons for standard or scientific mode } CALC; BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); LRESULT WINAPI MainProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void InitLuts(void); void InitMenus(HINSTANCE hInst); void InitCalc (CALC *calc); void DestroyCalc (CALC *calc); void calc_buffer_format(CALC *calc); void calc_buffer_display(CALC *calc); char *calc_sep(char *s); void DrawCalcText (HDC hdc, HDC hMemDC, PAINTSTRUCT *ps, CALC *calc, int object, char *s); void CalcRect (HDC hdc, HDC hMemDC, PAINTSTRUCT *ps, CALC *calc, int object); void DrawCalcRectSci(HDC hdc, HDC hMemDC, PAINTSTRUCT *ps, CALC *calc, RECT *r); void DrawCalc (HDC hdc, HDC hMemDC, PAINTSTRUCT *ps, CALC *calc); void calc_setmenuitem_radio(HMENU hMenu, UINT id); void show_debug(CALC *calc, char *title, long wParam, long lParam); calcfloat calc_atof(char *s, int base); void calc_ftoa(CALC *calc, calcfloat r, char *buf); long factorial(long n); calcfloat calc_convert_to_radians(CALC *calc); calcfloat calc_convert_from_radians(CALC *calc);