/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS win32 subsystem * PURPOSE: Mouse pointer functions * FILE: subsystems/win32k/eng/mouse.c * PROGRAMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY EngSetPointerTag( IN HDEV hdev, IN SURFOBJ *psoMask, IN SURFOBJ *psoColor, IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN FLONG fl) { // This function is obsolete for Windows 2000 and later. // This function is still supported, but always returns FALSE. // www.osr.com/ddk/graphics/gdifncs_4yav.htm return FALSE; } /* * FUNCTION: Notify the mouse driver that drawing is about to begin in * a rectangle on a particular surface. */ INT NTAPI MouseSafetyOnDrawStart( PPDEVOBJ ppdev, LONG HazardX1, LONG HazardY1, LONG HazardX2, LONG HazardY2) { LONG tmp; GDIPOINTER *pgp; ASSERT(ppdev != NULL); ASSERT(ppdev->pSurface != NULL); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; if (pgp->Exclude.right == -1) { return FALSE; } ppdev->SafetyRemoveCount++; if (ppdev->SafetyRemoveLevel != 0) { return FALSE; } if (HazardX1 > HazardX2) { tmp = HazardX2; HazardX2 = HazardX1; HazardX1 = tmp; } if (HazardY1 > HazardY2) { tmp = HazardY2; HazardY2 = HazardY1; HazardY1 = tmp; } if (pgp->Exclude.right >= HazardX1 && pgp->Exclude.left <= HazardX2 && pgp->Exclude.bottom >= HazardY1 && pgp->Exclude.top <= HazardY2) { ppdev->SafetyRemoveLevel = ppdev->SafetyRemoveCount; ppdev->pfnMovePointer(&ppdev->pSurface->SurfObj, -1, -1, NULL); } return(TRUE); } /* * FUNCTION: Notify the mouse driver that drawing has finished on a surface. */ INT NTAPI MouseSafetyOnDrawEnd( PPDEVOBJ ppdev) { GDIPOINTER *pgp; ASSERT(ppdev != NULL); ASSERT(ppdev->pSurface != NULL); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; if (pgp->Exclude.right == -1) { return FALSE; } if (--ppdev->SafetyRemoveCount >= ppdev->SafetyRemoveLevel) { return FALSE; } ppdev->pfnMovePointer(&ppdev->pSurface->SurfObj, gpsi->ptCursor.x, gpsi->ptCursor.y, &pgp->Exclude); ppdev->SafetyRemoveLevel = 0; return(TRUE); } /* SOFTWARE MOUSE POINTER IMPLEMENTATION **************************************/ VOID NTAPI IntHideMousePointer( PDEVOBJ *ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoDest) { GDIPOINTER *pgp; POINTL pt; RECTL rclDest; POINTL ptlSave; ASSERT(ppdev); ASSERT(psoDest); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; if (!pgp->Enabled) { return; } pgp->Enabled = FALSE; if (!pgp->psurfSave) { DPRINT("No SaveSurface!\n"); return; } /* Calculate cursor coordinates */ pt.x = ppdev->ptlPointer.x - pgp->HotSpot.x; pt.y = ppdev->ptlPointer.y - pgp->HotSpot.y; rclDest.left = max(pt.x, 0); rclDest.top = max(pt.y, 0); rclDest.right = min(pt.x + pgp->Size.cx, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx); rclDest.bottom = min(pt.y + pgp->Size.cy, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy); ptlSave.x = rclDest.left - pt.x; ptlSave.y = rclDest.top - pt.y; IntEngBitBlt(psoDest, &pgp->psurfSave->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclDest, &ptlSave, &ptlSave, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCCOPY)); } VOID NTAPI IntShowMousePointer(PDEVOBJ *ppdev, SURFOBJ *psoDest) { GDIPOINTER *pgp; POINTL pt; RECTL rclSurf, rclPointer; ASSERT(ppdev); ASSERT(psoDest); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; if (pgp->Enabled) { return; } pgp->Enabled = TRUE; /* Check if we have any mouse pointer */ if (!pgp->psurfSave) return; /* Calculate pointer coordinates */ pt.x = ppdev->ptlPointer.x - pgp->HotSpot.x; pt.y = ppdev->ptlPointer.y - pgp->HotSpot.y; /* Calculate the rect on the surface */ rclSurf.left = max(pt.x, 0); rclSurf.top = max(pt.y, 0); rclSurf.right = min(pt.x + pgp->Size.cx, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx); rclSurf.bottom = min(pt.y + pgp->Size.cy, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy); /* Calculate the rect in the pointer bitmap */ rclPointer.left = rclSurf.left - pt.x; rclPointer.top = rclSurf.top - pt.y; rclPointer.right = min(pgp->Size.cx, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx - pt.x); rclPointer.bottom = min(pgp->Size.cy, psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy - pt.y); /* Copy the pixels under the cursor to temporary surface. */ IntEngBitBlt(&pgp->psurfSave->SurfObj, psoDest, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclPointer, (POINTL*)&rclSurf, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCCOPY)); /* Blt the pointer on the screen. */ if (pgp->psurfColor) { IntEngBitBlt(psoDest, &pgp->psurfMask->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclSurf, (POINTL*)&rclPointer, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCAND)); IntEngBitBlt(psoDest, &pgp->psurfColor->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclSurf, (POINTL*)&rclPointer, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCINVERT)); } else { IntEngBitBlt(psoDest, &pgp->psurfMask->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclSurf, (POINTL*)&rclPointer, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCAND)); rclPointer.top += pgp->Size.cy; IntEngBitBlt(psoDest, &pgp->psurfMask->SurfObj, NULL, NULL, NULL, &rclSurf, (POINTL*)&rclPointer, NULL, NULL, NULL, ROP4_FROM_INDEX(R3_OPINDEX_SRCINVERT)); } } /* * @implemented */ ULONG APIENTRY EngSetPointerShape( IN SURFOBJ *pso, IN SURFOBJ *psoMask, IN SURFOBJ *psoColor, IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN LONG xHot, IN LONG yHot, IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN RECTL *prcl, IN FLONG fl) { PDEVOBJ *ppdev; GDIPOINTER *pgp; LONG lDelta = 0; HBITMAP hbmSave = NULL, hbmColor = NULL, hbmMask = NULL; PSURFACE psurfSave = NULL, psurfColor = NULL, psurfMask = NULL; RECTL rectl; SIZEL sizel = {0, 0}; ASSERT(pso); ppdev = GDIDEV(pso); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; /* Do we have any bitmap at all? */ if (psoColor || psoMask) { /* Get the size of the new pointer */ if (psoColor) { sizel.cx = psoColor->sizlBitmap.cx; sizel.cy = psoColor->sizlBitmap.cy; } else// if (psoMask) { sizel.cx = psoMask->sizlBitmap.cx; sizel.cy = psoMask->sizlBitmap.cy / 2; } rectl.left = 0; rectl.top = 0; rectl.right = sizel.cx; rectl.bottom = sizel.cy; /* Calculate lDelta for our surfaces. */ lDelta = WIDTH_BYTES_ALIGN32(sizel.cx, BitsPerFormat(pso->iBitmapFormat)); /* Create a bitmap for saving the pixels under the cursor. */ hbmSave = EngCreateBitmap(sizel, lDelta, pso->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN | BMF_NOZEROINIT, NULL); psurfSave = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmSave); if (!psurfSave) goto failure; } if (psoColor) { /* Color bitmap must have the same format as the dest surface */ if (psoColor->iBitmapFormat != pso->iBitmapFormat) goto failure; /* Create a bitmap to copy the color bitmap to */ hbmColor = EngCreateBitmap(psoColor->sizlBitmap, lDelta, pso->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN | BMF_NOZEROINIT, NULL); psurfColor = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmColor); if (!psurfColor) goto failure; /* Now copy the given bitmap */ rectl.bottom = psoColor->sizlBitmap.cy; IntEngCopyBits(&psurfColor->SurfObj, psoColor, NULL, pxlo, &rectl, (POINTL*)&rectl); } /* Create a mask surface */ if (psoMask) { EXLATEOBJ exlo; PPALETTE ppal; /* Create a bitmap for the mask */ hbmMask = EngCreateBitmap(psoMask->sizlBitmap, lDelta, pso->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN | BMF_NOZEROINIT, NULL); psurfMask = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmMask); if (!psurfMask) goto failure; /* Initialize an EXLATEOBJ */ ppal = PALETTE_ShareLockPalette(ppdev->devinfo.hpalDefault); EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exlo, gppalMono, ppal, 0, RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff), RGB(0,0,0)); /* Copy the mask bitmap */ rectl.bottom = psoMask->sizlBitmap.cy; IntEngCopyBits(&psurfMask->SurfObj, psoMask, NULL, &exlo.xlo, &rectl, (POINTL*)&rectl); /* Cleanup */ EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); if (ppal) PALETTE_ShareUnlockPalette(ppal); } /* Hide mouse pointer */ IntHideMousePointer(ppdev, pso); /* Free old color bitmap */ if (pgp->psurfColor) { EngDeleteSurface(pgp->psurfColor->BaseObject.hHmgr); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(pgp->psurfColor); pgp->psurfColor = NULL; } /* Free old mask bitmap */ if (pgp->psurfMask) { EngDeleteSurface(pgp->psurfMask->BaseObject.hHmgr); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(pgp->psurfMask); pgp->psurfMask = NULL; } /* Free old save bitmap */ if (pgp->psurfSave) { EngDeleteSurface(pgp->psurfSave->BaseObject.hHmgr); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(pgp->psurfSave); pgp->psurfSave = NULL; } /* See if we are being asked to hide the pointer. */ if (psoMask == NULL && psoColor == NULL) { /* We're done */ return SPS_ACCEPT_NOEXCLUDE; } /* Now set the new cursor */ pgp->psurfColor = psurfColor; pgp->psurfMask = psurfMask; pgp->psurfSave = psurfSave; pgp->HotSpot.x = xHot; pgp->HotSpot.y = yHot; pgp->Size = sizel; if (x != -1) { ppdev->ptlPointer.x = x; ppdev->ptlPointer.y = y; IntShowMousePointer(ppdev, pso); if (prcl != NULL) { prcl->left = x - pgp->HotSpot.x; prcl->top = y - pgp->HotSpot.x; prcl->right = prcl->left + pgp->Size.cx; prcl->bottom = prcl->top + pgp->Size.cy; } } else if (prcl != NULL) { prcl->left = prcl->top = prcl->right = prcl->bottom = -1; } return SPS_ACCEPT_NOEXCLUDE; failure: /* Cleanup surfaces */ if (hbmMask) EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)hbmMask); if (psurfMask) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); if (hbmColor) EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)hbmColor); if (psurfColor) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfColor); if (hbmSave) EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)hbmSave); if (psurfSave) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfSave); return SPS_ERROR; } /* * @implemented */ VOID APIENTRY EngMovePointer( IN SURFOBJ *pso, IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN RECTL *prcl) { PDEVOBJ *ppdev; GDIPOINTER *pgp; ASSERT(pso); ppdev = GDIDEV(pso); ASSERT(ppdev); pgp = &ppdev->Pointer; IntHideMousePointer(ppdev, pso); ppdev->ptlPointer.x = x; ppdev->ptlPointer.y = y; if (x != -1) { IntShowMousePointer(ppdev, pso); if (prcl != NULL) { prcl->left = x - pgp->HotSpot.x; prcl->top = y - pgp->HotSpot.y; prcl->right = prcl->left + pgp->Size.cx; prcl->bottom = prcl->top + pgp->Size.cy; } } else if (prcl != NULL) { prcl->left = prcl->top = prcl->right = prcl->bottom = -1; } } ULONG APIENTRY IntEngSetPointerShape( IN SURFOBJ *pso, IN SURFOBJ *psoMask, IN SURFOBJ *psoColor, IN XLATEOBJ *pxlo, IN LONG xHot, IN LONG yHot, IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN RECTL *prcl, IN FLONG fl) { ULONG ulResult = SPS_DECLINE; PFN_DrvSetPointerShape pfnSetPointerShape; PPDEVOBJ ppdev = GDIDEV(pso); pfnSetPointerShape = GDIDEVFUNCS(pso).SetPointerShape; if (pfnSetPointerShape) { ulResult = pfnSetPointerShape(pso, psoMask, psoColor, pxlo, xHot, yHot, x, y, prcl, fl); } /* Check if the driver accepted it */ if (ulResult == SPS_ACCEPT_NOEXCLUDE) { /* Set MovePointer to the driver function */ ppdev->pfnMovePointer = GDIDEVFUNCS(pso).MovePointer; } else { /* Set software pointer */ ulResult = EngSetPointerShape(pso, psoMask, psoColor, pxlo, xHot, yHot, x, y, prcl, fl); /* Set MovePointer to the eng function */ ppdev->pfnMovePointer = EngMovePointer; } return ulResult; } ULONG NTAPI GreSetPointerShape( HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbmMask, HBITMAP hbmColor, LONG xHot, LONG yHot, LONG x, LONG y) { PDC pdc; PSURFACE psurf, psurfMask, psurfColor; EXLATEOBJ exlo; FLONG fl = 0; ULONG ulResult = 0; pdc = DC_LockDc(hdc); if (!pdc) { DPRINT1("Failed to lock the DC.\n"); return 0; } ASSERT(pdc->dctype == DCTYPE_DIRECT); EngAcquireSemaphore(pdc->ppdev->hsemDevLock); /* We're not sure DC surface is the good one */ psurf = pdc->ppdev->pSurface; if (!psurf) { DPRINT1("DC has no surface.\n"); EngReleaseSemaphore(pdc->ppdev->hsemDevLock); DC_UnlockDc(pdc); return 0; } /* Lock the mask bitmap */ if (hbmMask) psurfMask = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmMask); else psurfMask = NULL; /* Check for color bitmap */ if (hbmColor) { /* We have one, lock it */ psurfColor = SURFACE_ShareLockSurface(hbmColor); if (psurfColor) { /* Create an XLATEOBJ, no mono support */ EXLATEOBJ_vInitialize(&exlo, psurfColor->ppal, psurf->ppal, 0, 0, 0); } } else psurfColor = NULL; /* Call the driver or eng function */ ulResult = IntEngSetPointerShape(&psurf->SurfObj, psurfMask ? &psurfMask->SurfObj : NULL, psurfColor ? &psurfColor->SurfObj : NULL, psurfColor ? &exlo.xlo : NULL, xHot, yHot, x, y, &pdc->ppdev->Pointer.Exclude, fl | SPS_CHANGE); /* Cleanup */ if (psurfColor) { EXLATEOBJ_vCleanup(&exlo); SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfColor); } if (psurfMask) SURFACE_ShareUnlockSurface(psurfMask); EngReleaseSemaphore(pdc->ppdev->hsemDevLock); /* Unlock the DC */ DC_UnlockDc(pdc); /* Return result */ return ulResult; } VOID NTAPI GreMovePointer( HDC hdc, LONG x, LONG y) { PDC pdc; PRECTL prcl; /* Lock the DC */ pdc = DC_LockDc(hdc); if (!pdc) { DPRINT1("Failed to lock the DC.\n"); return; } ASSERT(pdc->dctype == DCTYPE_DIRECT); /* Acquire PDEV lock */ EngAcquireSemaphore(pdc->ppdev->hsemDevLock); /* Check if we need to move it */ if(pdc->ppdev->SafetyRemoveLevel == 0) { /* Store the cursor exclude position in the PDEV */ prcl = &pdc->ppdev->Pointer.Exclude; /* Call Eng/Drv function */ pdc->ppdev->pfnMovePointer(&pdc->ppdev->pSurface->SurfObj, x, y, prcl); } /* Release PDEV lock */ EngReleaseSemaphore(pdc->ppdev->hsemDevLock); /* Unlock the DC */ DC_UnlockDc(pdc); } /* EOF */