/*++ Copyright (C) 2006 VorontSOFT Module Name: id_badblock.cpp Abstract: This is the artificial badblock simulation part of the miniport driver for ATA/ATAPI IDE controllers with Busmaster DMA support Author: Nikolai Vorontsov (NickViz) Environment: kernel mode only Notes: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Revision History: 2006/08/03 Initial implementation. 2006/08/06 Added registry work. 2007/03/27 Added device serial to registry value name instead of LUN. --*/ #include "stdafx.h" //#define MAX_BADBLOCKS_ITEMS 512 //SBadBlockRange arrBadBlocks[MAX_BADBLOCKS_ITEMS]; //ULONG nBadBlocks = 0; LIST_ENTRY BBList; BOOLEAN BBListInited = FALSE; // RtlQueryRegistryValues callback function static NTSTATUS __stdcall BadBlockQueryRoutine( IN PWSTR ValueName, IN ULONG ValueType, IN PVOID ValueData, IN ULONG ValueLength, IN PVOID Context, IN PVOID EntryContext ) { PSBadBlockListItem cur; PLIST_ENTRY link; ULONG i; // The ValueType should be REG_SZ // The ValueData is UNICODE string of the following format: // "badblocks_start_from_lba badblocks_end_at_lba" KdPrint(( "BadBlockQueryRoutine: S/N:%S\n type %#x, len %#x\n", ValueName, ValueType, ValueLength)); if(!BBListInited) return STATUS_SUCCESS; if((ValueType == REG_BINARY) && // STRING ValueLength && // At least "0 0 0" !(ValueLength % sizeof(SBadBlockRange))) // There is free space for the record { cur = NULL; link = BBList.Flink; while(link != &BBList) { cur = CONTAINING_RECORD( link, SBadBlockListItem, List); link = link->Flink; if(!wcscmp(cur->SerNumStr, ValueName)) { KdPrint(( "already loaded\n")); if(cur->LunExt) { cur->LunExt->nBadBlocks = 0; cur->LunExt->arrBadBlocks = NULL; cur->LunExt->bbListDescr = NULL; cur->LunExt = NULL; } break; } } if(!cur) { cur = (PSBadBlockListItem)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SBadBlockListItem)); if(!cur) return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { if(cur->arrBadBlocks) { ExFreePool(cur->arrBadBlocks); cur->arrBadBlocks = NULL; } } cur->arrBadBlocks = (SBadBlockRange*)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, ValueLength); if(!cur->arrBadBlocks) { ExFreePool(cur); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } RtlCopyMemory(cur->arrBadBlocks, ValueData, ValueLength); wcsncpy(cur->SerNumStr, ValueName, 127); cur->SerNumStr[127] = 0; cur->nBadBlocks = ValueLength/sizeof(SBadBlockRange); cur->LunExt = NULL; InitializeListHead(&cur->List); InsertTailList(&BBList, &(cur->List)); for(i=0; inBadBlocks; i++) { KdPrint(( "BB: %I64x - %I64x\n", cur->arrBadBlocks[i].m_lbaStart, cur->arrBadBlocks[i].m_lbaEnd-1)); } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // end BadBlockQueryRoutine() void NTAPI InitBadBlocks( IN PHW_LU_EXTENSION LunExt ) { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE QueryTable[2]; // Main record and zero filled end of array marker WCHAR DevSerial[128]; ULONG Length; PLIST_ENTRY link; PSBadBlockListItem cur; // Read from the registry necessary badblock pairs and fill in arrBadBlocks array // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UniATA\Parameters\BadBlocks if(!LunExt) { // init KdPrint(( "InitBadBlocks general\n")); if(!BBListInited) { InitializeListHead(&BBList); BBListInited = TRUE; } QueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = BadBlockQueryRoutine; QueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED; QueryTable[0].Name = NULL; // If Name is NULL, the QueryRoutine function // specified for this table entry is called // for all values associated with the current // registry key. QueryTable[0].EntryContext = NULL; QueryTable[0].DefaultType = REG_NONE; QueryTable[0].DefaultData = 0; QueryTable[0].DefaultLength = 0; RtlZeroMemory(QueryTable + 1, sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)); // EOF NTSTATUS status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_SERVICES, L"UniATA\\Parameters\\BadBlocks", QueryTable, 0, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG KdPrint(( "InitBadBlocks returned: %#x\n", status)); #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(status); #endif } else { KdPrint(( "InitBadBlocks local\n")); Length = EncodeVendorStr(DevSerial, (PUCHAR)LunExt->IdentifyData.ModelNumber, sizeof(LunExt->IdentifyData.ModelNumber)); DevSerial[Length] = '-'; Length++; Length += EncodeVendorStr(DevSerial+Length, LunExt->IdentifyData.SerialNumber, sizeof(LunExt->IdentifyData.SerialNumber)); KdPrint(( "LunExt %#x\n", LunExt)); KdPrint(( "S/N:%S\n", DevSerial)); LunExt->nBadBlocks = 0; LunExt->arrBadBlocks = NULL; link = BBList.Flink; while(link != &BBList) { cur = CONTAINING_RECORD( link, SBadBlockListItem, List); link = link->Flink; if(cur->LunExt == LunExt) { KdPrint(( " deassociate BB list (by LunExt)\n")); cur->LunExt->nBadBlocks = 0; cur->LunExt->arrBadBlocks = NULL; cur->LunExt->bbListDescr = NULL; cur->LunExt = NULL; } else if(!wcscmp(cur->SerNumStr, DevSerial)) { KdPrint(( " deassociate BB list (by Serial)\n")); if(cur->LunExt) { cur->LunExt->nBadBlocks = 0; cur->LunExt->arrBadBlocks = NULL; cur->LunExt->bbListDescr = NULL; cur->LunExt = NULL; } } } if(!(LunExt->DeviceFlags & DFLAGS_ATAPI_DEVICE)) { link = BBList.Flink; while(link != &BBList) { cur = CONTAINING_RECORD( link, SBadBlockListItem, List); link = link->Flink; if(!wcscmp(cur->SerNumStr, DevSerial)) { KdPrint(( "found BB:List\n")); cur->LunExt = LunExt; LunExt->arrBadBlocks = cur->arrBadBlocks; LunExt->nBadBlocks = cur->nBadBlocks; LunExt->bbListDescr = cur; return; } } } } return; } // end InitBadBlocks() void NTAPI ForgetBadBlocks( IN PHW_LU_EXTENSION LunExt ) { if(LunExt->bbListDescr) { LunExt->bbListDescr->LunExt = NULL; LunExt->nBadBlocks = 0; LunExt->arrBadBlocks = NULL; LunExt->bbListDescr = NULL; } } // end ForgetBadBlocks() bool NTAPI CheckIfBadBlock( IN PHW_LU_EXTENSION LunExt, // IN UCHAR command, IN ULONGLONG lba, IN ULONG count ) { if (LunExt->nBadBlocks == 0) return false; /* // this is checked by caller if(!(AtaCommandFlags[command] & ATA_CMD_FLAG_LBAsupp)) { return false; */ ULONG nBadBlocks = LunExt->nBadBlocks; SBadBlockRange* arrBadBlocks = LunExt->arrBadBlocks; // back transform for possibly CHS'ed LBA lba = UniAtaCalculateLBARegsBack(LunExt, lba); for (ULONG i = 0; i < nBadBlocks; i++) { if (lba + count > arrBadBlocks->m_lbaStart && lba < arrBadBlocks->m_lbaEnd) { KdPrint(( "listed BB @ %I64x\n", lba)); return true; } arrBadBlocks++; } return false; } // end CheckIfBadBlock()