LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US IDD_DOWNLOAD DIALOG LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 220, 76 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CENTER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Download..." FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" { CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_PROGRESS,"msctls_progress32",WS_BORDER|PBS_SMOOTH,10,10,200,12 LTEXT "", IDC_STATUS, 10, 30, 200, 10, SS_CENTER PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 85, 58, 50, 15, WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP } STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WINDOW_TITLE "Download ! - ReactOS Downloader" IDS_WELCOME_TITLE "Welcome to the ReactOS Downloader" IDS_WELCOME "Please choose a category on the left. This is version 1.0." IDS_NO_APP_TITLE "No application selected" IDS_NO_APP "Please select a Application before you click the download button, if you need assistance please click on the question mark button on the top right corner." IDS_UPDATE_TITLE "Update" IDS_UPDATE "Sorry this feature is not implemented yet." IDS_HELP_TITLE "Help" IDS_HELP "Choose a category on the left, then choose a application and click the download button. To update the application information click the button next to the help button." IDS_NO_APPS "Sorry, there no applications in this category yet. You can help and add more applications." IDS_CHOOSE_APP "Please choose an application." IDS_CHOOSE_SUB "Please choose a subcategory." IDS_CHOOSE_CATEGORY "Please choose a category." IDS_CHOOSE_BOTH "Please choose a subcategory or an application." IDS_XMLERROR_1 "Could not find the xml file !" IDS_XMLERROR_2 "Could not parse the xml file !" IDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR "Unable to download the file.\nPlease check your internet connection." IDS_VERSION "Version: " IDS_LICENCE "Licence: " IDS_MAINTAINER "Maintainer: " IDS_APPS_TITLE "Applications" IDS_CATS_TITLE "Categories" END