/* * Copyright 2008 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "jscript.h" #include "parser.tab.h" #define LONGLONG_MAX (((LONGLONG)0x7fffffff<<32)|0xffffffff) static const WCHAR breakW[] = {'b','r','e','a','k',0}; static const WCHAR caseW[] = {'c','a','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR catchW[] = {'c','a','t','c','h',0}; static const WCHAR continueW[] = {'c','o','n','t','i','n','u','e',0}; static const WCHAR defaultW[] = {'d','e','f','a','u','l','t',0}; static const WCHAR deleteW[] = {'d','e','l','e','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR doW[] = {'d','o',0}; static const WCHAR elseW[] = {'e','l','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR falseW[] = {'f','a','l','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR finallyW[] = {'f','i','n','a','l','l','y',0}; static const WCHAR forW[] = {'f','o','r',0}; static const WCHAR functionW[] = {'f','u','n','c','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR ifW[] = {'i','f',0}; static const WCHAR inW[] = {'i','n',0}; static const WCHAR instanceofW[] = {'i','n','s','t','a','n','c','e','o','f',0}; static const WCHAR newW[] = {'n','e','w',0}; static const WCHAR nullW[] = {'n','u','l','l',0}; static const WCHAR returnW[] = {'r','e','t','u','r','n',0}; static const WCHAR switchW[] = {'s','w','i','t','c','h',0}; static const WCHAR thisW[] = {'t','h','i','s',0}; static const WCHAR throwW[] = {'t','h','r','o','w',0}; static const WCHAR trueW[] = {'t','r','u','e',0}; static const WCHAR tryW[] = {'t','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR typeofW[] = {'t','y','p','e','o','f',0}; static const WCHAR varW[] = {'v','a','r',0}; static const WCHAR voidW[] = {'v','o','i','d',0}; static const WCHAR whileW[] = {'w','h','i','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR withW[] = {'w','i','t','h',0}; static const struct { const WCHAR *word; int token; BOOL no_nl; } keywords[] = { {breakW, kBREAK, TRUE}, {caseW, kCASE}, {catchW, kCATCH}, {continueW, kCONTINUE, TRUE}, {defaultW, kDEFAULT}, {deleteW, kDELETE}, {doW, kDO}, {elseW, kELSE}, {falseW, kFALSE}, {finallyW, kFINALLY}, {forW, kFOR}, {functionW, kFUNCTION}, {ifW, kIF}, {inW, kIN}, {instanceofW, kINSTANCEOF}, {newW, kNEW}, {nullW, kNULL}, {returnW, kRETURN, TRUE}, {switchW, kSWITCH}, {thisW, kTHIS}, {throwW, kTHROW}, {trueW, kTRUE}, {tryW, kTRY}, {typeofW, kTYPEOF}, {varW, kVAR}, {voidW, kVOID}, {whileW, kWHILE}, {withW, kWITH} }; static int lex_error(parser_ctx_t *ctx, HRESULT hres) { ctx->hres = hres; ctx->lexer_error = TRUE; return -1; } /* ECMA-262 3rd Edition 7.6 */ static BOOL is_identifier_char(WCHAR c) { return isalnumW(c) || c == '$' || c == '_' || c == '\\'; } static int check_keyword(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *word, const WCHAR **lval) { const WCHAR *p1 = ctx->ptr; const WCHAR *p2 = word; while(p1 < ctx->end && *p2) { if(*p1 != *p2) return *p1 - *p2; p1++; p2++; } if(*p2 || (p1 < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(*p1))) return 1; if(lval) *lval = ctx->ptr; ctx->ptr = p1; return 0; } /* ECMA-262 3rd Edition 7.3 */ static BOOL is_endline(WCHAR c) { return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029; } static int hex_to_int(WCHAR c) { if('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c-'0'; if('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return c-'a'+10; if('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return c-'A'+10; return -1; } static int check_keywords(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **lval) { int min = 0, max = sizeof(keywords)/sizeof(keywords[0])-1, r, i; while(min <= max) { i = (min+max)/2; r = check_keyword(ctx, keywords[i].word, lval); if(!r) { ctx->implicit_nl_semicolon = keywords[i].no_nl; return keywords[i].token; } if(r > 0) min = i+1; else max = i-1; } return 0; } static BOOL skip_html_comment(parser_ctx_t *ctx) { const WCHAR html_commentW[] = {'<','!','-','-',0}; if(!ctx->is_html || ctx->ptr+3 >= ctx->end || memcmp(ctx->ptr, html_commentW, sizeof(WCHAR)*4)) return FALSE; ctx->nl = TRUE; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && !is_endline(*ctx->ptr++)); return TRUE; } static BOOL skip_comment(parser_ctx_t *ctx) { if(ctx->ptr+1 >= ctx->end) return FALSE; if(*ctx->ptr != '/') { if(*ctx->ptr == '@' && ctx->ptr+2 < ctx->end && ctx->ptr[1] == '*' && ctx->ptr[2] == '/') { ctx->ptr += 3; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } switch(ctx->ptr[1]) { case '*': ctx->ptr += 2; if(ctx->ptr+2 < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '@' && is_identifier_char(ctx->ptr[1])) return FALSE; while(ctx->ptr+1 < ctx->end && (ctx->ptr[0] != '*' || ctx->ptr[1] != '/')) ctx->ptr++; if(ctx->ptr[0] == '*' && ctx->ptr[1] == '/') { ctx->ptr += 2; }else { WARN("unexpected end of file (missing end of comment)\n"); ctx->ptr = ctx->end; } break; case '/': ctx->ptr += 2; if(ctx->ptr+2 < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '@' && is_identifier_char(ctx->ptr[1])) return FALSE; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && !is_endline(*ctx->ptr)) ctx->ptr++; break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL unescape(WCHAR *str) { WCHAR *pd, *p, c; int i; pd = p = str; while(*p) { if(*p != '\\') { *pd++ = *p++; continue; } p++; switch(*p) { case '\'': case '\"': case '\\': c = *p; break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 'x': i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c = i << 4; i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c += i; break; case 'u': i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c = i << 12; i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c += i << 8; i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c += i << 4; i = hex_to_int(*++p); if(i == -1) return FALSE; c += i; break; default: if(isdigitW(*p)) { c = *p++ - '0'; if(isdigitW(*p)) { c = c*8 + (*p++ - '0'); if(isdigitW(*p)) c = c*8 + (*p++ - '0'); } p--; } else c = *p; } *pd++ = c; p++; } *pd = 0; return TRUE; } static int parse_identifier(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **ret) { const WCHAR *ptr = ctx->ptr++; WCHAR *wstr; int len; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr)) ctx->ptr++; len = ctx->ptr-ptr; *ret = wstr = parser_alloc(ctx, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(wstr, ptr, len*sizeof(WCHAR)); wstr[len] = 0; /* FIXME: unescape */ return tIdentifier; } static int parse_string_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR **ret, WCHAR endch) { const WCHAR *ptr = ++ctx->ptr; WCHAR *wstr; int len; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr != endch) { if(*ctx->ptr++ == '\\') ctx->ptr++; } if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end) return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_UNTERMINATED_STRING); len = ctx->ptr-ptr; *ret = wstr = parser_alloc(ctx, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(wstr, ptr, len*sizeof(WCHAR)); wstr[len] = 0; ctx->ptr++; if(!unescape(wstr)) { WARN("unescape failed\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_FAIL); } return tStringLiteral; } static literal_t *new_double_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, DOUBLE d) { literal_t *ret = parser_alloc(ctx, sizeof(literal_t)); ret->type = LT_DOUBLE; ret->u.dval = d; return ret; } literal_t *new_boolean_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, BOOL bval) { literal_t *ret = parser_alloc(ctx, sizeof(literal_t)); ret->type = LT_BOOL; ret->u.bval = bval; return ret; } static int parse_double_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, LONG int_part, literal_t **literal) { LONGLONG d, hlp; int exp = 0; d = int_part; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { hlp = d*10 + *(ctx->ptr++) - '0'; if(d>MAXLONGLONG/10 || hlp<0) { exp++; break; } else d = hlp; } while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { exp++; ctx->ptr++; } if(*ctx->ptr == '.') { ctx->ptr++; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { hlp = d*10 + *(ctx->ptr++) - '0'; if(d>MAXLONGLONG/10 || hlp<0) break; d = hlp; exp--; } while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) ctx->ptr++; } if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && (*ctx->ptr == 'e' || *ctx->ptr == 'E')) { int sign = 1, e = 0; ctx->ptr++; if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { if(*ctx->ptr == '+') { ctx->ptr++; }else if(*ctx->ptr == '-') { sign = -1; ctx->ptr++; }else if(!isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { WARN("Expected exponent part\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_FAIL); } } if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end) { WARN("unexpected end of file\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_FAIL); } while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { if(e > INT_MAX/10 || (e = e*10 + *ctx->ptr++ - '0')<0) e = INT_MAX; } e *= sign; if(exp<0 && e<0 && e+exp>0) exp = INT_MIN; else if(exp>0 && e>0 && e+exp<0) exp = INT_MAX; else exp += e; } if(is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr)) { WARN("wrong char after zero\n"); return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_MISSING_SEMICOLON); } *literal = new_double_literal(ctx, exp>=0 ? d*pow(10, exp) : d/pow(10, -exp)); return tNumericLiteral; } static int parse_numeric_literal(parser_ctx_t *ctx, literal_t **literal) { LONG l, d; l = *ctx->ptr++ - '0'; if(!l) { if(*ctx->ptr == 'x' || *ctx->ptr == 'X') { if(++ctx->ptr == ctx->end) { ERR("unexpected end of file\n"); return 0; } while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && (d = hex_to_int(*ctx->ptr)) != -1) { l = l*16 + d; ctx->ptr++; } if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr)) { WARN("unexpected identifier char\n"); return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_MISSING_SEMICOLON); } *literal = new_double_literal(ctx, l); return tNumericLiteral; } if(isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) { unsigned base = 8; const WCHAR *ptr; double val = 0; for(ptr = ctx->ptr; ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ptr); ptr++) { if(*ptr > '7') { base = 10; break; } } do { val = val*base + *ctx->ptr-'0'; }while(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)); /* FIXME: Do we need it here? */ if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && (is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr) || *ctx->ptr == '.')) { WARN("wrong char after octal literal: '%c'\n", *ctx->ptr); return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_MISSING_SEMICOLON); } *literal = new_double_literal(ctx, val); return tNumericLiteral; } if(is_identifier_char(*ctx->ptr)) { WARN("wrong char after zero\n"); return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_MISSING_SEMICOLON); } } return parse_double_literal(ctx, l, literal); } static int next_token(parser_ctx_t *ctx, void *lval) { do { while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isspaceW(*ctx->ptr)) { if(is_endline(*ctx->ptr++)) ctx->nl = TRUE; } if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end) return tEOF; }while(skip_comment(ctx) || skip_html_comment(ctx)); if(ctx->implicit_nl_semicolon) { if(ctx->nl) return ';'; ctx->implicit_nl_semicolon = FALSE; } if(isalphaW(*ctx->ptr)) { int ret = check_keywords(ctx, lval); if(ret) return ret; return parse_identifier(ctx, lval); } if(isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) return parse_numeric_literal(ctx, lval); switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '{': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case ';': case ',': case '~': case '?': case ':': return *ctx->ptr++; case '}': *(const WCHAR**)lval = ctx->ptr++; return '}'; case '.': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isdigitW(*ctx->ptr)) return parse_double_literal(ctx, 0, lval); return '.'; case '<': if(++ctx->ptr == ctx->end) { *(int*)lval = EXPR_LESS; return tRelOper; } switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '=': /* <= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_LESSEQ; return tRelOper; case '<': /* << */ if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* <<= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNLSHIFT; return tAssignOper; } *(int*)lval = EXPR_LSHIFT; return tShiftOper; default: /* < */ *(int*)lval = EXPR_LESS; return tRelOper; } case '>': if(++ctx->ptr == ctx->end) { /* > */ *(int*)lval = EXPR_GREATER; return tRelOper; } switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '=': /* >= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_GREATEREQ; return tRelOper; case '>': /* >> */ if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { if(*ctx->ptr == '=') { /* >>= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNRSHIFT; return tAssignOper; } if(*ctx->ptr == '>') { /* >>> */ if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* >>>= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNRRSHIFT; return tAssignOper; } *(int*)lval = EXPR_RRSHIFT; return tRelOper; } } *(int*)lval = EXPR_RSHIFT; return tShiftOper; default: *(int*)lval = EXPR_GREATER; return tRelOper; } case '+': ctx->ptr++; if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '+': /* ++ */ ctx->ptr++; return tINC; case '=': /* += */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNADD; return tAssignOper; } } return '+'; case '-': ctx->ptr++; if(ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '-': /* -- or --> */ ctx->ptr++; if(ctx->is_html && ctx->nl && ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '>') { ctx->ptr++; return tHTMLCOMMENT; } return tDEC; case '=': /* -= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNSUB; return tAssignOper; } } return '-'; case '*': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* *= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNMUL; return tAssignOper; } return '*'; case '%': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* %= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNMOD; return tAssignOper; } return '%'; case '&': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '=': /* &= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNAND; return tAssignOper; case '&': /* && */ ctx->ptr++; return tANDAND; } } return '&'; case '|': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { switch(*ctx->ptr) { case '=': /* |= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNOR; return tAssignOper; case '|': /* || */ ctx->ptr++; return tOROR; } } return '|'; case '^': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* ^= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNXOR; return tAssignOper; } return '^'; case '!': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* != */ if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* !== */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_NOTEQEQ; return tEqOper; } *(int*)lval = EXPR_NOTEQ; return tEqOper; } return '!'; case '=': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* == */ if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end && *ctx->ptr == '=') { /* === */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_EQEQ; return tEqOper; } *(int*)lval = EXPR_EQ; return tEqOper; } return '='; case '/': if(++ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { if(*ctx->ptr == '=') { /* /= */ ctx->ptr++; *(int*)lval = EXPR_ASSIGNDIV; return kDIVEQ; } } return '/'; case '\"': case '\'': return parse_string_literal(ctx, lval, *ctx->ptr); case '_': case '$': return parse_identifier(ctx, lval); case '@': return '@'; } WARN("unexpected char '%c' %d\n", *ctx->ptr, *ctx->ptr); return 0; } struct _cc_var_t { BOOL is_num; union { BOOL b; DOUBLE n; } u; struct _cc_var_t *next; unsigned name_len; WCHAR name[0]; }; void release_cc(cc_ctx_t *cc) { cc_var_t *iter, *next; for(iter = cc->vars; iter; iter = next) { next = iter->next; heap_free(iter); } heap_free(cc); } static BOOL add_cc_var(cc_ctx_t *cc, const WCHAR *name, cc_var_t *v) { cc_var_t *new_v; unsigned len; len = strlenW(name); new_v = heap_alloc(sizeof(cc_var_t) + (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!new_v) return FALSE; memcpy(new_v, v, sizeof(*v)); memcpy(new_v->name, name, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); new_v->name_len = len; new_v->next = cc->vars; cc->vars = new_v; return TRUE; } static cc_var_t *find_cc_var(cc_ctx_t *cc, const WCHAR *name, unsigned name_len) { cc_var_t *iter; for(iter = cc->vars; iter; iter = iter->next) { if(iter->name_len == name_len && !memcmp(iter->name, name, name_len*sizeof(WCHAR))) return iter; } return NULL; } static int init_cc(parser_ctx_t *ctx) { cc_ctx_t *cc; cc_var_t v; static const WCHAR _win32W[] = {'_','w','i','n','3','2',0}; static const WCHAR _win64W[] = {'_','w','i','n','6','4',0}; static const WCHAR _x86W[] = {'_','x','8','6',0}; static const WCHAR _amd64W[] = {'_','a','m','d','6','4',0}; static const WCHAR _jscriptW[] = {'_','j','s','c','r','i','p','t',0}; static const WCHAR _jscript_buildW[] = {'_','j','s','c','r','i','p','t','_','b','u','i','l','d',0}; static const WCHAR _jscript_versionW[] = {'_','j','s','c','r','i','p','t','_','v','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; if(ctx->script->cc) return 0; cc = heap_alloc(sizeof(cc_ctx_t)); if(!cc) return lex_error(ctx, E_OUTOFMEMORY); cc->vars = NULL; v.is_num = FALSE; v.u.b = TRUE; if(!add_cc_var(cc, _jscriptW, &v) || !add_cc_var(cc, sizeof(void*) == 8 ? _win64W : _win32W, &v) || !add_cc_var(cc, sizeof(void*) == 8 ? _amd64W : _x86W, &v)) { release_cc(cc); return lex_error(ctx, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } v.is_num = TRUE; v.u.n = JSCRIPT_BUILD_VERSION; if(!add_cc_var(cc, _jscript_buildW, &v)) { release_cc(cc); return lex_error(ctx, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } v.u.n = JSCRIPT_MAJOR_VERSION + (DOUBLE)JSCRIPT_MINOR_VERSION/10.0; if(!add_cc_var(cc, _jscript_versionW, &v)) { release_cc(cc); return lex_error(ctx, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } ctx->script->cc = cc; return 0; } static int cc_token(parser_ctx_t *ctx, void *lval) { unsigned id_len = 0; cc_var_t *var; static const WCHAR cc_onW[] = {'c','c','_','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR setW[] = {'s','e','t',0}; static const WCHAR elifW[] = {'e','l','i','f',0}; static const WCHAR endW[] = {'e','n','d',0}; ctx->ptr++; if(!check_keyword(ctx, cc_onW, NULL)) return init_cc(ctx); if(!check_keyword(ctx, setW, NULL)) { FIXME("@set not implemented\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_NOTIMPL); } if(!check_keyword(ctx, ifW, NULL)) { FIXME("@if not implemented\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_NOTIMPL); } if(!check_keyword(ctx, elifW, NULL)) { FIXME("@elif not implemented\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_NOTIMPL); } if(!check_keyword(ctx, elseW, NULL)) { FIXME("@else not implemented\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_NOTIMPL); } if(!check_keyword(ctx, endW, NULL)) { FIXME("@end not implemented\n"); return lex_error(ctx, E_NOTIMPL); } if(!ctx->script->cc) return lex_error(ctx, JS_E_DISABLED_CC); while(ctx->ptr+id_len < ctx->end && is_identifier_char(ctx->ptr[id_len])) id_len++; if(!id_len) return '@'; TRACE("var %s\n", debugstr_wn(ctx->ptr, id_len)); var = find_cc_var(ctx->script->cc, ctx->ptr, id_len); ctx->ptr += id_len; if(!var || var->is_num) { *(literal_t**)lval = new_double_literal(ctx, var ? var->u.n : NAN); return tNumericLiteral; } *(literal_t**)lval = new_boolean_literal(ctx, var->u.b); return tBooleanLiteral; } int parser_lex(void *lval, parser_ctx_t *ctx) { int ret; ctx->nl = ctx->ptr == ctx->begin; do { ret = next_token(ctx, lval); } while(ret == '@' && !(ret = cc_token(ctx, lval))); return ret; } literal_t *parse_regexp(parser_ctx_t *ctx) { const WCHAR *re, *flags_ptr; BOOL in_class = FALSE; DWORD re_len, flags; literal_t *ret; HRESULT hres; TRACE("\n"); while(*--ctx->ptr != '/'); /* Simple regexp pre-parser; '/' if used in char class does not terminate regexp literal */ re = ++ctx->ptr; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end) { if(*ctx->ptr == '\\') { if(++ctx->ptr == ctx->end) break; }else if(in_class) { if(*ctx->ptr == '\n') break; if(*ctx->ptr == ']') in_class = FALSE; }else { if(*ctx->ptr == '/') break; if(*ctx->ptr == '[') in_class = TRUE; } ctx->ptr++; } if(ctx->ptr == ctx->end || *ctx->ptr != '/') { WARN("pre-parsing failed\n"); return NULL; } re_len = ctx->ptr-re; flags_ptr = ++ctx->ptr; while(ctx->ptr < ctx->end && isalnumW(*ctx->ptr)) ctx->ptr++; hres = parse_regexp_flags(flags_ptr, ctx->ptr-flags_ptr, &flags); if(FAILED(hres)) return NULL; ret = parser_alloc(ctx, sizeof(literal_t)); ret->type = LT_REGEXP; ret->u.regexp.str = re; ret->u.regexp.str_len = re_len; ret->u.regexp.flags = flags; return ret; }