//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) Alexander Telyatnikov, Ivan Keliukh, Yegor Anchishkin, SKIF Software, 1999-2013. Kiev, Ukraine // All rights reserved // This file was released under the GPLv2 on June 2015. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Module name: Udf_dbg.h Abstract: This file contains small set of debug macroses. It is used by the UDF project. */ #ifndef _UDF_DEBUG_H_ #define _UDF_DEBUG_H_ //====================================== //#define ALWAYS_CHECK_WAIT_TIMEOUT //#define PRINT_ALWAYS #ifdef UDF_DBG //#define CHECK_ALLOC_FRAMES //#define TRACK_SYS_ALLOCS //#define TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS // Use internal deadlock detector //#define USE_DLD #endif //UDF_DBG #define PROTECTED_MEM_RTL //#define UDF_SIMULATE_WRITES #define USE_PERF_PRINT #define USE_KD_PRINT #define USE_MM_PRINT #define USE_AD_PRINT #define UDF_DUMP_EXTENT //#define USE_TH_PRINT //#define USE_TIME_PRINT //#define CHECK_REF_COUNTS //====================================== #if defined UDF_DBG || defined PRINT_ALWAYS ULONG _cdecl DbgPrint( PCH Format, ... ); #ifdef KdPrint #undef KdPrint #endif #ifdef USE_KD_PRINT #define KdPrint(_x_) DbgPrint _x_ #else #define KdPrint(a) {NOTHING;} #endif //USE_KD_PRINT #ifdef USE_MM_PRINT #define MmPrint(_x_) DbgPrint _x_ #else #define MmPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif //USE_MM_PRINT #ifdef USE_TIME_PRINT extern ULONG UdfTimeStamp; #define TmPrint(_x_) {UdfTimeStamp++;KdPrint(("TM:%d: ",UdfTimeStamp));KdPrint(_x_);} #else #define TmPrint KdPrint #endif //USE_MM_PRINT #ifdef USE_PERF_PRINT #define PerfPrint(_x_) DbgPrint _x_ #else #define PerfPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif //USE_MM_PRINT #ifdef USE_AD_PRINT #define AdPrint(_x_) {DbgPrint("Thrd:%x:",PsGetCurrentThread());DbgPrint _x_;} #else #define AdPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif #ifdef USE_TH_PRINT #define ThPrint(_x_) {DbgPrint("Thrd:%x:",PsGetCurrentThread());DbgPrint _x_;} #else #define ThPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif #ifdef UDF_DUMP_EXTENT #define ExtPrint(_x_) KdPrint(_x_) #else #define ExtPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif #else // defined UDF_DBG || defined PRINT_ALWAYS #define MmPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #define TmPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #define PerfPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #define AdPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #define ThPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #define ExtPrint(_x_) {NOTHING;} #endif // defined UDF_DBG || defined PRINT_ALWAYS NTSTATUS DbgWaitForSingleObject_( IN PVOID Object, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout OPTIONAL ); #if defined ALWAYS_CHECK_WAIT_TIMEOUT #define DbgWaitForSingleObject(o, to) DbgWaitForSingleObject_(o, to) #else #define DbgWaitForSingleObject(o, to) KeWaitForSingleObject(o, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, to); #endif #ifdef UDF_DBG #ifdef _X86_ // This is an illegal use of INT3 #define UDFBreakPoint() { __asm int 3 } #else // _X86_ #define UDFBreakPoint() DbgBreakPoint() #endif // _X86_ #ifdef BRUTE #define BrutePoint() UDFBreakPoint() #else #define BrutePoint() {} #endif // BRUTE #ifdef CHECK_REF_COUNTS #define ASSERT_REF(_a_) ASSERT(_a_) #else #define ASSERT_REF(_a_) {NOTHING;} #endif //CHECK_REF_COUNTS #ifdef TRACK_SYS_ALLOCS PVOID DebugAllocatePool(POOL_TYPE Type,ULONG size #ifdef TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS , ULONG SrcId, ULONG SrcLine #endif //TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS ); VOID DebugFreePool(PVOID addr); #ifdef TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS #define DbgAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) DebugAllocatePool(a,b,UDF_BUG_CHECK_ID,__LINE__) #define DbgAllocatePool(x,y) DebugAllocatePool(x,y,UDF_BUG_CHECK_ID,__LINE__) #else //TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS #define DbgAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) DebugAllocatePool(a,b) #define DbgAllocatePool(x,y) DebugAllocatePool(x,y) #endif //TRACK_SYS_ALLOC_CALLERS #define DbgFreePool(x) DebugFreePool(x) #else //TRACK_SYS_ALLOCS #define DbgAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) #define DbgAllocatePool(x,y) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(x,y,'Fnwd') #define DbgFreePool(x) ExFreePool(x) #endif //TRACK_SYS_ALLOCS #ifdef PROTECTED_MEM_RTL #define DbgMoveMemory(d, s, l) \ _SEH2_TRY { \ RtlMoveMemory(d, s, l); \ } _SEH2_EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { \ BrutePoint(); \ } _SEH2_END; #define DbgCopyMemory(d, s, l) \ _SEH2_TRY { \ RtlCopyMemory(d, s, l); \ } _SEH2_EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { \ BrutePoint(); \ } _SEH2_END; __inline ULONG DbgCompareMemory(PVOID d, PVOID s, ULONG l) { _SEH2_TRY { return RtlCompareMemory(d, s, l); } _SEH2_EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BrutePoint(); } _SEH2_END; return -1; } #else //PROTECTED_MEM_RTL #define DbgMoveMemory(d, s, l) RtlMoveMemory(d, s, l) #define DbgCopyMemory(d, s, l) RtlCopyMemory(d, s, l) #define DbgCompareMemory(d, s, l) RtlCompareMemory(d, s, l) #endif //PROTECTED_MEM_RTL //#define KdPrint(_x_) #ifdef VALIDATE_STRUCTURES #define ValidateFileInfo(fi) \ { /* validate FileInfo */ \ if(!fi || (fi)->IntegrityTag) { \ KdPrint(("UDF: ERROR! Using deallocated structure !!!\n"));\ BrutePoint(); \ } \ if(fi && !fi->Dloc) { \ KdPrint(("UDF: ERROR! FI without Dloc !!!\n"));\ BrutePoint(); \ } \ } #else #define ValidateFileInfo(fi) {} #endif #if defined (_X86_) && defined (_MSC_VER) __inline VOID UDFTouch(IN PVOID addr) { __asm { mov eax,addr mov al,[byte ptr eax] } } #else // NO X86 optimization , use generic C/C++ __inline VOID UDFTouch(IN PVOID addr) { UCHAR a = ((PUCHAR)addr)[0]; a = a; } #endif // _X86_ #else // UDF_DBG #define DbgAllocatePool(x,y) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(x,y,'Fnwd') #define DbgFreePool(x) ExFreePool(x) #define DbgAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,c) #define DbgMoveMemory(d, s, l) RtlMoveMemory(d, s, l) #define DbgCopyMemory(d, s, l) RtlCopyMemory(d, s, l) #define DbgCompareMemory(d, s, l) RtlCompareMemory(d, s, l) #define ASSERT_REF(_a_) {NOTHING;} #define UDFBreakPoint() {} #define BrutePoint() {} #define ValidateFileInfo(fi) {} #define UDFTouch(addr) {} #endif // UDF_DBG #if defined UDF_DBG || defined PRINT_ALWAYS #define KdDump(a,b) \ if((a)!=NULL) { \ ULONG i; \ for(i=0; i<(b); i++) { \ ULONG c; \ c = (ULONG)(*(((PUCHAR)(a))+i)); \ KdPrint(("%2.2x ",c)); \ if ((i & 0x0f) == 0x0f) KdPrint(("\n")); \ } \ KdPrint(("\n")); \ } #else #define KdDump(a,b) {} #endif // UDF_DBG #define UserPrint KdPrint #endif // _UDF_DEBUG_H_