/* * Copyright 2008,2011 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #pragma once typedef struct _source_elements_t source_elements_t; typedef struct _expression_t expression_t; typedef struct _statement_t statement_t; typedef struct { const WCHAR *begin; const WCHAR *end; const WCHAR *ptr; script_ctx_t *script; source_elements_t *source; BOOL nl; BOOL implicit_nl_semicolon; BOOL is_html; BOOL lexer_error; HRESULT hres; heap_pool_t heap; } parser_ctx_t; #define OP_LIST \ X(add, 1, 0,0) \ X(and, 1, 0,0) \ X(array, 1, 0,0) \ X(assign, 1, 0,0) \ X(assign_call,1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(bool, 1, ARG_INT, 0) \ X(bneg, 1, 0,0) \ X(call, 1, ARG_UINT, ARG_UINT) \ X(call_member,1, ARG_UINT, ARG_UINT) \ X(carray, 1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(case, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(cnd_nz, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(cnd_z, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(delete, 1, 0,0) \ X(delete_ident,1,ARG_BSTR, 0) \ X(div, 1, 0,0) \ X(double, 1, ARG_DBL, 0) \ X(end_finally,1, 0,0) \ X(eq, 1, 0,0) \ X(eq2, 1, 0,0) \ X(forin, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(func, 1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(gt, 1, 0,0) \ X(gteq, 1, 0,0) \ X(ident, 1, ARG_BSTR, 0) \ X(identid, 1, ARG_BSTR, ARG_INT) \ X(in, 1, 0,0) \ X(instanceof, 1, 0,0) \ X(int, 1, ARG_INT, 0) \ X(jmp, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(jmp_z, 0, ARG_ADDR, 0) \ X(lshift, 1, 0,0) \ X(lt, 1, 0,0) \ X(lteq, 1, 0,0) \ X(member, 1, ARG_BSTR, 0) \ X(memberid, 1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(minus, 1, 0,0) \ X(mod, 1, 0,0) \ X(mul, 1, 0,0) \ X(neg, 1, 0,0) \ X(neq, 1, 0,0) \ X(neq2, 1, 0,0) \ X(new, 1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(new_obj, 1, 0,0) \ X(null, 1, 0,0) \ X(obj_prop, 1, ARG_BSTR, 0) \ X(or, 1, 0,0) \ X(pop, 1, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(pop_except, 1, 0,0) \ X(pop_scope, 1, 0,0) \ X(postinc, 1, ARG_INT, 0) \ X(preinc, 1, ARG_INT, 0) \ X(push_except,1, ARG_ADDR, ARG_BSTR) \ X(push_scope, 1, 0,0) \ X(regexp, 1, ARG_STR, ARG_UINT) \ X(rshift, 1, 0,0) \ X(rshift2, 1, 0,0) \ X(str, 1, ARG_STR, 0) \ X(this, 1, 0,0) \ X(throw, 0, 0,0) \ X(throw_ref, 0, ARG_UINT, 0) \ X(throw_type, 0, ARG_UINT, ARG_STR) \ X(tonum, 1, 0,0) \ X(typeof, 1, 0,0) \ X(typeofid, 1, 0,0) \ X(typeofident,1, 0,0) \ X(refval, 1, 0,0) \ X(ret, 0, 0,0) \ X(setret, 1, 0,0) \ X(sub, 1, 0,0) \ X(undefined, 1, 0,0) \ X(var_set, 1, ARG_BSTR, 0) \ X(void, 1, 0,0) \ X(xor, 1, 0,0) typedef enum { #define X(x,a,b,c) OP_##x, OP_LIST #undef X OP_LAST } jsop_t; typedef union { BSTR bstr; LONG lng; jsstr_t *str; unsigned uint; } instr_arg_t; typedef enum { ARG_NONE = 0, ARG_ADDR, ARG_BSTR, ARG_DBL, ARG_FUNC, ARG_INT, ARG_STR, ARG_UINT } instr_arg_type_t; typedef struct { jsop_t op; union { instr_arg_t arg[2]; double dbl; } u; } instr_t; typedef struct _function_code_t { BSTR name; unsigned instr_off; const WCHAR *source; unsigned source_len; unsigned func_cnt; struct _function_code_t *funcs; unsigned var_cnt; BSTR *variables; unsigned param_cnt; BSTR *params; } function_code_t; typedef struct _bytecode_t { LONG ref; instr_t *instrs; heap_pool_t heap; function_code_t global_code; WCHAR *source; BSTR *bstr_pool; unsigned bstr_pool_size; unsigned bstr_cnt; jsstr_t **str_pool; unsigned str_pool_size; unsigned str_cnt; struct _bytecode_t *next; } bytecode_t; HRESULT compile_script(script_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,BOOL,BOOL,bytecode_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void release_bytecode(bytecode_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline void bytecode_addref(bytecode_t *code) { code->ref++; } HRESULT script_parse(script_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,BOOL,parser_ctx_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void parser_release(parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; int parser_lex(void*,parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline void *parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t *ctx, DWORD size) { return heap_pool_alloc(&ctx->heap, size); } static inline void *parser_alloc_tmp(parser_ctx_t *ctx, DWORD size) { return heap_pool_alloc(&ctx->script->tmp_heap, size); } typedef struct _scope_chain_t { LONG ref; jsdisp_t *jsobj; IDispatch *obj; struct _scope_chain_t *next; } scope_chain_t; HRESULT scope_push(scope_chain_t*,jsdisp_t*,IDispatch*,scope_chain_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void scope_release(scope_chain_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline void scope_addref(scope_chain_t *scope) { scope->ref++; } typedef struct _except_frame_t except_frame_t; struct _exec_ctx_t { LONG ref; parser_ctx_t *parser; bytecode_t *code; script_ctx_t *script; scope_chain_t *scope_chain; jsdisp_t *var_disp; IDispatch *this_obj; function_code_t *func_code; BOOL is_global; jsval_t *stack; unsigned stack_size; unsigned top; except_frame_t *except_frame; jsval_t ret; unsigned ip; }; static inline void exec_addref(exec_ctx_t *ctx) { ctx->ref++; } void exec_release(exec_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; HRESULT create_exec_ctx(script_ctx_t*,IDispatch*,jsdisp_t*,scope_chain_t*,BOOL,exec_ctx_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; HRESULT exec_source(exec_ctx_t*,bytecode_t*,function_code_t*,BOOL,jsval_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; HRESULT create_source_function(script_ctx_t*,bytecode_t*,function_code_t*,scope_chain_t*,jsdisp_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; typedef enum { LT_DOUBLE, LT_STRING, LT_BOOL, LT_NULL, LT_REGEXP }literal_type_t; typedef struct { literal_type_t type; union { double dval; const WCHAR *wstr; BOOL bval; struct { const WCHAR *str; DWORD str_len; DWORD flags; } regexp; } u; } literal_t; literal_t *parse_regexp(parser_ctx_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; literal_t *new_boolean_literal(parser_ctx_t*,BOOL) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; typedef struct _variable_declaration_t { const WCHAR *identifier; expression_t *expr; struct _variable_declaration_t *next; struct _variable_declaration_t *global_next; /* for compiler */ } variable_declaration_t; typedef enum { STAT_BLOCK, STAT_BREAK, STAT_CONTINUE, STAT_EMPTY, STAT_EXPR, STAT_FOR, STAT_FORIN, STAT_IF, STAT_LABEL, STAT_RETURN, STAT_SWITCH, STAT_THROW, STAT_TRY, STAT_VAR, STAT_WHILE, STAT_WITH } statement_type_t; struct _statement_t { statement_type_t type; statement_t *next; }; typedef struct { statement_t stat; statement_t *stat_list; } block_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; variable_declaration_t *variable_list; } var_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; } expression_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; statement_t *if_stat; statement_t *else_stat; } if_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; BOOL do_while; expression_t *expr; statement_t *statement; } while_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; variable_declaration_t *variable_list; expression_t *begin_expr; expression_t *expr; expression_t *end_expr; statement_t *statement; } for_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; variable_declaration_t *variable; expression_t *expr; expression_t *in_expr; statement_t *statement; } forin_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const WCHAR *identifier; } branch_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; statement_t *statement; } with_statement_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; const WCHAR *identifier; statement_t *statement; } labelled_statement_t; typedef struct _case_clausule_t { expression_t *expr; statement_t *stat; struct _case_clausule_t *next; } case_clausule_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; expression_t *expr; case_clausule_t *case_list; } switch_statement_t; typedef struct { const WCHAR *identifier; statement_t *statement; } catch_block_t; typedef struct { statement_t stat; statement_t *try_statement; catch_block_t *catch_block; statement_t *finally_statement; } try_statement_t; typedef struct { enum { EXPRVAL_JSVAL, EXPRVAL_IDREF, EXPRVAL_INVALID } type; union { jsval_t val; struct { IDispatch *disp; DISPID id; } idref; } u; } exprval_t; typedef enum { EXPR_COMMA, EXPR_OR, EXPR_AND, EXPR_BOR, EXPR_BXOR, EXPR_BAND, EXPR_INSTANCEOF, EXPR_IN, EXPR_ADD, EXPR_SUB, EXPR_MUL, EXPR_DIV, EXPR_MOD, EXPR_DELETE, EXPR_VOID, EXPR_TYPEOF, EXPR_MINUS, EXPR_PLUS, EXPR_POSTINC, EXPR_POSTDEC, EXPR_PREINC, EXPR_PREDEC, EXPR_EQ, EXPR_EQEQ, EXPR_NOTEQ, EXPR_NOTEQEQ, EXPR_LESS, EXPR_LESSEQ, EXPR_GREATER, EXPR_GREATEREQ, EXPR_BITNEG, EXPR_LOGNEG, EXPR_LSHIFT, EXPR_RSHIFT, EXPR_RRSHIFT, EXPR_ASSIGN, EXPR_ASSIGNLSHIFT, EXPR_ASSIGNRSHIFT, EXPR_ASSIGNRRSHIFT, EXPR_ASSIGNADD, EXPR_ASSIGNSUB, EXPR_ASSIGNMUL, EXPR_ASSIGNDIV, EXPR_ASSIGNMOD, EXPR_ASSIGNAND, EXPR_ASSIGNOR, EXPR_ASSIGNXOR, EXPR_COND, EXPR_ARRAY, EXPR_MEMBER, EXPR_NEW, EXPR_CALL, EXPR_THIS, EXPR_FUNC, EXPR_IDENT, EXPR_ARRAYLIT, EXPR_PROPVAL, EXPR_LITERAL } expression_type_t; struct _expression_t { expression_type_t type; }; typedef struct _parameter_t { const WCHAR *identifier; struct _parameter_t *next; } parameter_t; struct _source_elements_t { statement_t *statement; statement_t *statement_tail; }; typedef struct _function_expression_t { expression_t expr; const WCHAR *identifier; parameter_t *parameter_list; source_elements_t *source_elements; const WCHAR *src_str; DWORD src_len; struct _function_expression_t *next; /* for compiler */ } function_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *expression1; expression_t *expression2; } binary_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *expression; } unary_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *expression; expression_t *true_expression; expression_t *false_expression; } conditional_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *expression; const WCHAR *identifier; } member_expression_t; typedef struct _argument_t { expression_t *expr; struct _argument_t *next; } argument_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; expression_t *expression; argument_t *argument_list; } call_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; const WCHAR *identifier; } identifier_expression_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; literal_t *literal; } literal_expression_t; typedef struct _array_element_t { int elision; expression_t *expr; struct _array_element_t *next; } array_element_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; array_element_t *element_list; int length; } array_literal_expression_t; typedef struct _prop_val_t { literal_t *name; expression_t *value; struct _prop_val_t *next; } prop_val_t; typedef struct { expression_t expr; prop_val_t *property_list; } property_value_expression_t;