/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * PURPOSE: ENG misc Functions * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/eng/engmisc.c * PROGRAMER: ReactOS Team */ #include #define NDEBUG #include BOOL APIENTRY IntEngEnter(PINTENG_ENTER_LEAVE EnterLeave, SURFOBJ *psoDest, RECTL *DestRect, BOOL ReadOnly, POINTL *Translate, SURFOBJ **ppsoOutput) { LONG Exchange; SIZEL BitmapSize; POINTL SrcPoint; LONG Width; RECTL ClippedDestRect; /* Normalize */ if (DestRect->right < DestRect->left) { Exchange = DestRect->left; DestRect->left = DestRect->right; DestRect->right = Exchange; } if (DestRect->bottom < DestRect->top) { Exchange = DestRect->top; DestRect->top = DestRect->bottom; DestRect->bottom = Exchange; } if (NULL != psoDest && STYPE_BITMAP != psoDest->iType && (NULL == psoDest->pvScan0 || 0 == psoDest->lDelta)) { /* Driver needs to support DrvCopyBits, else we can't do anything */ SURFACE *psurfDest = CONTAINING_RECORD(psoDest, SURFACE, SurfObj); if (!(psurfDest->flags & HOOK_COPYBITS)) { return FALSE; } /* Allocate a temporary bitmap */ BitmapSize.cx = DestRect->right - DestRect->left; BitmapSize.cy = DestRect->bottom - DestRect->top; Width = WIDTH_BYTES_ALIGN32(BitmapSize.cx, BitsPerFormat(psoDest->iBitmapFormat)); EnterLeave->OutputBitmap = EngCreateBitmap(BitmapSize, Width, psoDest->iBitmapFormat, BMF_TOPDOWN | BMF_NOZEROINIT, NULL); if (!EnterLeave->OutputBitmap) { DPRINT1("EngCreateBitmap() failed\n"); return FALSE; } *ppsoOutput = EngLockSurface((HSURF)EnterLeave->OutputBitmap); if (*ppsoOutput == NULL) { EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)EnterLeave->OutputBitmap); return FALSE; } EnterLeave->DestRect.left = 0; EnterLeave->DestRect.top = 0; EnterLeave->DestRect.right = BitmapSize.cx; EnterLeave->DestRect.bottom = BitmapSize.cy; SrcPoint.x = DestRect->left; SrcPoint.y = DestRect->top; ClippedDestRect = EnterLeave->DestRect; if (SrcPoint.x < 0) { ClippedDestRect.left -= SrcPoint.x; SrcPoint.x = 0; } if (psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx < SrcPoint.x + ClippedDestRect.right - ClippedDestRect.left) { ClippedDestRect.right = ClippedDestRect.left + psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx - SrcPoint.x; } if (SrcPoint.y < 0) { ClippedDestRect.top -= SrcPoint.y; SrcPoint.y = 0; } if (psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy < SrcPoint.y + ClippedDestRect.bottom - ClippedDestRect.top) { ClippedDestRect.bottom = ClippedDestRect.top + psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy - SrcPoint.y; } EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj = EngCreateClip(); if (EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj == NULL) { EngUnlockSurface(*ppsoOutput); EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)EnterLeave->OutputBitmap); return FALSE; } EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj->iDComplexity = DC_TRIVIAL; if (ClippedDestRect.left < (*ppsoOutput)->sizlBitmap.cx && 0 <= ClippedDestRect.right && SrcPoint.x < psoDest->sizlBitmap.cx && ClippedDestRect.top <= (*ppsoOutput)->sizlBitmap.cy && 0 <= ClippedDestRect.bottom && SrcPoint.y < psoDest->sizlBitmap.cy && ! GDIDEVFUNCS(psoDest).CopyBits( *ppsoOutput, psoDest, EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj, NULL, &ClippedDestRect, &SrcPoint)) { EngDeleteClip(EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj); EngUnlockSurface(*ppsoOutput); EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)EnterLeave->OutputBitmap); return FALSE; } EnterLeave->DestRect.left = DestRect->left; EnterLeave->DestRect.top = DestRect->top; EnterLeave->DestRect.right = DestRect->right; EnterLeave->DestRect.bottom = DestRect->bottom; Translate->x = - DestRect->left; Translate->y = - DestRect->top; } else { Translate->x = 0; Translate->y = 0; *ppsoOutput = psoDest; } if (NULL != *ppsoOutput) { SURFACE* psurfOutput = CONTAINING_RECORD(*ppsoOutput, SURFACE, SurfObj); if (0 != (psurfOutput->flags & HOOK_SYNCHRONIZE)) { if (NULL != GDIDEVFUNCS(*ppsoOutput).SynchronizeSurface) { GDIDEVFUNCS(*ppsoOutput).SynchronizeSurface(*ppsoOutput, DestRect, 0); } else if (STYPE_BITMAP == (*ppsoOutput)->iType && NULL != GDIDEVFUNCS(*ppsoOutput).Synchronize) { GDIDEVFUNCS(*ppsoOutput).Synchronize((*ppsoOutput)->dhpdev, DestRect); } } } else return FALSE; EnterLeave->DestObj = psoDest; EnterLeave->OutputObj = *ppsoOutput; EnterLeave->ReadOnly = ReadOnly; return TRUE; } BOOL APIENTRY IntEngLeave(PINTENG_ENTER_LEAVE EnterLeave) { POINTL SrcPoint; BOOL Result = TRUE; if (EnterLeave->OutputObj != EnterLeave->DestObj && NULL != EnterLeave->OutputObj) { if (! EnterLeave->ReadOnly) { SrcPoint.x = 0; SrcPoint.y = 0; if (EnterLeave->DestRect.left < 0) { SrcPoint.x = - EnterLeave->DestRect.left; EnterLeave->DestRect.left = 0; } if (EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cx < EnterLeave->DestRect.right) { EnterLeave->DestRect.right = EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cx; } if (EnterLeave->DestRect.top < 0) { SrcPoint.y = - EnterLeave->DestRect.top; EnterLeave->DestRect.top = 0; } if (EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cy < EnterLeave->DestRect.bottom) { EnterLeave->DestRect.bottom = EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cy; } if (SrcPoint.x < EnterLeave->OutputObj->sizlBitmap.cx && EnterLeave->DestRect.left <= EnterLeave->DestRect.right && EnterLeave->DestRect.left < EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cx && SrcPoint.y < EnterLeave->OutputObj->sizlBitmap.cy && EnterLeave->DestRect.top <= EnterLeave->DestRect.bottom && EnterLeave->DestRect.top < EnterLeave->DestObj->sizlBitmap.cy) { Result = GDIDEVFUNCS(EnterLeave->DestObj).CopyBits( EnterLeave->DestObj, EnterLeave->OutputObj, EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj, NULL, &EnterLeave->DestRect, &SrcPoint); } else { Result = TRUE; } } EngUnlockSurface(EnterLeave->OutputObj); EngDeleteSurface((HSURF)EnterLeave->OutputBitmap); EngDeleteClip(EnterLeave->TrivialClipObj); } else { Result = TRUE; } return Result; } HANDLE APIENTRY EngGetProcessHandle(VOID) { /* http://www.osr.com/ddk/graphics/gdifncs_3tif.htm In Windows 2000 and later, the EngGetProcessHandle function always returns NULL. FIXME: What does NT4 return? */ return NULL; } VOID APIENTRY EngGetCurrentCodePage(OUT PUSHORT OemCodePage, OUT PUSHORT AnsiCodePage) { /* Forward to kernel */ RtlGetDefaultCodePage(AnsiCodePage, OemCodePage); } BOOL APIENTRY EngQuerySystemAttribute( IN ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE CapNum, OUT PDWORD pCapability) { SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION sbi; SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION spi; switch (CapNum) { case EngNumberOfProcessors: NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBasicInformation, &sbi, sizeof(SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION), NULL); *pCapability = sbi.NumberOfProcessors; return TRUE; case EngProcessorFeature: NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorInformation, &spi, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION), NULL); *pCapability = spi.ProcessorFeatureBits; return TRUE; default: break; } return FALSE; } ULONGLONG APIENTRY EngGetTickCount(VOID) { ULONG Multiplier; LARGE_INTEGER TickCount; /* Get the multiplier and current tick count */ KeQueryTickCount(&TickCount); Multiplier = SharedUserData->TickCountMultiplier; /* Convert to milliseconds and return */ return (Int64ShrlMod32(UInt32x32To64(Multiplier, TickCount.LowPart), 24) + (Multiplier * (TickCount.HighPart << 8))); } /* EOF */