#define IDC_STATIC -1 /* Main Windows */ #define IDC_TOOLBAR 10 #define IDC_STATUSBAR 11 #define IDC_MAIN_MDI 12 /* these need to be kept consecutive */ #define IDS_FLT_TOOLS 20 #define IDS_FLT_COLORS 21 #define IDS_FLT_HISTORY 22 /* Program icon */ #define IDI_IMAGESOFTICON 50 /* Menus */ #define IDR_MAINMENU 102 #define IDR_POPUP 103 /* COMMANDS */ /* main */ #define ID_NEW 2000 #define ID_OPEN 2001 #define ID_CLOSE 2002 #define ID_CLOSEALL 2003 #define ID_SAVE 2004 #define ID_SAVEAS 2005 #define ID_PRINTPRE 2006 #define ID_PRINT 2007 #define ID_PROP 2008 #define ID_CUT 2009 #define ID_COPY 2010 #define ID_PASTE 2011 #define ID_PASTENEWIMAGE 2012 #define ID_UNDO 2013 #define ID_REDO 2014 #define ID_SELALL 2015 #define ID_EXIT 2016 #define ID_EDITCOLOURS 2017 #define ID_TOOLS 2018 #define ID_COLOR 2019 #define ID_HISTORY 2020 #define ID_STATUSBAR 2021 #define ID_BLANK 2022 #define ID_BACK 2025 #define ID_FORWARD 2026 #define ID_DELETE 2027 /* text */ #define ID_BOLD 2030 #define ID_ITALIC 2031 #define ID_ULINE 2032 #define ID_TXTLEFT 2033 #define ID_TXTCENTER 2034 #define ID_TXTRIGHT 2035 #define ID_TXTFONTNAME 2036 #define ID_TXTFONTSIZE 2037 /* tools */ #define ID_CLONESTAMP 2050 #define ID_COLORPICKER 2051 #define ID_ECLIPSE 2052 #define ID_ECLIPSESEL 2053 #define ID_ERASER 2054 #define ID_FREEFORM 2055 #define ID_LASOO 2056 #define ID_LINE 2057 #define ID_MAGICWAND 2058 #define ID_MOVE 2059 #define ID_MOVESEL 2060 #define ID_PAINTBRUSH 2061 #define ID_PAINTBUCKET 2062 #define ID_PENCIL 2063 #define ID_RECOLORING 2064 #define ID_RECTANGLE 2065 #define ID_RECTSEL 2066 #define ID_ROUNDRECT 2067 #define ID_TEXT 2068 #define ID_ZOOM 2069 /* Adjust */ #define ID_BRIGHTNESS 2100 #define ID_CONTRAST 2101 #define ID_BLACKANDWHITE 2102 #define ID_INVERTCOLORS 2103 #define ID_BLUR 2104 #define ID_SHARPEN 2105 #define ID_ABOUT 2400 #define ID_REFRESH 3000 #define ID_HELP 3001 #define ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ 3002 #define ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT 3003 #define ID_WINDOW_CASCADE 3004 #define ID_WINDOW_NEXT 3005 #define ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE 3006 /* menu hints */ #define IDS_HINT_BLANK 20000 #define IDS_HINT_NEW 20001 #define IDS_HINT_OPEN 20002 #define IDS_HINT_CLOSE 21006 #define IDS_HINT_CLOSEALL 21007 #define IDS_HINT_SAVE 20003 #define IDS_HINT_SAVEAS 20004 #define IDS_HINT_PRINT 20005 #define IDS_HINT_PRINTPRE 20006 #define IDS_HINT_PROP 20007 #define IDS_HINT_EXIT 20008 #define IDS_HINT_TOOLS 20020 #define IDS_HINT_COLORS 20021 #define IDS_HINT_HISTORY 20022 #define IDS_HINT_STATUS 20023 #define IDS_HINT_CASCADE 21009 #define IDS_HINT_TILE_HORZ 21010 #define IDS_HINT_TILE_VERT 21011 #define IDS_HINT_ARRANGE 21012 #define IDS_HINT_NEXT 21013 /* system menu hints */ #define IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE 21001 #define IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE 21002 #define IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE 21003 #define IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE 21004 #define IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE 21005 #define IDS_HINT_SYS_CLOSE 21006 /* Toolbar button bitmaps. * These must be numbered consecutively * See loop in InitImageList (misc.c) */ #define IDB_MAINNEWICON 10000 #define IDB_MAINOPENICON 10001 #define IDB_MAINSAVEICON 10002 #define IDB_MAINPRINTICON 10003 #define IDB_MAINPRINTPREICON 10004 #define IDB_MAINCUTICON 10005 #define IDB_MAINCOPYICON 10006 #define IDB_MAINPASTEICON 10007 #define IDB_MAINUNDOICON 10008 #define IDB_MAINREDOICON 10009 #define IDB_TEXTBOLD 10020 #define IDB_TEXTITALIC 10021 #define IDB_TEXTULINE 10022 #define IDB_TEXTLEFT 10023 #define IDB_TEXTCENTER 10024 #define IDB_TEXTRIGHT 10025 #define IDB_TOOLSRECTSEL 10030 #define IDB_TOOLSMOVESEL 10031 #define IDB_TOOLSLASOO 10032 #define IDB_TOOLSMOVE 10033 #define IDB_TOOLSECLIPSESEL 10034 #define IDB_TOOLSZOOM 10035 #define IDB_TOOLSMAGICWAND 10036 #define IDB_TOOLSTEXT 10037 #define IDB_TOOLSPAINTBRUSH 10038 #define IDB_TOOLSERASER 10039 #define IDB_TOOLSPENCIL 10040 #define IDB_TOOLSCOLORPICKER 10041 #define IDB_TOOLSCLONESTAMP 10042 #define IDB_TOOLSRECOLORING 10043 #define IDB_TOOLSPAINTBUCKET 10044 #define IDB_TOOLSLINE 10045 #define IDB_TOOLSRECTANGLE 10046 #define IDB_TOOLSROUNDRECT 10047 #define IDB_TOOLSECLIPSE 10048 #define IDB_TOOLSFREEFORM 10049 #define IDB_HISTBACK 10060 #define IDB_HISTUNDO 10061 #define IDB_HISTREDO 10062 #define IDB_HISTFORWARD 10063 #define IDB_HISTDELETE 10064 #define IDB_COLORSMORE 10080 #define IDB_COLORSLESS 10081 /* TOOLBAR BITMAPS */ /* standard */ #define TBICON_NEW 0 #define TBICON_OPEN 1 #define TBICON_SAVE 2 #define TBICON_PRINT 3 #define TBICON_PRINTPRE 4 #define TBICON_CUT 5 #define TBICON_COPY 6 #define TBICON_PASTE 7 #define TBICON_UNDO 8 #define TBICON_REDO 9 /* text */ #define TBICON_BOLD 0 #define TBICON_ITALIC 1 #define TBICON_ULINE 2 #define TBICON_TXTLEFT 3 #define TBICON_TXTCENTER 4 #define TBICON_TXTRIGHT 5 /* tools */ #define TBICON_RECTSEL 0 #define TBICON_MOVESEL 1 #define TBICON_LASOO 2 #define TBICON_MOVE 3 #define TBICON_ECLIPSESEL 4 #define TBICON_ZOOM 5 #define TBICON_MAGICWAND 6 #define TBICON_TEXT 7 #define TBICON_PAINTBRUSH 8 #define TBICON_ERASER 9 #define TBICON_PENCIL 10 #define TBICON_COLORPICKER 11 #define TBICON_CLONESTAMP 12 #define TBICON_RECOLORING 13 #define TBICON_PAINTBUCKET 14 #define TBICON_LINE 15 #define TBICON_RECTANGLE 16 #define TBICON_ROUNDRECT 17 #define TBICON_ECLIPSE 18 #define TBICON_FREEFORM 19 /* history */ #define TBICON_BACKSM 0 #define TBICON_UNDOSM 1 #define TBICON_REDOSM 2 #define TBICON_FORWARDSM 3 #define TBICON_DELETESM 4 /* tooltips */ #define IDS_TOOLTIP_NEW 6000 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_OPEN 6001 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_SAVE 6002 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_PRINTPRE 6003 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_PRINT 6004 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_CUT 6005 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_COPY 6006 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_PASTE 6007 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_UNDO 6008 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_REDO 6009 /* cursors */ #define IDC_PAINTBRUSHCURSOR 20001 #define IDC_PAINTBRUSHCURSORMOUSEDOWN 20002 /* DIALOGS */ #define IDC_PICPREVIEW 2999 /* brightness dialog */ #define IDD_BRIGHTNESS 3000 #define IDC_BRI_GROUP 3001 #define IDC_BRI_FULL 3002 #define IDC_BRI_RED 3003 #define IDC_BRI_GREEN 3004 #define IDC_BRI_BLUE 3005 #define IDC_BRI_EDIT 3006 #define IDC_BRI_TRACKBAR 3007 /* image property dialog */ #define IDD_IMAGE_PROP 4000 #define IDC_IMAGE_NAME_EDIT 4001 #define IDC_IMAGETYPE 4003 #define IDC_WIDTH_EDIT 4004 #define IDC_WIDTH_STAT 4005 #define IDC_HEIGHT_EDIT 4006 #define IDC_HEIGHT_STAT 4007 #define IDC_RES_EDIT 4008 #define IDC_RES_STAT 4009 #define IDC_UNIT 4010 #define IDC_IMAGE_SIZE 4011 #define IDS_IMAGE_MONOCHROME 4100 #define IDS_IMAGE_GREYSCALE 4101 #define IDS_IMAGE_PALETTE 4102 #define IDS_IMAGE_TRUECOLOR 4103 #define IDS_UNIT_CM 4104 #define IDS_UNIT_INCHES 4105 #define IDS_UNIT_PIXELS 4106 #define IDS_UNIT_DOTSCM 4107 #define IDS_UNIT_DPI 4108 #define IDS_UNIT_MB 4109 #define IDS_UNIT_KB 4110 /* about box info */ #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 4200 #define IDC_LICENSE_EDIT 4201 #define IDS_APPNAME 4202 #define IDS_VERSION 4203 #define IDS_LICENSE 4204 #define IDS_READY 42050 #define IDS_TOOLBAR_STANDARD 4206 #define IDS_TOOLBAR_TEST 4207 #define IDS_TOOLBAR_TEXT 4205 #define IDS_IMAGE_NAME 4209