/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for GetTextFace * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer * Katayama Hirofumi MZ * Doug Lyons */ #include "precomp.h" /* Exported by gdi32.dll but undocumented */ INT WINAPI GetTextFaceAliasW( IN HDC hdc, IN INT c, OUT LPWSTR lpAliasName); void Test_GetTextFace(void) { HDC hDC; INT ret; INT ret2; WCHAR Buffer[20]; hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); ok(hDC != 0, "CreateCompatibleDC failed, skipping tests.\n"); if (!hDC) return; /* Whether asking for the string size (NULL buffer) ignores the size argument */ SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 0, NULL); TEST(ret != 0); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); ret2 = ret; SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, -1, NULL); TEST(ret != 0); ok_int(ret, ret2); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); ret2 = ret; SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 10000, NULL); TEST(ret != 0); ok_int(ret, ret2); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); ret2 = ret; /* Whether the buffer is correctly filled */ SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 20, Buffer); TEST(ret != 0); TEST(ret <= 20); ok_int(Buffer[ret - 1], 0); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 1, Buffer); ok_int(ret, 1); ok_int(Buffer[ret - 1], 0); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 2, Buffer); ok_int(ret, 2); ok_int(Buffer[ret - 1], 0); ok_err(0xE000BEEF); /* Whether invalid buffer sizes are correctly ignored */ SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, 0, Buffer); ok_int(ret, 0); ok_err(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); SetLastError(0xE000BEEF); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, -1, Buffer); ok_int(ret, 0); ok_err(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); DeleteDC(hDC); } void Test_GetTextFaceAliasW(void) { HDC hDC; INT ret; INT ret2; UINT i; LOGFONTW lf; HFONT hFontOld, hFont; WCHAR buf1[LF_FACESIZE]; WCHAR buf2[LF_FACESIZE]; static struct { LPCWSTR lpFaceName; LPCWSTR lpExpectedFaceName; LPCWSTR lpExpectedAlias; } FaceTests[] = { {L"Arial", L"Arial", L"Arial"}, {L"Tahoma", L"Tahoma", L"Tahoma"}, {L"Tahoma Bold", L"MS Sans Serif", L"MS Sans Serif"}, // That's what Windows 2003 and 7 returns. {L"Helv", L"Helv", L"Helv"}, {L"Tms Rmn", L"Tms Rmn", L"Tms Rmn"}, {L"Times", L"Times", L"Times"}, {L"invalid", L"MS Sans Serif", L"MS Sans Serif"} }; hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); ok(hDC != 0, "CreateCompatibleDC failed, skipping tests.\n"); if (!hDC) return; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(FaceTests); ++i) { ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf)); StringCchCopyW(lf.lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(lf.lfFaceName), FaceTests[i].lpFaceName); hFont = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf); if (!hFont) { trace("Failed to create font '%S'!\n", lf.lfFaceName); continue; } hFontOld = SelectObject(hDC, hFont); ret = GetTextFaceW(hDC, ARRAYSIZE(buf1), buf1); ok(ret != 0, "%S GetTextFaceW failed.\n", FaceTests[i].lpFaceName); ok(wcscmp(buf1, FaceTests[i].lpExpectedFaceName) == 0, "'%S' GetTextFaceW failed, got '%S', expected '%S'.\n", FaceTests[i].lpFaceName, buf1, FaceTests[i].lpExpectedFaceName); ret2 = GetTextFaceAliasW(hDC, ARRAYSIZE(buf2), buf2); ok(ret2 != 0, "%S GetTextFaceAliasW failed.\n", FaceTests[i].lpFaceName); ok(wcscmp(buf2, FaceTests[i].lpExpectedAlias) == 0, "'%S' GetTextFaceAliasW failed, got '%S', expected '%S'.\n", FaceTests[i].lpFaceName, buf2, FaceTests[i].lpExpectedAlias); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOld); DeleteObject(hFont); } DeleteDC(hDC); } START_TEST(GetTextFace) { Test_GetTextFace(); Test_GetTextFaceAliasW(); }