/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: FxIoTargetSelf.hpp Abstract: Encapsulation of the Self target to which FxRequest are sent to. FxSelfTarget represents the client itself and is used to send IO to itself. Unlike the the local and remote targets, the IO sent to an Self IO target is routed to the sender's own top level queues. A dedicated queue may also be configured as the target for requests dispatched to the Self Io targets. Author: Environment: Both kernel and user mode Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _FXIOTARGETSELF_H_ #define _FXIOTARGETSELF_H_ class FxIoTargetSelf : public FxIoTarget { public: FxIoTargetSelf( _In_ PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, _In_ USHORT ObjectSize ); virtual _Must_inspect_result_ MdDeviceObject GetTargetDeviceObject( _In_ CfxDeviceBase* Device ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the target device object of the Device. In case of an Self Io Target it is the device itself. Arguments: Device - Handle to the Device Object Returns: MdDeviceObject for the Device. --*/ { return Device->GetDeviceObject(); } FxIoQueue* GetDispatchQueue( _In_ UCHAR MajorFunction ); VOID SetDispatchQueue( _In_ FxIoQueue* DispatchQueue ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets a disapatch queue for the IO send to the Self IO Target. --*/ { ASSERT(m_DispatchQueue == NULL); m_DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue; } virtual VOID Send( _In_ MdIrp Irp ); protected: // // Hide destructor since we are reference counted object // ~FxIoTargetSelf(); private: // // A Queue configured to dispatch IO sent to the Self IO Target. // FxIoQueue* m_DispatchQueue; }; #endif //_FXIOTARGETSELF_H_