/* $Id: RegistryExplorer.cpp,v 1.2 2000/10/24 20:17:41 narnaoud Exp $ * * regexpl - Console Registry Explorer * * Copyright (C) 2000 Nedko Arnaoudov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // Registry Explorer.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "ph.h" #include "RegistryExplorer.h" #include "Console.h" #include "RegistryKey.h" #include "RegistryTree.h" #include "SecurityDescriptor.h" #include "ArgumentParser.h" #include "ShellCommandsLinkedList.h" #include "ShellCommandExit.h" #include "ShellCommandVersion.h" #include "ShellCommandHelp.h" #include "ShellCommandDir.h" #include "ShellCommandChangeKey.h" #include "ShellCommandValue.h" #include "ShellCommandOwner.h" #include "ShellCommandDACL.h" #include "ShellCommandSACL.h" #include "ShellCommandDOKA.h" #include "ShellCommandConnect.h" #include "ShellCommandNewKey.h" #include "ShellCommandDeleteKey.h" #include "ShellCommandSetValue.h" #include "ShellCommandDeleteValue.h" TCHAR pchCurrentKey[PROMPT_BUFFER_SIZE]; CRegistryTree Tree(PROMPT_BUFFER_SIZE+1); CConsole Console; const TCHAR * ppchRootKeys[7] = { _T("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"), _T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"), _T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"), _T("HKEY_USERS"), _T("HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"), _T("HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"), _T("HKEY_DYN_DATA") //win9x only? }; BOOL g_blnCompletionCycle = TRUE; const TCHAR * CompletionCallback(unsigned __int64 & rnIndex, const BOOL *pblnForward, const TCHAR *pchContext, const TCHAR *pchBegin) { #define COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static TCHAR pchBuffer[COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE]; CRegistryKey *pKey = NULL; CRegistryTree *pTree = NULL; unsigned __int64 nTotalKeys = 0; unsigned __int64 nTotalValues = 0; unsigned __int64 nTotalItems = 0; class CompletionMatch { public: CompletionMatch(const TCHAR *pchText, CompletionMatch **pNext) { BOOL b = _tcschr(pchText,_T(' ')) != NULL; size_t s = _tcslen(pchText); m_pchText = new TCHAR [s+(b?3:1)]; if (b) { m_pchText[0] = _T('\"'); _tcscpy(m_pchText+1,pchText); m_pchText[s+1] = _T('\"'); m_pchText[s+2] = 0; } else { _tcscpy(m_pchText,pchText); } if (m_pchText) { m_pNext = *pNext; *pNext = this; } } ~CompletionMatch() { if (m_pchText) delete m_pchText; if (m_pNext) delete m_pNext; } const TCHAR *GetText(unsigned __int64 dwReverseIndex) { if (dwReverseIndex) { if (m_pNext) return m_pNext->GetText(dwReverseIndex-1); else return NULL; } return m_pchText; } private: TCHAR *m_pchText; CompletionMatch *m_pNext; }; CompletionMatch *pRootMatch = NULL; BOOL blnCompletionOnKeys = TRUE; BOOL blnCompletionOnValues = TRUE; while(*pchContext && _istspace(*pchContext)) { pchContext++; } /* if ((_tcsnicmp(pchContext,DIR_CMD,DIR_CMD_LENGTH) == 0)|| (_tcsnicmp(pchContext,CD_CMD,CD_CMD_LENGTH) == 0)|| (_tcsnicmp(pchContext,OWNER_CMD,OWNER_CMD_LENGTH) == 0)|| (_tcsnicmp(pchContext,DACL_CMD,DACL_CMD_LENGTH) == 0)|| (_tcsnicmp(pchContext,SACL_CMD,SACL_CMD_LENGTH) == 0)) { blnCompletionOnValues = FALSE; }*/ // else if (_tcsnicmp(pchContext,VALUE_CMD,VALUE_CMD_LENGTH) == 0) // { // blnCompletionOnKeys = FALSE; // } const TCHAR *pchKey = _tcsrchr(pchBegin,_T('\\')); DWORD nBufferOffset = 0; if (pchKey) { nBufferOffset = pchKey-pchBegin+1; if (nBufferOffset >= COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE-1) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("internal error"); } _tcsncpy(pchBuffer,pchBegin,nBufferOffset); pchBuffer[nBufferOffset] = 0; pchBegin = pchKey+1; pTree = new CRegistryTree(Tree); if ((_tcscmp(pTree->GetCurrentPath(),Tree.GetCurrentPath()) != 0)||(!pTree->ChangeCurrentKey(pchBuffer))) { if (pTree) delete pTree; return NULL; } else { pKey = pTree->GetCurrentKey(); } } else { pKey = Tree.GetCurrentKey(); } if (!pKey) { for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(ppchRootKeys)/sizeof(TCHAR *) ; i++) { nTotalKeys++; nTotalItems++; CompletionMatch *p = new CompletionMatch(ppchRootKeys[i],&pRootMatch); if (!p || !p->GetText(0)) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("Out of memory"); } } } else { CompletionMatch *p; DWORD dwError; if (blnCompletionOnKeys) { /* if (_tcslen(pchBegin) == 0) { p = new CompletionMatch(_T(".."),&pRootMatch); if (!p || !p->GetText(0)) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("Out of memory"); } nTotalKeys++; nTotalItems++; } */ pKey->InitSubKeyEnumeration(); TCHAR *pchSubKeyName; while ((pchSubKeyName = pKey->GetSubKeyName(dwError)) != NULL) { if (_tcsnicmp(pchSubKeyName,pchBegin,_tcslen(pchBegin)) == 0) { nTotalKeys++; nTotalItems++; p = new CompletionMatch(pchSubKeyName,&pRootMatch); if (!p || !p->GetText(0)) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("Out of memory"); } } } if ((dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)&&(dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("error"); } } if (blnCompletionOnValues) { pKey->InitValueEnumeration(); TCHAR *pchValueName; DWORD dwValueNameLength, dwMaxValueNameLength; dwError = pKey->GetMaxValueNameLength(dwMaxValueNameLength); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("error"); } dwMaxValueNameLength++; pchValueName = new TCHAR [dwMaxValueNameLength]; if (!pchValueName) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("Out of memory"); } for(;;) { dwValueNameLength = dwMaxValueNameLength; //dwValueSize = dwMaxValueSize; dwError = pKey->GetNextValue(pchValueName,dwValueNameLength,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (dwError == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("error"); } if (((dwValueNameLength == 0) && (_tcslen(pchBegin) == 0))|| (_tcsnicmp(pchValueName,pchBegin,_tcslen(pchBegin)) == 0)) { nTotalValues++; nTotalItems++; p = new CompletionMatch((dwValueNameLength == 0)?_T("(Default)"):pchValueName,&pRootMatch); if (!p || !p->GetText(0)) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("Out of memory"); } } } // for delete [] pchValueName; } } if (rnIndex >= nTotalItems) rnIndex = nTotalItems-1; if (pblnForward) { if (*pblnForward) { rnIndex++; if (rnIndex >= nTotalItems) { if (g_blnCompletionCycle) rnIndex = 0; else rnIndex--; } } else { if (rnIndex) rnIndex--; else if (g_blnCompletionCycle) rnIndex = nTotalItems-1; } } const TCHAR *pchName; if (nTotalItems == 0) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return NULL; } ASSERT(rnIndex < nTotalItems); pchName = pRootMatch->GetText(nTotalItems-rnIndex-1); if (pchName == NULL) { if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; if (pTree) delete pTree; return _T("internal error"); } DWORD dwBufferFull = _tcslen(pchName); if (dwBufferFull >= COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE-nBufferOffset) { dwBufferFull = COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE-1-nBufferOffset; } _tcsncpy(pchBuffer+nBufferOffset,pchName,dwBufferFull); if ((dwBufferFull < COMPLETION_BUFFER_SIZE-1)&&(rnIndex < nTotalKeys)) pchBuffer[nBufferOffset+dwBufferFull++] = _T('\\'); pchBuffer[nBufferOffset+dwBufferFull] = 0; if (pTree) delete pTree; if (pRootMatch) delete pRootMatch; return pchBuffer; } BOOL blnCommandExecutionInProgress = FALSE; BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine(DWORD dwCtrlType) { switch(dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: if (blnCommandExecutionInProgress) { /* Beep(1000,100); Beep(2000,100); Beep(3000,100); Beep(4000,100); Beep(5000,100); Beep(4000,100); Beep(3000,100); Beep(2000,100); Beep(1000,100);*/ Console.Write(_T("\n")); Console.DisableWrite(); } return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } //int _tmain(/*int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]*/) int main () { CShellCommandsLinkedList CommandsList(Console); CShellCommandExit ExitCommand; CommandsList.AddCommand(&ExitCommand); CShellCommandVersion VersionCommand; CommandsList.AddCommand(&VersionCommand); CShellCommandHelp HelpCommand(CommandsList); CommandsList.AddCommand(&HelpCommand); CShellCommandDir DirCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&DirCommand); CShellCommandChangeKey ChangeKeyCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&ChangeKeyCommand); CShellCommandValue ValueCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&ValueCommand); CShellCommandOwner OwnerCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&OwnerCommand); CShellCommandDACL DACLCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&DACLCommand); CShellCommandSACL SACLCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&SACLCommand); CShellCommandDOKA DOKACommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&DOKACommand); CShellCommandConnect ConnectCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&ConnectCommand); CShellCommandNewKey NewKeyCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&NewKeyCommand); CShellCommandDeleteKey DeleteKeyCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&DeleteKeyCommand); CShellCommandSetValue SetValueCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&SetValueCommand); CShellCommandDeleteValue DeleteValueCommand(Tree); CommandsList.AddCommand(&DeleteValueCommand); CArgumentParser Parser; int nRetCode = 0; // input buffer size in chars #define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 //#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 128 //#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 10 TCHAR *pchCommand; pchCommand = Console.Init(INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE,10); if (pchCommand == NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr,_T("Cannot initialize console.\n")); goto Abort; } Console.SetReplaceCompletionCallback(CompletionCallback); WORD wOldConsoleAttribute; if (!Console.GetTextAttribute(wOldConsoleAttribute)) goto Abort; Console.SetTitle(_T("Registry Explorer")); Console.SetTextAttribute(FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); VERIFY(SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)HandlerRoutine,TRUE)); if (!Console.Write(HELLO_MSG //(_L(__TIMESTAMP__)) )) goto Abort; Tree.SetDesiredOpenKeyAccess(KEY_READ); GetCommand: // prompt // TODO: make prompt user-customizable Console.EnableWrite(); _tcscpy(pchCurrentKey,Tree.GetCurrentPath()); Console.Write(pchCurrentKey); Console.Write(_T("\n# ")); Console.FlushInputBuffer(); blnCommandExecutionInProgress = FALSE; // Set command line color // Console.SetTextAttribute(/*FOREGROUND_BLUE|*/FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); if (!Console.ReadLine()) goto Abort; // Set normal color // Console.SetTextAttribute(FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); Console.BeginScrollingOperation(); blnCommandExecutionInProgress = TRUE; // Parse command line (1st step - convert to multi sz) Parser.SetArgumentList(pchCommand); int nCommandReturnValue; switch(CommandsList.Execute(Parser,nCommandReturnValue)) { case -1: // not recognized command { Parser.ResetArgumentIteration(); TCHAR *pchCommandItself = Parser.GetNextArgument(); size_t cmdlen = _tcslen(pchCommandItself); if ((!cmdlen)|| (pchCommandItself[cmdlen-1] != _T('\\'))|| (Parser.GetNextArgument())|| (!Tree.ChangeCurrentKey(pchCommandItself))) { Console.Write(_T("Unknown command \"")); Console.Write(pchCommandItself); Console.Write(_T("\"\n")); } } case -2: // empty line goto GetCommand; case 0: // exit command nRetCode = 0; Console.SetTextAttribute(wOldConsoleAttribute); goto Exit; default: Console.Write(_T("\n")); goto GetCommand; } Abort: _ftprintf(stderr,_T("Abnormal program termination.\nPlease report bugs to ") EMAIL _T("\n")); nRetCode = 1; Exit: return nRetCode; }