/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. _WdfVersionBuild_ Module Name: wdftimer.h Abstract: This is the C header for driver framework TIMER object Revision History: --*/ // // NOTE: This header is generated by stubwork. Please make any // modifications to the corresponding template files // (.x or .y) and use stubwork to regenerate the header // #ifndef _WDFTIMER_H_ #define _WDFTIMER_H_ #ifndef WDF_EXTERN_C #ifdef __cplusplus #define WDF_EXTERN_C extern "C" #define WDF_EXTERN_C_START extern "C" { #define WDF_EXTERN_C_END } #else #define WDF_EXTERN_C #define WDF_EXTERN_C_START #define WDF_EXTERN_C_END #endif #endif WDF_EXTERN_C_START #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2K) #define TolerableDelayUnlimited ((ULONG)-1) // // This is the function that gets called back into the driver // when the TIMER fires. // typedef _Function_class_(EVT_WDF_TIMER) _IRQL_requires_same_ _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID EVT_WDF_TIMER( _In_ WDFTIMER Timer ); typedef EVT_WDF_TIMER *PFN_WDF_TIMER; // // Disable warning C4324: structure was padded due to DECLSPEC_ALIGN // This padding is intentional and necessary. #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4324) typedef struct _WDF_TIMER_CONFIG { ULONG Size; PFN_WDF_TIMER EvtTimerFunc; ULONG Period; // // If this is TRUE, the Timer will automatically serialize // with the event callback handlers of its Parent Object. // // Parent Object's callback constraints should be compatible // with the Timer DPC (DISPATCH_LEVEL), or the request will fail. // BOOLEAN AutomaticSerialization; // // Optional tolerance for the timer in milliseconds. // ULONG TolerableDelay; // // If this is TRUE, high resolution timers will be used. The default // value is FALSE // DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) BOOLEAN UseHighResolutionTimer; } WDF_TIMER_CONFIG, *PWDF_TIMER_CONFIG; #pragma warning(pop) VOID FORCEINLINE WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT( _Out_ PWDF_TIMER_CONFIG Config, _In_ PFN_WDF_TIMER EvtTimerFunc ) { RtlZeroMemory(Config, sizeof(WDF_TIMER_CONFIG)); Config->Size = sizeof(WDF_TIMER_CONFIG); Config->EvtTimerFunc = EvtTimerFunc; Config->Period = 0; Config->AutomaticSerialization = TRUE; Config->TolerableDelay = 0; } VOID FORCEINLINE WDF_TIMER_CONFIG_INIT_PERIODIC( _Out_ PWDF_TIMER_CONFIG Config, _In_ PFN_WDF_TIMER EvtTimerFunc, _In_ LONG Period ) { RtlZeroMemory(Config, sizeof(WDF_TIMER_CONFIG)); Config->Size = sizeof(WDF_TIMER_CONFIG); Config->EvtTimerFunc = EvtTimerFunc; Config->Period = Period; Config->AutomaticSerialization = TRUE; Config->TolerableDelay = 0; } // // WDF Function: WdfTimerCreate // typedef _Must_inspect_result_ _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) WDFAPI NTSTATUS (*PFN_WDFTIMERCREATE)( _In_ PWDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals, _In_ PWDF_TIMER_CONFIG Config, _In_ PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, _Out_ WDFTIMER* Timer ); _Must_inspect_result_ _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) NTSTATUS FORCEINLINE WdfTimerCreate( _In_ PWDF_TIMER_CONFIG Config, _In_ PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, _Out_ WDFTIMER* Timer ) { return ((PFN_WDFTIMERCREATE) WdfFunctions[WdfTimerCreateTableIndex])(WdfDriverGlobals, Config, Attributes, Timer); } // // WDF Function: WdfTimerStart // typedef _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) WDFAPI BOOLEAN (*PFN_WDFTIMERSTART)( _In_ PWDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals, _In_ WDFTIMER Timer, _In_ LONGLONG DueTime ); _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) BOOLEAN FORCEINLINE WdfTimerStart( _In_ WDFTIMER Timer, _In_ LONGLONG DueTime ) { return ((PFN_WDFTIMERSTART) WdfFunctions[WdfTimerStartTableIndex])(WdfDriverGlobals, Timer, DueTime); } // // WDF Function: WdfTimerStop // typedef _When_(Wait == __true, _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL)) _When_(Wait == __false, _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)) WDFAPI BOOLEAN (*PFN_WDFTIMERSTOP)( _In_ PWDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals, _In_ WDFTIMER Timer, _In_ BOOLEAN Wait ); _When_(Wait == __true, _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL)) _When_(Wait == __false, _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)) BOOLEAN FORCEINLINE WdfTimerStop( _In_ WDFTIMER Timer, _In_ BOOLEAN Wait ) { return ((PFN_WDFTIMERSTOP) WdfFunctions[WdfTimerStopTableIndex])(WdfDriverGlobals, Timer, Wait); } // // WDF Function: WdfTimerGetParentObject // typedef _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) WDFAPI WDFOBJECT (*PFN_WDFTIMERGETPARENTOBJECT)( _In_ PWDF_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals, _In_ WDFTIMER Timer ); _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL) WDFOBJECT FORCEINLINE WdfTimerGetParentObject( _In_ WDFTIMER Timer ) { return ((PFN_WDFTIMERGETPARENTOBJECT) WdfFunctions[WdfTimerGetParentObjectTableIndex])(WdfDriverGlobals, Timer); } #endif // (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN2K) WDF_EXTERN_C_END #endif // _WDFTIMER_H_