/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/ex/rundown.c * PURPOSE: Rundown and Cache-Aware Rundown Protection * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) * Thomas Weidenmueller * Pierre Schweitzer */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /*++ * @name ExfAcquireRundownProtection * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfAcquireRundownProtection routine acquires rundown protection for * the specified descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return TRUE if access to the protected structure was granted, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks Callers of ExfAcquireRundownProtection can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ BOOLEAN FASTCALL ExfAcquireRundownProtection(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { ULONG_PTR Value = RunRef->Count, NewValue; /* Loop until successfully incremented the counter */ for (;;) { /* Make sure a rundown is not active */ if (Value & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE) return FALSE; /* Add a reference */ NewValue = Value + EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC; /* Change the value */ NewValue = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, NewValue, Value); if (NewValue == Value) return TRUE; /* Update it */ Value = NewValue; } } /*++ * @name ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx * @implemented NT5.2 * * The ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx routine acquires multiple rundown * protection references for the specified descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @param Count * Number of times to reference the descriptor. * * @return TRUE if access to the protected structure was granted, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks Callers of ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ BOOLEAN FASTCALL ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef, IN ULONG Count) { ULONG_PTR Value = RunRef->Count, NewValue; /* Loop until successfully incremented the counter */ for (;;) { /* Make sure a rundown is not active */ if (Value & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE) return FALSE; /* Add references */ NewValue = Value + EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC * Count; /* Change the value */ NewValue = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, NewValue, Value); if (NewValue == Value) return TRUE; /* Update the value */ Value = NewValue; } } /*++ * @name ExfInitializeRundownProtection * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfInitializeRundownProtection routine initializes a rundown * protection descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfInitializeRundownProtection can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfInitializeRundownProtection(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { /* Set the count to zero */ RunRef->Count = 0; } /*++ * @name ExfReInitializeRundownProtection * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfReInitializeRundownProtection routine re-initializes a rundown * protection descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfReInitializeRundownProtection can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfReInitializeRundownProtection(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((RunRef->Count & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE) != 0); /* Reset the count */ ExpSetRundown(RunRef, 0); } /*++ * @name ExfRundownCompleted * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfRundownCompleted routine completes the rundown of the specified * descriptor by setting the active bit. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfRundownCompleted must be running at IRQL <= APC_LEVEL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfRundownCompleted(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((RunRef->Count & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE) != 0); /* Mark the counter as active */ ExpSetRundown(RunRef, EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE); } /*++ * @name ExfReleaseRundownProtection * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfReleaseRundownProtection routine releases the rundown protection * reference for the specified descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfReleaseRundownProtection can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfReleaseRundownProtection(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { ULONG_PTR Value = RunRef->Count, NewValue; PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; /* Loop until successfully incremented the counter */ for (;;) { /* Check if rundown is not active */ if (!(Value & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE)) { /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((Value >= EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC) || (KeNumberProcessors > 1)); /* Get the new value */ NewValue = Value - EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC; /* Change the value */ NewValue = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, NewValue, Value); if (NewValue == Value) break; /* Update value */ Value = NewValue; } else { /* Get the wait block */ WaitBlock = (PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK)(Value & ~EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE); ASSERT((WaitBlock->Count > 0) || (KeNumberProcessors > 1)); /* Remove the one count */ if (!InterlockedDecrementSizeT(&WaitBlock->Count)) { /* We're down to 0 now, so signal the event */ KeSetEvent(&WaitBlock->WakeEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } /* We're all done */ break; } } } /*++ * @name ExfReleaseRundownProtectionEx * @implemented NT5.2 * * The ExfReleaseRundownProtectionEx routine releases multiple rundown * protection references for the specified descriptor. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @param Count * Number of times to dereference the descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx can be running at any IRQL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfReleaseRundownProtectionEx(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef, IN ULONG Count) { ULONG_PTR Value = RunRef->Count, NewValue; PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; /* Loop until successfully incremented the counter */ for (;;) { /* Check if rundown is not active */ if (!(Value & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE)) { /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((Value >= EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC * Count) || (KeNumberProcessors > 1)); /* Get the new value */ NewValue = Value - EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_INC * Count; /* Change the value */ NewValue = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, NewValue, Value); if (NewValue == Value) break; /* Update value */ Value = NewValue; } else { /* Get the wait block */ WaitBlock = (PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK)(Value & ~EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE); ASSERT((WaitBlock->Count >= Count) || (KeNumberProcessors > 1)); /* Remove the counts */ if (InterlockedExchangeAddSizeT(&WaitBlock->Count, -(LONG)Count) == (LONG)Count) { /* We're down to 0 now, so signal the event */ KeSetEvent(&WaitBlock->WakeEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } /* We're all done */ break; } } } /*++ * @name ExfWaitForRundownProtectionRelease * @implemented NT5.1 * * The ExfWaitForRundownProtectionRelease routine waits until the specified * rundown descriptor has been released. * * @param RunRef * Pointer to a rundown reference descriptor. * * @return None. * * @remarks Callers of ExfWaitForRundownProtectionRelease must be running * at IRQL <= APC_LEVEL. * *--*/ VOID FASTCALL ExfWaitForRundownProtectionRelease(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef) { ULONG_PTR Value, Count, NewValue; EX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK WaitBlockPointer; PKEVENT Event; PAGED_CODE(); /* Set the active bit */ Value = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE, 0); if ((Value == 0) || (Value == EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE)) return; /* No event for now */ Event = NULL; WaitBlockPointer = (PEX_RUNDOWN_WAIT_BLOCK)((ULONG_PTR)&WaitBlock | EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE); /* Start waitblock set loop */ for (;;) { /* Save the count */ Count = Value >> EX_RUNDOWN_COUNT_SHIFT; /* If the count is over one and we don't have en event yet, create it */ if ((Count) && !(Event)) { /* Initialize the event */ KeInitializeEvent(&WaitBlock.WakeEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); /* Set the pointer */ Event = &WaitBlock.WakeEvent; } /* Set the count */ WaitBlock.Count = Count; /* Now set the pointer */ NewValue = ExpChangeRundown(RunRef, (ULONG_PTR)WaitBlockPointer, Value); if (NewValue == Value) break; /* Loop again */ Value = NewValue; ASSERT((Value & EX_RUNDOWN_ACTIVE) == 0); } /* If the count was 0, we're done */ if (!Count) return; /* Wait for whoever needs to release to notify us */ KeWaitForSingleObject(Event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(WaitBlock.Count == 0); } /* FIXME: STUBS **************************************************************/ /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ BOOLEAN FASTCALL ExfAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; RunRef = ExGetRunRefForCurrentProcessor(RunRefCacheAware); return _ExAcquireRundownProtection(RunRef); } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ BOOLEAN FASTCALL ExfAcquireRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware, IN ULONG Count) { PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; RunRef = ExGetRunRefForCurrentProcessor(RunRefCacheAware); return ExfAcquireRundownProtectionEx(RunRef, Count); } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ VOID FASTCALL ExfReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; RunRef = ExGetRunRefForCurrentProcessor(RunRefCacheAware); return _ExReleaseRundownProtection(RunRef); } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ VOID FASTCALL ExfReleaseRundownProtectionCacheAwareEx(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware, IN ULONG Count) { PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; RunRef = ExGetRunRefForCurrentProcessor(RunRefCacheAware); return ExfReleaseRundownProtectionEx(RunRef, Count); } /* * @unimplemented NT5.2 */ VOID FASTCALL ExfWaitForRundownProtectionReleaseCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { DBG_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RunRefCacheAware); UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @unimplemented NT5.2 */ VOID FASTCALL ExfRundownCompletedCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { DBG_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RunRefCacheAware); UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @unimplemented NT5.2 */ VOID FASTCALL ExfReInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { DBG_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RunRefCacheAware); UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE NTAPI ExAllocateCacheAwareRundownProtection(IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN ULONG Tag) { PVOID PoolToFree; PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; ULONG RunRefSize, Count, Offset; PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware; PAGED_CODE(); /* Allocate the master structure */ RunRefCacheAware = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PoolType, sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE), Tag); if (RunRefCacheAware == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Compute the size of each runref */ RunRefCacheAware->Number = KeNumberProcessors; if (KeNumberProcessors <= 1) { RunRefSize = sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF); } else { RunRefSize = KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment(); ASSERT((RunRefSize & (RunRefSize - 1)) == 0); } /* It must at least hold a EX_RUNDOWN_REF structure */ ASSERT(sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF) <= RunRefSize); RunRefCacheAware->RunRefSize = RunRefSize; /* Allocate our runref pool */ PoolToFree = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PoolType, RunRefSize * RunRefCacheAware->Number, Tag); if (PoolToFree == NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(RunRefCacheAware, Tag); return NULL; } /* On SMP, check for alignment */ if (RunRefCacheAware->Number > 1) { /* FIXME: properly align run refs */ UNIMPLEMENTED; } RunRefCacheAware->RunRefs = PoolToFree; RunRefCacheAware->PoolToFree = PoolToFree; /* And initialize runref */ if (RunRefCacheAware->Number != 0) { for (Count = 0; Count < RunRefCacheAware->Number; ++Count) { Offset = RunRefCacheAware->RunRefSize * Count; RunRef = (PEX_RUNDOWN_REF)((ULONG_PTR)RunRefCacheAware->RunRefs + Offset); RunRef->Count = 0; } } return RunRefCacheAware; } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ VOID NTAPI ExFreeCacheAwareRundownProtection(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware) { PAGED_CODE(); /* * This is to be called for RunRefCacheAware that were allocated with * ExAllocateCacheAwareRundownProtection and not for user-allocated * ones */ ASSERT(RunRefCacheAware->PoolToFree != (PVOID)0xBADCA11); /* We don't know the tag that as used for allocation */ ExFreePoolWithTag(RunRefCacheAware->PoolToFree, 0); ExFreePoolWithTag(RunRefCacheAware, 0); } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ VOID NTAPI ExInitializeRundownProtectionCacheAware(IN PEX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE RunRefCacheAware, IN SIZE_T Size) { PVOID Pool; PEX_RUNDOWN_REF RunRef; ULONG Count, RunRefSize, Offset; PAGED_CODE(); /* Get the user allocate pool for runrefs */ Pool = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)RunRefCacheAware + sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE)); /* By default a runref is structure-sized */ RunRefSize = sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF); /* * If we just have enough room for a single runref, deduce were on a single * processor machine */ if (Size == sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE) + sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF)) { Count = 1; } else { /* FIXME: Properly align on SMP */ UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* Initialize the structure */ RunRefCacheAware->RunRefs = Pool; RunRefCacheAware->RunRefSize = RunRefSize; RunRefCacheAware->Number = Count; /* There is no allocated pool! */ RunRefCacheAware->PoolToFree = (PVOID)0xBADCA11u; /* Initialize runref */ if (RunRefCacheAware->Number != 0) { for (Count = 0; Count < RunRefCacheAware->Number; ++Count) { Offset = RunRefCacheAware->RunRefSize * Count; RunRef = (PEX_RUNDOWN_REF)((ULONG_PTR)RunRefCacheAware->RunRefs + Offset); RunRef->Count = 0; } } } /* * @implemented NT5.2 */ SIZE_T NTAPI ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware(VOID) { SIZE_T Size; PAGED_CODE(); /* Compute the needed size for runrefs */ if (KeNumberProcessors <= 1) { Size = sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF); } else { /* We +1, to have enough room for alignment */ Size = (KeNumberProcessors + 1) * KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment(); } /* Return total size (master structure and runrefs) */ return Size + sizeof(EX_RUNDOWN_REF_CACHE_AWARE); }