/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Testing ShellExecuteEx * PROGRAMMER: Yaroslav Veremenko * Katayama Hirofumi MZ */ #include "shelltest.h" #include #include #include "shell32_apitest_sub.h" #define ok_ShellExecuteEx (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : TestShellExecuteEx static BOOL CreateAppPathRegKey(const WCHAR* Name) { HKEY RegistryKey; LONG Result; WCHAR Buffer[1024]; WCHAR KeyValue[1024]; DWORD Length = sizeof(KeyValue); DWORD Disposition; wcscpy(Buffer, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\"); wcscat(Buffer, L"IEXPLORE.EXE"); Result = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Buffer, 0, KEY_READ, &RegistryKey); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) trace("Could not open iexplore.exe key. Status: %lu\n", Result); if (Result) goto end; Result = RegQueryValueExW(RegistryKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)KeyValue, &Length); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) trace("Could not read iexplore.exe key. Status: %lu\n", Result); if (Result) goto end; RegCloseKey(RegistryKey); wcscpy(Buffer, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\"); wcscat(Buffer, Name); Result = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Buffer, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &RegistryKey, &Disposition); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) trace("Could not create test key. Status: %lu\n", Result); if (Result) goto end; Result = RegSetValueW(RegistryKey, NULL, REG_SZ, KeyValue, 0); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) trace("Could not set value of the test key. Status: %lu\n", Result); if (Result) goto end; RegCloseKey(RegistryKey); end: if (RegistryKey) RegCloseKey(RegistryKey); return Result == ERROR_SUCCESS; } static VOID DeleteAppPathRegKey(const WCHAR* Name) { LONG Result; WCHAR Buffer[1024]; wcscpy(Buffer, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\"); wcscat(Buffer, Name); Result = RegDeleteKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Buffer); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) trace("Could not remove the test key. Status: %lu\n", Result); } static VOID TestShellExecuteEx(const WCHAR* Name, BOOL ExpectedResult) { SHELLEXECUTEINFOW ShellExecInfo; BOOL Result; ZeroMemory(&ShellExecInfo, sizeof(ShellExecInfo)); ShellExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ShellExecInfo); ShellExecInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; ShellExecInfo.hwnd = NULL; ShellExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; ShellExecInfo.lpFile = Name; ShellExecInfo.lpDirectory = NULL; Result = ShellExecuteExW(&ShellExecInfo); ok(Result == ExpectedResult, "ShellExecuteEx lpFile %s failed. Error: %lu\n", wine_dbgstr_w(Name), GetLastError()); if (ShellExecInfo.hProcess) { Result = TerminateProcess(ShellExecInfo.hProcess, 0); if (!Result) trace("Terminate process failed. Error: %lu\n", GetLastError()); WaitForSingleObject(ShellExecInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(ShellExecInfo.hProcess); } } static void DoAppPathTest(void) { ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore", TRUE); ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore.exe", TRUE); if (CreateAppPathRegKey(L"iexplore.bat")) { ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore.bat", TRUE); ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore.bat.exe", FALSE); DeleteAppPathRegKey(L"iexplore.bat"); } if (CreateAppPathRegKey(L"iexplore.bat.exe")) { ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore.bat", FALSE); ok_ShellExecuteEx(L"iexplore.bat.exe", TRUE); DeleteAppPathRegKey(L"iexplore.bat.exe"); } } typedef struct TEST_ENTRY { INT lineno; BOOL ret; BOOL bProcessHandle; LPCSTR file; LPCSTR params; LPCSTR curdir; } TEST_ENTRY; static char s_sub_program[MAX_PATH]; static char s_win_test_exe[MAX_PATH]; static char s_sys_test_exe[MAX_PATH]; static char s_win_bat_file[MAX_PATH]; static char s_sys_bat_file[MAX_PATH]; static char s_win_txt_file[MAX_PATH]; static char s_sys_txt_file[MAX_PATH]; #define DONT_CARE 0x0BADF00D static const TEST_ENTRY s_entries_1[] = { { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.bat" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.exe" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " test program" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " test program.bat" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " test program.exe" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "test program " }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.bat " }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.exe " }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program", "TEST" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.bat", "TEST" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program.exe", "TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, ".\\test program.bat" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, ".\\test program.exe" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\"test program\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\"test program.bat\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\"test program.exe\"" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program\" TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program.bat\" TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program.exe\" TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " \"test program\"" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " \"test program.bat\"" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, " \"test program.exe\"" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program\" " }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program.bat\" " }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\"test program.exe\" " }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\".\\test program.bat\"" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "\".\\test program.exe\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_win_test_exe }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_sys_test_exe }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_win_bat_file }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_sys_bat_file }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_win_bat_file, "TEST" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_sys_bat_file, "TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "invalid program" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "invalid program.bat" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, "invalid program.exe" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test_file.txt" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test_file.txt", "parameters parameters" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test_file.txt", "parameters parameters", "." }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "shell32_apitest_sub.exe" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, ".\\shell32_apitest_sub.exe" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\"shell32_apitest_sub.exe\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\".\\shell32_apitest_sub.exe\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, DONT_CARE, "https://google.com" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, FALSE, "::{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, FALSE, "shell:::{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, FALSE, "shell:sendto" }, }; static const TEST_ENTRY s_entries_2[] = { { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "test program", "TEST" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, "\"test program\"" }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_win_test_exe }, { __LINE__, TRUE, TRUE, s_sys_test_exe }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, s_win_bat_file }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, s_sys_bat_file }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, s_win_bat_file, "TEST" }, { __LINE__, FALSE, FALSE, s_sys_bat_file, "TEST" }, }; typedef struct OPENWNDS { UINT count; HWND *phwnd; } OPENWNDS; static OPENWNDS s_wi0 = { 0 }, s_wi1 = { 0 }; static BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { OPENWNDS *info = (OPENWNDS *)lParam; info->phwnd = (HWND *)realloc(info->phwnd, (info->count + 1) * sizeof(HWND)); if (!info->phwnd) return FALSE; info->phwnd[info->count] = hwnd; ++(info->count); return TRUE; } static VOID DoTestEntry(const TEST_ENTRY *pEntry) { SHELLEXECUTEINFOA info = { sizeof(info) }; info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; info.lpFile = pEntry->file; info.lpParameters = pEntry->params; info.lpDirectory = pEntry->curdir; BOOL ret = ShellExecuteExA(&info); ok(ret == pEntry->ret, "Line %u: ret expected %d, got %d\n", pEntry->lineno, pEntry->ret, ret); if (!pEntry->ret) return; if ((UINT)pEntry->bProcessHandle != DONT_CARE) { if (pEntry->bProcessHandle) { ok(!!info.hProcess, "Line %u: hProcess expected non-NULL\n", pEntry->lineno); } else { ok(!info.hProcess, "Line %u: hProcess expected NULL\n", pEntry->lineno); return; } } WaitForInputIdle(info.hProcess, INFINITE); // close newly opened windows EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&s_wi1); for (UINT i1 = 0; i1 < s_wi1.count; ++i1) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; for (UINT i0 = 0; i0 < s_wi0.count; ++i0) { if (s_wi1.phwnd[i1] == s_wi0.phwnd[i0]) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if (!bFound) PostMessageW(s_wi1.phwnd[i1], WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } free(s_wi1.phwnd); ZeroMemory(&s_wi1, sizeof(s_wi1)); if (WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, 10 * 1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TerminateProcess(info.hProcess, 11); ok(0, "Process %s did not quit!\n", pEntry->file); } CloseHandle(info.hProcess); } static BOOL GetSubProgramPath(void) { GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, s_sub_program, _countof(s_sub_program)); PathRemoveFileSpecA(s_sub_program); PathAppendA(s_sub_program, "shell32_apitest_sub.exe"); if (!PathFileExistsA(s_sub_program)) { PathRemoveFileSpecA(s_sub_program); PathAppendA(s_sub_program, "testdata\\shell32_apitest_sub.exe"); if (!PathFileExistsA(s_sub_program)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static void DoTestEntries(void) { if (!GetSubProgramPath()) { skip("shell32_apitest_sub.exe is not found\n"); return; } // s_win_test_exe GetWindowsDirectoryA(s_win_test_exe, _countof(s_win_test_exe)); PathAppendA(s_win_test_exe, "test program.exe"); BOOL ret = CopyFileA(s_sub_program, s_win_test_exe, FALSE); if (!ret) { skip("Please retry with admin rights\n"); return; } // record open windows if (!EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&s_wi0)) { skip("EnumWindows failed\n"); DeleteFileA(s_win_test_exe); free(s_wi0.phwnd); return; } // s_sys_test_exe GetSystemDirectoryA(s_sys_test_exe, _countof(s_sys_test_exe)); PathAppendA(s_sys_test_exe, "test program.exe"); ok_int(CopyFileA(s_sub_program, s_sys_test_exe, FALSE), TRUE); // s_win_bat_file GetWindowsDirectoryA(s_win_bat_file, _countof(s_win_bat_file)); PathAppendA(s_win_bat_file, "test program.bat"); FILE *fp = fopen(s_win_bat_file, "wb"); fprintf(fp, "exit /b 3"); fclose(fp); ok_int(PathFileExistsA(s_win_bat_file), TRUE); // s_sys_bat_file GetSystemDirectoryA(s_sys_bat_file, _countof(s_sys_bat_file)); PathAppendA(s_sys_bat_file, "test program.bat"); fp = fopen(s_sys_bat_file, "wb"); fprintf(fp, "exit /b 4"); fclose(fp); ok_int(PathFileExistsA(s_sys_bat_file), TRUE); // s_win_txt_file GetWindowsDirectoryA(s_win_txt_file, _countof(s_win_txt_file)); PathAppendA(s_win_txt_file, "test_file.txt"); fp = fopen(s_win_txt_file, "wb"); fclose(fp); ok_int(PathFileExistsA(s_win_txt_file), TRUE); // s_sys_txt_file GetSystemDirectoryA(s_sys_txt_file, _countof(s_sys_txt_file)); PathAppendA(s_sys_txt_file, "test_file.txt"); fp = fopen(s_sys_txt_file, "wb"); fclose(fp); ok_int(PathFileExistsA(s_sys_txt_file), TRUE); for (UINT iTest = 0; iTest < _countof(s_entries_1); ++iTest) { DoTestEntry(&s_entries_1[iTest]); } DeleteFileA(s_win_bat_file); DeleteFileA(s_sys_bat_file); for (UINT iTest = 0; iTest < _countof(s_entries_2); ++iTest) { DoTestEntry(&s_entries_2[iTest]); } DeleteFileA(s_win_test_exe); DeleteFileA(s_sys_test_exe); DeleteFileA(s_win_txt_file); DeleteFileA(s_sys_txt_file); free(s_wi0.phwnd); } WCHAR* ExeName = NULL; BOOL CALLBACK EnumProc(_In_ HWND hwnd, _In_ LPARAM lParam) { DWORD pid = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); if (pid == GetCurrentProcessId() && IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { WCHAR Buffer[512] = {0}; GetWindowTextW(hwnd, Buffer, _countof(Buffer) - 1); if (Buffer[0] && StrStrIW(Buffer, ExeName)) { HWND* pHwnd = (HWND*)lParam; *pHwnd = hwnd; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL WaitAndCloseWindow() { HWND hWnd = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < 100; ++n) { Sleep(50); EnumWindows(EnumProc, (LPARAM)&hWnd); if (hWnd) { SendMessageW(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0); return TRUE; break; } } return FALSE; } static void test_properties() { WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH * 4]; CoInitialize(NULL); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, Buffer, _countof(Buffer)); SHELLEXECUTEINFOW info = { 0 }; info.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW); info.fMask = SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; info.lpVerb = L"properties"; info.lpFile = Buffer; info.lpParameters = L""; info.nShow = SW_SHOW; BOOL bRet = ShellExecuteExW(&info); ok(bRet, "Failed! (GetLastError(): %d)\n", (int)GetLastError()); ok_ptr(info.hInstApp, (HINSTANCE)42); ExeName = PathFindFileNameW(Buffer); WCHAR* Extension = PathFindExtensionW(Buffer); if (Extension) { // The inclusion of this depends on the file display settings! *Extension = UNICODE_NULL; } if (bRet) { ok(WaitAndCloseWindow(), "Could not find properties window!\n"); } // Now retry it with the extension cut off bRet = ShellExecuteExW(&info); ok(bRet, "Failed! (GetLastError(): %d)\n", (int)GetLastError()); ok_ptr(info.hInstApp, (HINSTANCE)42); if (bRet) { ok(WaitAndCloseWindow(), "Could not find properties window!\n"); } info.lpFile = L"complete garbage, cannot run this!"; // Now retry it with complete garabage bRet = ShellExecuteExW(&info); ok(bRet == 0, "Succeeded!\n"); ok_ptr(info.hInstApp, (HINSTANCE)2); } START_TEST(ShellExecuteEx) { DoAppPathTest(); DoTestEntries(); test_properties(); DoWaitForWindow(CLASSNAME, CLASSNAME, TRUE, TRUE); Sleep(100); }