/* * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS * LICENSE: LGPL * FILE: base/applications/mspaint/selectionmodel.cpp * PURPOSE: Keep track of selection parameters, notify listeners * PROGRAMMERS: Benedikt Freisen * Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #include "precomp.h" SelectionModel selectionModel; /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ SelectionModel::SelectionModel() : m_hDC(CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)) , m_hBm(NULL) , m_hMask(NULL) , m_ptStack(NULL) , m_iPtSP(0) { SetRectEmpty(&m_rcSrc); SetRectEmpty(&m_rcDest); } SelectionModel::~SelectionModel() { DeleteDC(m_hDC); ResetPtStack(); if (m_hBm) { DeleteObject(m_hBm); } if (m_hMask) { DeleteObject(m_hMask); } } void SelectionModel::ResetPtStack() { if (m_ptStack != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ptStack); m_ptStack = NULL; m_iPtSP = 0; } void SelectionModel::PushToPtStack(LONG x, LONG y) { if (m_iPtSP % 1024 == 0) { if (m_ptStack) m_ptStack = (POINT*) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, m_ptStack, sizeof(POINT) * (m_iPtSP + 1024)); else m_ptStack = (POINT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, sizeof(POINT) * 1024); } m_ptStack[m_iPtSP].x = x; m_ptStack[m_iPtSP].y = y; m_iPtSP++; } void SelectionModel::CalculateBoundingBoxAndContents(HDC hDCImage) { int i; m_rcSrc.left = m_rcSrc.top = MAXLONG; m_rcSrc.right = m_rcSrc.bottom = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_iPtSP; i++) { if (m_ptStack[i].x < m_rcSrc.left) m_rcSrc.left = m_ptStack[i].x; if (m_ptStack[i].y < m_rcSrc.top) m_rcSrc.top = m_ptStack[i].y; if (m_ptStack[i].x > m_rcSrc.right) m_rcSrc.right = m_ptStack[i].x; if (m_ptStack[i].y > m_rcSrc.bottom) m_rcSrc.bottom = m_ptStack[i].y; } m_rcSrc.right += 1; m_rcSrc.bottom += 1; m_rcDest.left = m_rcSrc.left; m_rcDest.top = m_rcSrc.top; m_rcDest.right = m_rcSrc.right; m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcSrc.bottom; if (m_iPtSP > 1) { DeleteObject(m_hMask); m_hMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 1, 1, NULL); DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask)); POINT *m_ptStackCopy = (POINT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, sizeof(POINT) * m_iPtSP); for (i = 0; i < m_iPtSP; i++) { m_ptStackCopy[i].x = m_ptStack[i].x - m_rcSrc.left; m_ptStackCopy[i].y = m_ptStack[i].y - m_rcSrc.top; } Poly(m_hDC, m_ptStackCopy, m_iPtSP, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ptStackCopy); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc))); imageModel.ResetToPrevious(); MaskBlt(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left, m_rcSrc.top, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, WHITENESS)); } } void SelectionModel::CalculateContents(HDC hDCImage) { DeleteObject(m_hMask); m_hMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 1, 1, NULL); DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask)); Rect(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 2); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc))); BitBlt(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left, m_rcSrc.top, SRCCOPY); } void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundPoly(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg) { Poly(hDCImage, m_ptStack, m_iPtSP, crBg, crBg, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE); } void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundRect(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg) { Rect(hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left, m_rcSrc.top, m_rcSrc.right, m_rcSrc.bottom, crBg, crBg, 0, 1); } void SelectionModel::DrawSelection(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg, BOOL bBgTransparent) { if (!bBgTransparent) MaskBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, SRCAND)); else ColorKeyedMaskBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, SRCAND), crBg); } void SelectionModel::DrawSelectionStretched(HDC hDCImage) { StretchBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, GetDIBWidth(m_hBm), GetDIBHeight(m_hBm), SRCCOPY); } void SelectionModel::ScaleContentsToFit() { HDC hTempDC; HBITMAP hTempBm; hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDC); hTempBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest)); SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempBm); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); StretchBlt(hTempDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, GetDIBWidth(m_hBm), GetDIBHeight(m_hBm), SRCCOPY); DeleteObject(m_hBm); m_hBm = hTempBm; hTempBm = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), 1, 1, NULL); SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempBm); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask); StretchBlt(hTempDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, GetDIBWidth(m_hMask), GetDIBHeight(m_hMask), SRCCOPY); DeleteObject(m_hMask); m_hMask = hTempBm; SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); DeleteDC(hTempDC); } void SelectionModel::InsertFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hBm, INT x, INT y) { HDC hTempDC; HBITMAP hTempMask; m_hBm = CopyDIBImage(hBm); DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm)); SetRectEmpty(&m_rcSrc); m_rcDest.left = x; m_rcDest.top = y; m_rcDest.right = m_rcDest.left + GetDIBWidth(m_hBm); m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcDest.top + GetDIBHeight(m_hBm); hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDC); hTempMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), 1, 1, NULL); SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempMask); Rect(hTempDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 1); DeleteObject(m_hMask); m_hMask = hTempMask; DeleteDC(hTempDC); } void SelectionModel::FlipHorizontally() { SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask); StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, 0, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, 0, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); NotifyRefreshNeeded(); } void SelectionModel::FlipVertically() { SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask); StretchBlt(m_hDC, 0, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); StretchBlt(m_hDC, 0, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); NotifyRefreshNeeded(); } void SelectionModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees(int iN) { HBITMAP hbm; switch (iN) { case 1: case 3: imageModel.DeleteSelection(); imageModel.CopyPrevious(); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); hbm = Rotate90DegreeBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), iN == 1); InsertFromHBITMAP(hbm, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top); DeleteObject(hbm); selectionWindow.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); selectionWindow.ForceRefreshSelectionContents(); placeSelWin(); break; case 2: SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask); StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY); break; } NotifyRefreshNeeded(); } void SelectionModel::StretchSkew(int nStretchPercentX, int nStretchPercentY, int nSkewDegX, int nSkewDegY) { if (nStretchPercentX == 100 && nStretchPercentY == 100 && nSkewDegX == 0 && nSkewDegY == 0) return; imageModel.DeleteSelection(); imageModel.CopyPrevious(); INT oldWidth = RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest); INT oldHeight = RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest); INT newWidth = oldWidth * nStretchPercentX / 100; INT newHeight = oldHeight * nStretchPercentY / 100; if (oldWidth != newWidth || oldHeight != newHeight) { SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); HBITMAP hbm0 = CopyDIBImage(m_hBm, newWidth, newHeight); InsertFromHBITMAP(hbm0, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top); DeleteObject(hbm0); } if (nSkewDegX) { SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); HBITMAP hbm1 = SkewDIB(m_hDC, m_hBm, nSkewDegX, FALSE); InsertFromHBITMAP(hbm1, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top); DeleteObject(hbm1); } if (nSkewDegY) { SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm); HBITMAP hbm2 = SkewDIB(m_hDC, m_hBm, nSkewDegY, TRUE); InsertFromHBITMAP(hbm2, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top); DeleteObject(hbm2); } selectionWindow.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); selectionWindow.ForceRefreshSelectionContents(); placeSelWin(); NotifyRefreshNeeded(); } HBITMAP SelectionModel::GetBitmap() const { return m_hBm; } int SelectionModel::PtStackSize() const { return m_iPtSP; } void SelectionModel::DrawFramePoly(HDC hDCImage) { Poly(hDCImage, m_ptStack, m_iPtSP, 0, 0, 2, 0, FALSE, TRUE); /* draw the freehand selection inverted/xored */ } void SelectionModel::SetSrcAndDestRectFromPoints(const POINT& ptFrom, const POINT& ptTo) { m_rcDest.left = m_rcSrc.left = min(ptFrom.x, ptTo.x); m_rcDest.top = m_rcSrc.top = min(ptFrom.y, ptTo.y); m_rcDest.right = m_rcSrc.right = max(ptFrom.x, ptTo.x); m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcSrc.bottom = max(ptFrom.y, ptTo.y); } void SelectionModel::SetSrcRectSizeToZero() { m_rcSrc.right = m_rcSrc.left; m_rcSrc.bottom = m_rcSrc.top; } BOOL SelectionModel::IsSrcRectSizeNonzero() const { return (RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc) != 0) && (RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc) != 0); } void SelectionModel::ModifyDestRect(POINT& ptDelta, int iAction) { POINT ptDeltaUsed; switch (iAction) { case ACTION_MOVE: /* move selection */ ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x; ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y; OffsetRect(&m_rcDest, ptDeltaUsed.x, ptDeltaUsed.y); break; case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP_LEFT: /* resize at upper left corner */ ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1); ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1); m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x; m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP: /* resize at top edge */ ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x; ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1); m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT: /* resize at upper right corner */ ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1)); ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1); m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y; m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_LEFT: /* resize at left edge */ ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1); ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y; m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_RIGHT: /* resize at right edge */ ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1)); ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y; m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT: /* resize at lower left corner */ ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1); ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1)); m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x; m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM: /* resize at bottom edge */ ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x; ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1)); m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y; break; case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT: /* resize at lower right corner */ ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1)); ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1)); m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x; m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y; break; } ptDelta.x -= ptDeltaUsed.x; ptDelta.y -= ptDeltaUsed.y; } LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectWidth() const { return m_rcDest.right - m_rcDest.left; } LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectHeight() const { return m_rcDest.bottom - m_rcDest.top; } LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectLeft() const { return m_rcDest.left; } LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectTop() const { return m_rcDest.top; } void SelectionModel::NotifyRefreshNeeded() { selectionWindow.SendMessage(WM_SELECTIONMODELREFRESHNEEDED); } void SelectionModel::GetRect(LPRECT prc) const { *prc = m_rcDest; }