/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS UEFI Boot Library * FILE: boot/environ/lib/io/display/textcons.c * PURPOSE: Boot Library Text Console Routines * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "bl.h" /* DATA VARIABLES ************************************************************/ BL_TEXT_CONSOLE_VTABLE ConsoleTextLocalVtbl = { ConsoleTextLocalDestruct, ConsoleTextLocalReinitialize, ConsoleTextBaseGetTextState, ConsoleTextLocalSetTextState, ConsoleTextBaseGetTextResolution, ConsoleTextLocalSetTextResolution, ConsoleTextLocalClearText, ConsoleTextLocalWriteText }; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID ConsoleTextLocalDestruct ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console ) { } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalReinitialize ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console ) { EfiPrintf(L"Not active yet!\r\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextBaseGetTextState ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _Out_ PBL_DISPLAY_STATE TextState ) { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalSetTextState ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _In_ ULONG Mask, _In_ PBL_DISPLAY_STATE TextState ) { return ConsoleFirmwareTextSetState(Console, Mask, TextState); } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextBaseGetTextResolution ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _Out_ PULONG TextResolution ) { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalSetTextResolution ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _In_ ULONG NewTextResolution, _Out_ PULONG OldTextResolution ) { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalClearText ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _In_ BOOLEAN LineOnly ) { return ConsoleFirmwareTextClear(Console, LineOnly); } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalWriteText ( _In_ struct _BL_TEXT_CONSOLE* Console, _In_ PCHAR Text, _In_ ULONG Attribute ) { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS ConsoleTextLocalConstruct ( _In_ PBL_TEXT_CONSOLE TextConsole, _In_ BOOLEAN Activate ) { NTSTATUS Status; BL_DISPLAY_STATE TextState; /* Set our callbacks */ TextConsole->Callbacks = &ConsoleTextLocalVtbl; /* Are we activating this console? */ if (Activate) { /* Call firmware to activate it */ Status = ConsoleFirmwareTextOpen(TextConsole); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EfiPrintf(L"Failed to activate console: %lx\r\n", Status); return Status; } } /* Set default text state */ TextState.BgColor = 0; TextState.XPos = 0; TextState.YPos = 0; TextState.CursorVisible = FALSE; TextState.FgColor = White; /* Are we activating? */ if (Activate) { /* Call firmware to set it */ Status = ConsoleFirmwareTextSetState(TextConsole, 0xF, &TextState); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* We failed, back down */ EfiPrintf(L"Failed to set console state: %lx\r\n", Status); ConsoleFirmwareTextClose(TextConsole); return Status; } } else { /* Just save the state for now, someone else can activate later */ TextConsole->State = TextState; } /* Remember if we activated it */ TextConsole->Active = Activate; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN ConsolepFindResolution ( _In_ PBL_DISPLAY_MODE Mode, _In_ PBL_DISPLAY_MODE List, _In_ ULONG MaxIndex ) { PBL_DISPLAY_MODE ListEnd; /* Loop until we hit the maximum supported list index */ ListEnd = &List[MaxIndex]; while (List != ListEnd) { /* Does this resolution match? */ if ((Mode->HRes == List->HRes) && (Mode->VRes == List->VRes)) { /* Yep -- we got a match */ return TRUE; } /* Try another one*/ List++; } /* No matches were found */ return FALSE; } BL_INPUT_CONSOLE_VTABLE ConsoleInputLocalVtbl = { (PCONSOLE_DESTRUCT)ConsoleInputLocalDestruct, (PCONSOLE_REINITIALIZE)ConsoleInputBaseReinitialize, }; VOID ConsoleInputLocalDestruct ( _In_ PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE Console ) { /* Erase the current input buffer, and tear down the console */ ConsoleInputLocalEraseBuffer(Console, NULL); BlMmFreeHeap(Console->Buffer); } NTSTATUS ConsoleInputBaseConstruct ( _In_ PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE Console ) { PULONG Buffer; /* Allocate a new 512 byte buffer */ Buffer = BlMmAllocateHeap(512); Console->Buffer = Buffer; if (!Buffer) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Set the current buffer pointers to it */ Console->DataStart = Buffer; Console->DataEnd = Buffer; /* Set the end 128 data entries into the buffer */ Console->EndBuffer = Buffer + 128; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ConsoleInputBaseReinitialize ( _In_ PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE Console ) { PULONG Buffer; /* Reset all the buffer pointers to the current buffer */ Buffer = Console->Buffer; Console->DataStart = Buffer; Console->DataEnd = Buffer; Console->EndBuffer = Buffer + 128; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS ConsoleCreateLocalInputConsole ( VOID ) { PBL_INPUT_CONSOLE InputConsole; NTSTATUS Status; /* Allocate the input console */ InputConsole = BlMmAllocateHeap(sizeof(*InputConsole)); if (!InputConsole) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Construct it */ Status = ConsoleInputBaseConstruct(InputConsole); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Tear down on failure */ BlMmFreeHeap(InputConsole); return Status; } /* Set the callback table, and set us as the local input console */ InputConsole->Callbacks = &ConsoleInputLocalVtbl; DspLocalInputConsole = InputConsole; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }