/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * PURPOSE: Support for logical devices * FILE: win32ss/gdi/eng/ldevobj.c * PROGRAMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #include #define NDEBUG #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(EngLDev); #ifndef RVA_TO_ADDR #define RVA_TO_ADDR(Base,Rva) ((PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)(Base)) + (Rva))) #endif /** Globals *******************************************************************/ static HSEMAPHORE ghsemLDEVList; static LIST_ENTRY gleLdevListHead; static LDEVOBJ *gpldevWin32k = NULL; /** Private functions *********************************************************/ CODE_SEG("INIT") NTSTATUS NTAPI InitLDEVImpl(VOID) { ULONG cbSize; /* Initialize the LDEV list head */ InitializeListHead(&gleLdevListHead); /* Initialize the loader lock */ ghsemLDEVList = EngCreateSemaphore(); if (!ghsemLDEVList) { ERR("Failed to create ghsemLDEVList\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Allocate a LDEVOBJ for win32k */ gpldevWin32k = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(LDEVOBJ) + sizeof(SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION), GDITAG_LDEV); if (!gpldevWin32k) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* Initialize the LDEVOBJ for win32k */ gpldevWin32k->leLink.Flink = NULL; gpldevWin32k->leLink.Blink = NULL; gpldevWin32k->ldevtype = LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY; gpldevWin32k->cRefs = 1; gpldevWin32k->ulDriverVersion = GDI_ENGINE_VERSION; gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo = (PVOID)(gpldevWin32k + 1); RtlInitUnicodeString(&gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->DriverName, L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\win32k.sys"); gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->ImageAddress = &__ImageBase; gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->SectionPointer = NULL; gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->EntryPoint = (PVOID)DriverEntry; gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->ExportSectionPointer = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData(&__ImageBase, TRUE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT, &cbSize); gpldevWin32k->pGdiDriverInfo->ImageLength = 0; // FIXME return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static PLDEVOBJ LDEVOBJ_AllocLDEV( _In_ LDEVTYPE ldevtype) { PLDEVOBJ pldev; /* Allocate the structure from paged pool */ pldev = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(LDEVOBJ), GDITAG_LDEV); if (!pldev) { ERR("Failed to allocate LDEVOBJ.\n"); return NULL; } /* Zero out the structure */ RtlZeroMemory(pldev, sizeof(LDEVOBJ)); /* Set the ldevtype */ pldev->ldevtype = ldevtype; return pldev; } static VOID LDEVOBJ_vFreeLDEV( _In_ _Post_ptr_invalid_ PLDEVOBJ pldev) { /* Make sure we don't have a driver loaded */ ASSERT(pldev && pldev->pGdiDriverInfo == NULL); ASSERT(pldev->cRefs == 0); /* Free the memory */ ExFreePoolWithTag(pldev, GDITAG_LDEV); } static BOOL LDEVOBJ_bLoadImage( _Inout_ PLDEVOBJ pldev, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING pustrPathName) { PSYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION pDriverInfo; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG cbSize; /* Make sure no image is loaded yet */ ASSERT(pldev && pldev->pGdiDriverInfo == NULL); /* Allocate a SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION structure */ cbSize = sizeof(SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION) + pustrPathName->Length; pDriverInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, cbSize, GDITAG_LDEV); if (!pDriverInfo) { ERR("Failed to allocate SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION\n"); return FALSE; } /* Initialize the UNICODE_STRING and copy the driver name */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&pDriverInfo->DriverName, (PWSTR)(pDriverInfo + 1), pustrPathName->Length); RtlCopyUnicodeString(&pDriverInfo->DriverName, pustrPathName); /* Try to load the driver */ Status = ZwSetSystemInformation(SystemLoadGdiDriverInformation, pDriverInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Failed to load a GDI driver: '%wZ', Status = 0x%lx\n", pustrPathName, Status); /* Free the allocated memory */ ExFreePoolWithTag(pDriverInfo, GDITAG_LDEV); return FALSE; } /* Set the driver info */ pldev->pGdiDriverInfo = pDriverInfo; /* Return success. */ return TRUE; } static VOID LDEVOBJ_vUnloadImage( _Inout_ PLDEVOBJ pldev) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Make sure we have a driver info */ ASSERT(pldev && pldev->pGdiDriverInfo != NULL); /* Check if we have loaded a driver */ if (pldev->pfn.DisableDriver) { /* Call the unload function */ pldev->pfn.DisableDriver(); } /* Unload the driver */ Status = ZwSetSystemInformation(SystemUnloadGdiDriverInformation, &pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->SectionPointer, sizeof(HANDLE)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Failed to unload the driver, this is bad.\n"); } /* Free the driver info structure */ ExFreePoolWithTag(pldev->pGdiDriverInfo, GDITAG_LDEV); pldev->pGdiDriverInfo = NULL; } static BOOL LDEVOBJ_bEnableDriver( _Inout_ PLDEVOBJ pldev) { PFN_DrvEnableDriver pfnEnableDriver; DRVENABLEDATA ded; ULONG i; /* Make sure we have a driver info */ ASSERT(pldev && pldev->pGdiDriverInfo != NULL); /* Call the drivers DrvEnableDriver function */ RtlZeroMemory(&ded, sizeof(ded)); pfnEnableDriver = pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->EntryPoint; if (!pfnEnableDriver(GDI_ENGINE_VERSION, sizeof(ded), &ded)) { ERR("DrvEnableDriver failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Copy the returned driver version */ pldev->ulDriverVersion = ded.iDriverVersion; /* Fill the driver function array */ for (i = 0; i < ded.c; i++) { pldev->apfn[ded.pdrvfn[i].iFunc] = ded.pdrvfn[i].pfn; } /* Return success. */ return TRUE; } ULONG LDEVOBJ_ulGetDriverModes( _In_ LPWSTR pwszDriverName, _In_ HANDLE hDriver, _Out_ PDEVMODEW *ppdm) { PLDEVOBJ pldev = NULL; ULONG cbSize = 0; PDEVMODEW pdm = NULL; TRACE("LDEVOBJ_ulGetDriverModes('%ls', %p)\n", pwszDriverName, hDriver); pldev = LDEVOBJ_pLoadDriver(pwszDriverName, LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY); if (!pldev) goto cleanup; /* Mirror drivers may omit this function */ if (!pldev->pfn.GetModes) goto cleanup; /* Call the driver to get the required size */ cbSize = pldev->pfn.GetModes(hDriver, 0, NULL); if (!cbSize) { ERR("DrvGetModes returned 0\n"); goto cleanup; } /* Allocate a buffer for the DEVMODE array */ pdm = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, cbSize, GDITAG_DEVMODE); if (!pdm) { ERR("Could not allocate devmodeinfo\n"); goto cleanup; } /* Call the driver again to fill the buffer */ cbSize = pldev->pfn.GetModes(hDriver, cbSize, pdm); if (!cbSize) { /* Could not get modes */ ERR("DrvrGetModes returned 0 on second call\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(pdm, GDITAG_DEVMODE); pdm = NULL; } cleanup: if (pldev) LDEVOBJ_vUnloadImage(pldev); *ppdm = pdm; return cbSize; } static PVOID LDEVOBJ_pvFindImageProcAddress( _In_ PLDEVOBJ pldev, _In_z_ LPSTR pszProcName) { PVOID pvImageBase; PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pExportDir; PVOID pvProcAdress = NULL; PUSHORT pOrdinals; PULONG pNames, pAddresses; ULONG i; /* Make sure we have a driver info */ ASSERT(pldev && pldev->pGdiDriverInfo != NULL); /* Get the pointer to the export directory */ pvImageBase = pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->ImageAddress; pExportDir = pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->ExportSectionPointer; if (!pExportDir) { ERR("LDEVOBJ_pvFindImageProcAddress: no export section found\n"); return NULL; } /* Get pointers to some tables */ pNames = RVA_TO_ADDR(pvImageBase, pExportDir->AddressOfNames); pOrdinals = RVA_TO_ADDR(pvImageBase, pExportDir->AddressOfNameOrdinals); pAddresses = RVA_TO_ADDR(pvImageBase, pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions); /* Loop the export table */ for (i = 0; i < pExportDir->NumberOfNames; i++) { /* Compare the name */ if (_stricmp(pszProcName, RVA_TO_ADDR(pvImageBase, pNames[i])) == 0) { /* Found! Calculate the procedure address */ pvProcAdress = RVA_TO_ADDR(pvImageBase, pAddresses[pOrdinals[i]]); break; } } /* Return the address */ return pvProcAdress; } PLDEVOBJ NTAPI LDEVOBJ_pLoadDriver( _In_z_ LPWSTR pwszDriverName, _In_ ULONG ldevtype) { WCHAR acwBuffer[MAX_PATH]; PLIST_ENTRY pleLink; PLDEVOBJ pldev; UNICODE_STRING strDriverName; SIZE_T cwcLength; LPWSTR pwsz; TRACE("LDEVOBJ_pLoadDriver(%ls, %lu)\n", pwszDriverName, ldevtype); ASSERT(pwszDriverName); /* Initialize buffer for the the driver name */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&strDriverName, acwBuffer, sizeof(acwBuffer)); /* Start path with systemroot */ RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&strDriverName, L"\\SystemRoot\\System32\\"); /* Get Length of given string */ cwcLength = wcslen(pwszDriverName); /* Check if we have a system32 path given */ pwsz = pwszDriverName + cwcLength; while (pwsz > pwszDriverName) { if ((*pwsz == L'\\') && (_wcsnicmp(pwsz, L"\\system32\\", 10) == 0)) { /* Driver name starts after system32 */ pwsz += 10; break; } pwsz--; } /* Append the driver name */ RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&strDriverName, pwsz); /* MSDN says "The driver must include this suffix in the pwszDriver string." But in fact it's optional. The function can also load .sys files without appending the .dll extension. */ if ((cwcLength < 4) || ((_wcsnicmp(pwszDriverName + cwcLength - 4, L".dll", 4) != 0) && (_wcsnicmp(pwszDriverName + cwcLength - 4, L".sys", 4) != 0)) ) { /* Append the .dll suffix */ RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&strDriverName, L".dll"); } /* Lock loader */ EngAcquireSemaphore(ghsemLDEVList); /* Search the List of LDEVS for the driver name */ for (pleLink = gleLdevListHead.Flink; pleLink != &gleLdevListHead; pleLink = pleLink->Flink) { pldev = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleLink, LDEVOBJ, leLink); /* Check if the ldev is associated with a file */ if (pldev->pGdiDriverInfo) { /* Check for match (case insensative) */ if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->DriverName, &strDriverName, TRUE)) { /* Image found in LDEV list */ break; } } } /* Did we find one? */ if (pleLink == &gleLdevListHead) { /* No, allocate a new LDEVOBJ */ pldev = LDEVOBJ_AllocLDEV(ldevtype); if (!pldev) { ERR("Could not allocate LDEV\n"); goto leave; } /* Load the image */ if (!LDEVOBJ_bLoadImage(pldev, &strDriverName)) { LDEVOBJ_vFreeLDEV(pldev); pldev = NULL; ERR("LDEVOBJ_bLoadImage failed\n"); goto leave; } /* Shall we load a driver? */ if (ldevtype != LDEV_IMAGE) { /* Load the driver */ if (!LDEVOBJ_bEnableDriver(pldev)) { ERR("LDEVOBJ_bEnableDriver failed\n"); /* Unload the image. */ LDEVOBJ_vUnloadImage(pldev); LDEVOBJ_vFreeLDEV(pldev); pldev = NULL; goto leave; } } /* Insert the LDEV into the global list */ InsertHeadList(&gleLdevListHead, &pldev->leLink); } /* Increase ref count */ pldev->cRefs++; leave: /* Unlock loader */ EngReleaseSemaphore(ghsemLDEVList); TRACE("LDEVOBJ_pLoadDriver returning %p\n", pldev); return pldev; } BOOL LDEVOBJ_bBuildDevmodeList( _Inout_ PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice) { PWSTR pwsz; PDEVMODEINFO pdminfo; PDEVMODEW pdm, pdmEnd; ULONG i, cModes = 0; ULONG cbSize, cbFull; if (pGraphicsDevice->pdevmodeInfo) return TRUE; ASSERT(pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList == NULL); pwsz = pGraphicsDevice->pDiplayDrivers; /* Loop through the driver names * This is a REG_MULTI_SZ string */ for (; *pwsz; pwsz += wcslen(pwsz) + 1) { /* Get the mode list from the driver */ TRACE("Trying driver: %ls\n", pwsz); cbSize = LDEVOBJ_ulGetDriverModes(pwsz, pGraphicsDevice->DeviceObject, &pdm); if (!cbSize) { WARN("Driver %ls returned no valid mode\n", pwsz); continue; } /* Add space for the header */ cbFull = cbSize + FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODEINFO, adevmode); /* Allocate a buffer for the DEVMODE array */ pdminfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, cbFull, GDITAG_DEVMODE); if (!pdminfo) { ERR("Could not allocate devmodeinfo\n"); continue; } pdminfo->cbdevmode = cbSize; RtlCopyMemory(pdminfo->adevmode, pdm, cbSize); /* Attach the mode info to the device */ pdminfo->pdmiNext = pGraphicsDevice->pdevmodeInfo; pGraphicsDevice->pdevmodeInfo = pdminfo; /* Loop all DEVMODEs */ pdmEnd = (DEVMODEW*)((PCHAR)pdminfo->adevmode + pdminfo->cbdevmode); for (pdm = pdminfo->adevmode; (pdm + 1 <= pdmEnd) && (pdm->dmSize != 0); pdm = (DEVMODEW*)((PCHAR)pdm + pdm->dmSize + pdm->dmDriverExtra)) { /* Count this DEVMODE */ cModes++; /* Some drivers like the VBox driver don't fill the dmDeviceName with the name of the display driver. So fix that here. */ RtlStringCbCopyW(pdm->dmDeviceName, sizeof(pdm->dmDeviceName), pwsz); } } if (!pGraphicsDevice->pdevmodeInfo || cModes == 0) { ERR("No devmodes\n"); return FALSE; } /* Allocate an index buffer */ pGraphicsDevice->cDevModes = cModes; pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, cModes * sizeof(DEVMODEENTRY), GDITAG_GDEVICE); if (!pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList) { ERR("No devmode list\n"); return FALSE; } /* Loop through all DEVMODEINFOs */ for (pdminfo = pGraphicsDevice->pdevmodeInfo, i = 0; pdminfo; pdminfo = pdminfo->pdmiNext) { /* Calculate End of the DEVMODEs */ pdmEnd = (DEVMODEW*)((PCHAR)pdminfo->adevmode + pdminfo->cbdevmode); /* Loop through the DEVMODEs */ for (pdm = pdminfo->adevmode; (pdm + 1 <= pdmEnd) && (pdm->dmSize != 0); pdm = (PDEVMODEW)((PCHAR)pdm + pdm->dmSize + pdm->dmDriverExtra)) { TRACE(" %S has mode %lux%lux%lu(%lu Hz)\n", pdm->dmDeviceName, pdm->dmPelsWidth, pdm->dmPelsHeight, pdm->dmBitsPerPel, pdm->dmDisplayFrequency); /* Initialize the entry */ pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList[i].dwFlags = 0; pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList[i].pdm = pdm; i++; } } return TRUE; } BOOL LDEVOBJ_bProbeAndCaptureDevmode( _Inout_ PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice, _In_ PDEVMODEW RequestedMode, _Out_ PDEVMODEW *pSelectedMode, _In_ BOOL bSearchClosestMode) { PDEVMODEW pdmCurrent, pdm, pdmSelected = NULL; ULONG i; DWORD dwFields; if (!LDEVOBJ_bBuildDevmodeList(pGraphicsDevice)) return FALSE; /* Search if requested mode exists */ for (i = 0; i < pGraphicsDevice->cDevModes; i++) { pdmCurrent = pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList[i].pdm; /* Compare asked DEVMODE fields * Only compare those that are valid in both DEVMODE structs */ dwFields = pdmCurrent->dmFields & RequestedMode->dmFields; /* For now, we only need those */ if ((dwFields & DM_BITSPERPEL) && (pdmCurrent->dmBitsPerPel != RequestedMode->dmBitsPerPel)) continue; if ((dwFields & DM_PELSWIDTH) && (pdmCurrent->dmPelsWidth != RequestedMode->dmPelsWidth)) continue; if ((dwFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT) && (pdmCurrent->dmPelsHeight != RequestedMode->dmPelsHeight)) continue; if ((dwFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY) && (pdmCurrent->dmDisplayFrequency != RequestedMode->dmDisplayFrequency)) continue; pdmSelected = pdmCurrent; break; } if (!pdmSelected) { WARN("Requested mode not found (%dx%dx%d %d Hz)\n", RequestedMode->dmFields & DM_PELSWIDTH ? RequestedMode->dmPelsWidth : 0, RequestedMode->dmFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT ? RequestedMode->dmPelsHeight : 0, RequestedMode->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL ? RequestedMode->dmBitsPerPel : 0, RequestedMode->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY ? RequestedMode->dmDisplayFrequency : 0); if (!bSearchClosestMode || pGraphicsDevice->cDevModes == 0) return FALSE; /* FIXME: need to search the closest mode instead of taking the first one */ pdmSelected = pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList[0].pdm; WARN("Replacing it by %dx%dx%d %d Hz\n", pdmSelected->dmFields & DM_PELSWIDTH ? pdmSelected->dmPelsWidth : 0, pdmSelected->dmFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT ? pdmSelected->dmPelsHeight : 0, pdmSelected->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL ? pdmSelected->dmBitsPerPel : 0, pdmSelected->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY ? pdmSelected->dmDisplayFrequency : 0); } /* Allocate memory for output */ pdm = ExAllocatePoolZero(PagedPool, pdmSelected->dmSize + pdmSelected->dmDriverExtra, GDITAG_DEVMODE); if (!pdm) return FALSE; /* Copy selected mode */ RtlCopyMemory(pdm, pdmSelected, pdmSelected->dmSize); RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pdm + pdm->dmSize), (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)pdmSelected + pdmSelected->dmSize), pdmSelected->dmDriverExtra); *pSelectedMode = pdm; return TRUE; } /** Exported functions ********************************************************/ HANDLE APIENTRY EngLoadImage( _In_ LPWSTR pwszDriverName) { return (HANDLE)LDEVOBJ_pLoadDriver(pwszDriverName, LDEV_IMAGE); } VOID APIENTRY EngUnloadImage( _In_ HANDLE hModule) { PLDEVOBJ pldev = (PLDEVOBJ)hModule; /* Make sure the LDEV is in the list */ ASSERT((pldev->leLink.Flink != NULL) && (pldev->leLink.Blink != NULL)); /* Lock loader */ EngAcquireSemaphore(ghsemLDEVList); /* Decrement reference count */ pldev->cRefs--; /* No more references left? */ if (pldev->cRefs == 0) { /* Remove ldev from the list */ RemoveEntryList(&pldev->leLink); /* Unload the image and free the LDEV */ LDEVOBJ_vUnloadImage(pldev); LDEVOBJ_vFreeLDEV(pldev); } /* Unlock loader */ EngReleaseSemaphore(ghsemLDEVList); } PVOID APIENTRY EngFindImageProcAddress( _In_ HANDLE hModule, _In_ LPSTR lpProcName) { PLDEVOBJ pldev = (PLDEVOBJ)hModule; ASSERT(gpldevWin32k != NULL); /* Check if win32k is requested */ if (!pldev) { pldev = gpldevWin32k; } /* Check if the drivers entry point is requested */ if (_strnicmp(lpProcName, "DrvEnableDriver", 15) == 0) { return pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->EntryPoint; } /* Try to find the address */ return LDEVOBJ_pvFindImageProcAddress(pldev, lpProcName); } /* EOF */