/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: FxIoTargetRemoteKm.hpp Abstract: Kernel-mode specific definitions of FxIoTargetRemote Author: Environment: kernel mode only Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _FXIOTARGETREMOTEKM_H_ #define _FXIOTARGETREMOTEKM_H_ __inline NTSTATUS FxIoTargetRemote::InitRemoteModeSpecific( __in FxDeviceBase* Device ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Device); // // Nothing mode-specific work to do for KM here. // DO_NOTHING(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } __inline VOID FxIoTargetRemote::RemoveModeSpecific( VOID ) { // // Nothing mode-specific work to do for KM here. // DO_NOTHING(); } __inline _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxIoTargetRemote::OpenLocalTargetByFile( _In_ PWDF_IO_TARGET_OPEN_PARAMS OpenParams ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(OpenParams); // // Nothing mode-specific work to do for KM here. // DO_NOTHING(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } __inline HANDLE FxIoTargetRemote::GetTargetHandle( VOID ) { return m_TargetHandle; } #endif // _FXIOTARGETREMOTEKM_H_