/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS text-mode setup * FILE: base/setup/usetup/usetup.c * PURPOSE: Text-mode setup * PROGRAMMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * Hervé Poussineau (hpoussin@reactos.org) */ #include #include #include "bootsup.h" #include "chkdsk.h" #include "cmdcons.h" #include "format.h" #include "drivesup.h" #include "settings.h" #define NDEBUG #include // HACK! #include /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/ HANDLE ProcessHeap; static UNICODE_STRING SourceRootPath; static UNICODE_STRING SourceRootDir; /* static */ UNICODE_STRING SourcePath; BOOLEAN IsUnattendedSetup = FALSE; LONG UnattendDestinationDiskNumber; LONG UnattendDestinationPartitionNumber; LONG UnattendMBRInstallType = -1; LONG UnattendFormatPartition = 0; LONG AutoPartition = 0; WCHAR UnattendInstallationDirectory[MAX_PATH]; PWCHAR SelectedLanguageId; WCHAR LocaleID[9]; WCHAR DefaultLanguage[20]; WCHAR DefaultKBLayout[20]; BOOLEAN RepairUpdateFlag = FALSE; HANDLE hPnpThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PPARTLIST PartitionList = NULL; PPARTENTRY TempPartition = NULL; FORMATMACHINESTATE FormatState = Start; /* LOCALS *******************************************************************/ static PFILE_SYSTEM_LIST FileSystemList = NULL; static UNICODE_STRING InstallPath; /* * Path to the system partition, where the boot manager resides. * On x86 PCs, this is usually the active partition. * On ARC, (u)EFI, ... platforms, this is a dedicated partition. * * For more information, see: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_partition_and_boot_partition * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/boot-and-system-volumes.html * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/arc-boot-process.html * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/efi-boot-process.html * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/determining-system-volume.html * http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/determining-boot-volume.html */ static UNICODE_STRING SystemRootPath; /* Path to the install directory inside the ReactOS boot partition */ static UNICODE_STRING DestinationPath; static UNICODE_STRING DestinationArcPath; static UNICODE_STRING DestinationRootPath; // FIXME: Is it really useful?? Just used for SetDefaultPagefile... static WCHAR DestinationDriveLetter; static HINF SetupInf; static HSPFILEQ SetupFileQueue = NULL; static PGENERIC_LIST ComputerList = NULL; static PGENERIC_LIST DisplayList = NULL; static PGENERIC_LIST KeyboardList = NULL; static PGENERIC_LIST LayoutList = NULL; static PGENERIC_LIST LanguageList = NULL; static LANGID LanguageId = 0; static ULONG RequiredPartitionDiskSpace = ~0; /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ static VOID PrintString(char* fmt,...) { char buffer[512]; va_list ap; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, buffer); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, TRUE); NtDisplayString(&UnicodeString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UnicodeString); } static VOID DrawBox(IN SHORT xLeft, IN SHORT yTop, IN SHORT Width, IN SHORT Height) { COORD coPos; DWORD Written; /* draw upper left corner */ coPos.X = xLeft; coPos.Y = yTop; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xDA, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper edge */ coPos.X = xLeft + 1; coPos.Y = yTop; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', Width - 2, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper right corner */ coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; coPos.Y = yTop; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBF, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* Draw right edge, inner space and left edge */ for (coPos.Y = yTop + 1; coPos.Y < yTop + Height - 1; coPos.Y++) { coPos.X = xLeft; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, // '|', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Width - 2, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, // '|', 1, coPos, &Written); } /* draw lower left corner */ coPos.X = xLeft; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC0, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower edge */ coPos.X = xLeft + 1; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', Width - 2, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower right corner */ coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xD9, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); } VOID PopupError(PCCH Text, PCCH Status, PINPUT_RECORD Ir, ULONG WaitEvent) { SHORT yTop; SHORT xLeft; COORD coPos; DWORD Written; ULONG Length; ULONG MaxLength; ULONG Lines; PCHAR p; PCCH pnext; BOOLEAN LastLine; SHORT Width; SHORT Height; /* Count text lines and longest line */ MaxLength = 0; Lines = 0; pnext = Text; while (TRUE) { p = strchr(pnext, '\n'); if (p == NULL) { Length = strlen(pnext); LastLine = TRUE; } else { Length = (ULONG)(p - pnext); LastLine = FALSE; } Lines++; if (Length > MaxLength) MaxLength = Length; if (LastLine != FALSE) break; pnext = p + 1; } /* Check length of status line */ if (Status != NULL) { Length = strlen(Status); if (Length > MaxLength) MaxLength = Length; } Width = MaxLength + 4; Height = Lines + 2; if (Status != NULL) Height += 2; yTop = (yScreen - Height) / 2; xLeft = (xScreen - Width) / 2; /* Set screen attributes */ coPos.X = xLeft; for (coPos.Y = yTop; coPos.Y < yTop + Height; coPos.Y++) { FillConsoleOutputAttribute(StdOutput, FOREGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_WHITE, Width, coPos, &Written); } DrawBox(xLeft, yTop, Width, Height); /* Print message text */ coPos.Y = yTop + 1; pnext = Text; while (TRUE) { p = strchr(pnext, '\n'); if (p == NULL) { Length = strlen(pnext); LastLine = TRUE; } else { Length = (ULONG)(p - pnext); LastLine = FALSE; } if (Length != 0) { coPos.X = xLeft + 2; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, pnext, Length, coPos, &Written); } if (LastLine != FALSE) break; coPos.Y++; pnext = p + 1; } /* Print separator line and status text */ if (Status != NULL) { coPos.Y = yTop + Height - 3; coPos.X = xLeft; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC3, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', Width - 2, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = xLeft + Width - 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB4, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.Y++; coPos.X = xLeft + 2; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, Status, min(strlen(Status), (SIZE_T)Width - 4), coPos, &Written); } if (WaitEvent == POPUP_WAIT_NONE) return; while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if (WaitEvent == POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY || Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) { return; } } } /* * Confirm quit setup * RETURNS * TRUE: Quit setup. * FALSE: Don't quit setup. */ static BOOL ConfirmQuit(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { BOOL Result = FALSE; MUIDisplayError(ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED, NULL, POPUP_WAIT_NONE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { Result = TRUE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { Result = FALSE; break; } } return Result; } static VOID CheckUnattendedSetup(VOID) { WCHAR UnattendInfPath[MAX_PATH]; INFCONTEXT Context; HINF UnattendInf; UINT ErrorLine; INT IntValue; PWCHAR Value; CombinePaths(UnattendInfPath, ARRAYSIZE(UnattendInfPath), 2, SourcePath.Buffer, L"unattend.inf"); if (DoesFileExist(NULL, UnattendInfPath) == FALSE) { DPRINT("Does not exist: %S\n", UnattendInfPath); return; } /* Load 'unattend.inf' from install media. */ UnattendInf = SetupOpenInfFileW(UnattendInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, LanguageId, &ErrorLine); if (UnattendInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DPRINT("SetupOpenInfFileW() failed\n"); return; } /* Open 'Unattend' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"Signature", &Context)) { DPRINT("SetupFindFirstLineW() failed for section 'Unattend'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } /* Get pointer 'Signature' key */ if (!INF_GetData(&Context, NULL, &Value)) { DPRINT("INF_GetData() failed for key 'Signature'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } /* Check 'Signature' string */ if (_wcsicmp(Value, L"$ReactOS$") != 0) { DPRINT("Signature not $ReactOS$\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } /* Check if Unattend setup is enabled */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"UnattendSetupEnabled", &Context)) { DPRINT("Can't find key 'UnattendSetupEnabled'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } if (!INF_GetData(&Context, NULL, &Value)) { DPRINT("Can't read key 'UnattendSetupEnabled'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } if (_wcsicmp(Value, L"yes") != 0) { DPRINT("Unattend setup is disabled by 'UnattendSetupEnabled' key!\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } /* Search for 'DestinationDiskNumber' in the 'Unattend' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"DestinationDiskNumber", &Context)) { DPRINT("SetupFindFirstLine() failed for key 'DestinationDiskNumber'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { DPRINT("SetupGetIntField() failed for key 'DestinationDiskNumber'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } UnattendDestinationDiskNumber = (LONG)IntValue; /* Search for 'DestinationPartitionNumber' in the 'Unattend' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"DestinationPartitionNumber", &Context)) { DPRINT("SetupFindFirstLine() failed for key 'DestinationPartitionNumber'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { DPRINT("SetupGetIntField() failed for key 'DestinationPartitionNumber'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } UnattendDestinationPartitionNumber = (LONG)IntValue; /* Search for 'InstallationDirectory' in the 'Unattend' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"InstallationDirectory", &Context)) { DPRINT("SetupFindFirstLine() failed for key 'InstallationDirectory'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } /* Get pointer 'InstallationDirectory' key */ if (!INF_GetData(&Context, NULL, &Value)) { DPRINT("INF_GetData() failed for key 'InstallationDirectory'\n"); SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); return; } wcscpy(UnattendInstallationDirectory, Value); IsUnattendedSetup = TRUE; /* Search for 'MBRInstallType' in the 'Unattend' section */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"MBRInstallType", &Context)) { if (SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { UnattendMBRInstallType = IntValue; } } /* Search for 'FormatPartition' in the 'Unattend' section */ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"FormatPartition", &Context)) { if (SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { UnattendFormatPartition = IntValue; } } if (SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"AutoPartition", &Context)) { if (SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { AutoPartition = IntValue; } } /* search for LocaleID in the 'Unattend' section*/ if (SetupFindFirstLineW(UnattendInf, L"Unattend", L"LocaleID", &Context)) { if (INF_GetData(&Context, NULL, &Value)) { LONG Id = wcstol(Value, NULL, 16); swprintf(LocaleID, L"%08lx", Id); } } SetupCloseInfFile(UnattendInf); DPRINT("Running unattended setup\n"); } static VOID UpdateKBLayout(VOID) { PGENERIC_LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; LPCWSTR pszNewLayout; pszNewLayout = MUIDefaultKeyboardLayout(); if (LayoutList == NULL) { LayoutList = CreateKeyboardLayoutList(SetupInf, DefaultKBLayout); if (LayoutList == NULL) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ return; } } ListEntry = GetFirstListEntry(LayoutList); /* Search for default layout (if provided) */ if (pszNewLayout != NULL) { while (ListEntry != NULL) { if (!wcscmp(pszNewLayout, GetListEntryUserData(ListEntry))) { SetCurrentListEntry(LayoutList, ListEntry); break; } ListEntry = GetNextListEntry(ListEntry); } } } /* * Displays the LanguagePage. * * Next pages: WelcomePage, QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Init SelectedLanguageId * Init LanguageId * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER LanguagePage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { GENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi; PWCHAR NewLanguageId; BOOL RefreshPage = FALSE; /* Initialize the computer settings list */ if (LanguageList == NULL) { LanguageList = CreateLanguageList(SetupInf, DefaultLanguage); if (LanguageList == NULL) { PopupError("Setup failed to initialize available translations", NULL, NULL, POPUP_WAIT_NONE); return WELCOME_PAGE; } } /* Load the font */ SelectedLanguageId = DefaultLanguage; SetConsoleCodePage(); UpdateKBLayout(); /* If there's just a single language in the list skip * the language selection process altogether! */ if (GenericListHasSingleEntry(LanguageList)) { LanguageId = (LANGID)(wcstol(SelectedLanguageId, NULL, 16) & 0xFFFF); return WELCOME_PAGE; } InitGenericListUi(&ListUi, LanguageList); DrawGenericList(&ListUi, 2, 18, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); ScrollToPositionGenericList(&ListUi, GetDefaultLanguageIndex()); MUIDisplayPage(LANGUAGE_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { ScrollDownGenericList(&ListUi); RefreshPage = TRUE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { ScrollUpGenericList(&ListUi); RefreshPage = TRUE; } if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_NEXT)) /* PAGE DOWN */ { ScrollPageDownGenericList(&ListUi); RefreshPage = TRUE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_PRIOR)) /* PAGE UP */ { ScrollPageUpGenericList(&ListUi); RefreshPage = TRUE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; else RedrawGenericList(&ListUi); } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { SelectedLanguageId = (PWCHAR)GetListEntryUserData(GetCurrentListEntry(LanguageList)); LanguageId = (LANGID)(wcstol(SelectedLanguageId, NULL, 16) & 0xFFFF); if (wcscmp(SelectedLanguageId, DefaultLanguage)) { UpdateKBLayout(); } /* Load the font */ SetConsoleCodePage(); return WELCOME_PAGE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar > 0x60) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar < 0x7b)) { /* a-z */ GenericListKeyPress(&ListUi, Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); RefreshPage = TRUE; } if (RefreshPage) { NewLanguageId = (PWCHAR)GetListEntryUserData(GetCurrentListEntry(LanguageList)); if (SelectedLanguageId != NewLanguageId) { /* Clear the language page */ MUIClearPage(LANGUAGE_PAGE); SelectedLanguageId = NewLanguageId; /* Load the font */ SetConsoleCodePage(); /* Redraw language selection page in native language */ MUIDisplayPage(LANGUAGE_PAGE); } RefreshPage = FALSE; } } return WELCOME_PAGE; } /* * Start page * * Next pages: * LanguagePage (at once, default) * InstallIntroPage (at once, if unattended) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Init Sdi * Init SourcePath * Init SourceRootPath * Init SourceRootDir * Init SetupInf * Init RequiredPartitionDiskSpace * Init IsUnattendedSetup * If unattended, init *List and sets the Codepage * If unattended, init SelectedLanguageId * If unattended, init LanguageId * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER SetupStartPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR FileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; INFCONTEXT Context; PWCHAR Value; UINT ErrorLine; PGENERIC_LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; INT IntValue; CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); /* Get the source path and source root path */ Status = GetSourcePaths(&SourcePath, &SourceRootPath, &SourceRootDir); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 15, "GetSourcePaths() failed (Status 0x%08lx)", Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_NO_SOURCE_DRIVE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } DPRINT1("SourcePath: '%wZ'", &SourcePath); DPRINT1("SourceRootPath: '%wZ'", &SourceRootPath); DPRINT1("SourceRootDir: '%wZ'", &SourceRootDir); /* Load txtsetup.sif from install media. */ CombinePaths(FileNameBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(FileNameBuffer), 2, SourcePath.Buffer, L"txtsetup.sif"); SetupInf = SetupOpenInfFileW(FileNameBuffer, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, LanguageId, &ErrorLine); if (SetupInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_LOAD_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Open 'Version' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(SetupInf, L"Version", L"Signature", &Context)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Get pointer 'Signature' key */ if (!INF_GetData(&Context, NULL, &Value)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Check 'Signature' string */ if (_wcsicmp(Value, L"$ReactOS$") != 0) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_SIGNATURE_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Open 'DiskSpaceRequirements' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(SetupInf, L"DiskSpaceRequirements", L"FreeSysPartDiskSpace", &Context)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Get the 'FreeSysPartDiskSpace' value */ if (!SetupGetIntField(&Context, 1, &IntValue)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CORRUPT_TXTSETUPSIF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } RequiredPartitionDiskSpace = (ULONG)IntValue; /* Start the PnP thread */ if (hPnpThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NtResumeThread(hPnpThread, NULL); hPnpThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } CheckUnattendedSetup(); if (IsUnattendedSetup) { // TODO: Read options from inf ComputerList = CreateComputerTypeList(SetupInf); DisplayList = CreateDisplayDriverList(SetupInf); KeyboardList = CreateKeyboardDriverList(SetupInf); LayoutList = CreateKeyboardLayoutList(SetupInf, DefaultKBLayout); LanguageList = CreateLanguageList(SetupInf, DefaultLanguage); /* new part */ wcscpy(SelectedLanguageId, LocaleID); LanguageId = (LANGID)(wcstol(SelectedLanguageId, NULL, 16) & 0xFFFF); /* first we hack LanguageList */ ListEntry = GetFirstListEntry(LanguageList); while (ListEntry != NULL) { if (!wcsicmp(LocaleID, GetListEntryUserData(ListEntry))) { DPRINT("found %S in LanguageList\n",GetListEntryUserData(ListEntry)); SetCurrentListEntry(LanguageList, ListEntry); break; } ListEntry = GetNextListEntry(ListEntry); } /* now LayoutList */ ListEntry = GetFirstListEntry(LayoutList); while (ListEntry != NULL) { if (!wcsicmp(LocaleID, GetListEntryUserData(ListEntry))) { DPRINT("found %S in LayoutList\n",GetListEntryUserData(ListEntry)); SetCurrentListEntry(LayoutList, ListEntry); break; } ListEntry = GetNextListEntry(ListEntry); } SetConsoleCodePage(); return INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE; } return LANGUAGE_PAGE; } /* * Displays the WelcomePage. * * Next pages: * InstallIntroPage (default) * RepairIntroPage * LicensePage * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER WelcomePage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(WELCOME_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE; } else if (toupper(Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar) == 'R') /* R */ { return REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE; } else if (toupper(Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar) == 'L') /* L */ { return LICENSE_PAGE; } } return WELCOME_PAGE; } /* * Displays the License page. * * Next page: * WelcomePage (default) * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER LicensePage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(LICENSE_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return WELCOME_PAGE; } } return LICENSE_PAGE; } /* * Displays the RepairIntroPage. * * Next pages: * RebootPage (default) * InstallIntroPage * RecoveryPage * IntroPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER RepairIntroPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE); while(TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return REBOOT_PAGE; } else if (toupper(Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar) == 'U') /* U */ { RepairUpdateFlag = TRUE; return INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE; } else if (toupper(Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar) == 'R') /* R */ { return RECOVERY_PAGE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)) /* ESC */ { return WELCOME_PAGE; } } return REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE; } /* * Displays the InstallIntroPage. * * Next pages: * DeviceSettingsPage (At once if repair or update is selected) * SelectPartitionPage (At once if unattended setup) * DeviceSettingsPage (default) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER InstallIntroPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { if (RepairUpdateFlag) { //return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; return DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE; } if (IsUnattendedSetup) return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; MUIDisplayPage(INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE; // return SCSI_CONTROLLER_PAGE; } } return INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE; } #if 0 static PAGE_NUMBER ScsiControllerPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { // MUIDisplayPage(SCSI_CONTROLLER_PAGE); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, "Setup detected the following mass storage devices:"); /* FIXME: print loaded mass storage driver descriptions */ #if 0 CONSOLE_SetTextXY(8, 10, "TEST device"); #endif CONSOLE_SetStatusText(" ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit"); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE; } } return SCSI_CONTROLLER_PAGE; } static PAGE_NUMBER OemDriverPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { // MUIDisplayPage(OEM_DRIVER_PAGE); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, "This is the OEM driver page!"); /* FIXME: Implement!! */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(" ENTER = Continue F3 = Quit"); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) == TRUE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE; } } return OEM_DRIVER_PAGE; } #endif /* * Displays the DeviceSettingsPage. * * Next pages: * SelectPartitionPage (At once if repair or update is selected) * ComputerSettingsPage * DisplaySettingsPage * KeyboardSettingsPage * LayoutsettingsPage * SelectPartitionPage * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Init ComputerList * Init DisplayList * Init KeyboardList * Init LayoutList * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER DeviceSettingsPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { static ULONG Line = 16; /* Initialize the computer settings list */ if (ComputerList == NULL) { ComputerList = CreateComputerTypeList(SetupInf); if (ComputerList == NULL) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_LOAD_COMPUTER, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } /* Initialize the display settings list */ if (DisplayList == NULL) { DisplayList = CreateDisplayDriverList(SetupInf); if (DisplayList == NULL) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_LOAD_DISPLAY, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } /* Initialize the keyboard settings list */ if (KeyboardList == NULL) { KeyboardList = CreateKeyboardDriverList(SetupInf); if (KeyboardList == NULL) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_LOAD_KEYBOARD, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } /* Initialize the keyboard layout list */ if (LayoutList == NULL) { LayoutList = CreateKeyboardLayoutList(SetupInf, DefaultKBLayout); if (LayoutList == NULL) { /* FIXME: report error */ MUIDisplayError(ERROR_LOAD_KBLAYOUT, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } if (RepairUpdateFlag) return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; // if (IsUnattendedSetup) // return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; MUIDisplayPage(DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(25, 11, GetListEntryText(GetCurrentListEntry(ComputerList))); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(25, 12, GetListEntryText(GetCurrentListEntry(DisplayList))); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(25, 13, GetListEntryText(GetCurrentListEntry(KeyboardList))); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(25, 14, GetListEntryText(GetCurrentListEntry(LayoutList))); CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(24, Line, 48, 1); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { CONSOLE_NormalTextXY(24, Line, 48, 1); if (Line == 14) Line = 16; else if (Line == 16) Line = 11; else Line++; CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(24, Line, 48, 1); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { CONSOLE_NormalTextXY(24, Line, 48, 1); if (Line == 11) Line = 16; else if (Line == 16) Line = 14; else Line--; CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(24, Line, 48, 1); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { if (Line == 11) return COMPUTER_SETTINGS_PAGE; else if (Line == 12) return DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PAGE; else if (Line == 13) return KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_PAGE; else if (Line == 14) return LAYOUT_SETTINGS_PAGE; else if (Line == 16) return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE; } /* * Handles generic selection lists. * * PARAMS * GenericList: The list to handle. * nextPage: The page it needs to jump to after this page. * Ir: The PINPUT_RECORD */ static PAGE_NUMBER HandleGenericList(PGENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi, PAGE_NUMBER nextPage, PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { ScrollDownGenericList(ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { ScrollUpGenericList(ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_NEXT)) /* PAGE DOWN */ { ScrollPageDownGenericList(ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_PRIOR)) /* PAGE UP */ { ScrollPageUpGenericList(ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; else RedrawGenericList(ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)) /* ESC */ { RestoreGenericListState(ListUi->List); return nextPage; // Use some "prevPage;" instead? } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { return nextPage; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar > 0x60) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar < 0x7b)) { /* a-z */ GenericListKeyPress(ListUi, Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); } } } /* * Displays the ComputerSettingsPage. * * Next pages: * DeviceSettingsPage * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER ComputerSettingsPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { GENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi; MUIDisplayPage(COMPUTER_SETTINGS_PAGE); InitGenericListUi(&ListUi, ComputerList); DrawGenericList(&ListUi, 2, 18, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); SaveGenericListState(ComputerList); return HandleGenericList(&ListUi, DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, Ir); } /* * Displays the DisplaySettingsPage. * * Next pages: * DeviceSettingsPage * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER DisplaySettingsPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { GENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi; MUIDisplayPage(DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PAGE); InitGenericListUi(&ListUi, DisplayList); DrawGenericList(&ListUi, 2, 18, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); SaveGenericListState(DisplayList); return HandleGenericList(&ListUi, DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, Ir); } /* * Displays the KeyboardSettingsPage. * * Next pages: * DeviceSettingsPage * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER KeyboardSettingsPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { GENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi; MUIDisplayPage(KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_PAGE); InitGenericListUi(&ListUi, KeyboardList); DrawGenericList(&ListUi, 2, 18, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); SaveGenericListState(KeyboardList); return HandleGenericList(&ListUi, DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, Ir); } /* * Displays the LayoutSettingsPage. * * Next pages: * DeviceSettingsPage * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER LayoutSettingsPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { GENERIC_LIST_UI ListUi; MUIDisplayPage(LAYOUT_SETTINGS_PAGE); InitGenericListUi(&ListUi, LayoutList); DrawGenericList(&ListUi, 2, 18, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); SaveGenericListState(LayoutList); return HandleGenericList(&ListUi, DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE, Ir); } static BOOL IsDiskSizeValid(PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { ULONGLONG size; size = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * PartEntry->DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; size = (size + 524288) / 1048576; /* in MBytes */ if (size < RequiredPartitionDiskSpace) { /* partition is too small so ask for another partition */ DPRINT1("Partition is too small (size: %I64u MB), required disk space is %lu MB\n", size, RequiredPartitionDiskSpace); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /* * Displays the SelectPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * SelectFileSystemPage (At once if unattended) * SelectFileSystemPage (Default if free space is selected) * CreatePrimaryPartitionPage * CreateExtendedPartitionPage * CreateLogicalPartitionPage * ConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionPage (if the selected partition is the system partition, aka with the boot flag set) * DeletePartitionPage * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Set InstallShortcut (only if not unattended + free space is selected) * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER SelectPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PARTLIST_UI ListUi; ULONG Error; if (PartitionList == NULL) { PartitionList = CreatePartitionList(); if (PartitionList == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ MUIDisplayError(ERROR_DRIVE_INFORMATION, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } else if (IsListEmpty(&PartitionList->DiskListHead)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_NO_HDD, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } TempPartition = NULL; FormatState = Start; } MUIDisplayPage(SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE); InitPartitionListUi(&ListUi, PartitionList, 2, 23, xScreen - 3, yScreen - 3); DrawPartitionList(&ListUi); if (IsUnattendedSetup) { if (!SelectPartition(PartitionList, UnattendDestinationDiskNumber, UnattendDestinationPartitionNumber)) { if (AutoPartition) { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition) { CreateLogicalPartition(PartitionList, PartitionList->CurrentPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart, TRUE); } else { CreatePrimaryPartition(PartitionList, PartitionList->CurrentPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart, TRUE); } // FIXME?? Aren't we going to enter an infinite loop, if this test fails?? if (!IsDiskSizeValid(PartitionList->CurrentPartition)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PARTITION_SIZE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY, RequiredPartitionDiskSpace); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; /* let the user select another partition */ } return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } } else { DrawPartitionList(&ListUi); // FIXME?? Aren't we going to enter an infinite loop, if this test fails?? if (!IsDiskSizeValid(PartitionList->CurrentPartition)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PARTITION_SIZE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY, RequiredPartitionDiskSpace); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; /* let the user select another partition */ } return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } } while (TRUE) { /* Update status text */ if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_INSTALLCREATEPARTITION)); } else if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition) { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned) { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_DELETEPARTITION)); } else { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_INSTALLCREATELOGICAL)); } } else { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned) { if (IsContainerPartition(PartitionList->CurrentPartition->PartitionType)) { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_DELETEPARTITION)); } else { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_INSTALLDELETEPARTITION)); } } else { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_INSTALLCREATEPARTITION)); } } CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) { DestroyPartitionList(PartitionList); PartitionList = NULL; return QUIT_PAGE; } break; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { ScrollDownPartitionList(&ListUi); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { ScrollUpPartitionList(&ListUi); } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN) /* ENTER */ { if (IsContainerPartition(PartitionList->CurrentPartition->PartitionType)) continue; // return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned == FALSE) { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition) { CreateLogicalPartition(PartitionList, 0ULL, TRUE); } else { CreatePrimaryPartition(PartitionList, 0ULL, TRUE); } } if (!IsDiskSizeValid(PartitionList->CurrentPartition)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PARTITION_SIZE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY, RequiredPartitionDiskSpace); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; /* let the user select another partition */ } return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'P') /* P */ { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition == FALSE) { Error = PrimaryPartitionCreationChecks(PartitionList); if (Error != NOT_AN_ERROR) { MUIDisplayError(Error, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } return CREATE_PRIMARY_PARTITION_PAGE; } } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'E') /* E */ { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition == FALSE) { Error = ExtendedPartitionCreationChecks(PartitionList); if (Error != NOT_AN_ERROR) { MUIDisplayError(Error, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } return CREATE_EXTENDED_PARTITION_PAGE; } } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'L') /* L */ { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition != FALSE) { Error = LogicalPartitionCreationChecks(PartitionList); if (Error != NOT_AN_ERROR) { MUIDisplayError(Error, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } return CREATE_LOGICAL_PARTITION_PAGE; } } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'D') /* D */ { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned == FALSE) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_DELETE_SPACE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition->BootIndicator || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == PartitionList->SystemPartition) { return CONFIRM_DELETE_SYSTEM_PARTITION_PAGE; } return DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } #define PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH 9 /* Restriction for MaxSize: pow(10, (PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH - 1)) - 1 */ #define PARTITION_MAXSIZE (pow(10, (PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH - 1)) - 1) static VOID ShowPartitionSizeInputBox(SHORT Left, SHORT Top, SHORT Right, SHORT Bottom, ULONG MaxSize, PWSTR InputBuffer, PBOOLEAN Quit, PBOOLEAN Cancel) { INPUT_RECORD Ir; COORD coPos; DWORD Written; CHAR Buffer[128]; INT Length, Pos; WCHAR ch; SHORT iLeft; SHORT iTop; if (Quit != NULL) *Quit = FALSE; if (Cancel != NULL) *Cancel = FALSE; DrawBox(Left, Top, Right - Left + 1, Bottom - Top + 1); /* Print message */ coPos.X = Left + 2; coPos.Y = Top + 2; strcpy(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_PARTITIONSIZE)); iLeft = coPos.X + strlen(Buffer) + 1; iTop = coPos.Y; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), coPos, &Written); sprintf(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_MAXSIZE), MaxSize); coPos.X = iLeft + PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH + 1; coPos.Y = iTop; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), coPos, &Written); swprintf(InputBuffer, L"%lu", MaxSize); Length = wcslen(InputBuffer); Pos = Length; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(iLeft, iTop, PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH, InputBuffer); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Length, iTop); CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, TRUE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(&Ir); if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (Quit != NULL) *Quit = TRUE; InputBuffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL; CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); break; } else if (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN) /* ENTER */ { CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); break; } else if (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) /* ESCAPE */ { if (Cancel != NULL) *Cancel = TRUE; InputBuffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL; CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); break; } else if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_HOME)) /* HOME */ { Pos = 0; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } else if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_END)) /* END */ { Pos = Length; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } else if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_LEFT)) /* LEFT */ { if (Pos > 0) { Pos--; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } } else if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RIGHT)) /* RIGHT */ { if (Pos < Length) { Pos++; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } } else if ((Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DELETE)) /* DEL */ { if (Pos < Length) { memmove(&InputBuffer[Pos], &InputBuffer[Pos + 1], (Length - Pos - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InputBuffer[Length - 1] = UNICODE_NULL; Length--; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(iLeft, iTop, PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH, InputBuffer); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } } else if (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_BACK) /* BACKSPACE */ { if (Pos > 0) { if (Pos < Length) memmove(&InputBuffer[Pos - 1], &InputBuffer[Pos], (Length - Pos) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InputBuffer[Length - 1] = UNICODE_NULL; Pos--; Length--; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(iLeft, iTop, PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH, InputBuffer); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } } else if (Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar != 0x00) { if (Length < PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH - 1) { ch = (WCHAR)Ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; if ((ch >= L'0') && (ch <= L'9')) { if (Pos < Length) memmove(&InputBuffer[Pos + 1], &InputBuffer[Pos], (Length - Pos) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InputBuffer[Length + 1] = UNICODE_NULL; InputBuffer[Pos] = ch; Pos++; Length++; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(iLeft, iTop, PARTITION_SIZE_INPUT_FIELD_LENGTH, InputBuffer); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(iLeft + Pos, iTop); } } } } } /* * Displays the CreatePrimaryPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * SelectPartitionPage * SelectFileSystemPage (default) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER CreatePrimaryPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; BOOLEAN Quit; BOOLEAN Cancel; WCHAR InputBuffer[50]; ULONG MaxSize; ULONGLONG PartSize; ULONGLONG DiskSize; ULONGLONG SectorCount; PCHAR Unit; if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } DiskEntry = PartitionList->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_CHOOSENEWPARTITION)); DiskSize = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (DiskSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1073741824; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1048576; if (DiskSize == 0) DiskSize = 1; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } if (DiskEntry->DriverName.Length > 0) { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_1), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_2), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDSIZE)); #if 0 CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, "Maximum size of the new partition is %I64u MB", PartitionList->CurrentPartition->SectorCount * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector / 1048576); #endif CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_CREATEPARTITION)); PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; while (TRUE) { MaxSize = (PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector) / 1048576; /* in MBytes (rounded) */ if (MaxSize > PARTITION_MAXSIZE) MaxSize = PARTITION_MAXSIZE; ShowPartitionSizeInputBox(12, 14, xScreen - 12, 17, /* left, top, right, bottom */ MaxSize, InputBuffer, &Quit, &Cancel); if (Quit != FALSE) { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Cancel != FALSE) { return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } else { PartSize = _wcstoui64(InputBuffer, NULL, 10); if (PartSize < 1) { /* Too small */ continue; } if (PartSize > MaxSize) { /* Too large */ continue; } /* Convert to bytes */ if (PartSize == MaxSize) { /* Use all of the unpartitioned disk space */ SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } else { /* Calculate the sector count from the size in MB */ SectorCount = PartSize * 1048576 / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; /* But never get larger than the unpartitioned disk space */ if (SectorCount > PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart) SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } DPRINT ("Partition size: %I64u bytes\n", PartSize); CreatePrimaryPartition(PartitionList, SectorCount, FALSE); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return CREATE_PRIMARY_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the CreateExtendedPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * SelectPartitionPage (default) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER CreateExtendedPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; BOOLEAN Quit; BOOLEAN Cancel; WCHAR InputBuffer[50]; ULONG MaxSize; ULONGLONG PartSize; ULONGLONG DiskSize; ULONGLONG SectorCount; PCHAR Unit; if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } DiskEntry = PartitionList->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_EXTENDED_PARTITION)); DiskSize = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (DiskSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1073741824; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1048576; if (DiskSize == 0) DiskSize = 1; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } if (DiskEntry->DriverName.Length > 0) { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_1), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_2), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDSIZE)); #if 0 CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, "Maximum size of the new partition is %I64u MB", PartitionList->CurrentPartition->SectorCount * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector / 1048576); #endif CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_CREATEPARTITION)); PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; while (TRUE) { MaxSize = (PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector) / 1048576; /* in MBytes (rounded) */ if (MaxSize > PARTITION_MAXSIZE) MaxSize = PARTITION_MAXSIZE; ShowPartitionSizeInputBox(12, 14, xScreen - 12, 17, /* left, top, right, bottom */ MaxSize, InputBuffer, &Quit, &Cancel); if (Quit != FALSE) { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Cancel != FALSE) { return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } else { PartSize = _wcstoui64(InputBuffer, NULL, 10); if (PartSize < 1) { /* Too small */ continue; } if (PartSize > MaxSize) { /* Too large */ continue; } /* Convert to bytes */ if (PartSize == MaxSize) { /* Use all of the unpartitioned disk space */ SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } else { /* Calculate the sector count from the size in MB */ SectorCount = PartSize * 1048576 / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; /* But never get larger than the unpartitioned disk space */ if (SectorCount > PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart) SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } DPRINT ("Partition size: %I64u bytes\n", PartSize); CreateExtendedPartition(PartitionList, SectorCount); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return CREATE_EXTENDED_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the CreateLogicalPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * SelectFileSystemPage (default) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER CreateLogicalPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; BOOLEAN Quit; BOOLEAN Cancel; WCHAR InputBuffer[50]; ULONG MaxSize; ULONGLONG PartSize; ULONGLONG DiskSize; ULONGLONG SectorCount; PCHAR Unit; if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } DiskEntry = PartitionList->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_CHOOSE_NEW_LOGICAL_PARTITION)); DiskSize = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (DiskSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1073741824; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1048576; if (DiskSize == 0) DiskSize = 1; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } if (DiskEntry->DriverName.Length > 0) { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_1), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTCREATE_2), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDSIZE)); #if 0 CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, "Maximum size of the new partition is %I64u MB", PartitionList->CurrentPartition->SectorCount * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector / 1048576); #endif CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_CREATEPARTITION)); PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; while (TRUE) { MaxSize = (PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector) / 1048576; /* in MBytes (rounded) */ if (MaxSize > PARTITION_MAXSIZE) MaxSize = PARTITION_MAXSIZE; ShowPartitionSizeInputBox(12, 14, xScreen - 12, 17, /* left, top, right, bottom */ MaxSize, InputBuffer, &Quit, &Cancel); if (Quit != FALSE) { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Cancel != FALSE) { return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } else { PartSize = _wcstoui64(InputBuffer, NULL, 10); if (PartSize < 1) { /* Too small */ continue; } if (PartSize > MaxSize) { /* Too large */ continue; } /* Convert to bytes */ if (PartSize == MaxSize) { /* Use all of the unpartitioned disk space */ SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } else { /* Calculate the sector count from the size in MB */ SectorCount = PartSize * 1048576 / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; /* But never get larger than the unpartitioned disk space */ if (SectorCount > PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart) SectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } DPRINT("Partition size: %I64u bytes\n", PartSize); CreateLogicalPartition(PartitionList, SectorCount, FALSE); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return CREATE_LOGICAL_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the ConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * DeletePartitionPage (default) * SelectPartitionPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER ConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(CONFIRM_DELETE_SYSTEM_PARTITION_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) == TRUE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN) /* ENTER */ { return DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) /* ESC */ { return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return CONFIRM_DELETE_SYSTEM_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the DeletePartitionPage. * * Next pages: * SelectPartitionPage (default) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER DeletePartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; ULONGLONG DiskSize; ULONGLONG PartSize; PCHAR Unit; CHAR PartTypeString[32]; if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } DiskEntry = PartitionList->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; MUIDisplayPage(DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE); GetPartTypeStringFromPartitionType(PartEntry->PartitionType, PartTypeString, ARRAYSIZE(PartTypeString)); PartSize = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (PartSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { PartSize = PartSize / 1073741824; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif if (PartSize >= 10485760) /* 10 MB */ { PartSize = PartSize / 1048576; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } else { PartSize = PartSize / 1024; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_KB); } if (*PartTypeString == '\0') // STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN ?? { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDINFOUNK2), (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartEntry->PartitionType, PartSize, Unit); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 10, " %c%c %s %I64u %s", (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartTypeString, PartSize, Unit); } DiskSize = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; #if 0 if (DiskSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1073741824; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else #endif { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1048576; if (DiskSize == 0) DiskSize = 1; Unit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } if (DiskEntry->DriverName.Length > 0) { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTDELETE_1), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTDELETE_2), DiskSize, Unit, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) /* ESC */ { return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'D') /* D */ { DeleteCurrentPartition(PartitionList); return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } return DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the SelectFileSystemPage. * * Next pages: * CheckFileSystemPage (At once if RepairUpdate is selected) * CheckFileSystemPage (At once if Unattended and not UnattendFormatPartition) * FormatPartitionPage (At once if Unattended and UnattendFormatPartition) * SelectPartitionPage (If the user aborts) * FormatPartitionPage (Default) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Sets PartEntry->DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[PartEntry->PartitionIndex].PartitionType (via UpdatePartitionType) * Calls CheckActiveSystemPartition() * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER SelectFileSystemPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; ULONGLONG DiskSize; ULONGLONG PartSize; PCHAR DiskUnit; PCHAR PartUnit; CHAR PartTypeString[32]; FORMATMACHINESTATE PreviousFormatState; DPRINT("SelectFileSystemPage()\n"); if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Find or set the active system partition */ CheckActiveSystemPartition(PartitionList); if (PartitionList->SystemPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ // // Error dialog should say that we cannot find a suitable // system partition and create one on the system. At this point, // it may be nice to ask the user whether he wants to continue, // or use an external drive as the system drive/partition // (e.g. floppy, USB drive, etc...) // return QUIT_PAGE; } PreviousFormatState = FormatState; switch (FormatState) { case Start: { if (PartitionList->CurrentPartition != PartitionList->SystemPartition) { TempPartition = PartitionList->SystemPartition; TempPartition->NeedsCheck = TRUE; FormatState = FormatSystemPartition; DPRINT1("FormatState: Start --> FormatSystemPartition\n"); } else { TempPartition = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; TempPartition->NeedsCheck = TRUE; FormatState = FormatInstallPartition; DPRINT1("FormatState: Start --> FormatInstallPartition\n"); } break; } case FormatSystemPartition: { TempPartition = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; TempPartition->NeedsCheck = TRUE; FormatState = FormatInstallPartition; DPRINT1("FormatState: FormatSystemPartition --> FormatInstallPartition\n"); break; } case FormatInstallPartition: { if (GetNextUnformattedPartition(PartitionList, NULL, &TempPartition)) { FormatState = FormatOtherPartition; TempPartition->NeedsCheck = TRUE; DPRINT1("FormatState: FormatInstallPartition --> FormatOtherPartition\n"); } else { FormatState = FormatDone; DPRINT1("FormatState: FormatInstallPartition --> FormatDone\n"); return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } break; } case FormatOtherPartition: { if (GetNextUnformattedPartition(PartitionList, NULL, &TempPartition)) { FormatState = FormatOtherPartition; TempPartition->NeedsCheck = TRUE; DPRINT1("FormatState: FormatOtherPartition --> FormatOtherPartition\n"); } else { FormatState = FormatDone; DPRINT1("FormatState: FormatOtherPartition --> FormatDone\n"); return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } break; } default: { DPRINT1("FormatState: Invalid value %ld\n", FormatState); /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } } PartEntry = TempPartition; DiskEntry = PartEntry->DiskEntry; /* Adjust disk size */ DiskSize = DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; if (DiskSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1073741824; DiskUnit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else { DiskSize = DiskSize / 1048576; DiskUnit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } /* Adjust partition size */ PartSize = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; if (PartSize >= 10737418240) /* 10 GB */ { PartSize = PartSize / 1073741824; PartUnit = MUIGetString(STRING_GB); } else { PartSize = PartSize / 1048576; PartUnit = MUIGetString(STRING_MB); } /* Adjust partition type */ GetPartTypeStringFromPartitionType(PartEntry->PartitionType, PartTypeString, ARRAYSIZE(PartTypeString)); if (PartEntry->AutoCreate != FALSE) { CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_NEWPARTITION)); #if 0 CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, "Partition %lu (%I64u %s) %s of", PartEntry->PartitionNumber, PartSize, PartUnit, PartTypeString); #endif CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTZEROED_1), DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskSize, DiskUnit, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_PARTFORMAT)); PartEntry->AutoCreate = FALSE; } else if (PartEntry->New != FALSE) { switch (FormatState) { case FormatSystemPartition: CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_NONFORMATTEDSYSTEMPART)); break; case FormatInstallPartition: CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_NONFORMATTEDPART)); break; case FormatOtherPartition: CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_NONFORMATTEDOTHERPART)); break; default: break; } CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_PARTFORMAT)); } else { CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_INSTALLONPART)); if (*PartTypeString == '\0') // STRING_FORMATUNKNOWN ?? { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, MUIGetString(STRING_HDDINFOUNK4), (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartEntry->PartitionType, PartSize, PartUnit); } else { CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(8, 10, "%c%c %s %I64u %s", (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : PartEntry->DriveLetter, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : ':', PartTypeString, PartSize, PartUnit); } CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 12, MUIGetString(STRING_HDINFOPARTEXISTS_1), DiskEntry->DiskNumber, DiskSize, DiskUnit, DiskEntry->Port, DiskEntry->Bus, DiskEntry->Id, &DiskEntry->DriverName, DiskEntry->NoMbr ? "GPT" : "MBR"); } MUIDisplayPage(SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE); if (FileSystemList == NULL) { /* Create the file system list, and by default select the "FAT" file system */ FileSystemList = CreateFileSystemList(6, 26, PartEntry->New, L"FAT"); if (FileSystemList == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } } if (RepairUpdateFlag) { return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; //return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } if (IsUnattendedSetup) { if (UnattendFormatPartition) { /* * We use whatever currently selected file system we have * (by default, this is "FAT", as per the initialization * performed above). Note that it may be interesting to specify * which file system to use in unattended installations, in the * txtsetup.sif file. */ return FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE; } return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } DrawFileSystemList(FileSystemList); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)) /* ESC */ { FormatState = Start; return SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { ScrollDownFileSystemList(FileSystemList); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { ScrollUpFileSystemList(FileSystemList); } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN) /* ENTER */ { if (!FileSystemList->Selected->FileSystem) return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; else return FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE; } } FormatState = PreviousFormatState; return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } /* * Displays the FormatPartitionPage. * * Next pages: * InstallDirectoryPage (At once if IsUnattendedSetup or InstallShortcut) * SelectPartitionPage (At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Sets PartitionList->CurrentPartition->FormatState * Sets DestinationRootPath * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER FormatPartitionPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { UNICODE_STRING PartitionRootPath; WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PFILE_SYSTEM_ITEM SelectedFileSystem; NTSTATUS Status; #ifndef NDEBUG ULONG Line; ULONG i; PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; #endif DPRINT("FormatPartitionPage()\n"); MUIDisplayPage(FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE); if (PartitionList == NULL || TempPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } PartEntry = TempPartition; DiskEntry = PartEntry->DiskEntry; SelectedFileSystem = FileSystemList->Selected; while (TRUE) { if (!IsUnattendedSetup) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); } if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN || IsUnattendedSetup) /* ENTER */ { CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); if (!PreparePartitionForFormatting(PartEntry, SelectedFileSystem->FileSystem)) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } #ifndef NDEBUG CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, 12, "Cylinders: %I64u Tracks/Cyl: %lu Sectors/Trk: %lu Bytes/Sec: %lu %c", DiskEntry->Cylinders, DiskEntry->TracksPerCylinder, DiskEntry->SectorsPerTrack, DiskEntry->BytesPerSector, DiskEntry->Dirty ? '*' : ' '); Line = 13; for (i = 0; i < DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount; i++) { PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[i]; CONSOLE_PrintTextXY(6, Line, "%2u: %2lu %c %12I64u %12I64u %02x", i, PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber, PartitionInfo->BootIndicator ? 'A' : '-', PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector, PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector, PartitionInfo->PartitionType); Line++; } #endif /* Commit the partition changes to the disk */ if (!WritePartitionsToDisk(PartitionList)) { DPRINT("WritePartitionsToDisk() failed\n"); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_WRITE_PTABLE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Set PartitionRootPath */ StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition%lu", DiskEntry->DiskNumber, PartEntry->PartitionNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&PartitionRootPath, PathBuffer); DPRINT("PartitionRootPath: %wZ\n", &PartitionRootPath); /* Format the partition */ if (SelectedFileSystem->FileSystem) { Status = FormatPartition(&PartitionRootPath, SelectedFileSystem); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("FormatPartition() failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_FORMATTING_PARTITION, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ANY_KEY, PathBuffer); return QUIT_PAGE; } PartEntry->FormatState = Formatted; // PartEntry->FileSystem = FileSystem; PartEntry->New = FALSE; } #ifndef NDEBUG CONSOLE_SetStatusText(" Done. Press any key ..."); CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); #endif return SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } } return FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE; } /* * Displays the CheckFileSystemPage. * * Next pages: * InstallDirectoryPage (At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Inits or reloads FileSystemList * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER CheckFileSystemPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PFILE_SYSTEM CurrentFileSystem; UNICODE_STRING PartitionRootPath; WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; CHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; NTSTATUS Status; if (PartitionList == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } if (!GetNextUncheckedPartition(PartitionList, &DiskEntry, &PartEntry)) { return INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE; } /* Set PartitionRootPath */ StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition%lu", DiskEntry->DiskNumber, PartEntry->PartitionNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&PartitionRootPath, PathBuffer); DPRINT("PartitionRootPath: %wZ\n", &PartitionRootPath); CONSOLE_SetTextXY(6, 8, MUIGetString(STRING_CHECKINGPART)); CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); CurrentFileSystem = PartEntry->FileSystem; DPRINT1("CheckFileSystemPage -- PartitionType: 0x%02X ; FileSystemName: %S\n", PartEntry->PartitionType, (CurrentFileSystem ? CurrentFileSystem->FileSystemName : L"n/a")); /* HACK: Do not try to check a partition with an unknown filesystem */ if (CurrentFileSystem == NULL) { PartEntry->NeedsCheck = FALSE; return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } if (CurrentFileSystem->ChkdskFunc == NULL) { sprintf(Buffer, "Setup is currently unable to check a partition formatted in %S.\n" "\n" " \x07 Press ENTER to continue Setup.\n" " \x07 Press F3 to quit Setup.", CurrentFileSystem->FileSystemName); PopupError(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_QUITCONTINUE), NULL, POPUP_WAIT_NONE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00 && Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir)) return QUIT_PAGE; else return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == VK_RETURN) /* ENTER */ { PartEntry->NeedsCheck = FALSE; return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } } } else { Status = ChkdskPartition(&PartitionRootPath, CurrentFileSystem); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("ChkdskPartition() failed with status 0x%08lx\n", Status); // sprintf(Buffer, "Setup failed to verify the selected partition.\n" sprintf(Buffer, "ChkDsk detected some disk errors.\n" "(Status 0x%08lx).\n", Status); PopupError(Buffer, // MUIGetString(STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER), MUIGetString(STRING_CONTINUE), Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); // return QUIT_PAGE; } PartEntry->NeedsCheck = FALSE; return CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE; } } static VOID BuildInstallPaths(PWSTR InstallDir, PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; /* Create 'InstallPath' string */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&InstallPath); RtlCreateUnicodeString(&InstallPath, InstallDir); /* Create 'DestinationRootPath' string */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DestinationRootPath); StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition%lu\\", DiskEntry->DiskNumber, PartEntry->PartitionNumber); RtlCreateUnicodeString(&DestinationRootPath, PathBuffer); DPRINT("DestinationRootPath: %wZ\n", &DestinationRootPath); /* Create 'DestinationPath' string */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DestinationPath); CombinePaths(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), 2, DestinationRootPath.Buffer, InstallDir); RtlCreateUnicodeString(&DestinationPath, PathBuffer); /* Create 'DestinationArcPath' */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DestinationArcPath); StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(%lu)partition(%lu)\\", DiskEntry->BiosDiskNumber, PartEntry->PartitionNumber); ConcatPaths(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), 1, InstallDir); RtlCreateUnicodeString(&DestinationArcPath, PathBuffer); /* Initialize DestinationDriveLetter */ DestinationDriveLetter = (WCHAR)PartEntry->DriveLetter; } /* * Displays the InstallDirectoryPage. * * Next pages: * PrepareCopyPage (As the direct result of InstallDirectoryPage1) * QuitPage * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER InstallDirectoryPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; WCHAR InstallDir[51]; WCHAR c; ULONG Length, Pos; /* We do not need the filesystem list any more */ if (FileSystemList != NULL) { DestroyFileSystemList(FileSystemList); FileSystemList = NULL; } if (PartitionList == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentDisk == NULL || PartitionList->CurrentPartition == NULL) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } DiskEntry = PartitionList->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = PartitionList->CurrentPartition; if (IsUnattendedSetup) { if (!IsValidPath(UnattendInstallationDirectory)) { /* FIXME: Log the error? */ return QUIT_PAGE; } BuildInstallPaths(UnattendInstallationDirectory, DiskEntry, PartEntry); return PREPARE_COPY_PAGE; } wcscpy(InstallDir, L"\\ReactOS"); Length = wcslen(InstallDir); Pos = Length; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(8, 11, 51, InstallDir); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, TRUE); MUIDisplayPage(INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, TRUE); break; } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DELETE)) /* DEL */ { if (Pos < Length) { memmove(&InstallDir[Pos], &InstallDir[Pos + 1], (Length - Pos - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InstallDir[Length - 1] = UNICODE_NULL; Length--; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(8, 11, 51, InstallDir); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_HOME)) /* HOME */ { Pos = 0; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_END)) /* END */ { Pos = Length; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_LEFT)) /* LEFT */ { if (Pos > 0) { Pos--; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RIGHT)) /* RIGHT */ { if (Pos < Length) { Pos++; CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); /* * Check for the validity of the installation directory and pop up * an error if it is not the case. Then the user can fix its input. */ if (!IsValidPath(InstallDir)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_DIRECTORY_NAME, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE; } BuildInstallPaths(InstallDir, DiskEntry, PartEntry); return PREPARE_COPY_PAGE; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x08) /* BACKSPACE */ { if (Pos > 0) { if (Pos < Length) memmove(&InstallDir[Pos - 1], &InstallDir[Pos], (Length - Pos) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InstallDir[Length - 1] = UNICODE_NULL; Pos--; Length--; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(8, 11, 51, InstallDir); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } } else if (isprint(Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar)) { if (Length < 50) { c = (WCHAR)Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; if (iswalpha(c) || iswdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '\\' || c == '-' || c == '_') { if (Pos < Length) memmove(&InstallDir[Pos + 1], &InstallDir[Pos], (Length - Pos) * sizeof(WCHAR)); InstallDir[Length + 1] = UNICODE_NULL; InstallDir[Pos] = c; Pos++; Length++; CONSOLE_SetInputTextXY(8, 11, 51, InstallDir); CONSOLE_SetCursorXY(8 + Pos, 11); } } } } return INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE; } static BOOLEAN AddSectionToCopyQueueCab(HINF InfFile, PWCHAR SectionName, PWCHAR SourceCabinet, PCUNICODE_STRING DestinationPath, PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { INFCONTEXT FilesContext; INFCONTEXT DirContext; PWCHAR FileKeyName; PWCHAR FileKeyValue; PWCHAR DirKeyValue; PWCHAR TargetFileName; /* * This code enumerates the list of files in reactos.dff / reactos.inf * that need to be extracted from reactos.cab and be installed in their * respective directories. */ /* Search for the SectionName section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(InfFile, SectionName, NULL, &FilesContext)) { CHAR Buffer[128]; sprintf(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_TXTSETUPFAILED), SectionName); PopupError(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER), Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return FALSE; } /* * Enumerate the files in the section and add them to the file queue. */ do { /* Get source file name and target directory id */ if (!INF_GetData(&FilesContext, &FileKeyName, &FileKeyValue)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("INF_GetData() failed\n"); break; } /* Get optional target file name */ if (!INF_GetDataField(&FilesContext, 2, &TargetFileName)) TargetFileName = NULL; DPRINT("FileKeyName: '%S' FileKeyValue: '%S'\n", FileKeyName, FileKeyValue); /* Lookup target directory */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(InfFile, L"Directories", FileKeyValue, &DirContext)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("SetupFindFirstLine() failed\n"); break; } if (!INF_GetData(&DirContext, NULL, &DirKeyValue)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("INF_GetData() failed\n"); break; } if (!SetupQueueCopy(SetupFileQueue, SourceCabinet, SourceRootPath.Buffer, SourceRootDir.Buffer, FileKeyName, DirKeyValue, TargetFileName)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("SetupQueueCopy() failed\n"); } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&FilesContext, &FilesContext)); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN AddSectionToCopyQueue(HINF InfFile, PWCHAR SectionName, PWCHAR SourceCabinet, PCUNICODE_STRING DestinationPath, PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { INFCONTEXT FilesContext; INFCONTEXT DirContext; PWCHAR FileKeyName; PWCHAR FileKeyValue; PWCHAR DirKeyValue; PWCHAR TargetFileName; WCHAR CompleteOrigDirName[512]; // FIXME: MAX_PATH is not enough? if (SourceCabinet) return AddSectionToCopyQueueCab(InfFile, L"SourceFiles", SourceCabinet, DestinationPath, Ir); /* * This code enumerates the list of files in txtsetup.sif * that need to be installed in their respective directories. */ /* Search for the SectionName section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(InfFile, SectionName, NULL, &FilesContext)) { CHAR Buffer[128]; sprintf(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_TXTSETUPFAILED), SectionName); PopupError(Buffer, MUIGetString(STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER), Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return FALSE; } /* * Enumerate the files in the section and add them to the file queue. */ do { /* Get source file name and target directory id */ if (!INF_GetData(&FilesContext, &FileKeyName, &FileKeyValue)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("INF_GetData() failed\n"); break; } /* Get target directory id */ if (!INF_GetDataField(&FilesContext, 13, &FileKeyValue)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("INF_GetData() failed\n"); break; } /* Get optional target file name */ if (!INF_GetDataField(&FilesContext, 11, &TargetFileName)) TargetFileName = NULL; else if (!*TargetFileName) TargetFileName = NULL; DPRINT("FileKeyName: '%S' FileKeyValue: '%S'\n", FileKeyName, FileKeyValue); /* Lookup target directory */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(InfFile, L"Directories", FileKeyValue, &DirContext)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("SetupFindFirstLine() failed\n"); break; } if (!INF_GetData(&DirContext, NULL, &DirKeyValue)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("INF_GetData() failed\n"); break; } if ((DirKeyValue[0] == UNICODE_NULL) || (DirKeyValue[0] == L'\\' && DirKeyValue[1] == UNICODE_NULL)) { /* Installation path */ DPRINT("InstallationPath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); StringCchCopyW(CompleteOrigDirName, ARRAYSIZE(CompleteOrigDirName), SourceRootDir.Buffer); DPRINT("InstallationPath(2): '%S'\n", CompleteOrigDirName); } else if (DirKeyValue[0] == L'\\') { /* Absolute path */ DPRINT("AbsolutePath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); StringCchCopyW(CompleteOrigDirName, ARRAYSIZE(CompleteOrigDirName), DirKeyValue); DPRINT("AbsolutePath(2): '%S'\n", CompleteOrigDirName); } else // if (DirKeyValue[0] != L'\\') { /* Path relative to the installation path */ DPRINT("RelativePath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); CombinePaths(CompleteOrigDirName, ARRAYSIZE(CompleteOrigDirName), 2, SourceRootDir.Buffer, DirKeyValue); DPRINT("RelativePath(2): '%S'\n", CompleteOrigDirName); } if (!SetupQueueCopy(SetupFileQueue, SourceCabinet, SourceRootPath.Buffer, CompleteOrigDirName, FileKeyName, DirKeyValue, TargetFileName)) { /* FIXME: Handle error! */ DPRINT1("SetupQueueCopy() failed\n"); } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&FilesContext, &FilesContext)); return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN PrepareCopyPageInfFile(HINF InfFile, PWCHAR SourceCabinet, PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { NTSTATUS Status; INFCONTEXT DirContext; PWCHAR AdditionalSectionName = NULL; PWCHAR DirKeyValue; WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; /* Add common files */ if (!AddSectionToCopyQueue(InfFile, L"SourceDisksFiles", SourceCabinet, &DestinationPath, Ir)) return FALSE; /* Add specific files depending of computer type */ if (SourceCabinet == NULL) { if (!ProcessComputerFiles(InfFile, ComputerList, &AdditionalSectionName)) return FALSE; if (AdditionalSectionName) { if (!AddSectionToCopyQueue(InfFile, AdditionalSectionName, SourceCabinet, &DestinationPath, Ir)) return FALSE; } } /* Create directories */ /* * FIXME: * Copying files to DestinationRootPath should be done from within * the SystemPartitionFiles section. * At the moment we check whether we specify paths like '\foo' or '\\' for that. * For installing to DestinationPath specify just '\' . */ /* Get destination path */ StringCchCopyW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), DestinationPath.Buffer); DPRINT("FullPath(1): '%S'\n", PathBuffer); /* Create the install directory */ Status = SetupCreateDirectory(PathBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION) { DPRINT1("Creating directory '%S' failed: Status = 0x%08lx\n", PathBuffer, Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CREATE_INSTALL_DIR, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return FALSE; } /* Search for the 'Directories' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(InfFile, L"Directories", NULL, &DirContext)) { if (SourceCabinet) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CABINET_SECTION, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); } else { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_TXTSETUP_SECTION, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); } return FALSE; } /* Enumerate the directory values and create the subdirectories */ do { if (!INF_GetData(&DirContext, NULL, &DirKeyValue)) { DPRINT1("break\n"); break; } if ((DirKeyValue[0] == UNICODE_NULL) || (DirKeyValue[0] == L'\\' && DirKeyValue[1] == UNICODE_NULL)) { /* Installation path */ DPRINT("InstallationPath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); StringCchCopyW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), DestinationPath.Buffer); DPRINT("InstallationPath(2): '%S'\n", PathBuffer); } else if (DirKeyValue[0] == L'\\') { /* Absolute path */ DPRINT("AbsolutePath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); CombinePaths(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), 2, DestinationRootPath.Buffer, DirKeyValue); DPRINT("AbsolutePath(2): '%S'\n", PathBuffer); Status = SetupCreateDirectory(PathBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION) { DPRINT("Creating directory '%S' failed: Status = 0x%08lx", PathBuffer, Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CREATE_DIR, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return FALSE; } } else // if (DirKeyValue[0] != L'\\') { /* Path relative to the installation path */ DPRINT("RelativePath: '%S'\n", DirKeyValue); CombinePaths(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), 2, DestinationPath.Buffer, DirKeyValue); DPRINT("RelativePath(2): '%S'\n", PathBuffer); Status = SetupCreateDirectory(PathBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION) { DPRINT("Creating directory '%S' failed: Status = 0x%08lx", PathBuffer, Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CREATE_DIR, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return FALSE; } } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&DirContext, &DirContext)); return TRUE; } /* * Displays the PrepareCopyPage. * * Next pages: * FileCopyPage(At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Inits SetupFileQueue * Calls PrepareCopyPageInfFile * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER PrepareCopyPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { HINF InfHandle; WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; INFCONTEXT CabinetsContext; ULONG InfFileSize; PWCHAR KeyValue; UINT ErrorLine; PVOID InfFileData; MUIDisplayPage(PREPARE_COPY_PAGE); /* Create the file queue */ SetupFileQueue = SetupOpenFileQueue(); if (SetupFileQueue == NULL) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_COPY_QUEUE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } if (!PrepareCopyPageInfFile(SetupInf, NULL, Ir)) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Search for the 'Cabinets' section */ if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(SetupInf, L"Cabinets", NULL, &CabinetsContext)) { return FILE_COPY_PAGE; } /* * Enumerate the directory values in the 'Cabinets' * section and parse their inf files. */ do { if (!INF_GetData(&CabinetsContext, NULL, &KeyValue)) break; CombinePaths(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), 2, SourcePath.Buffer, KeyValue); CabinetInitialize(); CabinetSetEventHandlers(NULL, NULL, NULL); CabinetSetCabinetName(PathBuffer); if (CabinetOpen() == CAB_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT("Cabinet %S\n", CabinetGetCabinetName()); InfFileData = CabinetGetCabinetReservedArea(&InfFileSize); if (InfFileData == NULL) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CABINET_SCRIPT, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } else { DPRINT("Cannot open cabinet: %S.\n", CabinetGetCabinetName()); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CABINET_MISSING, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } InfHandle = INF_OpenBufferedFileA((CHAR*) InfFileData, InfFileSize, (const CHAR*) NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, LanguageId, &ErrorLine); if (InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INVALID_CABINET_INF, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } CabinetCleanup(); if (!PrepareCopyPageInfFile(InfHandle, KeyValue, Ir)) { /* FIXME: show an error dialog */ return QUIT_PAGE; } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&CabinetsContext, &CabinetsContext)); return FILE_COPY_PAGE; } VOID NTAPI SetupUpdateMemoryInfo(IN PCOPYCONTEXT CopyContext, IN BOOLEAN First) { SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION PerfInfo; /* Get the memory information from the system */ NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation, &PerfInfo, sizeof(PerfInfo), NULL); /* Check if this is initial setup */ if (First) { /* Set maximum limits to be total RAM pages */ ProgressSetStepCount(CopyContext->MemoryBars[0], PerfInfo.CommitLimit); ProgressSetStepCount(CopyContext->MemoryBars[1], PerfInfo.CommitLimit); ProgressSetStepCount(CopyContext->MemoryBars[2], PerfInfo.CommitLimit); } /* Set current values */ ProgressSetStep(CopyContext->MemoryBars[0], PerfInfo.PagedPoolPages + PerfInfo.NonPagedPoolPages); ProgressSetStep(CopyContext->MemoryBars[1], PerfInfo.ResidentSystemCachePage); ProgressSetStep(CopyContext->MemoryBars[2], PerfInfo.AvailablePages); } static UINT CALLBACK FileCopyCallback(PVOID Context, UINT Notification, UINT_PTR Param1, UINT_PTR Param2) { PCOPYCONTEXT CopyContext; CopyContext = (PCOPYCONTEXT)Context; switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTSUBQUEUE: CopyContext->TotalOperations = (ULONG)Param2; ProgressSetStepCount(CopyContext->ProgressBar, CopyContext->TotalOperations); SetupUpdateMemoryInfo(CopyContext, TRUE); break; case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTCOPY: /* Display copy message */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_COPYING), (PWSTR)Param1); SetupUpdateMemoryInfo(CopyContext, FALSE); break; case SPFILENOTIFY_ENDCOPY: CopyContext->CompletedOperations++; /* SYSREG checkpoint */ if (CopyContext->TotalOperations >> 1 == CopyContext->CompletedOperations) DPRINT1("CHECKPOINT:HALF_COPIED\n"); ProgressNextStep(CopyContext->ProgressBar); SetupUpdateMemoryInfo(CopyContext, FALSE); break; } return 0; } /* * Displays the FileCopyPage. * * Next pages: * RegistryPage(At once) * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls SetupCommitFileQueueW * Calls SetupCloseFileQueue * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER FileCopyPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { COPYCONTEXT CopyContext; unsigned int mem_bar_width; MUIDisplayPage(FILE_COPY_PAGE); /* Create context for the copy process */ CopyContext.DestinationRootPath = DestinationRootPath.Buffer; CopyContext.InstallPath = InstallPath.Buffer; CopyContext.TotalOperations = 0; CopyContext.CompletedOperations = 0; /* Create the progress bar as well */ CopyContext.ProgressBar = CreateProgressBar(13, 26, xScreen - 13, yScreen - 20, 10, 24, TRUE, MUIGetString(STRING_SETUPCOPYINGFILES)); // fit memory bars to screen width, distribute them uniform mem_bar_width = (xScreen - 26) / 5; mem_bar_width -= mem_bar_width % 2; // make even /* ATTENTION: The following progress bars are debug stuff, which should not be translated!! */ /* Create the paged pool progress bar */ CopyContext.MemoryBars[0] = CreateProgressBar(13, 40, 13 + mem_bar_width, 43, 13, 44, FALSE, "Kernel Pool"); /* Create the non paged pool progress bar */ CopyContext.MemoryBars[1] = CreateProgressBar((xScreen / 2)- (mem_bar_width / 2), 40, (xScreen / 2) + (mem_bar_width / 2), 43, (xScreen / 2)- (mem_bar_width / 2), 44, FALSE, "Kernel Cache"); /* Create the global memory progress bar */ CopyContext.MemoryBars[2] = CreateProgressBar(xScreen - 13 - mem_bar_width, 40, xScreen - 13, 43, xScreen - 13 - mem_bar_width, 44, FALSE, "Free Memory"); /* Do the file copying */ SetupCommitFileQueueW(NULL, SetupFileQueue, FileCopyCallback, &CopyContext); /* If we get here, we're done, so cleanup the queue and progress bar */ SetupCloseFileQueue(SetupFileQueue); DestroyProgressBar(CopyContext.ProgressBar); DestroyProgressBar(CopyContext.MemoryBars[0]); DestroyProgressBar(CopyContext.MemoryBars[1]); DestroyProgressBar(CopyContext.MemoryBars[2]); /* Go display the next page */ return REGISTRY_PAGE; } /* * Displays the RegistryPage. * * Next pages: * SuccessPage (if RepairUpdate) * BootLoaderPage (default) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls SetInstallPathValue * Calls NtInitializeRegistry * Calls ImportRegistryFile * Calls SetDefaultPagefile * Calls SetMountedDeviceValues * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER RegistryPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { INFCONTEXT InfContext; PWSTR Action; PWSTR File; PWSTR Section; BOOLEAN Delete; NTSTATUS Status; MUIDisplayPage(REGISTRY_PAGE); if (RepairUpdateFlag) { // FIXME! DPRINT1("FIXME: Updating / repairing the registry is NOT implemented yet!\n"); return SUCCESS_PAGE; } /************************ HACK!!!!!!!!!!! *********************************/ if (!SetInstallPathValue(&DestinationPath)) { DPRINT1("SetInstallPathValue() failed\n"); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INITIALIZE_REGISTRY, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /************************ HACK!!!!!!!!!!! *********************************/ /* Create the default hives */ Status = NtInitializeRegistry(CM_BOOT_FLAG_SETUP); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtInitializeRegistry() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_CREATE_HIVE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Update registry */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_REGHIVEUPDATE)); if (!SetupFindFirstLineW(SetupInf, L"HiveInfs.Install", NULL, &InfContext)) { DPRINT1("SetupFindFirstLine() failed\n"); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_FIND_REGISTRY, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } do { INF_GetDataField(&InfContext, 0, &Action); INF_GetDataField(&InfContext, 1, &File); INF_GetDataField(&InfContext, 2, &Section); DPRINT("Action: %S File: %S Section %S\n", Action, File, Section); if (Action == NULL) break; // Hackfix if (!_wcsicmp(Action, L"AddReg")) { Delete = FALSE; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Action, L"DelReg")) { Delete = TRUE; } else { continue; } CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_IMPORTFILE), File); if (!ImportRegistryFile(File, Section, LanguageId, Delete)) { DPRINT1("Importing %S failed\n", File); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_IMPORT_HIVE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } while (SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext, &InfContext)); /* Update display registry settings */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_DISPLAYETTINGSUPDATE)); if (!ProcessDisplayRegistry(SetupInf, DisplayList)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_UPDATE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Set the locale */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_LOCALESETTINGSUPDATE)); if (!ProcessLocaleRegistry(LanguageList)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_UPDATE_LOCALESETTINGS, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Add keyboard layouts */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_ADDKBLAYOUTS)); if (!AddKeyboardLayouts()) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_ADDING_KBLAYOUTS, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Set GeoID */ if (!SetGeoID(MUIGetGeoID())) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_UPDATE_GEOID, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } if (!IsUnattendedSetup) { /* Update keyboard layout settings */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_KEYBOARDSETTINGSUPDATE)); if (!ProcessKeyboardLayoutRegistry(LayoutList)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_UPDATE_KBSETTINGS, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } } /* Add codepage information to registry */ CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_CODEPAGEINFOUPDATE)); if (!AddCodePage()) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_ADDING_CODEPAGE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Set the default pagefile entry */ SetDefaultPagefile(DestinationDriveLetter); /* Update the mounted devices list */ SetMountedDeviceValues(PartitionList); CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_DONE)); return BOOT_LOADER_PAGE; } /* * Displays the BootLoaderPage. * * Next pages: * SuccessPage (if RepairUpdate) * BootLoaderHarddiskMbrPage * BootLoaderHarddiskVbrPage * BootLoaderFloppyPage * SuccessPage * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls SetInstallPathValue * Calls NtInitializeRegistry * Calls ImportRegistryFile * Calls SetDefaultPagefile * Calls SetMountedDeviceValues * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER BootLoaderPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { UCHAR PartitionType; BOOLEAN InstallOnFloppy; USHORT Line = 12; WCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SystemRootPath); StringCchPrintfW(PathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(PathBuffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition%lu\\", PartitionList->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, PartitionList->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber); RtlCreateUnicodeString(&SystemRootPath, PathBuffer); DPRINT1("SystemRootPath: %wZ\n", &SystemRootPath); PartitionType = PartitionList->SystemPartition->PartitionType; if (IsUnattendedSetup) { if (UnattendMBRInstallType == 0) /* skip MBR installation */ { return SUCCESS_PAGE; } else if (UnattendMBRInstallType == 1) /* install on floppy */ { return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } } if (PartitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED) { DPRINT("Error: system partition invalid (unused)\n"); InstallOnFloppy = TRUE; } else if (PartitionType == PARTITION_OS2BOOTMGR) { /* OS/2 boot manager partition */ DPRINT("Found OS/2 boot manager partition\n"); InstallOnFloppy = TRUE; } else if (PartitionType == PARTITION_EXT2) { /* Linux EXT2 partition */ DPRINT("Found Linux EXT2 partition\n"); InstallOnFloppy = FALSE; } else if (PartitionType == PARTITION_IFS) { /* NTFS partition */ DPRINT("Found NTFS partition\n"); // FIXME: Make it FALSE when we'll support NTFS installation! InstallOnFloppy = TRUE; } else if ((PartitionType == PARTITION_FAT_12) || (PartitionType == PARTITION_FAT_16) || (PartitionType == PARTITION_HUGE) || (PartitionType == PARTITION_XINT13) || (PartitionType == PARTITION_FAT32) || (PartitionType == PARTITION_FAT32_XINT13)) { DPRINT("Found FAT partition\n"); InstallOnFloppy = FALSE; } else { /* Unknown partition */ DPRINT("Unknown partition found\n"); InstallOnFloppy = TRUE; } if (InstallOnFloppy != FALSE) { return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } /* Unattended install on hdd? */ if (IsUnattendedSetup && UnattendMBRInstallType == 2) { return BOOT_LOADER_HARDDISK_MBR_PAGE; } MUIDisplayPage(BOOT_LOADER_PAGE); CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(8, Line, 60, 1); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_DOWN)) /* DOWN */ { CONSOLE_NormalTextXY(8, Line, 60, 1); Line++; if (Line<12) Line=15; if (Line>15) Line=12; CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(8, Line, 60, 1); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_UP)) /* UP */ { CONSOLE_NormalTextXY(8, Line, 60, 1); Line--; if (Line<12) Line=15; if (Line>15) Line=12; CONSOLE_InvertTextXY(8, Line, 60, 1); } else if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { if (Line == 12) { return BOOT_LOADER_HARDDISK_MBR_PAGE; } else if (Line == 13) { return BOOT_LOADER_HARDDISK_VBR_PAGE; } else if (Line == 14) { return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } else if (Line == 15) { return SUCCESS_PAGE; } return BOOT_LOADER_PAGE; } } return BOOT_LOADER_PAGE; } /* * Displays the BootLoaderFloppyPage. * * Next pages: * SuccessPage (At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls InstallFatBootcodeToFloppy() * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER BootLoaderFloppyPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { NTSTATUS Status; MUIDisplayPage(BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE); // CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_PLEASEWAIT)); while (TRUE) { CONSOLE_ConInKey(Ir); if ((Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x00) && (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F3)) /* F3 */ { if (ConfirmQuit(Ir) != FALSE) return QUIT_PAGE; break; } else if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { if (DoesPathExist(NULL, L"\\Device\\Floppy0\\") == FALSE) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_NO_FLOPPY, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } Status = InstallFatBootcodeToFloppy(&SourceRootPath, &DestinationArcPath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Print error message */ return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } return SUCCESS_PAGE; } } return BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE; } /* * Displays the BootLoaderHarddiskVbrPage. * * Next pages: * SuccessPage (At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls InstallVBRToPartition() * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER BootLoaderHarddiskVbrPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = InstallVBRToPartition(&SystemRootPath, &SourceRootPath, &DestinationArcPath, PartitionList->SystemPartition->PartitionType); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_WRITE_BOOT, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } return SUCCESS_PAGE; } /* * Displays the BootLoaderHarddiskMbrPage. * * Next pages: * SuccessPage (At once) * QuitPage * * SIDEEFFECTS * Calls InstallVBRToPartition() * Calls InstallMbrBootCodeToDisk() * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER BootLoaderHarddiskMbrPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR DestinationDevicePathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR SourceMbrPathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DstPath[MAX_PATH]; /* Step 1: Write the VBR */ Status = InstallVBRToPartition(&SystemRootPath, &SourceRootPath, &DestinationArcPath, PartitionList->SystemPartition->PartitionType); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MUIDisplayError(ERROR_WRITE_BOOT, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } /* Step 2: Write the MBR */ StringCchPrintfW(DestinationDevicePathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(DestinationDevicePathBuffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%d\\Partition0", PartitionList->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber); CombinePaths(SourceMbrPathBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(SourceMbrPathBuffer), 2, SourceRootPath.Buffer, L"\\loader\\dosmbr.bin"); if (IsThereAValidBootSector(DestinationDevicePathBuffer)) { /* Save current MBR */ CombinePaths(DstPath, ARRAYSIZE(DstPath), 2, SystemRootPath.Buffer, L"mbr.old"); DPRINT1("Save MBR: %S ==> %S\n", DestinationDevicePathBuffer, DstPath); Status = SaveBootSector(DestinationDevicePathBuffer, DstPath, sizeof(PARTITION_SECTOR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SaveBootSector() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); // Don't care if we succeeded or not saving the old MBR, just go ahead. } } DPRINT1("Install MBR bootcode: %S ==> %S\n", SourceMbrPathBuffer, DestinationDevicePathBuffer); Status = InstallMbrBootCodeToDisk(SourceMbrPathBuffer, DestinationDevicePathBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("InstallMbrBootCodeToDisk() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); MUIDisplayError(ERROR_INSTALL_BOOTCODE, Ir, POPUP_WAIT_ENTER); return QUIT_PAGE; } return SUCCESS_PAGE; } /** * @name ProgressTimeOutStringHandler * * Handles the generation (displaying) of the timeout * countdown to the screen dynamically. * * @param Bar * A pointer to a progress bar. * * @param AlwaysUpdate * Constantly update the progress bar (boolean type). * * @param Buffer * A pointer to a string buffer. * * @param cchBufferSize * The buffer's size in number of characters. * * @return * TRUE or FALSE on function termination. * */ static BOOLEAN NTAPI ProgressTimeOutStringHandler( IN PPROGRESSBAR Bar, IN BOOLEAN AlwaysUpdate, OUT PSTR Buffer, IN SIZE_T cchBufferSize) { ULONG OldProgress = Bar->Progress; if (Bar->StepCount == 0) { Bar->Progress = 0; } else { Bar->Progress = Bar->StepCount - Bar->CurrentStep; } /* Build the progress string if it has changed */ if (Bar->ProgressFormatText && (AlwaysUpdate || (Bar->Progress != OldProgress))) { RtlStringCchPrintfA(Buffer, cchBufferSize, Bar->ProgressFormatText, Bar->Progress / max(1, Bar->Width) + 1); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * @name ProgressCountdown * * Displays and draws a red-coloured progress bar with a countdown. * When the timeout is reached, the flush page is displayed for reboot. * * @param Ir * A pointer to an input keyboard record. * * @param TimeOut * Initial countdown value in seconds. * * @return * Nothing. * */ static VOID ProgressCountdown( IN PINPUT_RECORD Ir, IN LONG TimeOut) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG StartTime, BarWidth, TimerDiv; LONG TimeElapsed; LONG TimerValue, OldTimerValue; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; PPROGRESSBAR ProgressBar; BOOLEAN RefreshProgress = TRUE; /* Bail out if the timeout is already zero */ if (TimeOut <= 0) return; /* Create the timeout progress bar and set it up */ ProgressBar = CreateProgressBarEx(13, 26, xScreen - 13, yScreen - 20, 10, 24, TRUE, FOREGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_BLUE, 0, NULL, MUIGetString(STRING_REBOOTPROGRESSBAR), ProgressTimeOutStringHandler); BarWidth = max(1, ProgressBar->Width); TimerValue = TimeOut * BarWidth; ProgressSetStepCount(ProgressBar, TimerValue); StartTime = NtGetTickCount(); CONSOLE_Flush(); TimerDiv = 1000 / BarWidth; TimerDiv = max(1, TimerDiv); OldTimerValue = TimerValue; while (TRUE) { /* Decrease the timer */ /* * Compute how much time the previous operations took. * This allows us in particular to take account for any time * elapsed if something slowed down. */ TimeElapsed = NtGetTickCount() - StartTime; if (TimeElapsed >= TimerDiv) { /* Increase StartTime by steps of 1 / ProgressBar->Width seconds */ TimeElapsed /= TimerDiv; StartTime += (TimerDiv * TimeElapsed); if (TimeElapsed <= TimerValue) TimerValue -= TimeElapsed; else TimerValue = 0; RefreshProgress = TRUE; } if (RefreshProgress) { ProgressSetStep(ProgressBar, OldTimerValue - TimerValue); RefreshProgress = FALSE; } /* Stop when the timer reaches zero */ if (TimerValue <= 0) break; /* Check for user key presses */ /* * If the timer is used, use a passive wait of maximum 1 second * while monitoring for incoming console input events, so that * we are still able to display the timing count. */ /* Wait a maximum of 1 second for input events */ TimeElapsed = NtGetTickCount() - StartTime; if (TimeElapsed < TimerDiv) { /* Convert the time to NT Format */ Timeout.QuadPart = (TimerDiv - TimeElapsed) * -10000LL; Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(StdInput, FALSE, &Timeout); } else { Status = STATUS_TIMEOUT; } /* Check whether the input event has been signaled, or a timeout happened */ if (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { continue; } if (Status != STATUS_WAIT_0) { /* An error happened, bail out */ DPRINT1("NtWaitForSingleObject() failed, Status 0x%08lx\n", Status); break; } /* Check for an ENTER key press */ while (CONSOLE_ConInKeyPeek(Ir)) { if (Ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == 0x0D) /* ENTER */ { /* Found it, stop waiting */ goto Exit; } } } Exit: /* Destroy the progress bar and quit */ DestroyProgressBar(ProgressBar); } /* * Displays the QuitPage. * * Next pages: * FlushPage (At once) * * SIDEEFFECTS * Destroy the Lists * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER QuitPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(QUIT_PAGE); /* Destroy the partition list */ if (PartitionList != NULL) { DestroyPartitionList(PartitionList); PartitionList = NULL; } TempPartition = NULL; FormatState = Start; /* Destroy the filesystem list */ if (FileSystemList != NULL) { DestroyFileSystemList(FileSystemList); FileSystemList = NULL; } /* Destroy the computer settings list */ if (ComputerList != NULL) { DestroyGenericList(ComputerList, TRUE); ComputerList = NULL; } /* Destroy the display settings list */ if (DisplayList != NULL) { DestroyGenericList(DisplayList, TRUE); DisplayList = NULL; } /* Destroy the keyboard settings list */ if (KeyboardList != NULL) { DestroyGenericList(KeyboardList, TRUE); KeyboardList = NULL; } /* Destroy the keyboard layout list */ if (LayoutList != NULL) { DestroyGenericList(LayoutList, TRUE); LayoutList = NULL; } /* Destroy the languages list */ if (LanguageList != NULL) { DestroyGenericList(LanguageList, FALSE); LanguageList = NULL; } CONSOLE_SetStatusText(MUIGetString(STRING_REBOOTCOMPUTER2)); /* Wait for maximum 15 seconds or an ENTER key before quitting */ ProgressCountdown(Ir, 15); return FLUSH_PAGE; } /* * Displays the SuccessPage. * * Next pages: * FlushPage (At once) * * SIDEEFFECTS * Destroy the Lists * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER SuccessPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(SUCCESS_PAGE); if (IsUnattendedSetup) return FLUSH_PAGE; /* Wait for maximum 15 seconds or an ENTER key before quitting */ ProgressCountdown(Ir, 15); return FLUSH_PAGE; } /* * Displays the FlushPage. * * Next pages: * RebootPage (At once) * * RETURNS * Number of the next page. */ static PAGE_NUMBER FlushPage(PINPUT_RECORD Ir) { MUIDisplayPage(FLUSH_PAGE); return REBOOT_PAGE; } DWORD WINAPI PnpEventThread(IN LPVOID lpParameter); /* * The start routine and page management */ VOID RunUSetup(VOID) { INPUT_RECORD Ir; PAGE_NUMBER Page; LARGE_INTEGER Time; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN Old; NtQuerySystemTime(&Time); /* Create the PnP thread in suspended state */ Status = RtlCreateUserThread(NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, PnpEventThread, &SetupInf, &hPnpThread, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) hPnpThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (!CONSOLE_Init()) { PrintString(MUIGetString(STRING_CONSOLEFAIL1)); PrintString(MUIGetString(STRING_CONSOLEFAIL2)); PrintString(MUIGetString(STRING_CONSOLEFAIL3)); /* Raise a hard error (crash the system/BSOD) */ NtRaiseHardError(STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED, 0,0,0,0,0); } /* Initialize global unicode strings */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&SourcePath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&SourceRootPath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&SourceRootDir, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&InstallPath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&DestinationPath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&DestinationArcPath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&DestinationRootPath, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&SystemRootPath, NULL); /* Hide the cursor */ CONSOLE_SetCursorType(TRUE, FALSE); /* Global Initialization page */ CONSOLE_ClearScreen(); CONSOLE_Flush(); Page = SetupStartPage(&Ir); while (Page != REBOOT_PAGE && Page != RECOVERY_PAGE) { CONSOLE_ClearScreen(); CONSOLE_Flush(); // CONSOLE_SetUnderlinedTextXY(4, 3, " ReactOS " KERNEL_VERSION_STR " Setup "); // CONSOLE_Flush(); switch (Page) { /* Language page */ case LANGUAGE_PAGE: Page = LanguagePage(&Ir); break; /* Welcome page */ case WELCOME_PAGE: Page = WelcomePage(&Ir); break; /* License page */ case LICENSE_PAGE: Page = LicensePage(&Ir); break; /* Install pages */ case INSTALL_INTRO_PAGE: Page = InstallIntroPage(&Ir); break; #if 0 case SCSI_CONTROLLER_PAGE: Page = ScsiControllerPage(&Ir); break; case OEM_DRIVER_PAGE: Page = OemDriverPage(&Ir); break; #endif case DEVICE_SETTINGS_PAGE: Page = DeviceSettingsPage(&Ir); break; case COMPUTER_SETTINGS_PAGE: Page = ComputerSettingsPage(&Ir); break; case DISPLAY_SETTINGS_PAGE: Page = DisplaySettingsPage(&Ir); break; case KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_PAGE: Page = KeyboardSettingsPage(&Ir); break; case LAYOUT_SETTINGS_PAGE: Page = LayoutSettingsPage(&Ir); break; case SELECT_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = SelectPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case CREATE_PRIMARY_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = CreatePrimaryPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case CREATE_EXTENDED_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = CreateExtendedPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case CREATE_LOGICAL_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = CreateLogicalPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case CONFIRM_DELETE_SYSTEM_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = ConfirmDeleteSystemPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case DELETE_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = DeletePartitionPage(&Ir); break; case SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE: Page = SelectFileSystemPage(&Ir); break; case FORMAT_PARTITION_PAGE: Page = FormatPartitionPage(&Ir); break; case CHECK_FILE_SYSTEM_PAGE: Page = CheckFileSystemPage(&Ir); break; case INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PAGE: Page = InstallDirectoryPage(&Ir); break; case PREPARE_COPY_PAGE: Page = PrepareCopyPage(&Ir); break; case FILE_COPY_PAGE: Page = FileCopyPage(&Ir); break; case REGISTRY_PAGE: Page = RegistryPage(&Ir); break; case BOOT_LOADER_PAGE: Page = BootLoaderPage(&Ir); break; case BOOT_LOADER_FLOPPY_PAGE: Page = BootLoaderFloppyPage(&Ir); break; case BOOT_LOADER_HARDDISK_MBR_PAGE: Page = BootLoaderHarddiskMbrPage(&Ir); break; case BOOT_LOADER_HARDDISK_VBR_PAGE: Page = BootLoaderHarddiskVbrPage(&Ir); break; /* Repair pages */ case REPAIR_INTRO_PAGE: Page = RepairIntroPage(&Ir); break; case SUCCESS_PAGE: Page = SuccessPage(&Ir); break; case FLUSH_PAGE: Page = FlushPage(&Ir); break; case QUIT_PAGE: Page = QuitPage(&Ir); break; case RECOVERY_PAGE: case REBOOT_PAGE: break; } } if (Page == RECOVERY_PAGE) RecoveryConsole(); FreeConsole(); /* Avoid bugcheck */ Time.QuadPart += 50000000; NtDelayExecution(FALSE, &Time); /* Reboot */ RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &Old); NtShutdownSystem(ShutdownReboot); RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE, Old, FALSE, &Old); NtTerminateProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), 0); } VOID NTAPI NtProcessStartup(PPEB Peb) { RtlNormalizeProcessParams(Peb->ProcessParameters); ProcessHeap = Peb->ProcessHeap; InfSetHeap(ProcessHeap); RunUSetup(); } /* EOF */