/* PROJECT: ReactOS LICENSE: GPL v2 or any later version FILE: tools/wrc/wrcrostypes.h PURPOSE: Definitions and macros from Windows headers, which are needed for wrc COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2007 Colin Finck */ #ifndef _WRC_ROSTYPES_H #define _WRC_ROSTYPES_H #include #include #include // Definitions copied from various files // We only want to include host headers, so we define them manually #define VS_FFI_SIGNATURE 0xFEEF04BD #define VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION 0x10000 #define BS_3STATE 5 #define BS_AUTO3STATE 6 #define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 3 #define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 9 #define BS_CHECKBOX 2 #define CBS_DROPDOWN 2 #define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 3 #define CBS_SIMPLE 1 #define BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 1 #define BS_GROUPBOX 7 #define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0 #define BS_RADIOBUTTON 4 #define DS_SETFONT 64 #define ES_LEFT 0 #define LBS_NOTIFY 1 #define MF_CHECKED 8 #define MF_GRAYED 1 #define MF_DISABLED 2 #define MF_HELP 0x4000 #define MF_MENUBARBREAK 32 #define MF_MENUBREAK 64 #define MF_POPUP 16 #define MF_END 128 #define SBS_HORZ 0 #define SS_CENTER 1 #define SS_ICON 3 #define SS_LEFT 0 #define SS_RIGHT 2 #define WS_BORDER 0x800000 #define WS_CAPTION 0xc00000 #define WS_CHILD 0x40000000 #define WS_GROUP 0x20000 #define WS_POPUP 0x80000000 #define WS_POPUPWINDOW 0x80880000 #define WS_TABSTOP 0x10000 #define WS_VISIBLE 0x10000000 #include typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { WORD bfType; DWORD bfSize; WORD bfReserved1; WORD bfReserved2; DWORD bfOffBits; } BITMAPFILEHEADER,*LPBITMAPFILEHEADER,*PBITMAPFILEHEADER; #include typedef int FXPT2DOT30; typedef struct tagCIEXYZ { FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzX; FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzY; FXPT2DOT30 ciexyzZ; } CIEXYZ,*LPCIEXYZ; typedef struct tagCIEXYZTRIPLE { CIEXYZ ciexyzRed; CIEXYZ ciexyzGreen; CIEXYZ ciexyzBlue; } CIEXYZTRIPLE,*LPCIEXYZTRIPLE; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER{ DWORD biSize; LONG biWidth; LONG biHeight; WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; LONG biXPelsPerMeter; LONG biYPelsPerMeter; DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER,*LPBITMAPINFOHEADER,*PBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct { DWORD bV4Size; LONG bV4Width; LONG bV4Height; WORD bV4Planes; WORD bV4BitCount; DWORD bV4V4Compression; DWORD bV4SizeImage; LONG bV4XPelsPerMeter; LONG bV4YPelsPerMeter; DWORD bV4ClrUsed; DWORD bV4ClrImportant; DWORD bV4RedMask; DWORD bV4GreenMask; DWORD bV4BlueMask; DWORD bV4AlphaMask; DWORD bV4CSType; CIEXYZTRIPLE bV4Endpoints; DWORD bV4GammaRed; DWORD bV4GammaGreen; DWORD bV4GammaBlue; } BITMAPV4HEADER,*LPBITMAPV4HEADER,*PBITMAPV4HEADER; #endif